(Young Sister Challenges Black Voters Not To Vote For Democrats In 2024 And A Recent Poll Shows Majority OF Californians Does Not Support Cash Payment Reparations For Descendants OF American Slaves)

Emmanuel Barbee
15 min readSep 21, 2023



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

November 10th,2023 will mark our 32 year Anniversary. We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live podcast. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live in America that knows how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from the mainstream media. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People. I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free.

I created a GoFundMe Page last April 2022 as a crowd funding source so that everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups would know exactly where the funds for our film project would go. This will also indicate our progress in getting this film fully funded and made. Out of 1,788 people on my Facebook friends list only 5 people have donated to our Film Project on our GoFundMe Page Black People, African People we gotta to better then this for the sake of our children. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. At this time all I can do is news commentary.

We host our virtual conferences every last Saturday of the month until we are able to raise the capital to fund our film project. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is a solution base docu-drama which is based on my experience growing up in the inner cities of Chicago. And the purpose why I created GRCAM in the first place. This is our Black Panther moment except it’s not owned by Disney it’s owned by us. We want to get this film in front of five hundred million people worldwide. We will offer a 21st Century solution both domestically within the United States of America and throughout the Diaspora. GRCAM is my gift to Black Millennials, Generation Z and my group members. It’s my hope that we can eventually create our own Black Film Industry, Black Hair Product Industry and Sporting Industry.

All I have is my Revised Book, my Virtual Store, my Online Groups and this platform. I recommend that if you are serious about working with me by turning my vision and plan for Black America then purchase my revised book and read my story. If you agree with what I am trying to do in the African American community then make arrangements with me to come on this podcast so that we can talk about it. I am using this technology to broadcast my vision and plan to all who will listen. It’s my hope that the African Immigrant community in America would come forth and work with me first in getting this film project fully funded and made so that we can build GRCAI of Chicago together and making our presence known within the African American community starting in Chicago then expand to 10 African nations. This is for credibility within the African American community, throughout Diaspora and the Black World.

I don’t operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. I have reached out to Black America online and in real life for 31 years now my focus is on reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. Stand up and work with me the sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build GRCAI of Chicago and expand to Africa starting in South Africa. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours in 10 African nations. We’re going to meet people from my African group GRCAI of Africa.

I will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization. Since Black America/Black Chicago overlooked and rejected my vision and plan for the pass 31 years my Christian business will be membership based. I am only responsible for my members those who are not part of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it movin. We will hold mandatory orientation for new members and local residents. Everyone must pass our criminal background check, sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database. We will separate ourselves from Con Artist, Degenerates, Off Code Negroes, Pedophiles and Urban Terrorist.

Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendar for our next GRCAM Virtual Conference Saturday September 30th, 2023.

Theme: (What Is The Purpose OF Building GRCAI OF Chicago?)

Where: Facebook Live/Stream Yard
Time: 2:00PM-3:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s topic of discussion is as follows: (Young Sister Challenges Black Voters Not To Vote For Democrats In 2024 And A Recent Poll Shows Majority OF Californians Does Not Support Cash Payment Reparations For Descendants OF American Slaves)

Our First Topic — Young Sister Challenges Black Voters Not To Vote For Democrats in 2024. Well I am not the only person encouraging Black Voters not to support the Democrats in 2024 I found a video on TikTok video of a young sister who goes by the name Afrikan Panther71 who is in so many words saying what I am saying but she is using foul language to get her point across. If you would like to watch the video clip then I encourage my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove.

On this platform we don’t condone how a person express themselves just as long as it’s not hate speech against others. I hope we can have an opportunity to interview this sister in the near future. Black People have been advised to vote for ballot down or vote blue no matter who. A majority of Black Voters don’t understand the issues or a politician campaign agenda. I have to admit when I turned 18 my mother and my God mother encouraged me to vote Democrat because they help passed the Civil Rights Bill during the 60s. But as a read more and more books about Black America I learned that the Democrats only passed the Civil Rights Bill because our grandparents were hitting the streets heavy after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assassination it was referred to as the Holy Week Uprising. A wave of civil disturbance which swept across the United States following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968. The biggest riots took place in Washington D.C., Baltimore, Chicago, and Kansas City.

I notice how some Black Republicans were trying to do something positive for the African American Community. One of them educated me about looking closely at the Democrat policies and how those policies actually harm Black People like the 1994 Crime Bill which gave rise to Mass Incarceration of Black People, School to Prison Pipeline etc… Over here we are independent, non-partisan and we’re not affiliated with anyone. As I mention in my revised book both Democrats and Republicans were created by the White Supremacist Financial Elites to give the illusion that American voters have a choice. Vote blue no matter who is the wrong strategy especially in this day and age. We as Black People have to be more responsible in our voting patterns. There’s no excuse we live in the information age. We have platforms like this one who’s constantly trying to Wake Up Black America. Black Americans can’t afford to vote blue no matter who anymore. On this platform and in my social groups we educate our listeners and members about politics, the name of the person running for office, what their Ballotpedia say, their political website and inform our listeners and members about their track record and what they have done for the African American Community.

When we see Illegal Immigrants flooding the border it’s our fault because 90 percent of the Black Vote goes to Democrats and we know Democrats support open borders and sanctuary cities. The Obama Administration created the DACA Program and he called the children of Illegal Immigrants “dreamers” using the term Dr. King Jr. was talking about in his speech about Descendants OF American Slaves and flippin the script for Illegal Immigrants and their children calling them the “dreamers” those people chose to come here after everything was built. Our ancestors were force to come here against their will and work for free for 246 years plus 100 years of Jim Crow, Convict Leasing, Institutionalized Racism and Discrimination. I have a problem with Obama disrespecting our ancestors by calling another group “dreamers” while the real dreamers are denied reparations. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic — A Recent Poll Shows Majority OF Californians Does Not Support Cash Payment Reparations For Descendants OF American Slaves. I founded an article from LA Times entitled “New poll finds California voters resoundingly oppose cash reparations for slavery” If you would like to read the full article then I encourage my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. Basically the article talked about a recent poll in California about their opinion on cash payment reparations for Black Americans who reside in California. This is the most though we’ve been in terms of pushing the reparations conversation in the history of this country. Many groups eventually fizzled out after push back from the public. We’re standing our ground we want what’s owe to us now. We also have not allowed other groups to come in and infiltrate our message. I would like to advise my listeners to review an article from the Public Policy Institute of California entitled “California Voter and Party Profiles” It breaks down the data based on race. For example, in California Whites make up 52% of voters, Latinos make up 25% of voters, Asians make up 16% of voters and Blacks make up 6% of voters. They are politically irrelevant. The question is why did Governor Gavin Newsom create a Reparation Taskforce Commission when Black People clearly don’t have the numbers to push anything. I believe it was done to get Black People across America to consider voting for the Democrats. They want to keep Black People on the Democrat plantation.

Reparations is the last fight for Black People in America. We’re not going to continue playing that HR40 Game. We know that the Democrats are against reparations they don’t want Black Americans to get restitution for what has happen to our ancestors in this country. According to the article a majority of Democrats in California are against Cash Payment reparations. The Reparation Taskforce Commission gave a detail report about why reparations is justified. Notice they did not do a poll about how Americans feel about their tax dollars going towards paying for Illegal Migrants or the Billions of dollars spent on Ukraine. The majority of the money will go back into the American economy. Black Americans have to pay close attention about what the Democrats in California going to do for Black Californians. The Democrats said they will look at this in 2024. If they do nothing then their should be political punishment on a national level.

A lot of Americans across the country are not in favor of all these Illegal Migrants being dumped in our cities but these Black Mayors are allowing it anyway. We’re talking about a debt that is owed to Descendants OF American Slaves. Family don’t allow anyone to pressure you to accept a program over cash payments because those programs are rigged we’re dealing with that now as far as getting resources allocated to our group. There’s millions of dollars earmarked from all these corporations, private companies and government agencies that’s supposed to give resources to so called marginalized groups but they are rigged so Black organizations cannot get them.

The poll from the LA Times said 60% of voters thought it was unfair to ask today’s taxpayers to pay for the wrongs committed in the past and it also said it’s not fair to single out one group for reparations when religious groups have been wrong in the past according to 53% of the people in California. First I would say people who have come to the United States of America have to pay the price because they chose to come here anyplace you enter you have to follow the rules of the land this is your reparations for being here. Native Americans and Japanese Americans were compensated for the wrongs that took place for their groups. The Jews were compensated for their group by the German Government. When I investigated the Native Americans claims commission in 1969 the Indian Tribes filed claims to the Government it was for land but that land converted to cash payments. I believe we should have Black Attorney’s from each state to file claims on our behalf to the Federal Government and State Government in order to get our reparations. In addition, we need to file a class action lawsuit against the Catholic Church, Institutions and Corporations that have traces of Slave money. They all have benefited from Slave money.

Once we’re able to build GRCAI of Chicago it will be more than just a new business endeavor it will also be a new system created by African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Latinos and Afro-Caribbean. Then we will expand to 10 African nations to replicate this Christian business. We don’t need all these other groups they’re not doing anything for us anyway. We don’t benefit from these other groups. We’re the only people with a real legitimate grievance claim this is why they try to piggy back off our struggles. We have to stop being afraid to get resources that were supposed to get. We’re suppose to get resources because we’ve been the most marginalized. These Illegal Immigrants are getting hand outs left and right stop voting for Democrats unless they cut the check first then we will vote for them. Over here we’re trying to get the younger generation on point by putting our message out here. We have to start using these Federal complaints when these corporations have certain earmarks that’s allocated by the state or city and they’re systematically excluding us from them we have to call that out. This is how we all get on code.

The White Supremacist Financial Elites divided us up after the Civil Rights Era based on social class, religion and political affiliation. We need our Black Middle Class Professionals to assist us in making sure that this business will be effective and successful for years to come. This is why I am pushing to get this film project fully funded and made so that we can build GRCAI of Chicago and move from behind a computer. Then we can hold live events and network with each other in person. The White Supremacist Financial Elites are weaponizing these Immigrants against us by putting these people in position of power so that they can gate keep certain industries for their people while the resources for our people are going to them. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our Paypal Page, purchasing items from our Virtual Store, purchasing my Revised Book or sending a direct donation through our GoFundMe Page we appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Anchor/Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and select the about section, then scroll down to links. Peace and blessings

Show and Prove

Afrikan Panther71


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My Credibility

* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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