(The Importance OF Getting Our Story On The Big Screen, Exposing Fake Black Organizations As A Front To Carryout The White Supremacist Agenda and Competing Against Mainstream Media On Public Opinion)
Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Thank you very much for tuning in. If you’re not already subscribed to our Youtube channel then go ahead and click that subscribe button so that you can be notified when we upload a new video. If you are already subscribed then please give the video a like and share this video-podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling. This podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and a Written transcript in order for us to reach our audience. I also site all of my sources under Show and Prove on my Medium Page which is where I post my transcript.
I use this platform to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups by giving Black business owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.
After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.
We need your help now more than ever. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is funded by the Black Grass Roots and the Global Black Family. I am working with a shoestring budget as our community continues to grow, our operational costs will also grow. If you got any value from our content this year please consider supporting our film project in three ways they are as follows:
1. Though our virtual store. We provide merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
2. Though our Paypal Page. (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a faith base, community advocacy organization. Donations can be used as a tax right off for U.S. citizens because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
3. You can also support our film project by purchasing my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition which is available on my Amazon Author Page. I provide each website on my transcript under Show & Prove. You can also find each website on my Youtube channel under About.
When you’re supporting our Youtube channel or our podcast you’re supporting an independent black network which will eventually employ Black People in our films, stage plays and in our actual business. We’re gonna start getting things done. We need to own and control institutions in our neighborhoods.
If you are unable to participate on the show no worries after the show I upload my video-podcast on my Youtube Page and on my Anchor Page. When you have a moment please watch my latest video-podcast, leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page about the topic. Please share my information with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Instructions how to participate on the show:
First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.
I would like to remind our listeners to mark your calendar for November 10th 2021. We will be celebrating the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement 30th Anniversary. If interested in participating on the show send me your email address to my Facebook inbox.
I have 1,457 people on my Facebook friends list. I pray that God would touch the hearts and minds for people on my friends list and in my social groups would step up and do their part in supporting our film project by sharing our video-podcast with their friends this will help get the ball rolling. This is not my burden alone this is a shared burden. The best that I can do at this time is to promote our black media component without support from the black grass roots and the global black family I am unable to do my job. Work with me while I am alive don’t wait until I am dead to embrace my vision and plan, for Black America & Africa. With that being said today’s topic:
The Importance OF Getting Our Story On The Big Screen, Exposing Fake Black Organizations As A Front To Carryout The White Supremacist Agenda and Competing Against Mainstream Media On Public Opinion.
Our first topic — The Importance OF Getting Our Story On The Big Screen. I have been on Facebook for 17 years and in all that time
I was able to connect with many people from around the globe.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement has been a reliable source for black people. Though our Black Media component Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos we offer relevant information and inspiration to our listeners from around the globe. We also hold Q & A on Sunday’s after our presentation in order to interact with our listeners in real time through Facebook messenger.
I did not create GRCAM for us to remain behind a computer. My goal for writing and publishing my revised book was to generate enough capital so that I could be in a better position financially to hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals. However, I had little to no support for my book and my virtual store so I have decide to take our story to the next level the big screen in order to reach the black mass and gain the necessary support we need so that we can turn around the situation in our community starting in Chicago.
Our film project would help turn my vision and plan into a reality known as GRCAI of Chicago. The proceeds from the film will put me in a better position financially so that I can hire qualified Black Middle Class Professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property on the Westside and Southside of Chicago. As well as in Africa and in time the Caribbean & Brazil. GRCAI of Chicago will become a tourist attraction and help revitalize the black community and black businesses that’s already there. GRCAI of Chicago mission is to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development.
GRCAI of Chicago will bring revenue to the black community while building up our own economy then we can solve many of these issues in black society. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will be devoted to improving the black community and assisting our members in reaching their life goals. GRCAI of Chicago will operate under 7 separate functions within the African American community.
1. A social service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component 6. A Black Media component 7. A Health and Wellness component
We will conduct community research and education. GRCAI of Chicago is about improving the quality of life for our members so that they can live better lives. We embrace the following:
*We will promote excellence in the African American Community/Black Community through our community research and educational programs and other resources.
* We will strive for excellence in all aspects in the black community because we understand the importance of GRCAI of Chicago mission.
Our members and students will work together as a team to foster business relationships with our colleagues, panel members.
We will support, motivate, and inspire each other to work
constructively to solve black issues.
We believe that trust and respect serve as the
foundation for teamwork and collaboration.
* We are a group of individuals with diverse culture,
training, and expertise, and we value the various perspectives
in our business.
* We respect the time, efforts, and opinions of our members,
and we continually evaluate our priorities
to maintain an appropriate work-life balance.
* We support and respect one another, maintaining
confidentiality and speaking constructively of our team,
our jobs, and the organization.
* We strive to be considerate and offer a welcoming
environment to ensure that the respect we show each
other within the organization is also reflected outside
of the organization.
* We are accountable for our own actions, act with honesty and fairness in all aspects of this business.
* We will be transparent in our business practices, sound in our judgment, and loyal in our commitment to GRCAI of Chicago mission.
* We will maintain integrity by welcoming evaluation, implementing
change when necessary, and consistently improving ourselves
in order to remain a trusted source for the people we serve.
* Our work is critical and profound; therefore, we are passionate
about our role in improving the lives of young black people and their family.
Our vision is to make Chicago a model for other cities across the United States and around the globe. In GRCAI of Chicago we will celebrate each other’s victories, encourage our members, and bring enjoyment, excitement, and enthusiasm to our business.
* We promote black economic empowerment, and retain the best people by surrounding ourselves with like minded black people who really care about doing something positive for the black community.
* We help and encourage each other to grow professionally,
we recognize and nurture talent, and we embrace change as
the organization grows and develops.
* We recognize that we may not always have the answers but
are open to new ideas, ways of thinking, and problem solving.
* We are always developing, always innovating, always striving
to improve.
* We will expand our talent and skills to our ancestral homeland Africa. During our African tours we will develop a coalition among African entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders from my African group called GRCAI of Africa.
Black businesses are 19 percent less likely to be approved for a business loan or alternative funding options. GRCAI of Chicago aim to tackle this situation under our Entrepreneur component. Once we get our story out to the masses and the proceeds from our film project start kicking it then we can recruit our team of grant experts and consultants who will be committed to serving our members within the black community. Given the familiar challenges with accessing business loans for Black business owners, we are therefore left with no other option than to create our own leading institution.
GRCAI of Chicago, will be committed to changing the business loan for black businesses by offering practical grant information and inspiration to help turn our members’ business and nonprofits into a reality. We will assist our member’s in finding grants to start a restaurant business, food truck business and or a construction company. I created GRCAI of Chicago to connect our members from across the United States and our international members in Africa, the Caribbean & Brazil for us to move beyond cyberspace starting in Chicago.
Our team will consist of black middle class professionals who are business oriented and who are committed to community building and black empowerment. Our writers and content creators will provide valuable business information, tips and tools to help our members succeed in starting their business. Our workshops and seminars will teach our students how to register their business and develop grant writing techniques. GRCAI of Chicago was founded to help our members turn their dream into a reality.
GRCAI of Chicago will remain committed to raising awareness to help our members find grants and business opportunities by providing reliable information that our members can use anywhere around the globe. Our objective is to change the accessibility for Black-owned businesses in the United States and around the globe. GRCAI of Chicago is rooted in the principles of equity, education, business growth, and community building. We strive to offer excellence in access to grants and business opportunities for our members and students.
Our grant and business services is just one way we plan on contributing to the rebuilding of the black community. We will also offer services which focus on strengthening the black family. Our goal is to help bridge the financial and economic gap of African Americans by reconnecting with our Continental African brothers and sisters.
If my African friends are serious about doing business with us then I need our Global Black Family to step up and do their part. I am asking all of my Continental African friends on my friends
list and in my social groups to do the following:
If you are able to find 10 or more people, family or friends from your specific African nations that live in America specifically, in Chicago then encourage them to send me a friend request to my Facebook Page. Also send me the list of their names so that I can approve them. If they don’t live in Chicago but in other parts of the United States of America then encourage them to send me a friend request to my Facebook Page.
Also send me the list of their names so that I can approve them. Encourage them to subscribe to my Youtube channel. If you have family or friends in Canada or Europe then encourage them to send me a friend request to my Facebook Page. Also send me the list of their names so that I can approve them. Encourage them to subscribe to my Youtube channel. I will text them everything I do online and encourage them to work with me directly so that we can get the ball rolling.
I don’t have another 29 years to waste on people who don’t care about our children being slaughtered in American ghettos whole sale. Once I am able to get GRCAI of Chicago established in America I plan on expanding the business in 5 other cities God willing. I plan on taking my talent and skills to the continent.
I will give them free airtime on my online talkshow so that they can promote their businesses and or ministries with my listeners from the Diaspora. Once GRCAI of Chicago is established then we will launch our African tours. We will meet people from my African group called GRCAI of Africa. We plan on visiting African Entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders from my group in order to form an international coalition where we will learn about each others culture, trade among ourselves and heal collectively from the scars of colonization and enslavement.
We also plan on setting up chapters in the following African nations: Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We plan on replicating GRCAI of Chicago in those 10 African nations God willing. In the near future we also plan on making our presence known in the Afro-Caribbean in places like the Bahamas, Barbados, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Brazil. If you are unable to come on the show no worries when you have a moment please watch my latest video-podcast and leave a comment about the topic on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page thanks.
My second topic — Exposing Fake Black Organizations As A Front To Carryout The White Supremacist Agenda. As I mentioned to my group members time and time again when things pop off from the ground it rises up because it’s coming from a deep rooted foundation.
I came across an article from (NPR) National Public Radio according to them the Department of Justice will not seek any charges against the officer who shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back. I’m not surprised ask me why? Because you have Attorney’s like Benjamin Crump who goes behind the scene to negotiate a settlement out of court but the family has to do a forgiveness tour in the media then all of the charges are drop for these Rogue Cops this is what’s happening Black America. To learn more about the NPR article just go to my transcript on my Medium Page and scroll down to show and prove. Please leave a comment about the topic on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page thanks.
I was surfing online and I ran across a so called new black organization called (The National Black Justice League). It sounded interesting so I looked into it. I encourage my listeners to investigate this organization along with me. Click on the website then look under About. The only thing they are promoting is LGBT. Now go to board members well look who we have here Benjamin Crump. We need to know who is funding this organization. Go to Donate then look at the investors.
I found three organizations that are anti-black Planned Parenthood and (P&G) which is Procter and Gamble and The William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust. I discuss Margaret Sanger in my revised book she was a eugenicist and founder of the Negro Project which is now known as Planned Parenthood. The Negro Project was a plan that the medical community implemented to eradicate the black population by sterilizing black women. Procter and Gamble was also part of the Negro Project. There’s a documented letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. Gamble that’s in public archives. I provide the link on my transcript on my Medium Page under show and prove.
I will read part of the letter Margaret Sanger said “while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. They do not do this with the white people and if we can train the Negro doctor at the Clinic he can go among them with enthusiasm and with knowledge, which, I believe, will have far-reaching results among the colored people. His work in my opinion should be entirely with the Negro profession and the nurses, hospital, social workers, as well as the County’s white doctors. His success will depend upon his personality and his training by us.”
The medical community was talking about hiring black doctors and black nurses lure black people into their trap. The letter goes on to say “The ministers work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the Federation as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” They were talking about hiring sellouts and coons to bit there agenda back in the 1930’s. They put it in writing ladies and gentlemen it’s not a conspiracy. In this day and age ain’t nothing change. (The National Black Justice League) is part of the Negro Project. Here’s another sponsor The William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust. There’s a football stadium in North Carolina named after a white supremacist. His father William R. Kenan Senior help spark the Wilmington Massacre in North Carolina.
I provide the link on my transcript on my Medium Page under show and prove. William Rand Kenan Senior was the commander of a white supremacist militia group who came to Wilmington to exterminate the black population. He massacred scores of black residents in 1898. Black America y’all better know who these people are. These people honor their ancestors while funding so called black organizations that is against the black family.
You have a black alderman on the southside of Chicago by the name of Greg Mitchell Brad he is denying access letters to black entrepreneurs because he is in the pockets of the financial elites. We have to get involved with our local politics and vote against those who don’t embrace a black agenda. Please leave a comment about the topic on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page thanks.
My third topic — Competing Against Mainstream Media On Public Opinion. The mainstream media is once again white washing the truth. Notice you haven’t heard anything in the news about systemic racism, police brutality or socio-economics everything is about getting free jabs. Mainstream media has been the source to lead the national discussion and they control the narrative.
The public is brainwash by mainstream propaganda and are being manipulated and told what to think. In contrast, on the internet you can exchange ideas. If you say something you can be challenged on it. People are being required to prove and validate what they are saying I have no issue I come with receipts. The new black voices of media speaks for the black grass roots and the global black family.
I warned Black America during the 2020 elections that the financial elites will attempt to change the topic. They will talk about anything except black issues that’s our job. I ran across an article on CNBC about the CEO of Pfizer. According to him it looks look people will need to get the jab every year. The pharmaceutical companies have already made hundreds of billions of dollars. The financial elites are setting the stage every time
a serious issue arises they are going to tell us there is something more important to talk about. The financial elites have enlisted there puppets for the sole purpose of deflecting the national discussion away from black issues.
I predict that by next year during the midterm elections based on the current polls the Republicans will win the House and the Senate and Biden will become a lame duck. The main problem Biden has is his mandates which is upsetting the American voters. The black agenda needs to be an economic agenda specifically for the Descendants of American slaves. It is our job to weed out these career politicians who have a Democrat first mentality or a Republican first mentality by looking at their tract record.
Please leave a comment about the topic on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page thanks.
Show and Prove
DOJ won’t seek charges against the officer who shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha
Attorney Benjamin Crump on the Jacob Blake Case
The National Black Justice League
Margaret Sanger Letter
Wilmington Race Riot 1898
UNC Changes Name of Stadium, Which Has Honored Racist
Wilmington Insurrection of 1898
UNC’s Football Stadium: Memorial to the Leader of a White Supremacist
Wilmington on Fire: 1898 Massacre in Wilmington, NC
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicts normal life will return within a year and adds we may need annual Covid shots
State GOP Wages War On Vaccines
iggy Azalea gets called out by social media over blackfishing in latest video
BLM Cofounder Patrisse Cullors: Is She Balling Out Of Control On Your Money?
BLM Co-Founder Just Made A Shocking Confession About Her Corporate Alliances
The Atlanta Black Star
BLM Global Network Foundation
The Tides Center
Biden’s first 100 days: What he’s gotten done
Daycare And Other Business Owners Upset With Alderman For Withholding Documents To Start Their Business
Jelani Day Found With Missing Eyes & Organs After Disappearing On August 25th
4 Elementary School Girls Arrested For Watching Melee At School Made Possible By Illegal Policies
My Credibility
*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
*My Virtual Store GRCAM merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
*My Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.