(GRCAM Virtual Conference Sept. 30th 2023 Theme: What Is The Purpose OF Building GRCAI OF Chicago?)
Welcome Facebook friends, associates and group members to our Monthly Virtual Conference. I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. Please hit that like button, subscribe and share with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Before I go into my presentation I am encouraging all of my listeners and group members especially those of you who are on my Facebook friends list which is currently (1,800) people to follow me on my Medium Page so that we all can be on the same page. Look for the exact title of this presentation then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. Check and make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Page because the power that shouldn’t be are un-subscribing our listeners. For example, notice that on my YouTube Page under the About section I have 13,644 views yet only 387 people are subscribed. They are trying to suppress our numbers and keep us from talking about social issues that effects Black People/African People because we’re using social media to make real change in the real world.
I created a GoFundMe Page last April 2022 as a crowd funding source so that everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups would know exactly where the funds for our film project would go. This will also indicate our progress in getting this film fully funded and made. Out of 1,800 people on my Facebook friends list only 5 people have donated to our Film Project on our GoFundMe Page Black People we have to do better our children are depending on us.
I come before you all with clean hands there’s no gimmicks no scams all I have is my Revised Book, our Virtual Store, our Paypal Page if you are a U.S. citizen you can use it as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3)nonprofit and our GoFundMe Page. My book is the foundation of my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. After 15 years of being overlooked and rejected by the African American community I decided to write and publish my story “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” second edition available on Amazon.
I talked with my publisher about lowering the book price to make it more affordable for everyone. It’s available now in two forms an E-Book for $5.33 cents and Paperback for $5.05 cents plus shipping and handling. Unfortunately, my revised book is barely selling and items on my virtual store is also barely selling. This is why I am trying to get our story to be on the big screen in order to reach the black masses. I have been paying out of pocket for the business title since 2010 because I believe black youth deserve better than this.
I created this platform because I refuse to be ignored I am trying to connect with other like minded Black People, African Immigrants, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Latinos and Afro-Caribbean to discuss black issues and solve them in America and throughout the Diaspora as well as on the African continent. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grass Roots Media component we discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from mainstream media. I am using this platform to broadcast my vision and plan loud and clear to the Black Grass Roots and the Global African family. Don’t wait until I am dead to embrace my vision and plan for Black America work with me while I am alive. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa.
The proceeds from the film will put me in a better position financially so that I can purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment, hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I understand many of you are working parents or college students even if you are unable to participate during our live online events please like the videos, share with your friends on all of the social media you are apart of and leave a public comment in the comment section that will help get the ball rolling.
As you all know November 10th will mark our 32 Anniversary. First of all I have 1,800 people on my Facebook Friends list and yet only 5 people have donated to our film project on our GoFundMe Page Black People/African People we gotta to better then this for the sake of our children. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live within the United States of America who know how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox.
Our First Topic — Reparations Is A Hot Issue. I am not doing these video podcast for my health I am trying to prove to my listeners that Black America are in deep trouble and if there is little time frame before it gets even worse for Black Americans. I come with receipt to back my claim. I found an article from the LA Times entitled “Most Californians want reparations for slavery but don’t want to pay cash. Now what?” If you would like to read the full article then I encourage my listeners to go on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. Basically Here’s my issue with that statement if cash is what made American Slave Owners wealthy off our ancestors free labor and since the so called Founding Fathers were Slave Owners then the American Government needs to compensate
the Descendants of American Slaves with cash payments. Notice the Ukrainians and Illegal Immigrants didn’t need a one thousand eighty page report. After American Slavery was abolished those policies focus on a specific lineage. The U.S. Government targeted Descendants of American Slaves. Americans like talking about racism and discrimination but when we start talking about what are you going to be about it? Then all these other groups get quiet.
In the article Malone a White Man said he would rather see California legislators provide “more of a helping hand” to all disadvantaged residents regardless of race. That could include more investment in schools in low-income neighborhoods, he said, as well as a revamp of community colleges and trade schools to create pathways to jobs that will pay “not only a living wage, but a good wage.”
Census records show about 200 enslaved African descendants lived in California in 1852, though at least one estimate from the era suggested that the population was closer to 1,500 people, according to the task force’s report. In 1852, California passed a fugitive slave law rare among free states that allowed slaveholders to use violence to capture enslaved people who had fled to the Golden State. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Second Topic — Leaked Joe Biden Tells Black Civil Rights Leaders Hispanics Will Outnumber Us Soon. Vicki Dillard gives her insight about the leaked audio from the meeting with Civil Rights Leaders. If you would like to watch the full audio then I encourage my listeners to go on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. According to the audio Biden said “Our country is doomed not just because of African Americans but because by 2040 this country is going to be minority White European and you guys are gonna have to start working more with Hispanics who will make up a larger portion of the population then y’all do in terms of raw numbers.” These insidious plans by American corporations is to use these politicians to get cheap labor.
This country’s foundation has always been to use free to cheap labor. After the Citizens United decision corporations were allowed to give donations to politicians now lets look at what the Biden Administration has done. The Biden administration is granting temporary protected status to nearly 500,000 Venezuelan Migrants who are already in the U.S. giving them the ability to live and work in the country legally. I know Black American Voters are overjoyed because they clearly voted for this in the last election. Democrats have been quite open on their stance regarding this issue. Black Chicagoans you just got more people to compete for jobs and resources the same thing up there in New York. Now these corporations can fire you and hire them because they can pay them less. Don’t get mad at the Migrants coming over here get mad at these Democrats who is responsible for all of this.
The Department of Homeland Security has expanded the Temporary Protective Status program for Venezuelan Migrants allowing recent arrivals to apply for deportation protection and work permits offered by the policy. They have already allowed 242 thousand Venezuelan Migrants to enter the United States. These migrants are being rewarded for breaking Federal Law. You all mobilized to get Trump out of office as a result you now have five hundred thousand newly arrived people who is ready to compete against you for jobs and resources. When you hire Americans you have to pay Federal Tax, State Tax and all kinds of insurance benefits verses hiring
someone overseas you only have to pay their salary. Do you want more of this for the next four years? Biden has the legal authority to make all of these Migrants legal with a stroke of a pen. Notice he won’t use his authority to do something for Black People. Those Migrants he just made legal did not vote. Black Voters voted for this mess while others benefit. This next election has to be a referendum on the Democrat Party for their Anti-Black policies. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Third Topic — French President Macron Claim French Ambassador Is Being Held Hostage In Niger. President Macron of France is lying to the media claiming the French ambassador is being held hostage in Niger. Niger is not holding the ambassador against his will. Niger wants him out of the country but he refuses to leave. The Coup leaders requested that French Ambassador and the French military leave their country. Niger have gave a deadline for France to remove it’s Ambassador France did not comply now all of a sudden French President Macron has come out and claim their Ambassador is being held in the French Embassy. Since the Ambassador refuse to leave the Coup leaders decided to shut off electricity and to prevent food from entering the French Embassy. How are you going to stay in someone else’s country that don’t want you there?
This is the Colonizer mentality that France has towards Africans. When I check the market rate for Uranium it was over 60 dollars yet France was only paying 80 cents for Uranium in Niger. 85 percent of the people in Niger don’t have electricity but everyone in France has electricity off of the resources from Niger that’s not fair. France should have done right by Niger by paying at lease half price and assisted with building power stations where everybody in Niger could have access to electricity. They could have also assisted with Niger infrastructure that’s a good trading partner. I believe every African nation that was under France control should unite and push to get France out of the African continent and other Western nations if they are not going to be fair business partners. I am very proud of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger for standing up to France and taking back their country with is rightfully theirs.
Before I leave the United States of America I need African Immigrants within the United States to work with me in moving my Christian business from behind a computer first by helping me get my revised book on the best seller’s list and donating to our film project. I have been reaching out to Black Americans online and in real life for the past 31 years. Now my focus is on reaching out to African Immigrants in America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. Stand up and work with me the sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build (GRCAI of Chicago) and expand to Africa starting in South Africa. There’s a dire need for development across the African continent. Western nations don’t want Africa to become a successful independent continent that’s why they are fast to impose sanctions on African nations that is not aligned to Global Western Agendas. Inflation in Africa has risen if you work with me in building our own system called GRCAI in America first then we can replicate it to 10 African nations. We have Black millionaires across America many of them careless about black youth let alone the African American community because they have become Americanized. I am using social media to get my message out from LinedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.
The Theme of my presentation: What Is The Purpose OF Building GRCAI OF Chicago? A Call To Action:
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a legitimate 501(C)(3) nonprofit that will be dedicated to improving the lives of African Americans who reside within the inner city by strengthening the Black Family by providing quality programs, services and resources to help build Skills Set. Our objective is to take the lead in promoting socio-economic justice, civic participation, and Black Econonic Empowerment for the African American community and the African Immigrant Community starting in Chicago. GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi-purpose facility operating under 8 separate functions within the business. We will promote culture, shopping, full-service restaurant, birthday parties, corporate meetings, creating black empowerment films and more.
1. A Social Service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component
6. A Black Grass Roots Media component 7. A Health and Wellness component
8. A Science and Technology component
Our service/programs will focus on the following:
Onsite child daycare, Life Coaching, Parenting Classes, Black Economic Empowerment, Workshops/Seminars and Promote Self-Love. The journey towards healing begins with making a decision to admit there is a problem. The Wellness Resource Center will focus on healing from the Willie Lynch mentality and healing from the Colonized Mindset. We aim to showcases the untold stories of Black people Through activism, artists, entrepreneurs, and everyday people who shaped the fabric of America and the global community. GRCAI of Chicago will ensure that these narratives are given the recognition they deserve and that the community’s contributions are celebrated and remembered.
I don’t operate like the next Black Man, I have my own style and way of doing things. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. Anyone who enters our doors will be vetted.
We will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization. Since Black Chicago has overlooked and rejected my vision and plan for the pass 31 years my Christian business will be membership based. I am only responsible for my members those who are not part of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it movin. Once we obtain a place of business then we will hold mandatory orientation for new members and local residents. Everyone must pass our criminal background check, sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database. We will separate ourselves from Con Artist, Degenerates, Off Code Negroes, Pedophiles and Urban Terrorist.
I want to make sure none of my members will never have to endure such foolishness I experienced just for wanting to do something positive in the African American community. We will invest in our youth and help them turn their dreams into a reality. We will promote Black Economic Empowerment and promote international travel. We aim to instill self-confidence, leadership qualities, and essential life skills in the youth we serve. We will provide mentorship, workshops/seminars that empower Black Chicagoans to overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and become productive citizens.
I am asking GRCAM members worldwide to first help me get my revised book on the best seller’s list and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my vision and plan then donate what you can to our film project so that we can get our story on the Big screen. Once the proceeds start pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment, hire qualified Black middle class professionals, African Immigrants, Black Americans as well as host our African tours to 10 African nations to meet my group members from my African group GRCAI of Africa. Together we will build GRCAI of Chicago and making our presence known within the African American community starting in Chicago for credibility.
I want to bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can set up local chapters and do international trade among our people. We aim to reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. At this time all I can do is news commentary.
GRCAI of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development, offer a range of programs, parenting classes, strengthening the Black Family by providing basic resources like onsite childcare, instill self-confidence, leadership qualities, and essential life skills in Black Youths we will serve. We will provide mentorship, field trips, workshops/seminars focus on Black Economic Empowerment to Black Chicago for them to overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and become productive citizens. Through our non-profit and for-profit businesses we will create our own Community Grocery Store, Community Housing and create our own Community Health Clinic within the African American community.
Show and Prove
Most Californians want reparations for slavery but don’t want to pay cash. Now what?
U.S. offers nearly 500,000 Venezuelan migrants temporary legal status
U.S. offers nearly half-a-million Venezuelan migrants legal status and work permits following demands from strained cities
NYC migrant crisis: ‘They have no intention of stopping it’
Biden-era migrant crisis blowing holes through budgets of liberal, sanctuary cities
Leaked!!! Joe Biden Tells Black Civil Rights Leaders Hispanics Will Outnumber Us Soon & More
President-elect Biden’s Call with Civil Rights Leaders
U.S. Will Allow Nearly 500,000 Venezuelan Migrants to Work Legally
Africa Matters: Slavery Reparations
French ambassador is being ‘held hostage at the French embassy’ in Niger, says Macron
African Diaspora News Channel
US Colonized Haiti For 20 Years Taking Their Gold, Land & Installing Puppet Leaders
Niger, Mali And Burkina Faso Sign Security Pact To Protect And Defend Each Other
Chadians Want France Out Of Their Country After French Soldier Took Out A Local
Hillary Clinton Laughed With Glee After Hearing The News That Muammar Gadaffi Was Deleted
BBC Blames Lawlessness & Instability On Libya While Not Blaming NATO For Destroying The Nation
My Credibility
* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
* Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.
* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)
* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)