(Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)
Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. Tonight we’re streaming live on Facebook. Before I jump into my general announcements I would like to say a brief prayer. Heavenly father, touch the hearts and minds of everyone who is listening to this podcast to get involed with this cause you called me to do. I pray that all of my listeners who don’t know you will see for themselves who you are and give their life back to you. Please help my group members to understand their role in this new movement called the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement in Jesus/Yeshua name.
On November 10th 2020 will mark 29 years that I have been promoting my virtual Christian socialist organization online and in real life. My critics say that I should give up that this is a lost cause I beg the differ. The only reason why I lack support from the black community is because I don’t have the capital to do all of the things which I have written in my revised book. Once I start making money then everyone will come out of the woodwork to want to be part of this organization. I will tell them ain’t nothing changing once I have my management team in place and we have a physical build then each person will be screen, must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. I don’t associate with Con artist, No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down.
It is our responsibility as black people to take the lead in solving Black issues/African issues first by getting our story on the Big screen and out to the general public. We hope and pray that the same energy used by protesters would be used within our Christian socialist organization. This means working and mobilizing with other like minded people using our creativity and determination to bring forth the ideas I have written in my revised book starting in America specifically in Chicago, and expanding to 10 African nations.
I am calling on my African friends who are members of (GRCAI of Africa) to please work with Evangelist Martha Mumba those of you who reside in South Africa my goal after we raise the funds for our film project and produce a quality film is to come to South Africa and get connected with our brothers and sisters on the Continent. Stand up Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda we plan to make our presence known in your country.
The Caribbean such places as Barbados, Bahamas, Haiti and Jamaica and Brazil in time we plan to make our presence known there too. We will unite with one voice and one mind that is to solve our social issues without the support from the financial elites in Jesus/Yeshua name.
This podcast is about elevating community activist through storytelling beginning with my own story (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago:The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). We are trying to raise capital so that we can produce, promote and provide job opportunities for our young people through our future films and stage plays. The support we will receive is historical, revolutionary,meaningful, and shall rival that of past black businesses. We are sincerely grateful to all supporters, no matter how big or small the donations are.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be in the business of creating docu-dramas, short films, theater, photography,fine arts, music, poetry, literature, sculpture and dance for inner city youth.Change begins with the stories we tell this will be part of our work. Consider becoming a monthly contributor to our Patreon Page or Paypal Page. We are excited to partner with Teespring on there we have a virtual store GRCAM merchandise such as a COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project. You can advertise your books, business on our platform. Thank you for your support of black media. If you don’t understand English I provide a written transcript of this podcast on my Medium Page. This podcast is an extension of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement.
I created GRCAM because I got tired of all of the division among Black People. Pan-Africanism was not working for Black Americans, I wanted to start anew movement for Black People to unite us based on individuals who cared about solving black issues. I created GRCAM in 1991 on a site called Gopher. I wanted to create an organization that focus specifically on solving black issues in America. I wanted to connect with other like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians,Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants, Afro-Latinos through out the Diaspora. I also wanted to build a bridge between the Diaspora and Continental Africans.
I use this platform to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups by giving Black business owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from the podcast community. After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by sharing with them howto create their own podcast and Youtube channel to earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free. I will be hosting my online talkshow every Thursday until I am able to raise $500,000 for our film project either through Facebook Live stream, Google Meet or Youtube Livestream.
Even if you are unable to participate when you have a moment please watch or listen to my podcast and share it with all your Facebook friends this will help get the ball rolling. If Thursday evenings are not good for you then make arrangements with me to come on the show on another day and we can do the show one on one. If you are interested in joining my Christian groups or my Secular groups then send me a friend request on Facebook and briefly explain why you want to join my groups? Include your email address. I will email you specific information about my virtual Christian socialist organization (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement,information about my Christian business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago, information about my revised book, information about my online talkshow and information about my future urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).
Instructions on how to participate on the show:
First watch my Facebook Live video called side A. After I finish with my presentation then I will open up the virtual phone lines just click on the phone Icon to interact with me in real time through Facebook messenger as a voice call for Q & A this will be called side B. The reason why the time range from 8:00PM to 11:30PM Central Time is to give my international friends a chance to participate on the show.
Tonight’s Topic: Putting Our Interest First. What we’re trying to do on this platform is make a connection between the Diaspora and Continental Africans. Once we get our film project fully funded and made then we plan on moving our Christian business from behind a computer starting in Chicago. Part of our work with be working directly with broken black families who are trapped in the inner cities. We want to do more then just talk about the issues but rather put my ideas into action like promoting a global African renaissance and giving our members an opportunity to tour Africa and see what we are doing on the continent.
My call to action is for everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups to please support our film project so that we can get our story on the Big screen, as DVDs in order to reach the masses beyond cyberspace. The proceeds from the film will help us speed up the process do show the world positive things that Black People are doing if given a chance our children will see that we built this organization from behind a computer into cities across America,Africa, the Caribbean and Brazil this is my calling.Black People have always been manipulated by the system.
Those of us who understand our purpose is to build a better system for our children in order to create a more just society and also to reconnect with the Motherland (Africa) to rebuild her back to her golden age. Black unity is a must especially with all of these murders of unarmed black people in America to racial discrimination against Africans in China. Yet many of our people still don’t get it because they don’t read nor do the research. Ignorance is a choice in the information age.If politicians want the Black Vote then they need to offer specific tangibles for black people. The Democrats have tried to divide us based on gender and it’s not working. A lot of sisters are woke.
The Democrats have a Breonna Taylor issue. We all learned how this sister was killed in cold blood by Rogue Cops and these career politicians are doing anything about it.The same fate happen to Sandra Bland & Korryn Gaines. This is why the sisters are not backing the Democrats. We also have a Karen issue. We see time and time again these videos of white supremacist Karens harassing black people then calling the police and these career politicians are doing anything about it. Truth be told law enforcement, white supremacist militia and the Karens are click in and on code.
I explain in detail about how this system (Capitalism) maintain the racial economic pyramid created by white supremacy in my revised book. The Democrats are using a new strategy they are trying to appeal to Black Men after years of saying black men are irrelevant and that Black Women is the backbone of the Democratic Party. The Democrats are making it very clear they will not offer specific tangibles for black people.They are putting together a new voter coalition of Latino Immigrants, LGBT,Feminists and moderate white voters as a way to side step black demands which is reparations and punishment for Rogue Cops. It boils down to economics and weakening the enforcement arm of white supremacy. We have to be aware of black collaborators who are helping the Democrats neutralize black demands. It’s all about keeping black people at the bottom and making sure the racial economic pyramid remains intact. My message to America, the bill for 400 years of oppression, economic exclusion and social deprivation has come due with interest.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will function in the areas of community co-op, community grocery stores, community healthcare and community housing. GRCAI will operate on two fronts a domestic front and on an international front.
On a domestic front within the United States:
To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will push for social change through our stories using media and advocacy. We will achieve this through our films, stage plays, journalism to change the narrative. We will strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues in America. We will create satellite communities within the inner cities starting in Chicago. It’s my hope that it can be a model for other cities in America if it spreads to other cities that would be good if not then at lease the Global Black Family will know that we tried to do something.
To eradicate urban violence in Chicago through our programs and services.
To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the Black Community.
To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by becoming an advocate and resource for our members.
To offer a second chance program for ex-offenders of non-violent crimes, former gang members and homeless individuals within the community.
To provide programs and services to strengthen the black family by creating jobs and building a strong economic base.
To heal collectively from this Willie Lynch mentality in America and on the African continent heal from this colonized mentality.
To get our house in order first before we invite non-black sympathizers into our space.
On an international front:
We will hire African immigrants in America to encourage the Diaspora to set up a chapter in South Africa. I am encouraging my international friends to put pressure on African governments to allow the Diaspora to have citizenship within 5 years if they are serious about us doing business on the African continent.
We will go through the proper channels with the African government to start our (NGO) Non-government organization. We are determined to work with our disadvantaged brothers and sisters in the society to improve and enhance the capacity for self-development.
We will fight against corruption and nurture young Africans by conducting mentor programs and various youth activities across Africa
To promote education through establishing learning centers, book donations, publications to needy young people to enable them to achieve their academic goals.
To promote health among the people living in rural and low-income urban areas by organizing for medical camps and health awareness campaigns.
To participate in various economic activities geared towards improving the standards of living among the people in low-income rural and urban centers.
We will offer private employment to our members based on our budget and sponsorship. We will provide infrastructure for building bridges, roads, power lines, clean running water, agricultural technology, solar and wind energy to help our members with their electrical generators and most of all help improve the African economy as well as educate the people about the problems with Capitalism.
We will focus on creating a genuinely sovereign and self-sufficient Africa in which both continental Africans and African Diaspora can benefit from. The main focus of the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute international front is to connect African Diaspora with Continental Africans through African Tourism, Business, Culture, Christianity and Politics.
GRCAI International will focus on rebuilding Africa to secure our future. We have the technology and knowledge to rebuild Africa. GRCAM is trying to recruit Africans of the Diaspora and Continental Africans to unite and help Africa reach her potential. Without the Diaspora, Africa will continue to be exploited by non-blacks foreigners and without Continental Africans Africa will continue to weaken. If we lose the continent we lose everything.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will take the lead in ushering in an African Renaissance in which the Diaspora and Continental Africans can pool our resources together rather its mental, monetary or spiritual, help in returning Africa back to it’s Golden Age. The time is now to sow seeds of hope, prosperity, peace, and sovereignty and plant them, so in the future, we will reap a mighty harvest for Africa and the Diaspora.
The objective is a difficult one but will be accomplished. Please partner with us in making this objective reality and creating an African paradise. A paradise in which Africa controls its destiny and resources and does not have to rely on foreign exploiters who do not serve the best interest of African people. It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into our urban communities that need our talent and skills.
Join us in creating an Africa for the Africans that are at home and abroad. Alright I have finish my presentation and now I am getting ready to open the virtual phone lines for Q & A Called the B side.
My Credibility
*Our Virtual Store
*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
*My Patreon Page (Please Join)
*My Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)