(The Attempted Assassination OF Former President Donald Trump)
Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page, your X Page formerly known as Twitter, your TikTok Page and or on your LinkedIn Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.
We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live podcast. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from the mainstream media. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People.
Those of you who don’t know me then get to know me make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera. I am the Founder and President of (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. I encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list (2,016) people to come on my online platform. I use my platform to give Black Artists/African Artists, Black Entrepreneurs/ African Entrepreneurs on my friends list and in my social groups an opportunity to promote there products and services to my listeners from the global community. I also give people in the faith community an opportunity to promote their ministries and to share a 30 minute sermon with my listeners from the global community. After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free. I have been hosting video podcast every week and still only one person has donated to our film project. Black People I need you all to step up I not doing all of this for my health.
My film project is my last attempt to get my story on the big screen in order to reach the Black Masses and the Black World to let them know who we are and what we’re trying to do for the African American community and the African Immigrant community for credibility before we expand to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. Work with me while I am alive don’t wait until I am dead. In my Christian business we’re raising the bar in Black America. We will separate ourselves from Con Artists, Black Boule, Degenerates, Democrat Shills, Harden Criminals, Petophiles, Off Code Negroes and Urban Terrorists. Those who rejected my vision and plan will not be part of my Christian business because this is membership based. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it moving. The question at hand how long will it take for us to get this film project fully funded and made? It’s up to the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family. We encourage Nonblack sympathizers to patronize our film project but it’s Black Americans and African Immigrants who are GRCAM Members responsibility to build it and to own it.
The reason why many of you are not getting my notification when we upload a new video post on YouTube is because I am being banned. Shadow ban is the process of blocking a content creator’s videos or blog postings from social sites like Facebook, Instagram or TikTok because someone who works for those companies may not like your point of view whether the action is taken by an individual or an algorithm. This is why it’s so important that GRCAM Members would step up and get behind this film project so that the proceeds from the film would put me in a better position financially so that I can purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. Then we can build (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. GRCAI of Chicago will serve both the African American community & the African Immigrant community starting on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the Southside of Chicago. Since I have little to no support for my cause all I can do at this time is news and social commentary. If you are serious about learning more about me and my virtual Christian socialist organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement then purchase my book and read my story. If you agree with my vision and plan to help improve Black America then make arrangements with me to come on this platform and let’s talk about it and encourage others to join our cause. Also donate what you can towards our film project.
I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America to help speed things up from 10 African Nation’s they are as follows: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. All I ask is that you purchase my revised book either the e-book or the paperback and read my story. If you agree with what I plan to help improve Black America then donate what you can to help me get this film project popin by sharing my information with all of your friends and include your non-black friends this would help speed up the process. Our aim is to raise $250,000 we are using Crowd funding such as GoFundMe so that everyone will know where the money is going.
Upcoming Events
Our Guest Speakers for the month of July is as follows:
Thursday July 18th we have three guest speakers Mr. George Brooks, Mr. Jeremiah Adelu and Bishop Alex
Saturday July 20th Prophetess Marbeth Rose from Virginia.
Please mark your calendar for the following date for our Monthly Virtual Conference Facebook Live Event Saturday July 27th, 2024 Theme:
(The Divine 9 A.K.A The Black Boule vs. GRCAM)
Where: Facebook Live/Stream Yard
Time: 2:00PM-4:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.
Instructions on how to participate on the show: First watch my video presentation this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger and drop a link in the chat room to Stream Yard studio so that you can interact with me in real time on camera this is called side B.
The title of this presentation:
(The Attempted Assassination OF Former President Donald Trump)
Tonight we’re talking about former President Donald Trump assassination attempt. Everybody’s seen what happened, it’s all on the news. We have a lot of people on the left coming up with all kinds of conspiracy theories talking about that was staged listen that was not stage that was an assassination temp point blink. This happened last week on Saturday July 13th. He was at a rally in Butler Pennsylvania as most people know and he was doing his rally his speech and someone start shooting. The shooter was a 20 year old White Male named Thomas Matthew Crooks. He made videos said how he hated Republicans and hated Trump but the interesting thing when they did a background check on him he donated to the Biden campaign during his inauguration people don’t usually donate money during that time. 8 months later he registered as a Republican and then he makes a video about how much he hates Republicans and Trump. If you listen to reporters they said if former President Trump did not turned his head the way he did the bullet that nicked his ear would actually went through his head by the grace of God he turned his head the way he did.
A couple of people actually died on the scene. The shooter was put down and someone in the audience was hit by one of those bullets and died in front of their loved ones. I pray that the individual who lost his life rest in peace. The secret service solidified Trump getting away from the rally. He got shot in the ear and got up with blood on his face. This incident will help galvanize his base. Also, the fact that they’re trying to take him out is further solidifying his base because the Democrats tried to put charges on him that didn’t work. Now somebody tried to assassinate him. It looks like some people are desperate to get him out of the way I’m just saying. Trump took that bullet up there and gave a rising fist which is a symbol for Black Power and the Black Struggle. The Democratic Shills have been having a hissy fit trying to shame people by saying we sound like we’re MAGA crowd. Once he’s re-elected then he’s going to close those borders.
I’ve seen a lot of White Liberals making videos saying such things as why didn’t the bullet take him out or why the shooter missed its target? These White Supremacist Financial Elites on the left are pissed off that Trump survived. There’s a rumor talking about it was a left wing group who probably orchestrated a hit on Trump that’s what the narrative is. So they’re sitting Biden down for a minute because they know there might be some kind of retaliation. Unfortunately, White Supremacist groups battle each other and usually Black Americans end up being scapegoated. Look throughout American history the dominant society always scapegoats us with certain things. If we’re going to fight for something we need to fight for something that’s specific for Black Americans like lineage based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves.
It’s looking really bad for the Democrats right now. Trump has criticized many people in the corporate sector and he has criticized the media. A lot of these guys who do these kinds of shootings usually are affiliated with racist groups like 4chan 8chan are all part of the Alt-Right which is identified as a hate group. For example, people like Dylann Roof, Kyle Rittenhouse and Payton Gendron are the ones who shoot up other White People because that’s who they’re really mad at they’re mad at the white people in White Society for not socially accepting them. They usually hangout on these 4chan websites. All they know are racial stereotypes so a lot of the anger is with the dominant society these are the people who reject them in real life. Remember Dylann Roof’s best friend was Black. We have to be smart about racial politics in America.
Trump is still out here stomping hard for his political campaign. He’s showing strength. I pray that he has a speedy recovery. Trump hasn’t done anything to Black Americans collectively to harm us. On this platform it’s my hope that our Black Empowerment films will attract Black Youth to join us in order to help reduce or end street beefs among inner city youth starting in Chicago. I’m not on here to play games nor am I here to entertain anyone I am here to give a public announcement I need like minded Black Americans, like minded African Immigrants, like minded Black Millennials and like minded Generational Z join my Christian virtual organization called the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement by purchasing my revised book and reading my story. So that you can understand what you are getting yourself involved with. In my business there will be open rewards and there will be open consequences. GRCAM members will build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago for credibility before I cut and run to Africa. I only want to hear from those of you who agree with my vision and plan for Black America. Also donate what you can towards our docu-drama which is based on my revised book. I don’t want to be doing this for another 32 years. I want us to build GRCAI of Chicago which will serve both the African American community and the African Immigrant community. I stand on business everywhere I go.
There’s been reports that everybody went through scanners and all of that they had snipers on the roof. There was an interview that was conducted by Global News. I would like to encourage my listeners to please go to the comment section below this video podcast and look for my Medium transcript click on it and scroll down to show and prove to watch the full video. I want you all to hear exactly what this man said about the shooter. According to the video it said the shooter was climbing up on the roof they had people saying he’s going up there with a rifle. A police officer went up on the roof after him. The White Supremacist Financial Elites got some nerves to say Black Americans are the most violent people in the United States the shooter also had pipe bombs in his car and in his home what brother you know running around with pipe bombs? Look at history who’s community assassinated Former President Abraham Lincoln? Historically the Republicans wanted Black Americans to have land after the end of American Slavery it was the Democrats who had Anti-Black racism was against it that’s why we did not get our 40 acres and a mule that’s US history.
I know Black Americans don’t like talking about that. If they’re trying to take this man’s life it must be a big deal. I am not going to fight a Civil War for the comfort of other people. Black Americans have fought in every war and what happened after they return to America we get subjugated while all these other groups enjoy obtaining the American Dream. If something ever goes down in America I’m not fighting their War I fight for Black Americans but I am still on first based and that’s why I am reaching out to African Immigrants in America to work with me in getting this film project fully funded and made so that I can hire qualified like minded Black Middle Class professionals and like minded African Immigrants to help me build GRCAI of Chicago then we can expand it to South Africa. GRCAI of Chicago is my gift to my people and to encourage Black Parents who are able to leave to come with us and let’s reclaim our ancestral homeland Africa. Help improve the African economy and become dual citizens. In the United States of America we fought for other groups and what did we gain from them nothing.
Our people was hung on trees in their military uniform coming back and being treated like fourth and fifth class citizens. Oppressed at every stage. The battle is not for America the battle is for Africa if we lose Africa we lose everything. Our ancestors built the United States of America now it’s time that we reclaim our birth right and take our continent back from invaders. And yes we can still fight for reparations in Africa because American companies are already there and they owe us and European nations owe Africa reparations for colonization. We’re leaving America due to your Anti-Black policies. America has lost her sense of morality. America has become a cesspool of wickedness, unrighteousness and a den of demons. The sad thing is that a majority of Black Americans are joining this mess. Black Masculine is under attack. American whoredom is propped up in our society.
Black Americans that are die hard Democrats prefer a political candidate that said he don’t want to integrate his children into a racial jungle, a candidate that instituted the 1994 Crime Bill that gave rise to Mass Incarceration of Black Americans yet Black Americans have hatred for the opposite candidate. He didn’t put any laws on the books to Mass Incarcerate Black Americans. America looks real bad right now and on the global stage Trump look real good and he looks like he’s strong because he got shot and he still doing his political campaign. Everybody’s condemning political violence in America so America you can change your image by paying reparations in the form of cash payments to Descendants of American Slaves and that will change your image.
All of the principles in my revised book is the code for GRCAM Members. We are declaring war on this 400 year Slave Mentality known as Willie Lynch in my film and in my future Christian business. I’m supposed to have like a half a million subscribers. To be honest YouTube has a habit of unsubscribing people off my channel. I encourage my listeners to speak with your favorite Black Podcasters who have a large audience to speak with me so that we can get our film project promoted across social media. We will stand on business. We gotta use every tool imaginable to get this thing popping. Many of these platforms are funded by corporate entities that’s trying to gate keep our message and rewrite our history we’re not letting that slide.
A lot of Black Americans are finally waking up and moving away from the Democrat Party. We have to make sure that we don’t commit ourselves to one political party. We should be in the middle Independent voters and vote for policies that best serve the African American community. What have we been getting for voting Democrat for the past 60 years?I don’t advocate for us moving from one political party Democrat to Republican because I don’t want Republicans to feel like they own the Black Vote. They have to offer us economic tangibles in the form of Cash Payments for Descendants of American Slaves as well as an Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. We need to center ourselves as Black Independents and only vote for policies that will benefit our group.
I wrote about Malcolm X in my revised book. He talked about Democracy back in the day. He said I am not American, that’s how I feel. I am one of the 22 million Black People who are the victims of Americanism. One of the victims of democracy is nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So I’m not standing here speaking to you as an American or a patriot or a flag saluter or a flag waiver no not I. I’m speaking as a victim of this American system and I see America Through The Eyes of the victims. I don’t see any American dreams, I see an American Nightmare.
Malcolm X said that back in 1964. A majority of Black Americans are not aware but the American dream is not real it’s a nightmare and many Black Americans are starting to wake up. Democracy as Malcolm X so eloquently stated is nothing more but hypocrisy. This democracy is not working for our best interest. There’s so much corruption going on. We need to have more of these conversations among our people. In Africa a lot of businesses are owned by foreigners. For example the majority of businesses are run by Arabs, Asians, East Indians and Europeans. yo this is not working for the best interest of African People. I’m trying to get my Christian business started in America and then expand it to 10 African nations with the help of African Immigrants here in America for credibility. It’s going to take like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants who are GRCAM Members to come together and build GRCAI of Chicago and not rely on the government. Unfortunately the system is here to protect the interest of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. We need to stop putting our trust in democracies that weren’t created by us we’re relying on people who don’t have our best interests at heart. Once we’re established in America then I plan on expanding GRCAI to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. Our democracy here in America is in shambles because it’s not benefiting Black Americans as a collective group.
Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling. I’m going to send a challenge out to everybody that’s listening to this video podcast. I need you all to support our film project so that we can move beyond cyberspace and get our story on the big screen to let the Black World know who we are and what we are trying to do for our people who are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago. “Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins” You can be apart of this historic docu-drama by contributing to our campaign either on our GoFundMe Page or our PayPal Page which will help fund marketing, promotion, clearances, legal and general expenses.
Thank you all for listening and we’ll see you on the next video podcast. Please join GRCAM by joining either my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group or Christian Spoken Word Network) or join my Secular groups GRCAI of Africa, GRCAI of Chicago or New Black Voices of Media etc… also exchange emails with me so that we can stay connected because this is my third Facebook Page hackers are forever bugging. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.
I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our GoFundMe Page or if you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. You can also purchase items from our Virtual Store or purchasing my Revised Book. The E-book is $9.99 or the Paperback is $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. We appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and look to the far right next to my photo and it will say more links. Make sure you click that subscribe button, make sure you hit that like button and see you on the next episode. This will concluded our video podcast. Peace and Blessings
Show and Prove
Trump shooting: “Bunch of questions,” says man who pointed out gunman to police, Secret Service
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far
Malcolm X Speech “Democracy is Hypocrisy”
Some Black Americans Received Their 40 Acres & A Mule Until President Lincoln Was Assassinated
My Credibility
* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Donate & Share)
* Our PayPal Giving Fund Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.
* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters,
Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)
* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)