(Happy 31st Anniversary GRCAM Members! Theme: Embracing The Global African Awakening For This Nehemiah Assignment)

Emmanuel Barbee
22 min readNov 6, 2022


Happy 31st Anniversary GRCAM Members! Theme: Embracing The Global African Awakening For This Nehemiah Assignment. First I would like to thank everyone who have participated on my discussion panel during our monthly virtual conferences. I have good news and I have bad news. Let’s start with the bad news. During Christmas I ended up catching COVID and I did not recover until the middle of February. This year I was determine to create a GoFundMe Page for our film project. I created a GoFundMe Page in March of this year. I want all of my listeners, everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups to go to our GoFundMe Page I provide the link in the comment section of this video-podcast. You can also find it posted on my YouTube Page and on my Medium Transcript under show and prove. Out of 1,618 people on my Facebook friends list only three people have donated to our Film Project this year. This is why it’s taken me so long to get things done.

Black People don’t want to read, they don’t want to buy items from our virtual store. It takes capital to start a business. I am using GoFundMe as a crowdfunding source so that everyone know exactly where the funds are going. Once we reach $200,000 then we will work on doing the movie trailer and creating the film poster. Our goal is to raise Five Hundred Thousand in order to make a quality Black Empowerment film based on my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition. The title of the film is (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). The sequel (African Liberator: Battle Against The Colonized Mindset) will be made in South Africa. Anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who think this is a scam then remove yourself off my Facebook Page and from my social groups immediately. Those same people who refuse to support our film project will go pay to watch the new film Wakanda Forever. I am not hating I am just stating the facts. Black People would rather spend money to a company that is doing nothing for the Black Community. Life is to short to be going through unnecessary drama. Through our Christian business we will focus on solving social problems within the African American community starting in Chicago. We will also host African & Caribbean tours in order to re-connect with our brothers and sisters in Africa, the Caribbean & Brazil.

This is what we are facing in America. Multi-Generational Trauma, Institutionalized Racism, Mass Incarceration, Police Misconduct and Failing School System. Black People like Kyrie Irving is being dragged through the mud by the (ADL) Anti-Defamation League. This brother did not say anything against Jewish People he only posted a link to a documentary entitled “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America!” why they are not targeting Amazon who is making money from the film but instead focusing on a Black Man who post this film on his platform? The White Supremacist Financial Elites are allowing Illegal Latino Immigrants to flood our borders in order to neutralize the black vote while a majority of off code Negroes continue to vote against our interest which is reparations and having a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. They are making it hard for us to live in this country. My critics have the nerve to ask me what is taking me so long to start my Christian business in Chicago. I flip the script and ask them have they purchased my revised book? They say no. I ask them have they purchased any items from our virtual store? They say no. I ask them have they donated any seed money through our PayPal Page? If so they can use it as a tax right off because the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent of the law. They say no. I ask them have they donated to our GoFundMe Page? They say no. Then what the hell do you expect?

Ladies and gentlemen without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family then I am unable to my job point blink. All I can do is pray and continue to watch our children die in the streets of America. I want to speak directly to my Christian group members in (Light Of The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network). Faith without works is dead. I am asking each of you for three things. First help me get my revised book on the best seller list by purchasing either my e-book for $9.99 or my softcover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. Secondly subscribe to my YouTube Page it’s free and most of all share my video podcast with all of your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media that you are on. This will help get the ball rolling. Finally give what you can through our GoFundMe Page to help create history.

I want to speak directly to my African group members (GRCAI of Africa). What I am trying to do through this group is build a bridge between Black Americans and continental Africans in order to form an alliance with Africans on the continent. I need my Global African Family who live in the following African nations South Africa, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda who have family members or friends from your country living abroad in such places as Canada, Europe or the United States of America please tell them about me and my vision for Africa. Encourage them to purchase my revised book, buy items from our virtual store and consider being part of our film project. Finally encourage them to send me a friend request on Facebook tell them to include their email address so that I can email them everything I do online this will help get the ball rolling.

I do not want to die in America I want to bring my talent and skills to the continent and work with Africans who want more out of life. Once GRCAI of Chicago is up and running we will declare war on this Willie Lynch mentality within black society. I don’t want to be doing this another 31 years my film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America. Since Black America has rejected my plan and vision for the past 31 years my Christian business will be membership based. Those who are not apart of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it moving. Our goal is to build (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago in America first before we expand to 10 African nations for credibility. When I come to Africa I don’t have to waste time explaining who I am my Christian business will speak for itself.

My vision for Africa to offer private employment to our members based on our budget and our sponsorship in the form of stipends. We will begin in South Africa I will lead by example by applying for dual citizenship in hopes of encouraging my members in America to do the same. We will purchase property and setup a chapter in South Africa as well as shoot our second film their. Why South Africa? Because they have a similar history to Black Americans. They faced Apartheid while we faced Jim Crow it’s the same thing just different names. Unlike Nelson Mandela who was embraced by his people for fighting to liberate South Africans from the White Supremacist Financial Elites I have little to no support for my cause Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos. This is why I am online to promote our cause and to recruit brave and smart Black People African People who are like minded to come forth and help turn my vision and plan into a reality starting in Chicago.

We will unite our middle class Africans and our so called underclass Africans so that we can build an awesome Christian business that will create jobs for Africans and help improve the African economy. We will provide infrastructure for clean running water in the Shanty Towns of South Africa, Agricultural technology to feed the people, offer solar energy to help our members with their electrical generators and most of all help improve the African economy in each country we will visit. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago objective is to unite the African American community with the Black Immigrant community in America especially in Chicago.

I am calling upon Black Immigrants in America from these African nations South Africa community, Liberia community, Ivory Coast community, Ghana community, Nigeria community, Angola community, Kenya community, Ethiopia community, Tanzania community and Uganda community come forth and work with me directly in turning my vision and plan into a reality. Once we established our Christian business in Chicago then when we host our African tours to your country you can help be our guide and assist us in setting up local chapter in your homeland. They can also vouch for my credibility. In time, we will expand to Brazil and specific places in the Caribbean such as Barbados, Bahamas, Haiti and Jamaica.

I want to speak directly to my Secular group members (GRCAI of Chicago, New Black Voices of Media etc…) As well as people on my Facebook friends list. You don’t have to be a Christian to be a part of this new movement all I ask is that you respect our beliefs. It’s not my job to convince you that God exist that’s between you and your maker. All I care about is that you can follow instructions. First help me get my revised book on the best seller list by purchasing either my e-book for $9.99 or my softcover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. Secondly subscribe to my YouTube Page it’s free and most of all share my video podcast with all of your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media that you are on. This will help get the ball rolling. Finally give what you can through our GoFundMe Page to help create history. We’re going to try to get this film project fully funded and made so that we can move from behind a computer family. we need the whole Global African Family to get behind this. This Christian business and film project is one hundred percent Grassroots. We don’t have any political party assisting us. This is non-partisan we are not affiliated with anyone we’re independent.

Black Millennials and Generation Z this Christian business is my gift to you but only for active group members. I am using this video podcast to get our message out to the public. Those of you who have nonblack friends please encourage them to patronize our film project those who are fully Willie Lynch don’t want to see us succeed in building something positive in the black community. I don’t want to be bogged down in America talking to black people who don’t care about our racial group those persons will not be part of my business this is why we will screen everyone once this Christian business is up and running. I lack two things the man power and the capital this is why I wrote my revised book and created my virtual store in hopes of generating enough capital so that I can move my virtual Christian socialist organization from behind a computer and make our presence known in the African American community starting on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the Southside of Chicago.

Jesus/Yeshua has given me specific instructions to go beyond the four walls of the church and make an impact in the Black Community through the economy or the marketplace. First meet the needs of the Black Community by reaching out to the un-reachable, the un-loveable, the broken-hearted, the homeless, the sick and broken in spirit through our programs and services. Show them an authentic form of Christianity for me that is Christian socialism. A Christian socialist is a form of socialism based on the teachings of Jesus. Many Christian socialists believe that capitalism is idolatrous and rooted in greed, social inequality, and institutionalized racism which most Christian denominations consider a mortal sin. We will focus on what we stand for: love, compassion, social justice, and liberation theology. Jesus told us to focus on the lease of these in society according to Matthew 25:35–40.

He also commanded us to be a witness to others not just for us to read his word, but to activate social change in the world according to Matthew 28: 16–20. We will be committed to the healing ministry of Jesus by showing compassion to inner city youth and their families which will promote dignity to the people and community we will serve. We will emphasize the importance of morals and character development for both Christians and Secular People. We will also focus on strengthening the black family and focus on solving black issues in America by promoting Black Economic Empowerment through entrepreneurship.

My purpose for being online is to mobilize like minded Black People, African People and Others on my friends list and in my social groups to come forth and be a part of our film project. Once we raise the $500,000 then I will select a Black Production Company or a African Production Company I am looking for the following: Season film crew such as Sound Technicians, Computer Graphic Designers, Assistant Director, Director of Photography, Camera Assistants, Hair & Makeup Artist, Production Assistants, Actors/Actresses, Comedians, Dancers, Models, Musicians, Poets, Gospel Singers, Screen Writers and Secular artist. I have limited background in film making therefore I will hire qualified professionals to assist me and Sister Rena in getting our story on the big screen. I have my film proposal and submitted to several Angel Investors, Foundations and corporations but no response. So I decide we will do this ourselves first we need to raise the funds so that people will take us serious.

The proceeds from the film will go towards funding our Christian Business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. There are lots of violence prevention programs in Chicago yet urban violence still continues. 31 years established black organizations refuse to work with me including the black church and this is why I am starting a new movement in Black America and throughout the Diaspora called GRCAM which is Black Empowerment in the 21st Century.

About Us

I created the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (GRCAM) because I was fed up with all of the division among Black People. Pan Africanism was not working for African Americans/Black Americans. I wanted to start a new movement. I created my first group on November 10th 1991 on a site called Gopher. I wanted to help raise awareness about the genocide which is taking place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. I also wanted to connect with other like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans from around the globe.

After 15 years of being rejected, humiliated and ignored by established black organizations including the black church in Chicago. I decided to document my experience and publish my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition in hopes of attracting 30 Black Middle Class Professionals within the United States to join my management team in order to make my Black Christian Business effective and successful for years to come.

I am called by my Lord and Savior Jesus/Yeshua to rebuild our inner cities in America similar to that of Nehemiah who was called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He did not build that wall by himself, he had a professional team of people like Architects, Bricklayers and Engineers to rebuild a new city. Likewise, I want Black Middle-Class Professionals who have the following credentials: Investors, Business Partners, Black Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists. I am also looking for legitimate Film Producers, Actors, Stage Managers, Grant Writers/Fundraisers, Technical Directors, Marketers, Accountants, Business Administrators, Social Workers, Financial Planners, Lawyers, Real Estate Brokers and Insurance Agents. I have my articles of incorporation and my bylaws typed and available for our Nonprofit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. I also have my articles of organization typed and available. For my For Profit Business. Yet to add insult to injury still to this day I don’t have anyone on my management team. It’s just me and Sister Rena.

I want qualified Black Middle Class professionals on my team who will help make our Christian business effective and successful for years to come. We will have two businesses one of the business will consist of a Nonprofit organization and other business will consist of a For Profit Business. In God’s timing we will expand into the Hotel Industry, Traveling Industry and Food Industry. Our aim is to become the heart of the Black Community in order to promote international trade among our people and others. This alone will help improve the black ghetto if given a chance.

Our focus is on strengthening the black family while improving the black community starting in Chicago. We want to teach our members and students about becoming Producers, Business Owners, and Investors. I am seeking individuals within the United States who have read my story and who have the expertise in the following areas: Investors, Black Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs, Realtors, Attorneys, Information Technologist, Screen Writers, Graphic Designers, Marketers, Accountants, and Philanthropist. I am also looking for legitimate artists such as Film Directors, Producers, Actors, Stage Managers, Grant Writers, Technical Directors. Non-black sympathizers are welcome to join us however, it’s black people’s responsibility to build it and to own it. We will use an afro-centric perspective. My revised book is the foundation of my Christian business.

My book is just the beginning what I want to be remembered for is trying to build something positive in the black community instead of complaining about the White Man, Career Politicians, and the Government. Once I have my management team in place then I will start the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi-purpose facility. We will provide quality programs and services to benefit Black Families and the Black Community while promoting culture retention. GRCAI of Chicago will operate under 7 separate functions under one roof.

1. A social service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component
6. A Black Media component (New Black Voices of Media)
7. A Health and Wellness component

GRCAM is a 21st century Black Empowerment and Kingdom Building approach to solving black issues in America and throughout the Diaspora. GRCAM will focus on two fronts domestically and internationally. On a domestic front our focus is on solving black issues in America.

GRCAI of Chicago

Our mission

To eradicate urban violence in Chicago through through Arts, culture, spiritual development, commerce and hosting African tours.

To support black own businesses who partner with us in order to strengthen their participation in the economy.

GRCAI of Chicago envisions a world where black business owners have an equitable opportunity to compete and succeed in a global marketplace and achieve economic independence.

To advocate for public policies supporting black businesses, and respect for accountability to all stakeholders.

To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by being a community advocate and resource for our members.

To strengthening the black family by working directly with single black mothers/fathers who want to utilize our programs and services while improving the black community starting in Chicago. We will teach our members and students about becoming Producers, Business Owners, and Investors. For example, we will offer youth services to children and young adults by providing them with stipends to be in our films, stage plays, and music videos. This act alone will have a positive impact in the black community based on our budget and sponsorship.

To offer a second chance program for ex-offenders, former gang members and homeless individuals within the community.

To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will achieve this through journalism, social media and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concerned citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America.

To teach our members and students the importance of Financial Literacy

Excellence: We will strive for excellence by working to improve our skills, programs and services.

Respect: We believe that each person we encounter should be valued and treated with dignity, courtesy and respect.

Integrity: We will hold our staff accountable for their actions and expect them to be honest, ethical and open in all they do.

Community Involvement: We will be dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the communities we serve.

Our Vision

To provide quality programs and initiatives that prepare our members and students to reach their personal life goals and to stay in good health.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will take the lead in the marketplace by creating community healthcare, community grocery stores and eventually community housing.

Under our Nonprofit Faith Based and Community Advocacy organization:

GRCAI of Chicago will be governed by an Advisory Board. GRCAI of Chicago will be membership based and operated for the mutual benefit of our members. Also, any earnings we make are returned to our members in the forms of lower prices through our quality programs and services from our For Profit Business. Our members come first and we will be committed to providing reliable information with them.

Under our For Profit Business:

We will have live music, theater, art exhibits, dance performances, African cultural activities by the Diaspora, the Caribbean, Brazil and Native Africans. We will also include kids’ activities. We will offer state-of-the-art recreational center that will have bowling, high ropes adventure courses, captivating game rooms, stylish billiards, energetic dance rooms and quality restaurants, various businesses, onsite childcare and an onsite music recording studio for our students making documentary films and stage plays. In addition, we will host family fun activities including combination deals, birthday parties, weddings and corporate parties/events.

GRCAI of Chicago will promote our members businesses. Increase exposure through our Marketing initiatives, public relation campaigns, and cooperative advertising which will reach local, regional, national, and global markets. We will also high light our members businesses during our networking events and in our monthly newsletter. As a voice of advocacy for the African American community we will help build a strong foundation for our programs and services.

On a international front GRCAI of Africa mission is to focus on solving issues on the African continent. In time we will expand to the Caribbean and solve issues in the Caribbean and also in Brazil. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa will assist the diaspora in the ability to shop with, visit, invest in and relocate back to Africa. All of our products and services will be provided by skilled and professional Africans from around the continent. It’s important for the Diaspora to make the connection physically and economically. GRCAI of Africa, will be there to help arrange travel, assist with tours, translators and more. This is not a one person responsibility this is a shared responsibility. GRCAM is a new 21st Century Christian movement.

GRCAI of Chicago main objective is to promote economic opportunities in the African American community by becoming an advocate and resource for our members. GRCAI of Chicago will provide local food connections that are accessible through our cooperative grocery stores for our members. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concerned citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America and throughout the African Diaspora. Before I cut and run to Africa we need to get GRCAI of Chicago established in America first for credibility.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my revised book and now through my docu-drama. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a global community of thinkers and builders.

I don’t operate like the next Black Man I have my own style. I will run my business the way I run my home drama free. Once the proceeds from the film start pouring in then I will hire qualified Black Middle Class Professionals, purchase property in Chicago and buy office equipment. I will declare war on this Willie Lynch mentality within black culture.
Those who have rejected my vision and plan will not be allow in my business. Those who have participated on my online talkshow I will invite them to come to America and preach during our live events. Through the business I will compensate them for their time and talent. We will hold mandatory orientations. Everyone must sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print no exceptions. Anyone who tries to change our focus will get two warnings the third time that person or persons will be placed on our Judas list along with their name picture and address. They will be barred for life. We will raise the standard or the bar in Black America. This organization is for Descendants of American Slaves a place where we can heal collectively. This organization is also for Continental Africans a place where they can heal from colonization. No Harden Criminals, No Active Gang Members, No Con Artist, No Degenerates, No urban terrorist, No Pedophiles and No Off Code Negroes allowed in this business this is membership base and this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

GRCAI of Chicago Membership

We will offer different membership levels. Basic Membership will include access to all networking, educational and annual events. Networking Membership and Entrepreneur Membership will provide access to our satellite office. No more meeting clients at the local coffee shop just bring your laptop or smart phone to our work stations and meet your clients in a professional environment. We will offer conference rooms for meetings.

It’s my hope that GRCAI of Chicago will be known as a independent Christian business dedicated to building and strengthening Black families and improving the African American community, especially those most affected by poverty. We want to focus on solving complex issues such as systematic racism, social inequality and urban violence. This is why my story needs to be told. I am not getting push back from White People I am getting push back from Black People and that’s a shame.

I have not abandon my people I take serious our responsibility to Chicago and to all the people who live here. Transformational impact requires our commitment, ingenuity and courage. We are all in this together. What happens to one of us affects us all. Change begins when we listen to, elevate, and celebrate the experience and work of the individuals. Everyone deserves to achieve their potential. However, opportunity can only be fully available when we join with others to directly and intentionally address the effects and causes of systematic racism and economic disparities. At the core of our work is about helping improve people’s lives.

Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our online platform dedicated to educate the minds of our members and listeners in the area of Economics, Politics and Social Issues which affect Black People. We emphasize a strong focus on family values and promote B.E.E Black Economic Empowerment. This Is Our Time To Shine! While the rest of the world is distracted by the uncertainty of the war in Ukraine, inflation, and a looming recession we as a community MUST focus on rebuilding the Black community to get ahead of the dismay and combat the disparities in Black America. instability. Support our cause Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos. We cannot continue without help from people like you. We’re not getting any financial support from corporations or the government. Black America has two choices either embrace annihilation or embrace survival. #Notanother31years

Bible References

Proverbs 10:4

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

Proverbs 13:22

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Show and Prove

Kyrie Irving Boosts Anti-semitic Movie Peddling ‘Jewish Slave Ships’


Biden Apologizes for Saying Black Voters ‘Ain’t Black’ if They’re Considering Trump


President-elect Biden’s Call with Civil Rights Leaders


Rep. Jim Clyburn discusses election-altering support for Biden


Fights Break Out at NYC Shelters as Tensions Among Homeless Rise Amid Migrant Influx


Four Ways to Understand the $54 Billion in U.S. Spending on Ukraine


Demetra Kaye from the African Diaspora News Channel reports Assemblyman Isaac Bryan stating that Brown political power cannot be rooted in Black erasure while at a city council meeting in Los Angeles.


NYC could spend $300M annually to house migrants in hotels: analysis


Average Manhattan rent breaks $5,000 for the first time in history


140 migrants welcomed in NYC from Texas in largest single-day arrival Sunday, officials say


Memorandum 46



This video discusses Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government counteracted it with the use of the tactics in Memorandum 46. Memo 46 is an U.S. Govt memo to stop African people in the U.S from uniting globally with other Africans. This was done by the financial elites to place a black face in leadership.

‘Benign Neglect’ on Race Is Proposed by Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon


How I get down online

My Online Profile


Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast







My Twitter Page


My LinkedIn Page


My Medium Page


My Facebook Groups

1. Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Christian Group)

2. Christian Spoken Word Network (My Christian Group)

3. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (My Social Group)

4. The New Black Voices of Media (My Social Group)

5. Real Talk Real Solutions (My Social Group)

6. GRCAI of Chicago (My Social Group)

7. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (My Social Group)

8. The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)

9. New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)

10. New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide

11. Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)

12. Community of Resistance (My Social Group)

13. GRCAM Virtual Town Hall — Taking Our Message Worldwide (My Social Group)

14. GRCAI of Africa (My Social Group)

My Virtual Communities: (Just to name a few)



























My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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