What makes GRCAM different from other Black Organizations in America, Watch Out For Off Code Negroes, Post Kyle Rittenhouse Trial & The Post Ahmaud Arbery Trial And Sexist Claims Over “King Richard” Documentary, Prince William comment about Africa and Uprising Against France in Guadeloupe.

Emmanuel Barbee
20 min readDec 6, 2021



Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Thank you very much for tuning in. If you’re not already subscribed to our Youtube channel then go ahead and click that subscribe button so that you can be notified when we upload a new video. If you are already subscribed then please give the video a like and share this video-podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling. This podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and a Written transcript in order for us to reach our audience. I also site all of my sources under Show and Prove on my Medium Page which is where I post my transcript.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups by giving Black business owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.

We need your help now more than ever. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is funded by the Black Grass Roots and the Global Black Family. I am working with a shoestring budget as our community continues to grow, our operational costs will also grow. If you got any value from our content this year please consider supporting our film project in three ways they are as follows:

1. Though our virtual store. We provide merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.

2. Though our Paypal Page. (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a faith base, community advocacy organization. Donations can be used as a tax right off for U.S. citizens because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

3. You can also support our film project by purchasing my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition which is available on my Amazon Author Page. I provide each website on my transcript under Show & Prove. You can also find each website on my Youtube channel under About.

When you’re supporting our Youtube channel or our podcast you’re supporting an independent black network which will eventually employ Black People in our films, stage plays and in our actual business. We’re gonna start getting things done. We need to own and control institutions in our neighborhoods.

If you are unable to participate on the show no worries after the show I upload my video-podcast on my Youtube Page and on my Anchor Page. When you have a moment please watch my latest video-podcast, leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page about the topic. Please share my information with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Instructions how to participate on the show:
First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

This video-podcast attempts to present relevant information and use critical thinking analysis from a spiritual perspective of what’s happening in Black America to form a more just society starting in America and throughout the Diaspora from news, social issues, cultural issues and political issues.

Our goal is to eventually move our virtual Christian socialist organization from behind a computer starting in Chicago. Our objective is to serve the hungry, the voiceless, and the powerless Black People who are considered ‘the least of these, by society standards. GRCAM media is dedicated to informing and inspiring black people to live life to the fullest. This video-podcast uses social media, webinars, teachings and lectures, to accomplish our goal of informing and inspiring our listeners from around the globe.

The goal of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is to provide solutions and strategies to solve black issues domestically and internationally. Our black media component (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos/The New Black Voices of Media) is an extension of GRCAM. On our Youtube channel, we plan to provide travel video podcast, interviews and guest contributors on the show. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We’re dedicated to bringing stories that spark conversation and topics that are controversial. We believe our viewing audience guides the direction of our platform. Today’s topics: What makes GRCAM different from other Black Organizations in America, Watch Out For Off Code Negroes, Post Kyle Rittenhouse Trial & The Post Ahmaud Arbery Trial And Sexist Claims Over “King Richard” Documentary, Prince William comment about Africa and Uprising Against France in Guadeloupe.

The first topic — What makes GRCAM different from other Black Organizations in America. At this point I am the business I am
the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. I encourage everyone in my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network) please pray that God would connect me with people with the means to help us raise Five Hundred Thousand for our film project. Also leave a public comment about this video-podcast and share with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

In contrast, I encourage everyone in my Secular groups (GRCAI of Chicago, GRCAI of Africa and The New Black Voices of Media) Please leave a public comment about this video-podcast and share with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

My critics tell me if God has given you this vision then it should not take you 30 years to start it. I ask them have they purchase my revised book? Have they purchase items from my Virtual Store? Have they given a donation through our Paypal Page? It does not matter how bad I would like to get this organization up and running in Chicago without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global Black Family I am unable to do my job point blink.

Truth be told Black Americans don’t want a solution if so then my revised book would have been on the best selling list by now and there would be no need of me making a film. It takes capital to start and to run a business.

I am using our Christian business to make the world a better place by giving young black people an opportunity to build it and to own it. At every level of our business, we will help advance human rights and dignity, support social and economic justice for marginalized black communities. For the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute is much more than a new business endeavor it’s a new system.

We will be committed to honoring the rights of all people but especially black people to live with liberty, security, self-esteem, and freedom of expression and protest, and to have the opportunity to provide for their own needs and contribute to society. We will be committed to achieving equity, opportunity, and justice for the black community that have been historically marginalized, recognizing that this is tied to fair livelihoods that enable individuals, the black family, and the black community to thrive.

GRCAI of Chicago seeks to meet the need of the black community by finding brave and smart Black People/African People and Others who will work with me in turning my vision into a reality in our local, national, and international community by integrating these concerns in our day to day business activities. Capitalism and the wealth it produces do not create opportunity for everyone equally. The racial wealth gap in America between Blacks and Whites is wider than at any time since the 1920s.

GRCAM is a global virtual Christian socialist organization which focus on uniting Continental Africans and African Diasporan who was stolen from Africa and scattered throughout the diaspora, living as fourth and fifth class citizens in foreign lands. Our condition is tied to the legacy of slavery and genocide of African people in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.

GRCAM along with some of the most powerful bloggers in Black America and the diaspora have made the case that it is time for landless sons and daughters of Mother Africa to self rule and govern ourselves this can only happen in Africa. It is time for us to reclaim our ancestral homeland. We have zero interest in “overturning the system” or being a militant integrationist, a or an agitator within a sinking ship. GRCAM is not here to fix America’s problems.

We want to establish an independent nation state of our own, on the continent of our ancestors, for the victims, descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade scattered throughout the diaspora, living as fourth and fifth class citizens in foreign lands. On a domestic front we aim to help improve our inner cities by creating satellite communities meaning we will form an international alliance with African entrepreneurs in order for us to launch international trade through our Christian business known as (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. Our mission is to eradicate urban violence through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development. GRCAI of Chicago will offer Birthday Parties/Corporate Events, Karaoke, Interactive Events, Webinars/Workshops and Launch African tours.

GRCAI of Chicago will offer cooperative grocery store, cooperative healthcare clinic and cooperative housing for our members. We will offer grievance groups to our members who have loss a family member or friend due to gun violence. We will offer services and programs to strengthen the black family. GRCAI of Chicago will raise the bar in Black America first by separating ourselves from Harden Criminals, Urban Terrorist, Active Gang Members and pedophiles within the black community.

GRCAI of Chicago will operate under 7 functions under one roof they are as follows:

1. A Social Service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component 6. A Black Media component 7. A Health and Wellness component

It’s my hope that the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will become a permanent infrastructure for Chicago Artist and become the Hub throughout the Mid-west for emerging Black Artists and Black Entrepreneurs. Our second film will be made in South Africa and is entitled (African Liberator Battle Against The colonized mindset). This film will focus on the Colonized Mindset which is the internalized attitude of Continental Africans felt by being colonized by Europeans. It’s the belief that European cultural is superior to African culture.

GRCAI of Africa

For years, connecting with Africa from around the world has been a challenge. But now more than ever, it’s imperative for the Diaspora to make the connection physically and economically. I plan on applying for dual citizenship in South Africa. I want to make sure before I cut and run to Africa that my Christian business will be effective and successful and also that I will be able to sustain myself before I relocate to Africa. I don’t want to come to Africa empty handed I want to be in a position to offer economic tangibles to my members. I also want to connect African businesses, institutions and entrepreneurs with the Diaspora through my Christian business in America.

GRCAI of Africa will partnered with tailors, service providers, real estate companies, banks and construction companies starting in South Africa while helping build local businesses and improve local and international commercial trade between Africa and our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora. GRCAI of Africa would offer the following:

Travel & Tour Booking
Real Estate & Relocation Assistance
Investment Consulting & Management

GRCAI of Africa will replicate GRCAI of Chicago.
Since Black America has rejected my vision and plan for the past 30 years my organization will be membership based.

GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into urban communities that need our talent and skills. I believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to the low-income African American community and our collective future.

My team of black middle class professionals will offer quality programs and services. They will be committed to affecting positive change in the communities in which we operate. We believe that quality education is the foundation for a successful community along with economic empowerment and spirituality.

In time we will offer a second chance program for ex-offenders of nonviolent crimes, former gang members and homeless individuals.

GRCAI Entertainment will give our members an opportunity to be in our theater performances highlighting the best of Black culture and art. We will offer a variety of African, Caribbean, and African American food and beverage for purchase during business hours from several local vendors. We will offer interactive space for our members to create their films and their own music both Christian and Secular in order to facilitate wholesome, live family oriented events. We will strive to fill a void in the live performance arena through our poetry, comedy, music, dance, local hip-hop, holy hip hop, educational workshops/seminars and more. Our goal is to empower our members and the community we will serve if given a chance.

GRCAI will be membership based in order for me to weed out people who don’t care about our inner-city youth, their families, or the black community. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora. GRCAM will move forward to obtain LAND, INFRASTRUCTURE & NATIONHOOD on the continent of our ancestors and our ancient home land.

Second Topic — Watch Out For Off Code Negroes

The way this world is headed we’re going to need each other. If you are anti- black unification then remove yourself from my groups, my Facebook Page and my Youtube Page. The Civil Rights Movement owes it’s success to (DAS) Descendants of American Slaves yet the Civil Rights Movement was hijack because Black People were begging the financial elites for Freedom, Justice & Equality they added one word to strip all of the blood shed and hard work our people did during that time which was to add minority in the Civil Rights legislation. This allowed other groups such as White women, Asians, Latinos, Immigrants and the LGBT to piggy back off our struggle those groups were not victims of American slavery. Tangible resources are going towards other groups and their communities this is the liberal agenda. Notice anytime we try to advocate for Black People then there’s a problem.

My platform could be 100 times bigger if I was advocating for Immigration, LGBT or anything else accept black because mega corporations would support that in a heart beat. I would rather stay focus and promote my vision and plan until we are able to get this film project fully funded and made. What ever my people and others decide to bless us with we will accept it.

Black People who are not about black empowerment will not criticize white supremacy. When a Rogue Cop murder a black person many of the victims families go off code just to get the bag. Let me be clear Black celebrities do not speak for us because to often they are working to undermine us they are in the pockets of the financial elites. People like Kwame Brown.
I found an article entitled Ex-NBA Player Kwame Brown Defends Kyle Rittenhouse, Calls Out Black Elites Who “Push Racist S” word. There’s a lot of black individuals who live among us but they identify with the dominant society.

The United States of America was founded on racial violence against the black man and the black woman for the purpose of genetic dominance. For him to align himself with this Pro Second Amendment MAGA crowd is a sad thing to see. If only we could get a critical mass of black people to embrace my vision and plan as a starting point for a universal code across the board our social conditions would change within six months or two. If Kyle Rittenhouse trail was not about race then why are white supremacist groups supporting him? It’s really sad that most black people are attracted to gutter commentary and not intelligent commentary but that’s life.

I ran across an article from the Associate Press entitled “Woman shot in back by Missouri officer wins $2 Million settlement” Ashley Hall was an unarmed black woman who was shot in the back by a white Rogue Cop in a shopping center. Ms. Hall was accused of running off with a cart full of unpaid groceries. The report claim Ms. Hall was held and detained by story employees until police arrive. Ms. Hall panicked and ran she was shot in the back. The attempted murderer was allowed to resign. The District Attorney is a black man. He didn’t do anything with this case. Ms. Ashley Hall received 2 million dollars but she had to agree with the stipulations that the Department and the Chief of Police were free from liability.

After Ms. Hall accepted the bag the District Attorney recommended arbitration rather than prosecution this process is called Restorative Justice. This is when the perpetrator of a crime is supposed to meet their victim and they talk. In too many cases black people have shown that if you offer them the bag they’ll let you shoot them or kill their children. If you want to know more about it just click on my Medium transcript posted on my Facebook Page and scroll down to Show and Prove for more detail.

How can the community have relief knowing a would be killer is working in their local community police department? On this video podcast I want the black community to be informed and be engaged with what’s really going on in Black America that’s why I talk about these stories.

Third Topic — Post Kyle Rittenhouse Trial & The Post Ahmaud Arbery Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty we’re not surprised he went to a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha Wisconsin for the purpose of targeting black people. He was in a video prior calling protesters looters and saying he wish he had a gun some people say that was premeditated. He also bought an illegal gun but that was thrown out of court. We witness this judge staying on code for white supremacy by making all sorts of unethical moves. He block evidence against Rittenhouse. The Judge would not allow information about Kyle Rittenhouse affiliation with white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys and others. We waste a lot of time trying to prove the financial elites are being racist. They do these things blatantly and tell us to stop complaining. Anyone who think that this trial was fair and just is a white supremacist sympathizer.

Having a judge act as a defense attorney for the defendant is beyond unethical. We knew Kyle Rittenhouse came to the protest to ambush black protesters. He wanted to lure black protesters from the crowd so he could harm them. When ever there is civil unrest then it becomes open season on black people. Main stream media was co signing this because they all have an interest in maintaining systematic white supremacy. This trail is going to make the public have a zero competence in the American Criminal Justice System. We have to stop co signing this double standard because that makes us complicit with non-justice. When it comes to prosecuting a white individual for a crime they use legal loop holes to get them off the hook.

I found an article in the Daily Kos entitled “ex-Nazi now holds key DOJ counterterror post highlights police infiltration threat” The (DOJ) Department of Justice has a former Neo-Nazi who’s working in high position this is what we are up against. For more information just go to my Medium transcript and scroll down to Show and Prove. This is why the Criminal Justice System never do anything about the Aryan nation and Neo-Nazi working in law enforcement. This system is corrupt and that’s why we have to be on code with each other. We should not have Neo-Nazi and members of the Aryan nation working in law enforcement. Black People in America are sitting ducks because our black politicians have sold us out. We don’t have a federal hate crime bill like the Asians. This is what I been preaching to Black America about for 25 years. Black People we have to get codified so that we can build a future for the next generation.

Once we build GRCAI we can then opt out of the current system and promote true liberation and justice. We have to develop a liberation mindset. Taking penitentiary changes by looting things from stores is not revolutionary that’s just stealing. If there’s a power outage how are you going to protect yourself and your family? The financial elites are 100 years ahead of the game. They have stock piles of guns, ammunition, food, can goods, walkie talkie or three way radios, water, generators, bomb shelters, bomb shelters, plant seeds to grow food the whole nine yards.

In contrast, The Ahmaud Arbery Trial. Just a reminder Ahmaud Arbery was a 25 year old black man who was murdered because he was jogging through a white neighborhood. Three white supremacist saw an opportunity to hunt down an unarmed black man. Family this should be our wake up call it’s important that we frame the narrative from a black viewpoint. We can not allow the dominant society to control the narrative. After they murdered him they tried to cover it up. A video surface which help reopen the case and the case went to trial. When you have black judges like Judge Lou Stevens reprimanding white individuals all of a sudden you see these oversight committees popping up out of no where. The jury came back with a guilty verdict. We also need charges filed on others who were involved like the prosecutor and the first officer on the scene.

Lately the mainstream media has been showing stories about flash mobs in major cities across the United States. The media keeps telling the public this happens during Black Friday. They make it a point to spotlight these flash mobs, crime, robbery and young black people. Do a Google search and but in Black Friday and Flash mobs to see what I am talking about.

Forth Topic — And Sexist Claims Over “King Richard” Documentary

I watched the documentary it was so refreshing to see a positive black family who can inspire the next generation it was a very good story. White feminist are upset about this story of a strong Heterosexual father in the household. Richard Williams made it very clear that his daughters were winners. The mainstream media don’t want to see strong black fathers who are confident.

In black society we also have black feminist who are angry and resentful at the idea of a confident black men. Black feminist is a bunch of individuals who identify with white supremacist ideology and they express their hatred towards confident black men. They target black men to assault their reputation in order to make people not want to associate with them.

There’s an individual on Twitter by the name of Dr. Jessica Taylor. She decided to make a public comment about the documentary. She said “Did they seriously make a film called King Richard about the success of Venus and Serena Williams but it’s about their dad, Richard?” The reason why white feminist and black feminist hate Richard Williams is because he represents black Masculinity and black Excellence. They are afraid of the thought that we are going to make our own stories. Jealously in black society is a real issue. Individuals who never accomplished anything never built anything try to give me advice about what I should do.

These white supremacist females tried to change the topic by suggesting that a movie should be made just about Venus and Serena Williams. For these black feminist it’s not black men who are gerrymandering the black vote, giving out unjust sentencing or gentrifying the black community.

The Fifth topic- Prince William comment about Africa.

I found an article on Aljazeera about Prince William comment about Africa. He said “the population growth in Africa is harming wildlife” For more information go to my Medium transcript and scroll down to show and prove. The members of the financial elites which is the oppressive class are the ones who invade, colonized Africa and enslaved Africans in the new world. Now they have the guts to put a bigger premium on wild life saying human population is destroying the environment where animals reside. The financial elites accumulated there wealth by stealing and killing African people. In America they are concern more about animals than black children who are being slaughtered left and right in American ghettos everyday.
I would like to hear from the Global Black Family please leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page below this video-podcast and also on my Facebook Page.

The last topic — Uprising Against France in Guadeloupe. I found an article in the New York Times talking about the Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe. France wanted to impose mandates and the people weren’t having it. This nation is still under French control. What France is doing is upsetting the black population because they are trying to impose all of their mandates on the population. After the people did a public protest the French government decided to offer the people of Guadeloupe some autonomy. There have been a long struggle over inequality. Guadeloupe uses the Euro currency and has close political ties with France. Notice anywhere you see a large black population you have high unemployment when Europeans are in control of the economy?

The recent tension in Guadeloupe started because France tried to impose mandates for healthcare workers, restaurants and other venues. Anger and resentment over the government’s handling of toxic pesticide called Chloro-decon used for years in the French Caribbean after it was banned in France have also fueled mistrust in the government’s virus policies. Chloro-decon is to blame for record levels of breast and prostate cancers in the region. Experts say it will remain in polluted soils for the next 700 years. The posters demand higher salaries and job benefits. Water supplies have been a major problem because of obsolete pipes that leave local residents without water. This is how France is treating black people. This is why the Global Black Family must step up and take the lead and this is why I created GRCAM to unite the the Diaspora with Continental Africans worldwide.

What France is doing in West Africa is not good either we must demand France to leave. Dr. Arakana called out France when she was head of the African Union but African coons voted her out of office. How is it in the 21st century France is allowed to continue to colonize black nations? African people in West Africa need to speak out against France that’s the only way you’re going to be able to get them out of your nation. Our brothers and sisters in Haiti did it. The only reason why
Haiti is suffering today is because collectively the financial elites is using Haiti as an example to other black nations to not rebel against them. Notice the UN, the EU and the United States are not saying anything about what France is doing.

This is GRCAM objective for us to fight for our liberation locally, nationally, and internationally. This is why I made my platform to give our brothers and sisters a voice to speak about our issues until I am able to turn my vision and plan into a reality starting in America GRCAM is here.

Show and Prove

Ex-NBA Player Kwame Brown Defends Kyle Rittenhouse, Calls Out Black Elites Who ‘Push Racist Sh*t’



After Meeting With Victim, Former Missouri Officer Is Cleared of Assault


Woman shot in back by Missouri officer wins $2M settlement


State officials suspend Louisville Judge Olu Stevens for 90 days without pay


Prince William derided over Africa population growth remarks


We report on the Caribbean nation of Guadeloupe. France wanted to impose mandates and the people weren’t having it. So they took to the streets.


We’re Not Free Until Everyone In The African Diaspora Is Free


It’s Time for Black America to Break Up With the Democratic Party Opinion


Revelation that ex-Nazi now holds key DOJ counterterror post highlights police infiltration threat


Best Buy robbed by large group in Minnesota on Black Friday


Sexist Claims Over ‘King Richard’ Surface Despite Venus and Serena Williams serving as Executive Producers


Serena and Venus Williams’ father, Richard Williams is in poor health


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*My Virtual Store GRCAM merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*My Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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