(Putting My Reputation On The Line By Educating GRCAM Members Worldwide)

Emmanuel Barbee
15 min readDec 29, 2023



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live podcast. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live in America that knows how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from the mainstream media. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People. I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free.

Here on out we’re going to use our GoFundMe Page as an indicate of our progress in getting this film fully funded and made. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. At this time all I can do is news commentary.

We host our virtual conferences every last Saturday of the month until we are able to raise the capital to fund our film project. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is a solution base docu-drama which is based on my experience growing up in the inner cities of Chicago. And the purpose why I created GRCAM in the first place. This is our Black Panther moment except it’s not owned by Disney it’s owned by us. We want to get this film in front of five hundred million people worldwide. We will offer a 21st Century solution both domestically within the United States of America and throughout the Diaspora. Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria.

Stand up and work with me the sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build GRCAI of Chicago and expand to Africa starting in South Africa. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours in 10 African nations. We’re going to meet people from my African group GRCAI of Africa.

I will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization.

Upcoming Events: Save The Date Saturday December 30th we have Prophetess Hope Pretty Love from Nigeria will be sharing God’s Word with us. January 1st we have Minister Safiya Poe from South Carolina she will also be sharing God’s Word with us and on Wednesday January 3rd we have Mr. Ferman Jackson Jr. from Texas who will share his story and his podcast information with us. I want to do more than just news commentaries but until I am able to get our film project fully funded and made I will do my best at it. We’re trying to give everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups an opportunity to come on our online platform to promote your business or your ministry to our listeners from the global community until we are able to build (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

Our Topic — Chicago Mayor & City Council Prevent Local Residents From Voting On Sanctuary City Status. This proves that Democrats believe in Authoritarianship not democracy.

I thought I was finished doing news commentary for the remainder of the year but family, this story is very important for us to talk about. I ran across a video clip from African Diaspora News Channel with Vicki Dillard entitled (Chicago City Council Voted To Silence & Punish Black Objections To Migrant Sanctuary Cities). To watch the full video please go to my Medium Page and select the exact title of this presentation then scroll down to show and prove. From my perspective Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Democrats are openly practicing Anti-democracy and Anti-Black Racism. Many citizens in Chicago wanted Sanctuary City status to be on the ballot in March but the City Council voted against it. This action alone prevented Chicago Citizens from voting on this issue. The Democrats is the party that always talk about saving democracy but in this case they are showing their true colors.

They don’t want the citizens of Chicago to have a say about what’s happening in Chicago. They don’t want American citizens to have a choice; they are fighting against the wishes of Chicago residents. They’re acting like an authoritarian regime. They think that they have the right to say what’s best for Chicago residents and what’s best for our tax dollars because it’s not going toward city services or directed towards our children yet these same Democrats wants you to come out and vote for them again. A lot of people are angry and upset because once again they lied to Black Voters they’re pushing their agenda which is to prioritize foreigners over American Citizens.

I found a TikTok video clip entitled (Martin G Johnson) To watch the full video please go to my Medium Page and select the exact title of this presentation then scroll down to show and prove. The video was about a Black Woman who is a radio host on WVON the name of her show is called Black Excellence Hour. She is a Black Republican. Basically what she was saying is that the City Council voted against the interest of Chicago Voters the taxpayers of Chicago. According to what she said “The City Council took our rights away from us, we do not deserve this level of disenfranchisement but this is what the Democratic Party does, this is exactly who they are. Democrats are the KKK, it’s the gorilla Warfare arm of the Democratic Party. They’re all the same people they take away our right to vote, they take away our homes through taxes and fines and use trickery language to get our votes, just like they did in the South.

It’s time to move on we want everybody to put your gym shoes on, tie them up real tight cuss we’re running to the right we’re done. We don’t want to talk to you anymore. We don’t want to have any more meetings we’re not going to do any more compromise and because they did not want to give us the referendum that we wanted we’re going to say no to their referendum vote no on the green Chicago home. We didn’t ask for that, we asked for the referendum on Sanctuary City status. The Sanctuary City policy acts as a magnet on the Sears Tower and what happens is Illegal Immigrants from all over the world know once they get to Chicago they can stay because ICE is not coming. They’re going to get food, they’re going to get a Link Card, they’re going to get somewhere to stay and their kids are going to go to school.” Remember the George Floyd Protests? All of that marching and protesting and still to this day Qualified Immunity is still on the books.

In America Black People are constantly being sabotaged and attacked by the White Supremacist Financial Elites. We can’t stop them from gentrifying our neighborhoods. Before Dr. King Jr. assassination he said he was afraid that he was leading his people into a burning house. He then began to stomp hard for Black Americans by demanding our reparations because Civil Rights alone was not going to repair the harmful damage of American Slavery and legal segregation known as Jim Crow. I found an old video clip of Dr. King Jr. saying we’re coming to Washington D.C. to get our check. To watch the full video please go to my Medium Page and select the exact title of this presentation then scroll down to show and prove.

The Democrats are pushing Black People towards Republicans. That’s what they don’t realize the more you keep taking things away from people the more they are going to organize and fight back. Here’s the real problem in Black America. I wrote in my revised book that Black Americans need to form an alliance with African Immigrants so that we can build GRCAI of Chicago together for credibility within the African American community, throughout the Diaspora and the Black World. All these other groups are codified like I mentioned in my book that Latinos are going to fight like hell to make sure that their people are going to become citizens while Black Americans are still acting off code in this day and age. All of the principles in my book is the code and my revised book is the foundation of my Christian business. My business will be membership based. I am only responsible for my members, those who are not part of us. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it movin.

We will vet everyone during our mandatory orientation in order to weed out those who will try to undermine our progress. I am trying to start a new Black movement from the Black Grassroots known as the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Our objective is to raise the bar in Black America and separate ourselves from Con Artist, Degenerates, Harden Criminals, Pedophiles and Urban Terrorists within our community. We will offer a 21st Century solution to solve black issues within the United States of America if given a chance. But for 32 years Black Chicago/Black America has taken me for a joke now my warnings are coming to pass. All I have is my revised book and my virtual store. My revised book has been on Amazon for 11 years now and still barely selling the same items on my virtual store. This tells me that Black America don’t want a solution and at the end of the day it’s our children who are suffering because of this Willie Lynch mentality within black society.

My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. At this time we don’t have any African nations that can advocate for us because they’re not telling us to come back. The so-called Year of Return back in 2019 was just a way for Ghana to encourage African tourism; they did not offer any real substance. For example, one of my associates told me that they had to pay the same amount of money that foreigners paid just to see the slave dungeon. I respect the fact that at least the Israelis have dual citizenship. Israel tell their people from around the globe they can have citizenship so I give Israel credit for that. We don’t have that as Black Americans as of yet but we could if Black America would embrace my vision and plan we have to reconnect with African Immigrants that’s already here in America first. If we would build GRCAI of Chicago this would turn around our situation in America. This is why Black People are treated like third and fourth class citizens because the White Supremacist Financial Elites know there’s no nation that’s going to advocate for us that’s the truth and that’s sad.

The Democrats thought that Black Americans would continue to sit up here and watch them prioritize all these other groups while practicing Benign and Neglect policies with us. The Democrats are giving all of our resources to foreigners yet they have a nerve to ask us to continue voting for them. I encourage my group members and my listeners in 2020 to demand tangibles for our vote but Black America wanted to get Trump out of office and they voted 90% Democrat and now look at the results it’s going to get worse for Black Americans unless we confront this Willie Lynch mentality head on and that’s what my business is all about healing from enslavement those of us who are Descendants of American Slaves and for African Immigrants and Native Africans for y’all to also heal from the Colonized Mindset.

The Democrats are taking our tax dollars and giving it to foreigners make it make sense? The United States of America is telling Illegal Immigrants that they don’t have to follow the law of the land or rules but Black Americans better follow every law and every ordinance or you will be jailed and fined. We lost our power to be able to vote on whether we want Chicago to continue being a Sanctuary City or not. We also lost our opportunity to vote whether we should have the Laquan Mcdonald Law. This is not just limited to Chicago but in New York and across the United States of America it’s time for Black citizens and American citizens to step up and say no to the disrespect of democracy we call on all Americans to stand with Chicago on this matter.

Let’s go back two years ago you would never hear about Black People saying they wanted Donald Trump back in office it was unheard of the Democrats have done so much damage to the Black Community. Now you have Black Chicagoans saying that they are going to help flip Illinois red meaning turn Illinois into a Republican State. I believe that American citizens have a right to say we live in a democracy we have a right to our voice. Chicago residents have a right to have a recall on Brandon Johnson after 6 months. He has proven that he is Democrat first. We got to come to terms with you get what you voted for. Now you see how these Democrats feel about us. If y’all go out there and vote Democrat again I don’t want to hear nothing. I have sympathy right now because a lot of you didn’t understand politics and what the Democrats were up to but coming in 2024.

Some Black People are cool with being treated like a fourth and fifth class citizen and being at the bottom and that’s fine just say that. I’m cool with all of my tax dollars and resources going to benefit other groups over my own kids just say that. I respect that more than you trying to give excuses about the Democrats. Just say I’m fine with being a permanent underclass I’m not going to do nothing in life they don’t have to give me nothing. I cannot respect anyone who sells out their people for White Liberals or White Conservatives. Don’t sit up here just talking about what the Liberals are doing you need to also talk about what the Conservatives are doing too. I got to smoke for both of them.

I’m not a Liberal nor am I a Conservative I’m Independent and all Black People should be Independent. You should not tie yourself to one political party. When you tie yourself to a political party it means you’re tie yourself to their ideals no matter what side it’s best to be politically Independent and decide what policies are best for the Black Community.

Our greatest enemy is Democrat Shills, Black Politicians that’s not selected from the grassroots, Urban Terrorists who does the bidding for White Supremacy and the Black Boule because they are in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. For example, Barack Obama was a trojan horse he was in office for 8 years and he did not do anything specific for Black America. I had an issue with him because he did not lift the sanctions on Zimbabwe. America got involved with Zimbabwe because they did not like the fact that Robert Mugabe decided to retake the land from Western settlers and give it back to it’s rightful owners Black Africans. He has passed on and still America has sanctions on Zimbabwe. Another issue I had with the Obama Administration is that he was openly against reparations for Descendants of American Slaves but he had no problem giving reparations to Jewish Americans. What happen to them did not happen in America that took place in Germany. I found an article entitled “Obama Administration Awards $12M for Assistance to Holocaust Survivors” Japanese Americans were compensated and Native Americans so what about us?

Another example, Jamie Harrison he is head of the (DNC) Democratic National Committee. He is going along with the agenda to harm Black America. Why the Democrats are not talking about Navy Federal being the largest Credit Union in the country discriminating in housing by using red lining tactics all over again. I looked at the report Black People making $140,000 a year were being denied while White People making only $62,000 was getting homes. Black People made double the amount yet they are getting denied by Navy Federal where’s our democrat friends speaking out about regulations and a DOJ Investigation? The Democrats have upset their biggest loyal voting base Black Voters within three years.

Please join GRCAM by joining either my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network) or my Secular groups like GRCAI of Africa, GRCAI of Chicago or New Black Voices of Media etc… also exchange emails with me so that we can stay connected because this is my third Facebook Page hackers are forever bugging. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all, share this video podcast with your friends. This will help get the ball rolling.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our Paypal Page, purchasing items from our Virtual Store, purchasing my Revised Book or sending a direct donation through our GoFundMe Page we appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Anchor/Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and select the about section, then scroll down to links. Peace and blessings #NotAnother32Years

Show and Prove

Chicago City Council Voted To Silence & Punish Black Objections To Migrant Sanctuary Cities


Black Chicagoans Are No Longer Asking, But Demanding Reparations Due To The City Helping Migrants


Chicago City Council sanctuary city referendum roundly defeated


TikTok Video Martin G Johnson




Migrants Going Around Begging For Food And Money In Well To Do NYC Neighborhood


Robert Mugabe


Native American Reparations

U.S. Government To Pay $492 Million To 17 American Indian Tribes



Japanese Americans Compensation


Obama Administration Awards $12M for Assistance to Holocaust Survivors


Laquan McDonald


New York governor vetoes bill that would make it easier for people to challenge their convictions


African Diaspora News Channel

US State Department Quietly Release Policy Papers Revealing Plans To Target Eritrea’s Youth


Elijah McClain’s Mother Showed No Mercy Or Forgiveness To The Paramedics And Officer Who Deleted Him


Homestead Acts


Memorandum 46



This video discusses Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government counteracted it with the use of the tactics in Memorandum 46. Memo 46 is an U.S. Govt memo to stop African people in the U.S from uniting globally with other Africans. This was done by the financial elites to place a black face in leadership.

‘Benign Neglect’ on Race Is Proposed by Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon


Black Panther Party


The Willie Lynch Letter and The Making OF A Slave


Dr. King Speaks on Economics and Reparations


The Black Boule


My Credibility

* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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