(My Message To Black Millennials: GRCAM Will Set The Standard For Black American Youth, African Youth, Caribbean Youth & Brazilian Youth)

Emmanuel Barbee
13 min readOct 10, 2021



Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Thank you very much for tuning in. If you’re not already subscribed to our Youtube channel then go ahead and click that subscribe button so that you can be notified when we upload a new video. If you are already subscribed then please give the video a like and share this video-podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling. This podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and a Written transcript in order for us to reach our audience. I also site all of my sources under Show and Prove on my Medium Page which is where I post my transcript.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups by giving Black business owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.

We need your help now more than ever. Our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) is funded by the Black Grass Roots and the Global Black Family. I am working with a shoestring budget as our community continues to grow, our operational costs will also grow. If you got any value from our content this year please consider supporting our film project in three ways they are as follows:

1. Though our virtual store. We provide merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.

2. Though our Paypal Page. (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a faith base, community advocacy organization. Donations can be used as a tax right off for U.S. citizens because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

3. You can also support our film project by purchasing my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition which is available on my Amazon Author Page. I provide each website on my transcript under Show & Prove. You can also find each website on my Youtube channel under About.

When you’re supporting our Youtube channel or our podcast you’re supporting an independent black network which will eventually employ Black People in our films, stage plays and in our actual business. We’re gonna start getting things done. We need to own and control institutions in our neighborhoods.

If you are unable to participate on the show no worries after the show I upload my video-podcast on my Youtube Page and on my Anchor Page. When you have a moment please watch my latest video-podcast, leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page about the topic. Please share my information with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Instructions how to participate on the show:
First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon. Today’s topic:
(My Message To Black Millennials: GRCAM Will Set The Standard For Black American Youth, African Youth, Caribbean Youth & Brazilian Youth)

Before I begin my presentation I need to share something with my listeners. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement humbly ask you to help us fund our independent black empowerment film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begin). 98% of our group members don’t give; they simply look the other way. If you have already supported us through donation, purchasing items from our virtual store or have purchased my revised book then we sincerely appreciate it.

If you donate just $5.00 or whatever you can then our online talkshow can continue to thrive for years. If our show has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. Show the world that access to independent Black Media is beneficial, reliable and matters to you. We’re taking our story to the next level the Big screen in Jesus name.

Finally, I would like to remind our listeners to mark your calendar for November 10th 2021. We will be celebrating the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement 30th Anniversary. If interested in participating on the show send me your email address to my Facebook inbox thanks. I have 1,457 people on my Facebook friends list. I pray that God would touch everyone hearts for them to do their part in supporting our film project & sharing our video-podcast with their friends this will help get the ball rolling.

My vision goes beyond a small store front in the inner city of Chicago I am called to unite like minded black people around the globe to help me turn my vision into a reality starting in Chicago. Returning back to the topic-(My Message To Black Millennials: GRCAM Will Set The Standard For Black American Youth, African Youth, Caribbean Youth & Brazilian Youth).

Mainstream media isn’t trying to hear what we have to say so we’re making our voices heard in cyberspace and now through our future film. Power in this season is coming from the ground up. GRCAM is a 21st Century Kingdom Building, Global Black Unity, and Black Economic Empowerment virtual organization created to solve our social problems within the Black Community, Africa and throughout the African Diaspora. Our podcast is the Black Media component of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement.

If you want to know what I have been doing in the black community then read my revised book. My revised book is the foundation of our Christian socialist organization. You do not have to be a Christian to be part of this organization just as long as you are a law abiding citizen and interested in improving the black community and working with black families then you are welcome to join us.

Sister Rena and I are looking for more than just smart people we’re looking for brave black young adults who are serious about working with us in building up the black community starting in Chicago. Sister Rena is the only person in Chicago working with me. She has been assisting me for nine years and this is why it’s taken so long for us to get this organization up and running.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning our virtual Christian socialist organization (GRCAM) into a real Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) is the lack of manpower and the capital. This is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube Videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my Online Talkshow, my Virtual Store, my Revised Book, my Paypal Page and now through our future urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

The proceeds from the film will put me in a better position financially so that I can hire qualified Black Middle Class Professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property on the Westside and Southside of Chicago. As well as in Africa and down the road in the Caribbean & Brazil. GRCAI of Chicago will become a tourist attraction and help revitalize the black community and black businesses that’s already there. GRCAI of Chicago mission is to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development.

GRCAI of Chicago will bring revenue to the black community while building up our own economy then we can solve many of these issues in black society. We will declare war on this Willie Lynch mentality within black culture. In our business we will learn how to heal collectively and stop destroying ourselves. We should not try to copy our oppressors we have to create our own institutions and that’s all I am trying to do. We have access to a lot of resources in America we just need to take care of ourselves as a collective. We need to connect with other like minded black people who think like us then we can turn around our communities in America if enough of us were on code and involved with this organization.

GRCAI of Chicago will help prioritize our goals such as securing our neighborhood and protecting our women and children. We will reach out to former gang members and people who were incarcerated for non-violent crimes this is what my creator called me to do.
I agree with Mayor Lightfoot over no charges filed by Kim Foxx in Chicago gang shooting. We see the video of urban terrorist shooting into someone home but if they done the same thing to a white family they would be place under the jail. I provide the video on my transcript under show and prove.

I am trying to create a future for our children before I take my talent and skills to Africa. GRCAI of Chicago will offer opportunities to young black youth and their families by meeting the need of the community while making meaningful connections through our films, our community events and African tours. I can’t build GRCAI of Chicago alone I need our group members from GRCAM to step up and help me turn my vision and plan into reality by helping me raise the funds for our film project point blink. I believe this film will help inspire black people all over the world.

Before I cut and run to Africa I want to lead by example. I want the Global Black Family to know what I had to endure for the past 29 years trying to help my people who are trapped in American ghettos. This film project is not just about me but also about our active group members who have been with me on Facebook for 17 years. Every other racial group in America focus on being competitive Black Americans is the only group focusing on Kumbaya and being inclusive. Truth be told all we are to other racial groups are tools for them to use and discard. The best example of this was the 2020 election.

During that time people all over the world got to see how black people are treated in America because of the brutal murder of George Floyd on video. The Democrats talked about getting the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act during the political campaign. Black voters help the Democrats win the presidency, the House and the Senate. The Biden Administration wrote executive orders for the LGBT community, Illegal Immigrants from Latin America, Central America and Mexico. They also passed a hate crime bill for Asians and gave them 50 million dollars for their businesses. According to the LA Times Congress failed to pass the George Floyd Act Policing Bill.

The Democrats blamed Republicans saying negotiations failed. Tim Scott said he was disappointed that Democrats did not agree to end choke holds, reduce the transfer of military equipment to police departments and funding for mental health programs. He wanted to make sure the bill held law enforcement accountable. To learn more about this story just go to my Medium Page and read my transcript under show and prove. I will also post my transcript on my Facebook Wall. The Democrats can’t put this on Republicans because the Democrats control both the House and the Senate. They could pass the George Floyd Act Policing Bill on a simple majority vote.

What did Joe Biden tell Black America before he got elected? He said he was going to return everything back prior to Donald Trump. This is the party that a majority of you voted for. Joe Biden does not support ending qualified immunity. Let’s be real Black America don’t want a solution. Many black leaders have been given Black America solutions people like Marcus Garvey, Harriet Tubman, Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Ben Yosef-jochannan etc… All of these solutions that black people have been sharing with us yet majority of us are still marching and protesting begging the financial elites for Freedom, Justice & Equality for the past 53 years how is that working out for you?

I have been pushing my message online for 29 years truth be told I believe all black people want is validation from white people. Black Americans have become Americanized and have embrace the dominant society and their culture. Their solution is hope for the best under white supremacy. The Haitians saw how that worked out. Black People need to work with each other that’s the only way we can get things done. The Democrats will continue to pull this mess with black people as long as black people keep voting for them and not making them pay politically for not delivering any tangibles.

Like I said on my last podcast I respect Dr. King Jr. and our grandparents for standing up and fighting for us to be treated as equals in America but like I said in my revised book Dr. King Jr. and our grandparents got caught up with pushing for integration we begin spending our money in white businesses while neglecting black businesses as a consequence our community has been destroyed by outsiders through gentrification and from within by urban terrorist.

We’re in a world that is highly competitive and more connected due to the internet. All other racial groups are using this technology to build industry we have to do the same that’s why I created GRCAM now I am asking active group members to help me move our virtual organization to the big screen and in our community on a domestic front and on a international front. This is the reason why we will travel to Africa is to build an international coalition with our African brothers and sister from my African group called GRCAI of Africa.

When I come to South Africa I will bring the best of the Diaspora. We will meet Evangelist Martha Mumba in person. She assist me with managing my African group. We will meet African Entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders and find ways how we can trade among one another. We will also work on shooting our next film entitled (African Liberator Battle Against The Colonized Mindset). This film will focus on Continental Africans. A Colonized Mindset is the internalized attitude of ethnic or cultural inferiority felt by people as a result of being colonized by another racial group. It corresponds with the belief that the cultural values of the colonizer are inherently superior to African culture.

If Dubai can build itself up from their oil wells just imagine what the Diaspora and Continental Africans can build in Africa. We will focus on Agriculture, Real Estate and Technology when we come to Africa. For example, Africa is surrounded by oceans. We could use that for our advantage to fuel hydro energy for electricity to help end rolling blackouts in West Africa. In North Africa in places such as Chad, Niger and Sudan we could place solar panels to help fuel solar energy from the Sahara desert.

Black Media vs. Mainstream Media

Mainstream media mission is to control public opinion they are funded by the financial elites our job in the Black Media is to counter their propaganda and liberate black people from the false narrative presented by the mainstream media. I found an article from the New York Times by Charles M. Blow He starts off with a question how much of this can black people stand? This question is a false premise when it comes to anti-black racism there is no amount that we can afford to stand. Instead he should have said the following black people have had a enough. Charles Blow like the rest of the black bootlicks and sellouts they know that there’s not a lot of Black Americans caping for migrants.

What’s happening you have a majority of Black Americans who are Descendants of American Slaves realize that these migrants don’t want nothing to do with Black Americans and as a result they lack support from Black Americans. Blow goes on to say having Biden in the White House is better then Trump. I don’t see the difference.
Blow goes on to say we are obligated to choose one of the two major political parties and protest abstentions are suicidal.

Ask the relatives of these Haitian Migrants if supporting Biden is suicidal? Ask the families of black people murdered by Rogue Cops if Biden’s lies about a Police Accountability Commission were suicidal? For all you black Biden supporters out there you voted for the lesser of two evils how is that working for you? Newsweek pointed out that Biden has had just as many migrants in private detention centers as Trump. I’m still waiting to see the difference.

The financial elites created both political parties pretending that either the Democrats or Republicans is better than the other now that’s suicidal. What Charles Blow and other sellouts never address is the fact that if your voting for the lesser of two evils then your still supporting white supremacy at the end of the day. Black People need new choices from the bottom up. Government is suppose to serve the people’s interest if neither party serves the people’s interest then we have to create our own independent party. What have the Democrats done to support black people they had ten months? Black People do not exist for the benefit of Democrats both parties ought to exist for our benefit. No matter what these bootlicks and sellouts tell you elections is a transaction between political candidates and the people. We are now opening up the phone lines for Q & A.

Show and Prove

Congress failed with the George Floyd Act, but there’s still hope




George Floyd’s Sister Says Biden Isn’t Stepping Up Enough After Police Reform Fails, Again


Should Black Americans Champion Immigration?


The Mendacity of Joe Biden


COVID 19 Hate Crime Bill Passes Senate



Hate crimes rise to highest level in 12 years amid increasing attacks on Black and Asian people, FBI says


Mayor Lightfoot, Kim Foxx have war of words over no charges being filed in Chicago gang shooting


Humiliated!! Jim Crow Joe Proposes $30B Cut In Funding To HBCUs


Jim Crow Joe’s Job Approval Number Plummets With Black Voters After Mandates Went Into Affect


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*My Virtual Store GRCAM merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*My Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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