Emmanuel Barbee
5 min readNov 15, 2019

(#Not Another 28 Years — Emmanuel Barbee More Than Just A Blogger)

I refuse to allow Black America to shame me for having a solution to solve our social problem once and for all in America. I will restart my podcast(Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos) in January 2020 and continue my podcast until the IRS gives me the green light to pursue Angel Investors and Sponsors to invest $400,000 into my film project. In order for me to hire professional film crew and quality actors. The proceeds from my film will go towards me hiring Black Middle Class Professionals, purchasing property within the inner cities and eventually on the African Continent. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. Those who join my management team will go down in history with me and Sister Rena.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my revised book and now through my upcoming urban Christian film. My focus now is to mobilize my true supporters to come forth and be apart of my film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America I don’t have another 28 years to waste.

If you are serious and able to travel to Chicago for our open audition for my urban Christian film then please send me your email address to my Facebook inbox and be on stand by, until I am able to get the green light from the IRS. I am looking for the following: Season film crew such as Sound Technicians, Computer Graphic Designers, Assistant Director, Director of Photography, Camera Assistants, Hair & Makeup Artist, Production Assistants, Actors/Actresses, Comedians, Dancers, Models, Musicians, Poets, Gospel Singers, Screen Writers and Secular artist.

My purpose for being on social media is to connect with like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans from around the globe. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is not about just posting blogs and videos but rather have vibrant conversations about solving black issues in America, community activism and rebuilding Black Wall Street starting in Chicago.

GRCAM Mission

To eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through our programs and services.
To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the communities we will serve.

To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by being a community advocate and resource for our members.

To strengthen the black family by working directly with single black mothers/fathers who want to utilize our services. For example we will offer youth services to children and young adults by providing them with a stipends to be in our films, stage plays, and music videos. This act alone will have a positive impact in the black community base on our budget and sponsorship.

To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will achieve this through journalism, social media and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America.

To create innovative educational programs that advances the black agenda and challenges and entertains audiences in Chicago and beyond.

To turn my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.

GRCAI will be is a world class institution that equips black entrepreneurs using biblical principles to raise up companies and transform desolate places into flourishing communities for the glory of God. GRCAI objective is to equip men and women to serve and lead with integrity, creativity, competence and compassion in a global urbanized world. GRCAI aspires to become the Midwest hub for those who seek to develop their full individual potential through a distinctive, innovative and dynamic environment of exploration, creativity and discovery for leading lives of servant-minded leadership.

GRCAI seeks to increase community safety, black empowerment and to catalyze youth-led civic dialogue and action within the black community. Through the creation and performance of ensemble based stage plays and films GRCAM encourages our youth to become powerful agents for change.

GRCAI Vision

To reconnect with our motherland Africa. Africa is our ancestral homeland and we as Black People throughout the Diaspora need to go back and help share our knowledge, talent, and skills in order to put Africa back at it’s rightful place in the world.

To become a well recognized faith based organization by creating theatre that fosters awareness, understanding, and celebration of black culture. We hope to educate and empower audiences and incite social change throughout the African Diaspora.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be membership based. Everyone will be screen, must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

Our Values

Christian Faith

The Christian faith is an integral part of our community.

The Individual

As a member of God’s creation, each person is unique and is blessed with inherent worth.


We bring quality, high standards, and innovation to meet every challenge we encounter. We strive for excellence in who we are and what we do.


Our community demonstrates the accord between our beliefs and practices.


Recognizing and addressing the needs of others is a response to God’s love for us, and a reflection of God’s love for them.


We prize creativity, risk-taking, and teamwork as strengths, artistically and organizationally.


We serve as leaders of social change through film/theatre and community involvement.


We express ourselves honestly and truthfully in our art, dialogue, and lives.

Fiscal responsibility

We effectively steward the resources of the organization.


GRCAI will offer family friendly entertainment. We will bring passion, enthusiasm, and joy in everything we do.

My LinkTree Page

Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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