(The Lack OF Black Leadership, Displacing & Replacing Black Americans, The Importance OF Supporting Black Businesses & Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Against Uganda For Passing Anti-LGBT Law, Yet Silent About Same Law In Saudi Arabia)

Emmanuel Barbee
25 min readJun 2, 2023



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

If you are listening to this Audio Podcast on Anchor just click on the YouTube icon to connect to my YouTube channel. If you are serious about doing business with me then I suggest that you exchange emails with me so that I can email you everything I do online. I encourage all of my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page this is where I post my transcript so that you can read my full speech word for word.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free. I am not interested in writing and publishing more books but rather produce quality Black Empowerment Films and creating successful black businesses I am not online to beg for donations I want to exchange something of value. My thing is if I am going to ask for something then I am going to have a product or service behind it like my revised book or my virtual store.

This podcast is an extension of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Over here we promote critical thinking while discussing social issues throughout the Diaspora and on the African continent until the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago materialize. It’s my hope through this podcast and through my social groups I can connect with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People, Afro-Brazilian People and others who will work with me directly in turning my vision and plan for Black America and Africa into a reality. Once we get this film project fully funded and made and get our Christian business up and running then I would love to invite many of you to Chicago Illinois to speak or preach during our live events. Through the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago we will help pay for your travel and hotel expenses pending on our budget and sponsorship. We will also compensate you for your time and talent. Our objective is to keep our community informed and connected.

Please mark your calendar for Saturday June 24th 2023.


(GRCAI of Africa) Reaching Out To The Global African Family Worldwide. I am encouraging people in my African group (GRCAI of Africa) to please stand up and be part of our panel those of you from the following African Nations: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. We have to practice first using Stream Yard so that we can do a professional show during the virtual conference.

As soon as I am able to gather 5 to 8 people from my African Group and each African nation to be on my panel then we can discuss the importance of (GRCAI of Chicago) first in America for credibility in the African American community and throughout the Black World. Our target audience are African Immigrants in America, Afro-Brazilian/Afro-Latinos and Afro-Caribbean in America, African Immigrants in Canada and Europe. Once we get our Film Project fully funded and made and the proceeds begin pouring in then t we can begin building (GRCAI of Chicago) and also begin launching our African tours in 10 African nations beginning with South Africa. You have my word because I am saying this on camera.

We need you to support our cause first by purchasing my revised book either the E-book for $8.23 or the Paperback for $7.65 plus shipping and handling on Amazon. Read my story for yourself. If you agree with my vision and plan then I would like for you to make arrangements with me to come on the show so that we can talk about. I provide the link in the comment section below this video podcast. Those of you who will work with me and Sister Rena will go down in history for doing something positive for Melanated People starting in Chicago. Black America and Black Chicago has rejected and overlooked my vision and plan for 31 years what has it prove? Because of all the push back I endured my Christian business will be membership based. Africa if you are serious about me bring my Christian business to your nation then work with me in getting this film popin and getting my revised book on the bestseller’s list.


2:00PM-3:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s topic of discussion is as follows: (The Lack OF Black Leadership, Displacing & Replacing Black Americans, The Importance OF Supporting Black Businesses & Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Against Uganda For Passing Anti-LGBT Law, Yet Silent About Same Law In Saudi Arabia)

Our First Topic — The Lack OF Black Leadership. I found an offensive video on YouTube by a man named Alex Stein. To watch the video clip just go to my Medium Transcript and scroll down to show and prove. He was feeding a shirtless Black Man a Banana. Black Men we got to do better domestically and globally. The reason why our community is in the shape that it is in is because not enough Black Men our stepping up and taking the lead. When you are bowing down to White Supremacist and willfully allowing another man to humiliate you on national TV how can a Black Woman respect that? If we had reparations
black people wouldn’t have to humiliate themselves to get a bag. Some brotha’s don’t want that conversation. Black Men today are not creating anything for our black youth and that’s a shame in itself. Before I cut and run to Africa I want to build something positive for our black youth and for the African American community. I’ve been trying to generate capital through my revised book and my virtual store in order to build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago so that I can hire brothers and sisters to be in our black empowerment films and stage plays. That’s has not work so now my focus is on doing a film project to get our story on the big screen to reach the black masses. Once the proceeds from the film starts pouring in then I can purchase property in Chicago, hire black middle class professionals who would make sure that our Christian business is effective and successful for years to come. I am using this platform to connect with other like minded Black People and African People to work with me in turning my vision and plan for Black America and Africa into a reality. We will build GRCAI of Chicago and make our presence known in the low income African American community starting on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the Southside of Chicago.

We will heal from the scars of enslavement and from colonization. We ain’t seeking permission from anyone we’re taking the lead on two fronts. Domestic front which will focus on in solving black issues within America and on an International front focus on solving issues on the African continent and in the Caribbean and South America/Latin America.

Black Americans respect Minister Louis Farrakhan because he stands up for the African American community. Black South Africans respect Julius Malema because he stands up for the South African People. In order for us to get paid our worth we have to create our own businesses. We as Black Men have to check this type of behavior which makes our racial group looks bad in society. GRCAI of Chicago will be all about raising the bar in Black America. We will separate ourselves from Degenerates, Urban Terrorist, Pedophiles, Off Code Negroes. We can’t help all Black People in America that’s not my job. Even in God’s word it says not all will be saved. 1 Corinthians 1:18

My message is for GRCAM members and those who understand the writings on the wall. America is in deep trouble with the rest of the world. Her power and influence is weakening. Every evil empire comes to an end. I want to be known beyond just making news commentary but also for making an impact in the African American community, the African Immigrant community, Afro-Brazilian/Afro-Latino community and the Afro-Caribbean community. We must learn how to get along with each other here in America first before we expand beyond America real talk. Once Black America see that we are a successful Christian business mark my words everyone in Chicago will want to join us. Like I said many times on this platform ain’t nothing change on my end everyone who comes on our premises will be check at that front door meaning we will be screening everyone in order to weed out those who mean us no good. Those who want to join GRCAI of Chicago must attend our mandatory orientation, pass our criminal background check, sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database. Anyone who tries to change our focus will get two warnings the third time that person or persons will have their name, photo and address displayed on our Judas list and they will be barred for life. GRCAI of Chicago will be a drama free zone. Please read my story so that you can know upfront what you are getting yourself into I am not about games I have a zero tolerance for foolishness.

Mark my words if Black America does not unify and work together with African Immigrants and Black Immigrants in America then by 2050 black people as a collective will become a permanent underclass. Once we establish GRCAI of Chicago in America I plan on turning over the business to qualified black middle class professionals and taking my skills to South Africa where I will lead by example by applying for dual citizenship and setting up a chapter in South Africa. We will also shoot our second film there entitled (African Liberator: Battle Against The Colonized Mindset).

Caesar Augustus was a White Supremacist he imposed his system and his economy on the world that was not from God. He actually thought he was God. Luke Chapter two verse One “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed” King James Version. Acts chapter 17 verses six and seven “And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also; Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus” King James Version.

For example, when the White Supremacist came to Africa they came to kill, steal and destroy our way of life. When the White Supremacist came to The New World they came to kill, steal and destroy the Native People’s way of life. When the White Supremacist came to The Caribbean they came to kill, steal and destroy the Native People’s way of life. When the White Supremacist came to Latin America or South America they came to kill, steal and destroy the Native People’s way of life. When the White Supremacist came to Australia they came to kill, steal and destroy the Native People’s way of life.

In Africa the White Supremacist Financial Elites want to continue raping Africa of her natural resources which is our birth right. God gave Africa to Melanated People the whole continent is ours but Black Americans want to keep fighting for America do you all we are going to do is do the best that we can to improve the African American community. I do not want to be fighting for the rest of my life for a country that don’t belong to me. The real battle is for Africa if we lose Africa we lose everything. GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead in rebuilding the inner cities of Chicago as well as take the lead in improving the African economy through our African tours. We aim to visit 10 African nation’s they are as follows: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. We’re going to meet local Africans from my African group GRCAI of Africa. Each nation that we will visit we’re going to set up a local chapter and match Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs and Black Artist with African Artist so that we can do international trade among our brothers and sisters.

GRCAI of Chicago will be committed to assisting with improving the African American community while having a strong connection to our chapters in Africa. We will train our black youth in such areas as Parenting, Information Technology, Blockchain Technology, Coding, Electricians, Petroleum Engineers, Landscaping, Film Making, Oil Painting and Journalism. We also plan on offering Associate Degree for our students.

GRCAI of Chicago will help prioritize our goals such as securing our neighborhood and protecting our women and children. We will reach out to former gang members and people who were incarcerated for non-violent crimes this is what my creator called me to do. GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi-purpose facility functioning as a nonprofit as well as a For profit business. GRCAI of Chicago will operate under 7 separate functions within the organization.

1. Social Service component
2. Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. Political component (under our For Profit Business)
4. Entertainment component
5. Entrepreneur component
6. Health & Wellness component
7. Black Media component (New Black Voices of Media)

We will practice group economics in real time by pooling our resources together in order to create and control our own Community Healthcare Center, Community Grocery Store and Community Housing this will be group economics in action.

How will Africa benefit from GRCAI of Chicago? First of all I do not operator like the next black man I have my own style and way of doing things. Once we’re established in Chicago. It’s my hope that African Immigrants in the United States of America would come forth and work with me directly in forming an alliance with Africa and African people. In each African nation we will visit we will match Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist so that we can do international trade among our people. We also plan on setting up local chapters in each African nation we visit. Our objective is to unite middle class, working class and underclass Africans with the Diaspora.

GRCAI of Africa will provide a platform to unify the Diaspora with Continental Africans. Topic of discussions would include:
Relocation and citizenship
How to buy property
Developers who can custom build your home
Local Mortgage lenders and a List for financing options
Investment strategies and projects on the continent
Networking among other Africans in the diaspora
Discounts on travel through our travel agency partners
Initiatives to build Africa and provide relief for those who live in African slums.

GRCAI of Africa will partnered with local African tailors, service providers, real estate companies, banks and construction companies starting in South Africa while helping build local businesses and improve local and international commercial trade between Africa and our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora.
GRCAI of Africa will replicate GRCAI of Chicago.

We will go through the proper channels with each African government to setup our (NGO) Non-government organization. Phase I — We will attempt to create a factory and take agricultural products and covert them into food supply that could be transported from one African nation to the next and also to the African American community in the United States of America. We are determined to work with our disadvantaged brothers and sisters in the society to improve and enhance the capacity for self-development. To promote GRCAI of Africa to the people of Africa. To fight against corruption. To nurture young Africans by conducting mentoring programs and various youth activities. To promote education through establishing learning centers. To promote health among the people living in rural and low-income urban areas by organizing for medical camps and health awareness campaigns. To participate in various economic activities geared towards improving the standards of living among the people in low-income rural and urban areas. GRCAI of Africa will offer private employment and stipends to our members and students based on our budget and sponsorship.

Phase II we will focus on improving African infrastructure in terms of building bridges, roads, power lines, clean running water, agricultural technology, solar and wind energy to help our people with their electrical generators. The Diaspora will do all of this in exchange for citizenship.
GRCAI of Africa will focus on the advancement of African infrastructure, promoting African businesses, so both travelers and the communities we visit receive beneficial exchange. Our core values will focus on integrity, quality, safety and sustainability. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic — Displacing & Replacing Black Americans. I came across a video on YouTube from PBS entitled “America At A Cross Roads” with Judy Woodruff. Tulsa faces reckoning over historical racism as state law restricts how history is taught. The White Supremacist Financial Elites is losing control of the narrative this is why they want to rewrite our history but thank God we live in the information age. The public schools didn’t teach us about reparations or about Black Wall Street this came about through verbal history. The first bombing of an American city was Black Wall Street and the second bombing of an American city was in Philadelphia the MOVE Massacre. To watch the full documentary go to my Medium Transcript and scroll down to show and prove. This is why it’s important that we talk to each other to get the dialogue moving. Notice Jewish People did not have to wait 75 years before things got done for them. They got taken care of immediately after World War II. Japanese Americans did not have to wait 75 years before things got done for them. No one tell these other groups that the goal should be reconciliation the only time this word comes up is when white people owe black people something.

We learned that the word minority is a code word to include other groups with what we have going on such as lumping Illegal Latino Immigrants, White Women, LGBT and Asians. Now they’re using such words as diversity, equity and inclusion which has nothing to do with black people but for other groups to benefit from. The only thing that will benefit black people is reparations based on lineage. I explain to my group members and my listeners years ago that we would have a better chance at obtaining reparations if more Black Americans had dual citizenship either in a Caribbean nation or in an African nation where the population will back us up because we have too many sellouts within our own group who are White Supremacist sympathizers. Withholding our vote will not phase the White Supremacist Financial Elites because they are allowing Illegal Latino Immigrants to displace and replace Black Americans and to neutralize the black vote.

Chicago Democrats want 51 million dollars from the City budget funding for Illegal Latino Immigrants but won’t use it for Black Chicagoans that make up 76 percent of the homeless population. This is what your Democrat Party is doing. It’s worse now for Black Americans than it was in 1964. My question to my listeners how is the Democrat Party benefiting Black People? Notice they’re no longer tough on crime when the White Community is affected with drug issues such as Crystal Meth and Fentanyl. All of a sudden it’s a public health issue. Back in the early 80s and 90s during the Crack epidemic devastated the African American Community and gave rise to Mass Incarceration. The Democrat Party pay Black Celebrities, Democratic Shills and Social Media Influencers to encourage Black People to vote Democrat after the election we don’t hear anything from them. The Democrat Party is prioritizing Ukraine not American Citizens. They’re prioritizing Asylum seekers not American Citizens. Why we don’t hear a word from White Tax Payers screaming about this money but when we demand Cash Reparations they all of a sudden everyone has something to say. See the double standard?

The corporations and the Democrat Party are in cahoots with pushing Black Americans out of the city in order to get cheap labor from these Asylum seekers/Illegal Latino Immigrants. The Democrat Party is funded by the White Supremacist Financial Elites. Notice they are not dumping these Asylum Seekers in the affluent White community, the Asian community, the Jewish community, the LGBT community only the African American community. Chicago and New York are the testing ground if they are able to pull it off then they will expand to other cities like Atlanta, Baltimore, Philadelphia etc… If Black America don’t take a stand against the Democrat Party then we are done in America. On this platform I show you in real time what’s happening to Black People in America on my Medium Transcript.

I encourage my members and my listeners to vote on policies not on a politician skin color. It’s a shame that 90 percent of the African American community is headed by single black mothers. Our children are suffering because they don’t have a proper family structure. This is why I am trying to create GRCAI of Chicago to assist single black mothers and single black fathers to strengthen the black family and provide them with the resources they need.

Our goal is Black Economic Empowerment, Cash Reparation and a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. The White Supremacist Financial Elites want black people to focus on reconciliation because that doesn’t cost them anything. The dominant society has no issue talking about racism because that doesn’t cost them anything. They are the ones who decides who can and who can not have an opportunity in America because they control the system. If you have not learned our history then you have not learned American history.

The White Supremacist Financial Elites are trying to white wash our history and give it to an Asian Man named Wong Kim Ark. To watch the video clip entitled “How Wong Kim Ark’s Helped Establish Birthright Citizenship in the U.S.” Just go to my Medium Transcript and scroll down to show and prove. Mind you the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were meant specifically for Descendants of American Slaves. I found another article which talked about corporations buying thousands of homes in black neighborhoods. According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution it said “Instead of building wealth for residents, these homes are now a vehicle for shareholder profits”

Owning real estate is a great way to earn profitability and to build wealth. I talked about this in my revised book. Home ownership according to most studies is the number one pathway for people to go from poverty to middleclass. When corporations start bidding on these houses what you think will happen to the price? The price increases. The real estate game is shifting it would be nice if these politicians would clamp down on these corporations from buying everything but that’s the ugly side of capitalism. On this platform we educate our members and listeners about socio-economics and religion.

Returning back to the article, it said “Some investment groups own dozens of homes” The reason why financial literacy is so important for our people is because then you can understand the different ways you can earn money and you decide which method works best for you. You can earn big money by investing in the stock market. If Black America would have heed my warnings back when I was doing street ministry in the early 90s they would have became proactive during the early stages of urban gentrification. Urban Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and businesses. We are fighting for the survival of Black America and promoting Black Economic Empowerment. There is a massive rise in the number of homes being bought by corporations. Single-family homes have become one of the most lucrative investments for major investment companies, and it’s going to cost the black community a tremendous amount of wealth. The best way to deal with the rise in corporate takeovers in the African American community is to consider investing in those companies that are buying up the homes/Apartment buildings and secure a return on your investment for your family.

We had the best property in town. We were waiting for other people to validate the value of our property before we believed how valuable it was. Then when white developers decided to buy up the neighborhood and created upscale homes then black people started getting upset and crying foul. We have to be proactive instead of being reactive. The victim mentality for not doing the work becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The White Supremacist Financial Elites want us to have stupid leaders who are bought and paid for to carryout their interest. They want us to have leaders that have no solutions we as the Black Grassroots must resist that on all levels. My question to my listeners which side do you want to be on the Victim or the Prepared?

Returning back to the article it says “In the wake of the great recession, investors have scooped up thousands of single family homes across Metro Atlanta” This is not limited just to Atlanta but also in Philadelphia, my city Chicago, Detroit, New York, Los Angeles, Birmingham, Louisville, Houston, Tulsa this is happening all over the United States of America. Notice they’re not doing this in affluent white communities. We have more talent then anyone on the planet the problem is we have to learn how to work together as a group and practice group economics by purchasing my revised book and helping me get it on the best sellers list so that the world would take our cause serious. It’s my hope that GRCAI of Chicago can become a great franchise just like McDonald’s. We’ve been indoctrinated through the educational system to give our talents to build up someone else’s institution. The trade off is you end up leaving your people and your community. There is so many opportunities and possibilities that we can accomplish once we build GRCAI of Chicago.

Please teach your children owning property is the key to wealth. In America we’re dealing with systematic racism which means there’s an entire system designed to oppress black people. in order to fight against systematic racism we have to create a counter system which is GRCAI of Chicago. In GRCAI of Chicago we will train and develop like minded young black leaders. One person can’t do a job of a system. WE got to think systematically not individually. Today many black people in America have become Americanized meaning they are narcissistic and only focus about themselves not about the collective or the community. GRCAI of Chicago objective is to rebuild the African American community while developing an economic base. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Third Topic — The Importance OF Supporting Black Own Businesses.
As I mentioned on my platform a few weeks ago Daniel Penny the man who choked to death Jordan Neely on a New York subway his attorney had raised $1 Million dollars within a week. That’s White Supremacy being on code. In contrast, I created a GoFundMe Page last April 2022 so that everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups would know exactly where the funds for our film project would go. Out of 1,674 people on my Facebook friends list only 5 people have donated to our Film Project on our GoFundMe Page then you wonder why our community remains jacked up.

In GRCAM we will take the lead in solving our social problems at the grassroots level. There’s no middle man everyone who is serious about joining this new movement in Black America I encourage you to purchase my revised book and read my story. My revised book is the foundation of my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago). I have been paying for the business title since 2010. All I have is my revised book, my virtual store, my online groups and this platform that’s my credibility. Without support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family I am unable to do my job and our children will continue suffer unnecessary casualties. Black People must patronize black businesses because they are vital to the African American community. We have to get back to what our grandparents did they owned property and businesses. On this platform we are M1 Melanated first. We have to take charge in describing ourselves because the White Supremacist Financial Elites imposed terms on us such as Black, Negro, People of Color. Black is a term that does not recognize the African identity or connection with the African continent. M1 means we prepare the next generation for the future. I promise no one under my leadership would ever have to endure such foolishness I had just because I wanted to build something positive in the African American community. Once we have our support system in place then we will help our members and students obtain their life goals based on our budget and sponsorship. Nonblack sympathizers are welcome to join us not as groups but as individuals and as long as they don’t have an issue with American Descendants of Slaves or Foundational Black Americans receiving our reparations.

Before social integration and cultural assimilation black people under Jim Crow owned Black Businesses, Land and Assets. As I mentioned in my revised book after integration black people were taught to trade in our businesses for corporate jobs and land ownership. A lot of black businesses fail due to lack of support. Many banks don’t loan money to black owned businesses. Black People need to ask these politicians what are they doing to support black businesses? What is their Marshall Plan for black owned businesses? If I have a good business that is making 100 thousand dollars a year then can I obtain a 500 thousand dollar loan so that I can scale up my business model and get the training I need to make my business grow? The number one employer of black people is black businesses.

How can you support black businesses?

1. Buy items from black stores. When you spend your money at a black business then they’re going to invest that money to their employees and infrastructure.

2. Marketing. Word of mouth and testimonials are valuable.

3. Offer advice how the business can improve.

4. Offer financial support. Black owned businesses are under capitalized. In
GRCAI of Chicago we will create a market to obtain capital. We will create
market for contractors and we will create a market for customers.

5. Partnership.

Public schools have taught us to be consumers not producers. We’re taught to be employees not employers. In America black people are politically subordinated and economically exploited. We have a majority of black people who have accepted their role as subordinates in this racial hierarchy. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Forth Topic — Biden Administration Wants Sanctions Against Uganda For Passing Anti-LGBT Law, Yet Silent About Same Law In Saudi Arabia. Uganda passed a Anti-LGBT law. The Biden Administration want to impose sanctions against Uganda. Yet Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates have the same laws America is overlooking them. Uganda is a sovereign nation they have a right to pass any law they feel that’s good for their people and nation. The American response is based on Anti-black racism America is trying to dictate to African nations. Uganda’s New Anti-LGBT Law is supported overwhelmingly 98 percent of the population. President Museueni signed the bill. You can read the actual bill on my Medium Transcript just scroll down under show and prove. Let’s see what’s on the books for LGBT in Saudi Arabia. I provide the link from Human Dignity Trust.org on my Medium Transcript under show and prove. According to their information Saudi Arabia has been executing LGBT people for a long time and America has not said a word. Since America wants to impose sanctions on Uganda then they need to also apply the same sanctions on Arab nations too.

America has put sanctions on Zimbabwe ever since Robert Mugabe was alive. He redistributed the land from White Farmers back to it’s rightful owners African Farmers. They have been sanctioned ever since. These White Supremacist Financial Elites want to dictate and control African nations they’re time of rule has come to an end we’re coming back to our ancestral homeland Africa. China has human rights issues but The West is not sanctioning them. African nations have a right to put what ever laws they want on the books whether we like it or not. Notice the West is not opening up their country to African LBGT People. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Show and Prove

Alex Stein Feeding A Black Man A Banana


Tulsa faces reckoning over historical racism as state law restricts how history is taught


How a racist white mob ruined ‘Black Wall Street’ 100 years ago


The 1985 MOVE Massacre: When Cops Bombed Philadelphia (Injustice Documentary)


How Wong Kim Ark’s Helped Establish Birthright Citizenship in the U.S.


American Dream For Rent: Investors zero in on Black neighborhoods Buy-to-rent push puts home ownership further out of reach in metro Atlanta.


Homer G. Phillips Hospital


Fundraiser for ex-Marine Daniel Penny nears $2M as attorneys say subway chokehold case ‘struck a chord’ with public


Heated debate erupts after Chicago City Council approves $51M for migrant resources


Uganda enacts harsh anti-LGBTQ law including death penalty


Museveni signs into law revised anti-gay Bill


Saudi Arabia


African Diaspora News Channel

Black Muslim Principal Railroaded By Chicago Public School System For Holding Teachers Accountable


Home Owner Associations Were Created To Sabotage Black American Homeownership


Brotha Says He’s Seeing Them Folks Pull Their Money Out Of Banks & Leaving In Droves


DeSantis Tweets Support For WS Daniel Penny And Helps Raise Money For His Defense


France Developed By Looted Natural Resources From Africa & Must Pay Back


Undocumented Migrants May Be Getting Unemployment Benefits From California


TikToker Shares Horrifying Experience Traveling To Malaysia


Western Double Standard, No Help Given To Sudan Refugees While Everyone Ran To Help Ukraine


U.S Actress Bria Fleming Breaks Down Crying After Getting Arrested Wrongfully In France


South Miami Race Soldiers Target Innocent Brotha & Started Putting Hands On Him


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.