(Speaking Directly To My Base: The Black Grass Roots & The Global Black Family)

Emmanuel Barbee
10 min readSep 12, 2021



Greetings Family, welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. If you are new to this channel or podcast then please subscribe and share our content with your friends this will help grow our audience. I provide a written transcript in the group with the same name on Facebook for those of who don’t speak English. I also site all of my sources under Show and Prove section you can find all of my work under the About section on this Youtube channel.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups by giving Black business owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from the podcast community.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast & Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.

Our goal this year is to raise $500,000 for our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). I would like to thank those of you who have donated to our film project.

I encourage people from my friends list and people in my social groups who want to be part of our film project please send me your email address to my Facebook inbox. We will hold a private conference through Google Meetings to discuss the best method of reaching others via social media, people from there friends list, donors & local businesses.

(GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to help eradicate urban violence in Chicago through our programs and services. Our objective is to build a bridge between the Diaspora and continental Africans through arts, culture and commerce. (GRCAI of Chicago) will be in the business of creating docu-dramas, short films, theater, photography, fine arts, music, poetry, literature, sculpture, dance and spiritual development for inner city youth. Once this virus is cleaned up we plan on launching African tours in order for us to move from behind a computer and make real connections with our Global Black Family on continent starting in South Africa.

I created (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement because I got tired of all of the division among Black People. I created GRCAM in 1991 on a site called Gopher. I wanted to create an organization that focus specifically on solving black issues in America. I wanted to connect with other like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Afro-Latinos through out the Diaspora.

This is a podcast where we talk about solving Black issues/African issues using a spiritual perspective as it pertains to the great awakening of our people that has been prophesied. Our objective is to get our film project fully funded and play it by ear during COVID-19. Once this virus is cleaned up then we will shoot our film and promote our film in selected movie theaters and sell our DVDs. Together we will put GRCAM on the map and turn my vision for Black America into a reality.

In 2021 and beyond The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will be promoting a policy of Global Black Unity, Ownership and Community Support. Our objective is to be in a place where we own everything we consume and we support one another. We’re reaching out to our group members and listeners and would like to encourage them to support our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) in three ways which are as follows:

1. Though our virtual store GRCAM Merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.

2. Though our nonprofit organization (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago Paypal Page. Donation can be used as a tax right off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

3. You can support us by purchasing my revised book on Amazon through my Author Page.

Keep in mind community support is where we have to go and please understand when you’re supporting our Youtube channel or our podcast you’re supporting an independent black network which will eventually employ Black People in our films, stage plays and in our actual business. I need African entrepreneurs especially in South Africa to come on the show and promote your businesses and ministries to the Diaspora and vice versa. This is the weekend edition of the show. Today’s topic: (Speaking Directly To My Base: The Black Grass Roots & The Global Black Family)

Before I go into my presentation I need to say a brief prayer heavenly father touch the hearts and minds of every person who is listening to this video-podcast prove to my enemies that you have called me to do this great work that is badly needed in our inner cities in America, Africa, the Caribbean and Brazil in Jesus/Yeshua name. I encourage all of my Christian friends from around the globe to please support our film project and add my name to your prayer list, ask the Holy Spirit to connect me with other like minded Black People and Others who have the means and the skills to get our film project fully funded and made in Jesus/Yeshua name.

I encourage all of my Christian group members in (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network) to please step up don’t just post your videos in the groups I need for you all to participate on this show either by calling in through Facebook messenger or if you are unable to participate then watch my video-podcast, leave a public comment on my Facebook Page about the topic. Most of all please share my video-podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling. If you can please purchase my e-book on Amazon and help me get it on the best sellers list so that people will take our cause serious. The proceeds from the book will go towards our film project which will be a win win situation.

I encourage people in my Secular groups (GRCAI of Chicago, GRCAI of Africa & New Black Voices of Media) to participate on this show as well. If you can please purchase my e-book on Amazon and help me get it on the best sellers list so that people will take our cause serious. The proceeds from the book will go towards our film project which will be a win win situation.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement into a real black Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my virtual store, my revised book and now through my future urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

The proceeds from the film will put me in a better position financially so that I can hire qualified black middle class professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property on the Westside and Southside of Chicago. As well as in Africa and the Caribbean. GRCAI of Chicago will become a tourist attraction and help revitalize the black community and black businesses that’s already there. Let’s make history lets take control of our own community by supporting this Black Empowerment film.

Today we’re talking about Speaking Directly To My Base: The Black Grass Roots & The Global Black Family. I would like to address The Black Grass Roots. I have a lot of people in my social groups who are pretending to be down with our cause which is Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos starting in Chicago. But in reality they are just in the group to be seen they are known as passive spectators. We got to stop falling for illusionary support from people who are not really supporting us. We need to stop paying attention to stuff that doesn’t matter and focus on what’s happening in Black America. This generation has a tool that no other generation had before that is the internet. Through the internet we can reach millions of people from around the globe. I don’t have all of the answers but I do have a plan to help solve problems in Black America and in Africa if given a chance. My question to Black America when are we going to get at a point where we stop having loyalty to a political party and instead have loyalty to our own group?

Ice Cube tried to talk with both Democrats and Republicans in order for us to obtain tangibles. Since people on my friends list and people in my social groups that refuse to share my warning back during the 2020 elections with their friends as a result we have zero tangibles. While the Asian community was able to get a specific Hate Crime Bill and 50 million dollars in resources. According to the Washington Post “Hate crimes rise to highest level in 12 years amid increasing attacks on Black and Asian people, FBI says” Attacks targeting Black People rose from 1,930 to 2,755 compared to Asian People from 158 to 274 this situation just started happening to them last year. We’ve been going through this for 400 years yet we still can’t get hate crime bill specifically for Black People. If Asians received a Hate Crime bill in a years time and 50 million dollars specifically for the Asian community.

What should we get when our numbers based on the FBI own report? Nine months the Biden Administration has been in power. Black People are still being treated like third and forth class citizens. The things that the Biden Administration said that they would discuss Reparations and Criminal Justice Reform. Now the conversation is about bring Afghan Refugees into the surrounding black neighborhoods. The New Black Voices of Media is calling out the Democrat Party. Black celebrities and Black Activist we have been the most attacked and we’ve got nothing. If we don’t start getting something for our vote then we as a group in America will become a permanent underclass. The United States of America are airlifting Afghan Refugees to America. We’re being push down by Afghan Refugees, Asian community, Illegal Immigrants, Latinos, LGBT community and White Feminists.

It’s all your fault Black America. Siting around talking about racism does not solve racism. Creating black institutions in the black community is part of the solution. I’m trying to build an institution (GRCAI of Chicago) for black children and their families. Today we’re surrounded by this victim mindset whether it’s In Africa, America, Canada or Europe everything is about I’m a victim and this is what you should give me.
The Civil Rights Movement was about demanding the financial elites to give black people equality, freedom, and justice. What the Civil Rights Movement was saying to the financial elites is that our culture is not good enough we want to be part of your culture and have access to your economy. We didn’t appreciate our own culture. Over the past 10 years our culture has been dominated by (BLM) Black Lives Matter a female led organization that is rooted in victim mindset.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is about black people taking accountability while acknowledging our history that America had oppressed us. Once I am able to get our Christian organization established in America I plan on expanding it to at lease 5 cities in America. I plan on turning the business over to qualified Middle Class Professionals. I want to expand my talent and skills in Africa. I will encourage our members to take their talents and skills back to our ancestral home land Africa. If black people get on some real togetherness it’s gonna be a problem. We’re not victims we’re just choosing not to fight.

My goal through (GRCAI of Chicago) is to help reconstruct the way we think as a people. As long as black people remain in the United States of America then we are doomed based on the numbers. Black People are embedded in the corruption of America we have to break away from the comforts of America. Everyone knows what’s killing the black community that is lack of investment. We have to separate ourselves from people who don’t want to move forward. On this platform we allow people to come on here to speak their truths. Chicago is a war zone it’s a bad place to raise black children. Urban terrorist will pull a strap on you and blow your brains out over nothing that’s the mentality to kill and destroy. We have to deal with this head on this Willie Lynch mentality within black society.
Dumb ratchet behavior gets all the likes we have to raise our Children to become entrepreneurs we have enough athlete’s, dancers, and entertainers.

GRCAI of Chicago will create satellite communities within our inner cities beginning in Chicago. We plan to come to Africa as an organized group to help build infrastructure so that we can raise our children in a safe environment. Our next film project will be made in South Africa and the name of that film will be called (African Liberator: Battle Against The Colonized Mindset). This is where the Global Black Family need to help us connect with African Immigrant communities in America they are as follows: the Liberian community, Ivory Coast community, Ghana community, Angola community, Nigeria community, South African community, Kenyan community, Ethiopian community, Tanzanian community and Ugandan community.

We would also like to connect with the Caribbean community in America such as The Bahamian community, Barbados community, Haitian community, Jamaican community, and Trinidad community. I encourage my African group members to put pressure on your governments to allow the Diaspora to have citizenship between 3 years to 5 years in exchange for our talents and skills. The Diaspora as a collective is a 1 trillion dollar spending power then why can’t we come together and build our own institutions and our own system.

Show and Prove

Hate crimes rise to highest level in 12 years amid increasing attacks on Black and Asian people, FBI says


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*My Virtual Store GRCAM merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*My Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.