Emmanuel Barbee
5 min readOct 12, 2019


(GRCAM Wants Smart Boots On The Ground In Chicago)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a virtual Christian socialist organization which promotes Black Media and online events. Based on the book The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America Second Edition by Emmanuel Barbee. Our work analyzes capitalism critically as a systemic problem and offers an alternative Christian socialism through cooperative employment and community advocacy as part of a systemic solution. We are seeking brave and smart like minded Black Middle Class Professionals to join our management team and help put Emmanuel Barbee’s ideas into action starting in Chicago. We operate internally as a cooperative to better embody the ideals we believe are a critical part of effective systematic change. We are trying to build a new Black Movement in the 21st century through our podcast, social groups, blogs, book, and upcoming films.

What does GRCAM do?

For now it’s just me and Sister Rena who is working hard trying to get Black People on board. Some of the tangibles or incentives I offer people on my friends list who interact with me are as follows: I assist people on my friends list and people in my social groups with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing; legal services all for free. I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people on my friends list and people in my social groups to please support me by purchasing my revised book and read my story (The Solution For Black America) second edition. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 and or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. My revised book is the foundation for my Black Christian Business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.


The mission of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is to Recruit, Inform, and Promote Emmanuel Barbee’s vision on how we can improve our inner cities in America and how we can improve the African Continent. GRCAM on two fronts domestically and internationally. On the domestic front
To eradicate urban violence in Chicago and 10 other cities throughout the Midwest through our programs and services.

To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the communities we will serve.

To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by being a community advocate and resource for our members.

To provide programs and services to strengthen the black family which will have a positive impact in the black community by creating jobs, fueling economic growth, and build a strong economic base.

To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America. We will achieve this through journalism, social media and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America.

On the international front GRCAM aim is to unite other likeminded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans throughout the African Diaspora. In order for us to work together in turning Emmanuel Barbee’s virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.

We created the following media project — Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast. We are in the process of turning Emmanuel Barbee’s revised book into a hybrid documentary entitled (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is Emmanuel last attempt to try to do something positive for his racial group in America. We also offer support to our group members from around the globe who are committed to advocating for a stronger, democratic economic system in their local communities.

Let’s face it Americans are starting to understand the game that they are in an economic system that is not working for them and their family. Growing awareness that wages have been unable to keep up with inflated costs of living have left young people disillusioned with capitalism if you work hard then you can reach your dreams. For example, CEOs out earning their employees ten times as much. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will set an example for the workplace by paying Black Women the same as Black Men, offer a consensus-based decision making, and democratized wages in other words a worker-owned cooperative.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will offer a worker cooperative for our members. GRCAI will create a business structure in which the employees have a voice at the table and share decision-making power over schedules, and where profits are directed. Recent events, like the 2008 recession and the election of President Donald Trump, a signal for corrupt capitalist have galvanized a anti-capitalist movement in America. Once GRCAI is established in Chicago we will launch initiatives in other cities throughout the Midwest and beyond. Worker co-ops, will help with creating jobs and wage stability in low-income urban neighborhoods. Our model differs from the capitalist structure and advances something that more closely resembles a true democratic system. GRCAI will emphasize cooperative employment and job training within the business.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my revised book (The Solution For Black America) second edition and now through my upcoming urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into our urban communities that need our talent and skills. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be membership based. Everyone will be screen and must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

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Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.