(The Reason Why The FBI Is Singling Out Mayor Eric Adams, Mayor Brandon Johnson, Using Chicago NAACP & Black Preachers To Get Black Chicagoans Back In Line and Politicians Practicing Benign & Neglect Against Black Americans)
Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.
We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live podcast. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live in America that knows how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from the mainstream media. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People. I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.
After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free.
Here on out we’re going to use our GoFundMe Page as an indicate of our progress in getting this film fully funded and made. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. At this time all I can do is news commentary.
We host our virtual conferences every last Saturday of the month until we are able to raise the capital to fund our film project. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is a solution base docu-drama which is based on my experience growing up in the inner cities of Chicago. And the purpose why I created GRCAM in the first place. This is our Black Panther moment except it’s not owned by Disney it’s owned by us. We want to get this film in front of five hundred million people worldwide. We will offer a 21st Century solution both domestically within the United States of America and throughout the Diaspora. Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria.
Stand up and work with me the sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build GRCAI of Chicago and expand to Africa starting in South Africa. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours in 10 African nations. We’re going to meet people from my African group GRCAI of Africa.
I will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization.
Today’s topic of discussion is as follows: (The Reason Why The FBI Is Singling out Mayor Eric Adams, Mayor Brandon Johnson, Using Chicago NAACP & Black Preachers To Get Black Chicagoans Back In Line and Politicians Practicing Benign & Neglect Against Black Americans)
Our First Topic — The Reason Why The FBI Is Singling out Mayor Eric Adams. I found a video clip entitled “Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help” I recommend that my listeners go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove so that you can watch the full video. There’s also another video clip entitled “Breaking down FBI probe into Adam’s mayoral campaign”
I have my own theory as to why the FBI is singling out Mayor Eric Adams. I believe that the Biden Administration got embarrassed that Mayor Eric Adams spoke out against Biden’s Immigration policies on television. All these Mayors and Governors receive contributions for their political campaign. Governor Abbott help expose the Illegal Immigration that is going on in America and these Democrats created Sanctuary Cities and take prided in open border policies. According to the video Mayor Eric Adams said New York City has a 11 billion dollar deficit and that they are going to have to cut services in this city in order to help the Migrants. This Migrant Crisis has also spread to my city Chicago under Mayor Brandon Johnson. On the one hand you have Mayor Eric Adams saying this Migrant Crisis is going to ruin New York City while Mayor Brandon Johnson refuse to stop the buses or respect what the Black Voters are saying that we don’t want to remain a Sanctuary City. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Second Topic — Mayor Brandon Johnson, Using Chicago NAACP & Black Preachers To Get Black Chicagoans Back In Line. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson thinks that if he gets the Chicago NAACP and Black Preachers behind him then that would calm down Black Chicagoans from calling out his mishandling of the Migrant Crisis. We’re going to talk about Mayor Brandon Johnson again and explain what’s going on in Chicago like we discussed on previous podcast.
Black people in Chicago do not want what happened to Black People in Los Angeles. They ended up losing their community and as a result there are only 6 percent of the population with no political power whatsoever. Black Chicagoans are finally heeding to what I’ve been saying for the past 32 years. Unfortunately our Brothers and Sisters in Los Angeles didn’t pay attention. They got caught up with that Black and Brown coalition talk which was code word to politically remove Black People out of LA through urban gentrification, something that I discuss in my revised book. Only a few blacks are still there but they don’t have the political base like they used to have. Back here in Chicago I found a video clip entitled “You’re Not Going To Continue To Ignore Us!’: Citizens Slam Mayor, City Council About Migrants” To watch the full just video go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove.
There was a sister by the name of Zakia Muhammad that knew Brandon Johnson from the work he used to do before he entered into politics. I encourage my listeners to go to my Medium Page and select the exact title of this presentation then scroll down to show and prove to watch the full video clip. After the City Council meeting Brandon Johnson reached out to the Chicago NAACP and Black Preachers. Black preachers today are not stepping up as they once did during the Civil Rights Era. Dr. King Jr. and other Black Christian leaders went beyond the four walls of the church out into the streets marching and protesting against the injustice of Black Americans. Today our Black Politicians are in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. Notice they’re prioritizing people who’s not even citizens of this country, people who don’t pay taxes, people who did not vote and yet Black Americans cannot get access to these same resources. Our young Black adults are not involved with the Black Church like they did in the past because the Black Church as a whole has become compromised. They embrace the LGBT agenda which goes against God’s word.
The Democrats are not use to Black People demanding tangible for our vote. Over here the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement we promote Black Economic Empowerment. We promote Lineage Base, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves and also we promote an Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. This is our last fight in the United States of America. The problem we’ve had in the past was that we used our energy, our voice and our time fighting for other groups and what we’ve gotten back in return from these other groups nothing. So we learned that we have to put out the fire in our house first then worry about others. These other groups tell us to pull ourselves up by our Bootstrap. So since we learned from that experience we’re not going to repeat that mess over here. The economy and this immigration issue is what’s waking Black America up.
Mayor Brandon Johnson needs to take heed to what the African American community is telling him the (DNC) Democratic National Committee is not going to save his political career. I know that in God’s timing once we get our film project fully funded and made then Black People across Chicago will come out and want to be apart of this great Christian business because we aim to be the heart of the African American community and we’re reaching out to African Immigrants across America to help us build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. We offer a 21st Century solution to solve old problems within the United States of America and throughout the Diaspora including the African continent.
I would never get involved with running for public office because the White Supremacist Financial Elites created both political parties Democrats and Republicans to give the public an illusion that they have a choice. These current Black Politicians are for their political party first not the African American community. They are told to alienate Black issues based on the Moynihan Report. To learn more about it just go to my Medium Page and select the exact name of this presentation then scroll down to Show and Prove.
Black People don’t respect the NAACP because they have a track record of being tied in with the Black Boule. They’re an all lives matter organization. The Black Church does not have any clout like they once did in the past because they’re not doing what Dr King jr. did he hit the streets fighting head to head against White Supremacy. Today the black preacher stay behind the pulpit talking about Prosperity Gospel focusing more on Tithes and Offerings. If you read the scriptures Jesus himself went to the streets he got involved in politics, Christ talk about the tax collector he got on the merchant for selling items in the synagogue. The Black church does not call out degeneracy like they did in the past for fear of losing members.
So Brandon Johnson you getting the Black Preacher and the NAACP to help get Black People in line that’s not going to help you they have no influence. The Mayor needs to focus on his constituents, not people from elsewhere. If you care about your political future you would focus on the people who help get you elected that’s what I would do if I was in politics. The Democrat Party have neglected their base and that’s why they are in trouble in the polls. If the Democrats did right by Black People then there’s no way that Trump would be leading in the polls. How within 3 years when the majority of Black People couldn’t stand Trump all of a sudden want to vote for Trump? If Black Chicagoans are serious about sending a strong message to the Democrats they would within 6 months if we can get enough people to sign a referendum to vote Mayor Brandon Johnson out of office since he won’t turn away the buses that would send a strong message but I don’t believe Black Chicagoans will do it.
The American dream is no more what I mean by that is back in the day you could have made it with only one income you could raise a nuclear family of three, buy a home for you and your wife. As the Man you would pay all the bills. Fast forward today young adults can’t afford to rent a one bedroom apartment. I remember back in the 90’s you could get an apartment for four$500 dollars if you had bad credit, then you just had to pay a deposit. Nowadays the Landlord wants a deposit, an application fee and three months rent upfront. They want let’s say $1,500 a month. They want you to make three times the rent to me. That’s not right. Renting apartments three times the rent some people don’t make three times the rent in America this all happened on former President Barack Obama watch. During the financial meltdown in 2008 instead of him holding the bankers responsible for their actions he made it harder for the average American citizen prior to the crash. After the new rules created by the Obama Administration you had to put three and a half percent down in order to buy a home. The new rules under the Obama Administration just about killed the American dream. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Third Topic — Politicians Practicing Benign & Neglect Against Black Americans. We see the outcome of Politicians choosing to practice Benign & Neglect. We see the outcome of Politicians choosing to practice Benign & Neglect. According to the Today’s Show take a look at the video clip on my Medium Page entitled “Trump takes lead over Biden for first time in NBC poll history” So if this is the number that they are admitting to because you know they’re biased but if this is the number they’re admitting to what do you think the rest of their data is telling them as it pertains to specific States? They’re reasoning is because of the Israel and Hamas War and key voting blocs like voters of color, Women Voters, independent voters and younger voters. We just covered this about a week ago, it’s because of the Black Vote. Whenever Black People take the numbers down the mainstream media will try to deflect. It’s only going to get worse for them because the problem is the Democrats don’t have enough of the Civil Rights generation anymore because life happens they will have to talk with Generation X, Black Millennials and Generation Z. We’re demanding tangibles for our vote. It’s a difference in mindset we’re not grateful to anybody for something that we built, we’re not grateful so now this is where the fundamental difference comes.
California Democratic Convention was cancelled amid a large Gaza ceasefire protesters took over the streets around the California Democratic Convention due to security concerns. Democratic Party Progressive caucus says this protest took place because party leadership was not listening. This was the second time protesters disrupted the convention. The Democrats across the board can’t afford major defections. No more free rides this time the Democrats are either going to deliver tangibles or we ain’t going to show up for them at the polls. People listen to me they are keeping track of these numbers because they need to know exactly what percentage of the black population is still looking to politics as a solution and what percentage is looking for a solution outside of politics. Democratic shills like Roland Martin get paid to misinform you. If Biden loses this election Roland Martin will be out of a job because he was unable to influence Black Voters to the polls and vote blue no matter who. The Biden Administration has decided that they are going to use the buffer class to fight against the black population in America for resources.
Politicians Practicing Benign & Neglect and being too full of yourself the cost of thinking that you can just ignore people and their issues the cost is getting higher it’s getting higher across the board I have a feeling that the cost is going to continue to escalate despite what some people may think. We’re going to go ahead and wrap things up here if you are new here to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast we do this every week. Please click that subscribe button and join us each and every time we’re here. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed in supporting us through our PayPal Page, our GoFundMe Page, our Virtual Store or by purchasing my revised book on my Amazon Author Page thank you all for tuning in and sharing this video podcast. This will conclude our show for today Peace & Blessings
Show and Prove
Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help
Breaking down FBI probe into Adam’s mayoral campaign
Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa Puts Hands On Alderwoman Emma Mitts Over Sanctuary City Vote
‘You’re Not Going To Continue To Ignore Us!’: Citizens Slam Mayor, City Council About Migrants
Faith leaders join Johnson in call for patience amid Chicago’s migrant relief efforts
Migrants fed up with Chicago head home
Mayor Johnson Spending $500K To Study Reparations For Black Chicagoans
Black Male Voters Will Be The Story Of 2024 Presidential Election
Young Black Voter Says She Isn’t Voting For Biden In 2024 & Trump Doesn’t Scare Her
Kamala Visits South Carolina To Put Biden On The Ballot And To Give Pep Talk To Black Voters
Trump takes lead over Biden for first time in NBC poll history
CA Democratic Convention events canceled amid large Gaza ceasefire demonstration
Chicago migrant arrivals slowing with winter, some look for other places to go
New York City sets up office to give migrants one-way tickets out of town
Brotha Responds To WS When He Was Told To “Go Back To Africa”
Memorandum 46
This video discusses Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government counteracted it with the use of the tactics in Memorandum 46. Memo 46 is an U.S. Govt memo to stop African people in the U.S from uniting globally with other Africans. This was done by the financial elites to place a black face in leadership.
‘Benign Neglect’ on Race Is Proposed by Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon
Black Panther Party
The Willie Lynch Letter and The Making OF A Slave
Dr. King Speaks on Economics and Reparations
The Black Boule
My Credibility
* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
* Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.
* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)
* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)