(The Real Reason Why Black News Channel Failed, Black Town Targeted By Comptroller Jason Mumpower and California Reparations Commission Approves Lineage Based Eligibility)

Emmanuel Barbee
18 min readApr 5, 2022



Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Thank you for tuning in to our global network. Do me a favor hit that thumbs up button, subscribe to our Youtube channel and please share this video podcast with your friends. We ask that you do this because we want others to know we’re here. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written text in order for us to reach our audience.

I cite all of my sources on my Medium transcript under show and prove. I encourage my listeners to click on the link to my current Medium Transcript so that you can read my sources in real time and respond when we open up the discussion for Q & A.
We’re dedicated to discussing controversial issues such as the genocide which is taking place among our youth in our inner cities across the United States. We can’t sugar coated genocide. Although I have little to no support from people in my city I refuse to be ignored.

Purpose: To educate Black People/African People and Others who are serious about solving Black issues in America, solving African issues on the continent and throughout the Diaspora. As well as to raise funds for our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.

Our goal is to raise Five Hundred Thousand dollars so that I can can be in a better position financially to hire professional Black Production Company or an African Production Company with quality actors. Without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African family I am unable to do my job. Non-black sympathizers are welcome to join us and to patronize us but it’s black people responsibility to built it and to own it.

I am calling on all of my Christian group members in (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Christian Spoken Word Network) to pray that God would connect me with people who have the means to support our film project. Pray that my revised book would get on the best sellers list. Pray that the spirit of God would allow our film project to get fully funded and made in Jesus/Yeshua name. I am encouraging all of my group members to do what you can to help us reach our goal so that we can move from behind a computer starting with getting our story on the big screen and getting our Christian business up and running in Chicago. Please consider supporting our film project in three ways they are as follows:

1. Though our virtual store. We provide merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.

2. Though our Paypal Page. (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a faith base, community advocacy organization. Our mission is to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development. Donations can be used as a tax right off for U.S. citizens because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

3. You can also support our film project by purchasing my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition which is available on my Amazon Author Page. I provide each website on my Medium transcript under Show & Prove. You can also find each website on my Youtube channel under About.

If you are unable to participate on the show no worries when you have a moment please watch our latest video-podcast or listen to our audio podcast and leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page about the topic. Most of all Please share my information with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s discussion is as follows: (The Real Reason Why Black News Channel Failed, Black Town Targeted By Comptroller Jason Mumpower and California Reparations Commission Approves Lineage Based Eligibility)

Our First topic — The Real Reason Why Black News Channel Failed. The story has come out that the Black News Channel has shut down after their backer Shadee Khan who’s also the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars. He invested 50 million dollars to start the Black News Channel. First it was not a black owned channel that alone made it suspect. On March 25th, 2022 the billionaire decided to stop funding the network. About 230 employees were laid off. The network faced a gender discrimination lawsuit after Black Women claimed that their White Male co-workers earned more then them. We never hear about this at major news networks like CNN, MSNBC and Fox News because these mainstream networks promote white supremacy agenda through the media.

One of the reasons why the Black News Channel failed is because they had to many employees and they did not have support from the black community. BET was created by a black man named Bob Johnson. BET was a pillar in the black community and black people were proud of it. Unfortunately he sold it and now it’s turned into what it is today. We live in a time that TV is going out of style things nowadays things are being more digital people can watch their favorite programs on their smart phones, laptops or computers. In the United States of America the average person don’t have time to watch TV because Corporate America want to work you harder than a Hebrew slave. You really don’t have time to spend with your family and you still don’t get paid like your co-workers from the dominant society due to racial discrimination.

The lessons learned from the Black News Channel is first you need to have your own website up and running. Secondly you need people from the grassroots to address their issues on a platform. It doesn’t matter how much money a person invest there’s not enough money to fake being real. Let’s look at their Youtube channel go to my Medium transcript scroll down to Show and Prove then click on BNC Youtube Channel link below. They only had 137 thousand subscribers with a billionaire backing them. Another problem the Black News Channel had was they were out of touch with black people. They hired their bought and paid for Negroe Academic shills who would say what ever their masters tell them. They don’t represent Black People for example, Mark Lamont Hill. The big wigs will only hire safe Negroes who will promote their agenda. The problem black society is not falling for their agenda like we use to in the past thank God for social media. If you want a brief explanation for why the BNC failed just look at the numbers on their Youtube channel under videos. There highest ratings came from covering the confirmation hearings. The financial elites believe that everybody is down with an LGBT Immigrant activist that’s what this whole thing was about not about serving black people’s interest.

I believe the purpose of the BNC was to undermine black people’s agenda and replace it with a non-black agenda. Over here we represent the soil the Black Grass Roots we are the Voices of New Black Media. You can’t fabricate credibility. For example, Dave Chappelle was able to survive the controversy because Netflix stood by him. The LGBT community thought they could bully him they thought wrong. Spotify is supporting Joe Rogan. Fox News supports Bill O’Reilly and Tucker Carlson. The reason why these corporations stand by their stars is because they help increase the ratings. The average viewership for BNC was about 4,000 people that’s a shame. None of these black journalist are serious about building a black media company they would rather work for the man.

The financial elites are the one’s who pick and choose who is allowed to enter the United States. What they want is individuals who harbor hostility towards Black Americans. The financial elite aim is to undermine our agenda and grievances. The financial elites prefer to have a bunch of immigrants fighting against us over resources. The financial elites also want to flood America with many groups in order to neutralize the black vote. I encourage my listeners to go to my Medium Transcript click on the link and scroll down to show & Prove select the Youtube video link entitled (1 in 10 Black People in the US Are Migrants) below. Take a look at your screen

*Refugee Act of 1980
*Diversity Visa Program

This is what (DAS) Descendants of American Slaves did for Black Immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean. From our organization (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago we want to form an alliance with the African communities in America and in Africa also form an alliance with the Caribbean communities in America and on the islands.

The Biden Administration gave all these so called black networks funding. Even Boule Roland Martin received 25 million dollars from the Democrats to promote their narratives. He failed too because he use to be on CNN and TV One. When he did an interview with white supremacist Richard Spencer he asked Roland Martin does he identify as a Black Man? Roland Martin avoided the question and said he is a Christian first. I don’t want to hear nothing from Martin this man accept money from the financial elites to do their betting. According to The Grio Martin acknowledged that he received $250,000 from the United States Census in September of 2020, which is separate from the HHS ad buy campaign received by Black-owned media companies. He also expressed vehemently that he publicly acknowledged that money on his internet show last year. I don’t associate with Snakes, Fakes and Liars. The United States Government is not going to give someone 250 thousand dollars to promote Black Empowerment. If you invest 50 million dollars then you need to get at lease 100 million dollars return on your investment. Leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and on my Youtube channel. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling thanks.

Our Second topic — Black Town Targeted By Comptroller Jason Mumpower. This topic is about Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower attempting to take control of the finances of Mason, Tennessee a majority Black town of about 1,500 people located within five miles of the future site Blue Oval City, the Ford electric truck and battery plant that represents one of the largest manufacturing investments in the state’s history. The Comptroller’s move comes over the objections of Mason’s elected officials, who have been fighting to maintain control over their town since Mumpower issued an ultimatum of taking control of Mason’s 153-year-old charter or face a financial takeover by the state. This would placed the majority Black, majority Democrat town under control of largely White and Republican-led Tipton County. The town’s Board of Aldermen, in an emergency meeting, passed a resolution to keep their charter.

It seems every time black people try to build something the power that be pops up to try to undermine our progress. We learned about this from Black Wall Street Greenwood Tulsa, Oklahoma. Black People had a thriving community this became a threat to white supremacist and they rage war against black residents. It also happen in Wilmington massacre of 1898, Rosewood and many other towns which has been white washed from history. In this case you have a black town they have been cleaning up the financial mess that white people left behind. Ford has created electric vehicles in their power plant they plan to move near Mason Tennessee. They have been neglected for 20 years now since Ford is planning to setup shop near the black town all of a sudden Comptroller Jason Mumpower is trying to take the town away from black residents. He does not care about the town he only care about taking resources from black people. Leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and on my Youtube channel. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling thanks.

Our Third topic — California Reparations Commission Approves Lineage Based Eligibility. California’s first in the nation Task Force Reparations for Black Americans voted to limit state compensation to (DAS) Descendants of American slaves who were in the United States in the 19th Century. The Task Force was formed back in 2020 under Governor Gavin Newsom. California’s Reparation Task Force voted that only Black Californians who can prove a direct lineage to an enslaved ancestor will be eligible for the statewide & first in the nation initiative that address the harms and enduring legacy of slavery. This claim is about slavery not systemic racism or discrimination. The nine member panel voted 5 to 4 in favor of defining eligibility for reparations based on lineage determined by the individual being a Black American descendant of chattel enslaved person or a descendant of a free black person living in the U.S. prior to the end of the 19th Century. Lineage as opposed to race has the best chance of surviving a legal challenge they also said black immigrants who chose to migrate to the U.S. in the 20th & 21st Centuries did not share the trauma that people who were kidnapped and enslaved. Others argue for a broader definition of eligibility regardless of lineage for black people who suffered from systemic racism, housing, education & employment. This would included all 2.6 million Black Americans in California with special consideration for those who has direct lineage to enslaved persons that amendment failed.

It cannot be given to all blacks because they don’t have a claim to it because it’s based on lineage. For example, Jamaicans are calling for reparations from the U.K. Descendants of American slaves need to be compensated for what happened to our ancestors. If you have immigrated to America then your immigration to America is your reparation. You have an opportunity to make the American dollar which you can take back to your nation it will have more value. Once we get our reparations then it will expand to the Caribbean and to African nations. We are the leading voices throughout the Black World and we have a responsibility to fight for what’s right that is total liberation for black people.

We have to keep these politicians feet to the fire because as you know the financial elites had their Democratic shills in place. What happens in California usually spreads across the United States of America. We need wealth and resources just like everybody else. We want what’s owed to our ancestors and what they worked for and was denied. We have to take control over the false narratives from mainstream media. Black people did not force Japanese people into internment camps but our black tax dollars were used to compensate them for their financial loss, pain and suffering. According to The Hill Biden authorizes $500M more for Afghan refugee relocation. Black People did not have anything to do with Afghanistan but our black tax dollars were used to support Afghan Refugees brought to America. Black people did not have anything to do with Ukraine but our black tax dollars were given to the Ukrainian Government. Where are all those people who did not say a word about money going towards non-American citizens but when Black Americans start putting pressure on our elected officials about resources for our group then it becomes a issue. Reparations is a conversation that we need to keep discussing until it is paid.

There would not be a tax base in the United States if it was not for our ancestors building the wealth for this country. The wealth America has generated from 250 years of free labor help make America one of the riches countries on earth. The wealth that is pass down to the next generation of the children from the financial elites at the exclusion of the Descendants of American slaves. We got to separate ourselves from off code Negroes and stop voting for the same black politicians who does nothing for us. As I mentioned in my revised book we have to start selecting people from the soil which is the grassroots that will serve our interest not the financial elites interest. We got to start getting tangibles for our group. We have to insist that reparations will be in the form of cash payments just like the Biden Administration has done for all these other groups. The Democrats notice that we are still pushing for reparations their approval ratings are low and the midterm elections are fast approaching. We are the only group that don’t get anything we’re suppose to become a permanent underclass according to the financial elites. We have to change that narrative. What’s the point of voting in a national election if we’re not going to get anything for our group? I warned my group members and my listeners in Black America I told them if the Democrats get in office in 2021 then we would have to compete against many groups for basic resources. I also encourage my listeners to demand tangibles for our vote Black America ignored me and now we are in all this mess thanks to black voters. Now the Biden Administration is about to bring over yet another group Ukrainian people who have anti-black sentiment. We got reparations back on the table and we are defining our group in America.

This is our reparations claim for our lineage (DAS)Descendants of American slaves. The Democratic shills are trying to include all black people in our reparations but that won’t work because not all black people in America can trace there ancestry back to our group. The Federal Government is responsible for keeping black people in bondage. For example, the Founding Fathers all own slaves. California had slaves don’t take my word for it read up on Biddy Mason. A former slave who fought for her freedom and won in the state of California. To learn more about her story just go to my Medium Transcript click on the link and scroll down to show & prove.

These white supremacist have done the most to sabotage our wealth and resources in this country. We need reparations in the form of cash payments just like other groups got from the Biden Administration. The financial elites are trying to play the fake reparations game. For example, in the article from UsNews entitled “St. Louis Mayor Signs Bill Allowing Voluntary Reparations” to learn more please go to my Medium Transcript.
Also Evanston is the first U.S. city to issue slavery reparations. Experts say it’s a noble start. Family until we receive cash payments keep pushing this issue and I recommend that Black America do a protest vote during mid terms to send a message to the Democrats that there will be political consequences for only giving us resources for our group. On Twitter I watched a video about how these Democratic shills are trying to undermine our reparations claim. I provide the video clip on my Medium Transcript go to my Medium Transcript click on the link and scroll down to show & prove.

When the financial elites enslaved our ancestors and brutalized them they made their wealth off of them and they got free labor for 246 years. This is a blood debt that’s owe only to us. When it comes to other groups they get the bag. For example, California allocates $156 millions to fight anti-Asian hate According to NBC News. To learn more about the article just go to my Medium Transcript click on the link and scroll down to show & prove. Another example, New York Gov. Hochul gives $10M to Asian American groups impacted by COVID. Politicians tell us that policies cannot be just for one group of people it has to be for everybody. I encourage my listeners who reside in New York to file law suits based on racial discrimination that’s how we have to move in America. Here’s another example, California City gives Transgender & Nonbinary residents up to $900 a month but when it comes to the people who really been aggrieved all of a sudden the city and state government don’t have the funds for our group. We have to stop participating in national elections or do a protest vote against the Democrats by voting for Republicans until they start giving us resources just like they give everyone else.

This is why the financial elites is flooding America with Illegal Immigrants, Immigrants from Asia and Europe to neutralize the black vote. I encourage my listeners to watch the Tiffany Cross interview on MSNBC with Kamila Moore. I provide the video clip on my Medium Transcript click on the link and scroll down to show & prove. Kamila Moore breaks down the reparations argument. It’s important to keep it on lineage base because if it’s based on race then the financial elites will file lawsuits left and right until the courts throw it out. The Democratic shills want us to make it based on race in order to undermine what’s due to us. When you watch this video clip notice these Democrat shills keep saying the same talking points. This is not a racism claim or a discrimination claim this is a slavery claim and compensation for that claim for our lineage (DAS)Descendants of American slaves. We got something going specifically for our group we must stay focus. We got to start practicing group economics by supporting our GoFundMe Page for our film project. We also got to become more codified meaning being on one accord. Looking out for one another.
Leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and on my Youtube channel. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling thanks.

Show and Prove

*Black News Channel shuts down after backer declines to fund it further


*BNC Youtube Channel


*1 in 10 Black People in the US Are Migrants


*Biden administration is challenged on federal ad spending disparity with Black-owned media


*Blue Oval City

The Ford Motor Company plans to open Blue Oval City which will develop electric cars. Majority Black Mason, TN will benefit from that development. Jason Mumpower seeks to undermine that by claiming the city is in debt he wants to take the city over or have them be absorbed into Tipton county.



*Black Wall Street


*Wilmington massacre of 1898


*Rosewood massacre


* Congress passes $13.6 billion in Ukraine aid along with government funding


*Biden authorizes $500M more for Afghan refugee relocation




*Peace Corps

Possible Considerations for African American or Black Volunteers Volunteer Voices: “‘People of color’ face many challenges living in Ukraine, as a Peace Corps Volunteer. However, African-Americans will confront far more complicated issues. For modern parts of Ukraine, African-Americans are part of the community and day-to-day life. However, there are many Ukrainians who have never seen a Black person before. Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes. You will generate lots of interest and curious stares. So, these stares can make you uncomfortable and annoyed. Ukrainians’ initial perception of you may be that you are from Africa; it may not. It does help if they understand that you are an American, and the training in PST will help you consider ways that you will engage with these assumptions.” “It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”


*Biddy Mason


*Native American tribe gets its land back after being displaced nearly 400 years ago


*St. Louis Mayor Signs Bill Allowing Voluntary Reparations


*Evanston is the first U.S. city to issue slavery reparations. Experts say it’s a noble start.


*Fox Souls


*‘Historic investment’: California allocates millions to fight anti-Asian hate


*New York Gov. Hochul gives $10M to Asian American groups impacted by COVID. Democrats gave another bag to the AAPI community.


*Proposed City Program Guarantees Income for Transgender Residents


*California Task Force Votes To Limit Reparations Only To Descendants Of Enslaved People


*Why more black women should consider marrying white men


*Disney exec vows more gay characters amid huge inclusivity push


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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