(GRCAM Virtual Conference Saturday October 28th, 2023 Theme: Uniting The African American Community & The African Immigrant Community Within The United States OF America, Chicago Is Paying $9K In Rent For Each Migrant Family, Money For Ukraine and Israel And Exposing Democrat Shills)
Welcome Facebook friends, associates and group members to our monthly virtual conference. I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. Please hit that like button, subscribe and share with your friends ladies and gentlemen. We host our virtual conference every last Saturday of the month until we are able to raise the capital needed to fund our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).
This is a solution base docu-drama based on my experience growing up in the inner cities of Chicago. And the purpose why I created GRCAM. This is our Black Panther moment except it’s not owned by Disney it’s owned by us. We want to get this film in front of five hundred million people worldwide. We will offer a 21st Century solution both domestically within the United States of America and throughout the Diaspora. GRCAM is my gift to Black Millennials, Generation Z and my group members. I need all of my listeners to please mark your calendar for Friday November 10th, we will be celebrating GRCAM Thirty Second Anniversary on Facebook Live.
We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live stream. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live in America that knows how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics and give an Afrocentric perspective that you won’t hear in mainstream media.
We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People. I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.
After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free.
Some of my critics ask me what have I done in the Black Community? I tell them to read my revised book. I documented everything I have done and will do. They tell me they’re not going to read it. I tell them then I won’t explain what I’ve done because it’s already written in my book. My critics also say that I am a failed leader because it’s been 31 years since I created the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement and nothing has changed.
I tell them I beg the differ. First of all God has given people free will I can’t make anyone purchase my revised book or buy items from my virtual store. My revised book has been on Amazon for 11 years and still barely selling the same for items on my virtual store. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America. At this time all I can do is News Commentaries.
I come before everyone with clean hands I am not running for public office. I don’t operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. I have reached out to Black America online and in real life for the past 31 years I have received little to no support. Now my focus is on reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria. Stand up and work with me in getting my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) up and running. The sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build the (Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago) and expand to Africa.
I created a GoFundMe Page back in April 2022 as a crowd funding source so that everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups would know exactly where the funds for our film project would go. This will also indicate our progress in getting this film fully funded and made. Out of 1,800 people on my Facebook friends list only 5 people have donated to our Film Project on our GoFundMe Page. Black People, African People we gotta do better this is for the next generation. Again I refuse to be ignored I offer something no Black lead has in America and that’s a solution to solve all of our social problems in America if given a chance. All I have is my Revised Book, my Virtual Store, my Online Groups and this platform. I recommend that if you are serious about turning my vision and plan for Black America into a reality then purchase my revised book and read my story. If you agree with what I am trying to do in the African American community then make arrangements with me to come on this podcast so that we can talk about it.
I am using this new technology called the internet to broadcast my vision and plan to all who will listen. It’s my hope that African Immigrant within the United States of America would come forth and work with me first by reading my story and then donating to our film project. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. I will run my Christian business the way I run my home drama free. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours in 10 African nations. We’re going to meet people from my African group GRCAI of Africa.
I will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization. Since Black America/Black Chicago has overlooked and rejected my vision and plan for the pass 31 years my Christian business will be membership based.
I am only responsible for my members those who are not part of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it movin. Once we have our physical build in place then we will hold mandatory orientation for new members and local residents. Those who have rejected my vision will not be part my business that’s just how it is. We will declare war on this Willie Lynch mentality within black culture. African Immigrants will also heal from the Colonized Mindset in our business. We will invest in our black youth who is trying to do positive things in the African American community. It’s my hope that GRCAI of Chicago would become a franchise just like McDonald’s and expand across the United States in every inner city in America. This is what I am trying to do for young Black People in America and in Africa. I can’t do this alone this is a Nehemiah assignment and a shared burden. It doesn’t matter how bad I want to get this film project fully funded and made without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job. Over here we are raising the bar in Black America and in Africa.
Everyone must pass our criminal background check, sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database. We will separate ourselves from Con Artist, Degenerates, Off Code Negroes, Pedophiles and Urban Terrorist. We’re not asking for permission we’re taking the lead in solving black issues in America and solving African issues on the continent when we get there. This is for credibility within the African American community, throughout Diaspora and the Black World. #NotAnother31Years
Today’s topics of discussion is as follows:
Uniting The African American Community & The African Immigrant Community Within The United States OF America, Chicago Is Paying $9K In Rent For Each Migrant Family, Money For Ukraine and Israel And Exposing Democrat Shills
Our First Topic — Uniting The African American Community & The African Immigrant Community Within The United States OF America.
While I was writing up this presentation I heard on the news about a 12 year old boy who was shot and killed in my city Chicago. We have to do more than just pray we have to build GRCAI of Chicago while we still have an opportunity to do so because things in America is about to get worse for Black People mark my words. The war in the Middle East has dominated the news. We have an impending war between France and our African family in Niger, there’s also war in Cameroon, the Congo and Sudan. My priority is the liberation of Black People who are trapped in American ghettos and African people. I am amazed how interested Black People become when other races are faced with genocide but do next to nothing to help our own group who faced similar circumstances. I don’t know why it’s so hard for our people to find comfort with each other.
I remember back when I was a college student at National Louis University there was beef on campus between African Americans and African Immigrants in the United States of America specifically in Chicago Illinois. Most African Americans believe that all Nigerians are scammers and when I talked with Nigerians they told me they believe that all African Americans were lazy and lack ambition. They’re poor and live in the ghetto. I asked them where they got their information from, they told me mainstream media. The mainstream media project this stereotype on both sides. We need to have this conversation. Our ancestors were forced to come to the new world against their will. our Culture, our Language and our Religion was stripped from us. We’re not all poor and live in the ghetto we have many we come from marital homes as well as different classes with African Immigrants and Native Africans.
There’s a lot of things that African Americans have faced here in America that people don’t know about. They only know about American slavery from the European perspective. It was much more than that. It’s white washed in the history books but thank God for this new technology called the internet now we can create our own books and our own documentaries to tell our stories from our point of view. I’ve been African American all my life so the stories that my Godfather told me wasn’t that long ago. We just became citizens of the United States during the 1960s. A lot of African immigrants I talked to asked me how come African Americans aren’t doing better for yourselves? Or how come you all haven’t risen up and fought back against the injustices.
When I flip the script and asked them why they fed their homeland? Many of them stop talking to me. I explain to some of them who will listen about Black Wall Street, a town in Tulsa Oklahoma back in the early 1900s. It the most prestigious rich Black Community in the United States of America. They had their own Banks, Schools, Theaters, Law Firms etc… if you look at the pictures it was so beautiful they were doing well for themselves. A White Lady claim she was rapped by a Black Man and all hell broke out the local government bombed Tulsa Oklahoma they called it a massacre because so many African Americans were killed all because we were doing well for ourselves. This also happen in Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and Rosewood just to name a few that’s the kind of things we faced. So when these other groups say to us how come you haven’t done this, how come you haven’t done that?
They where never targeted by our government nor were they ever enslaved in America only our group. One thing that I want my African brothers and sisters to understand is that there are real obstacles here in America and I want African Immigrants and Afro-Caribbeans to be more respectful for the work that we put in for you all to come over here. We don’t get the same benefits when we come to Africa we are looked upon as foreigners instead of displaced Africans.
In the 1960s the our grandparents stood up and started the Civil Rights Movement. The only issue I have with our grandparents during the Civil Rights Era is that all of that energy pushing for Social Integration and Cultural Assimilation it should have went to reconnecting with Africa so that we could build an alliance with our people on the African continent then we could have done international trade among our people in Africa, the Caribbean and in South America Black Americans would have been better off today. The fact is that there were more Black Businesses during Jim Crow than they’re are today. Why? Because Black Americans have become Americanized they are patronizing all these other businesses while ignoring Black businesses. Then you wonder why we don’t have many Black Businesses in the African American community.
I found two videos on African Diaspora News Channel entitled (Brotha Finds Out The Hard Way That Other Groups Will Never Support Us) & (Sista Records An Asian Beauty Supply Owner Discriminating Against Her For Having Natural Hair) I encourage my listeners to go to my Medium transcript, select the exact title of this presentation and scroll down to show and provide. I also encourage African Immigrants and Native Africans to watch videos about Memorandum 46. In that video it discusses how Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government used different tactics to keep Black Americans, African Immigrants and Native Africans divided globally with other Africans. I also need Black Americans to read the document as a PDF entitled ‘Benign Neglect’ which is the Moynihan Report. All of this was done to Black Americans to sabotage Black Americans progress in America by the White Supremacist Financial Elites.
Black Panther Party was formed to protect the Black Community against Police Brutality. They were nonviolent; they carried rifles around saying we won’t allow others to abuse our people. They created a free Breakfast program to feed Black Children, a free Health Clinic for the Black Community. Everybody knows about the WIC Program which is Women Infants and Children here in the United States of America but actually it was the Black Panther Party which started. Today the U.S. Government has taken over that program and now it’s for everyone. The Black Panthers were labeled as a terrorist group and they were jailed, killed and destroyed due to CO-INTELPRO. Yet to this day we still have the Klu Klux Klan which is a White Supremacist group who hates and murder Black People. They have police protection during their rallies but the Black Panthers who were nonviolent were labeled a terrorist group. All the Black Panthers was trying to do is protect the Black Community from Rogue Cops. I want African Immigrants to understand our story and what we’ve done.
Our experience have affected us in a negative way White America has taught us to hate ourselves hate being black we were taught not to be comfortable in our own skin this is where the Willie Lynch mentality came about and since then have been passed down from generation to generation. Not only for Black Americans but also those in the Caribbean and in South America. Black Americans around the world are looked down as the lowest people. We survived all this turmoil we’ve been through. We should have been extinct but we survived because we’re African.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (GRCAM), was created to connect other like minded Black Americans, African Immigrants, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Brazilians and Afro-Latinos from both my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network) as well as my Secular groups for us to unite, encourage, engage, and edify positive views and beliefs. We offer educational webinars, Facebook Live Events, and opportunities that will directly benefit our members. Our goal is to get our film project fully funded and made so that the proceeds from the film would allow us to build (GRCAI of Chicago) which stands for the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago and make our presence known in the low income African American community starting in Chicago. This is a Kingdom economy business.
Over here we are pushing for lineage based, cash payment reparations for Descendants of American slaves and a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. We also want to reconnect with our African brothers and sisters on the African continent by hosting African tours to 10 African nations starting in South Africa. This Christian organization will help Black Americans, African Immigrants, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Brazilians and Afro-Latinos learn how to relate to one another. Black America will heal from this Willie Lynch mentality within black culture. African Immigrants will heal from the Colonized mentality imposed by Europeans. We will learn about the different African cultures and viceversa.
We want to move from behind a computer and meet each other in real life. For now we meet on Facebook where we communicate with each other. We’re helping each other through this new technology called the internet. It’s all about helping our young people reach their life goals and improving our inner cities in America and improving the living conditions in the African slums through this Christian organization once we’re established in the United States of America. We want to see our young people turn their life to God and be saved and uplifted and changing this negative world for the Kingdom of God. I’ve dedicated my life to fulfilling my God given assignment. This is an authentic Black Christian organization.
I believe this discussion between African Americans and African Immigrants needs to happen nobody is talking about it. This is why I created this platform. It’s a safe space for Black People and Africans to discuss social issues and things that are happening in our society. If you don’t want to get on camera then just leave a comment in the comment section. If you want to come on this platform then make arrangements with me so that we can discuss it on the show.
The problem we have as African People all over the world is our lost history. Every Black person in the world came from Africa over here we’re trying to contribute something positive for Black People that are like minded and want more out of life. This organization is for them. As African People we have to separate ourselves from those who want to remain ignorant. My revised book is the foundation of my Christian business and if you are a GRCAM member then please purchase my revised book so that we can be on the same page. All of the principles in my revised book is the code. Before we bring GRCAI to Africa we will establish it here in America first for credibility within the African American community, throughout the Diaspora and the Black World. African Americans have sacrificed a lot for African Immigrants to come to the United States of America. It came from our sacrifice and our struggle.
My People who are trapped in American ghettos are suffering big time on all fronts from School To Prison Pipeline, Inadequate Housing, Inadequate Healthcare, Urban Violence, Drug Abuse, High Unemployment. Physical Genocide and political genocide. We will not tolerate any disrespect from any African Immigrants or Afro-Caribbeans coming to this country and putting down Black Americans. We’re all victims of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. We’re one People separated through time and distance. The Black Ghetto is where I came from. All I am trying to do is move my Christian business from behind a computer into the African American community before I cut and run to Africa.
As for me and my house I am reclaiming my ancestral homeland which is Africa. We have Black Millionaires and Black Billionaires in America. They are Americanized they careless about Black Youth let alone the Black Community. This is why I created GRCAM to broadcast and vision and plan for Black America and Africa. I refuse to be ignored. This is why I host my podcast on a weekly basis. This is why I wrote my revised book and created my virtual store in order to generate capital to move my Christian business from behind a computer into the low income African American community starting on the Westside of Chicago but I have little to no support so now my focus is on raising funds for our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins) this is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.
I did a series on the racial wealth gap in the United States of America and I also wrote about it in my revised book. Immigrant families who came to America within five years their children are in college and they start their own businesses and become home owners they look at Black Americans and say why can’t you all do the same thing? This comes from a lack of understanding about how generational wealth was passed down to Descendants of Slave Owners and their children. They also don’t understand how systemic racism played a role in holding back Black Americans in this country. A lot of people are still in denial about it. They don’t know our history from Chattel Slavery, Jim Crow, Convict Leasing, Red Lining no other group in America was targeted like Black Americans. This is why we need our reparations so that we can build GRCAI of Chicago and produce more Black Entrepreneurs then we can create wealth. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Second Topic — Chicago Is Paying $9K In Rent For Each Migrant Family
I’ve been covering what’s going on here in Chicago as it pertains to The Migrant Crisis. This past week 41 buses have dropped off more Migrants for a total of 11,000 migrants living in shelters, sleeping on the floors of police stations and at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Now the state of Illinois is footing the bill for what they call temporary housing apartments for migrants the state is paying $9,000 in rental assistance for a six-month period. Ideally people would have started their legal process securing legal work authorization so that they can sustain their apartment. Black Chicagoans who are struggling to pay their rent or facing eviction have the city of Chicago offered to pay $9,000 for six months for your rent?
All they did was cross the border and they got all types of benefits without voting. The Democrats only come around to ask you to vote for them during election season. We get nothing out of voting, it’s just the people you’re voting against you they don’t prioritize the Black Vote. Without the Black vote the Democrats would never win an election that’s where our power lies politically. We need to collectively punish the Democrats politically for not doing anything for us. There’s a large population of Black Homeless individuals in Chicago. The question is what about suffering people, why isn’t our Homeless Population that are American citizens being placed in apartments?
The Southshore community is suing the city to stop these politicians from placing Migrants in their neighborhood. I suggest that the Southside and the Westside file lawsuits together to get your programs back because these programs are discriminatory because if you’re not going to pay for everybody’s rent then you should not pay anyone’s rent. We’re paying for people who don’t belong on the soil and they’re not American citizens. Most of the school’s they closed were in Black neighborhoods. This could have been handled a whole lot better than how they are doing it. Chicago is still a Sanctuary City. There was a recent poll done and it revealed that Black People, Hispanic People and Asian People all agree that Chicago should not be a Sanctuary City. The city of Chicago is going through a major crisis yet these Democrat politicians still won’t get rid of Sanctuary City status.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was asked about a recent poll Chicago Residents want to end Sanctuary City status. Mayor Johnson scoffed at citizens and claimed he isn’t worried about losing voters. Brandon Johnson is not worried about the people that voted for him because he is Democrat first. We have to look at Republican candidates and select the person who offers the best policy for our community. Putting a halt on unchecked Immigration is a start.
I found some footage of Mayor Brandon Johnson being asked about Sanctuary cities. The Youtube videos are entitled “Most Chicagoans prefer to end ‘sanctuary city’ status: poll” I recommend that you watch the video clip in order to fully understand the issue I also encourage my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. So there was a poll asking Chicagoans do they think Chicago should continue having Sanctuary City status? People across the city along racial lines whether Chicago should continue being a Sanctuary City status.
Majority of voters said no and the highest among those were among Latinos and Blacks the reason is because of resources. It sounded like the mayor was deflecting a majority of people said no now when I read deeper into this it was mostly Blacks Latinos and Asians that said no to Sanctuary cities the ones that who agreed to Sanctuary cities were White Liberals. The majority doesn’t want Sanctuary cities and instead of talking about that issue and what to do about it the Mayor sidestep the issue and begin talking about other things. People voted for him to do a job he works for the people.
How do you go from Sanctuary City to talking about the Alt-Right, Colombia and people in the media? The majority of the people don’t want Sanctuary City they don’t care about your values Brandon Johnson the question is are you going to end Sanctuary City status? This it’s not a Brandon Johnson issue, it’s not a Lori Light Foot issue, this is a Democrat policies issue. When people say, you get what you voted for, this is what they mean. The Democrat Party has been very vocal about what they stand for Immigration and LGBT issues. 70% of the homeless population in Chicago are Black People. American Taxpayers are spending millions of dollars on shelters, spending $135 an hour on nurses to treat Migrants. We have people sleeping on the streets who are American citizens that’s not in shelters. Brandon Johnson is blaming everything on the MAGA Crowd and Racism. The sanctions on some Latin American countries destabilized their economy in Venezuela like the sanctions they have on Zimbabwe.
The reason why you have a lot of people in Zimbabwe going to South South Africa is because it’s a better economy and because the sanctions are crippling their economy. The United States does this mess to try to punish other countries but it’s not the Right wing because Biden is continuing the sanctions on Zimbabwe and many other countries. The crisis in Chicago has been going on for decades like disinvestment and redlining in the low income African American community. Well Mayor Johnson if you’re going to talk about foreign policy you need to call out the Biden Administration. Let’s go back a few years ago when the Trump Administration was in power we didn’t have all these issues the moment Biden got into office he stopped building the wall he opened up the floodgates. If Brandon Johnson wants to save his political career he needs to say Chicago is no longer a sanctuary City.
We got enough Migrants in Chicago. I believe Brandon Johnson is going to be a one-term mayor. At the end of the day you got to think about your reputation in the community that he was fighting for. I used to live in Austin. I talked to a few people that know a little bit about Brandon Johnson. I got my commentary from those brothers and sisters from the community. These Democrat politicians claim they don’t have money for Reparations notice they not saying nothing about why all their tax dollars going to Migrants and Ukraine notice they’re not saying a word I told you the reason why they’re against reparations because both Democrats and Republicans are racist they don’t want us to get it. The city of Chicago is trying to take all the services away from Black taxpayers and give it to Migrants. Don’t get mad at the Migrants because the White Supremacist Financial Elites are using them by papering them up to become their new Slave Class that’s going to work for them for extremely low wages they’re using their situation created by American foreign policy in Venezuela all the sanctions that put on those that country now many of those people are coming up here looking for a better life.
Chicago Residents File Restraining Order Against The City Over Amundsen Park.
There’s new development as it pertains to the Migrant Crisis in Chicago that was created by the Biden Administration. Chicago Residents have filed a restraining order to stop Mayor Brandon Johnson from taking the Amundsen Park to be used as a Migrant Shelter. Mayor Johnson also signed a contract paying people who work at migrant shelters up to $156 per hour.
As I stated many times before when Trump was in office things were a lot better with Immigration but the moment Joe Biden got into office he got rid of the Mexico policy and open the border now we have people flooding the gates to get here. Governor Greg Abbott has been sending Migrants to Chicago and New York because we are Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary cities refused to cooperate with Ice Immigration customs and law enforcement will not detain them.
But as I said many times what city in America can Black Americans call a Sanctuary City where we don’t have to worry about Racism? The Democrats always say we have to save democracy so Black People come out and vote remember the Democrats want to take Amundsen Park away from senior citizens and for after school programs for children from the community and convert it into a Migrant Shelter for 200 people. There was a town hall meeting the community came out and said no in a democracy right? According to the Democrats they would listen to the people right and say we can’t do this. But under an Authoritarian regime it don’t matter what the people say they’re gonna do whatever we want to do.
Mayor Brandon Johnson said they will put it on hold. So what he started to do is reduce the number of staff that work at Amundsen Park. Now they only have one person working there with reduced hours so what they’re doing is trying to wait the people out but now it’s gotten to the point where the people had to take legal action Austin residents have filed a temporary restraining order to stop Amundsen Park from being transformed into a Migrant Shelter. NBC 5 has the latest on the legal battle. Austin residents had to file a restraining order because the Democrats don’t believe in democracy so the community had to take legal action. That’s the reason why Austin residents gathered together they’re upset that Amundsen Park programs have been cancelled meanwhile the park is a potential new Migrant Shelter.
The city is asking taxpayers to step aside and allow this to happen. Mayor Johnson tells NBC 5 News that plans to move migrants to the park are put on hold for now but didn’t say why residents are demanding answers about what’s been done to their Community Center and it’s programs. I thought Black Chicagoans said the Democrat Party was our friends. I thought Black People were their base. We can get rid of Brandon Johnson as long as you continue to vote Democrat then you will continue to deal with the same issue. The mistake that Black People have been doing is staying with the same political party Democrats for the past 60 years.
It’s the same problem it’s a Democrat policy issue it’s just that simple.
You know I am telling the truth I am showing you in real time I’m not just getting on here running off at the mouth I am showing you receipts on my transcript from my Medium Page. The Democrat Party is not the party for Black Americans we should be politically independent and go with the party that has the best policies for Black People. In Louisiana Black People are 12% of the vote those votes went to Jeff Landry a Republican. The Democrats should have won easily in Louisiana. The majority of black voters did not come out and vote for the Democrats and out of the 216,000 that did vote 12% of that went to Republicans that is saying something ladies and gentlemen. A lot Black People are getting fed up. The Democrat Party Convention is supposed to be held in Chicago next year. This would be the best time to get our film project fully funded and made because all of the eyes across America will be on Chicago.
The Democrats want Black Chicagoans to come out and vote for them in November but I want Black Chicagoans and Black New Yorkers to think about how the Biden Administration has spent all of this money on Migrants, Ukraine and now Israel. But when it comes to these Sanctuary cities like Chicago we only received $21 million from the federal government. Mayor Adams in New York is dealing with the same issue you have all these policies they want to bring in all these people but they don’t give these Sanctuary Cities enough money to solve the issue.
In Chicago the Migrants are getting $9,000 per family for six months to pay their rent when they’re not giving American citizens resources like that there should be a lawsuit filed about that too because either you’re going to give everybody a $9,000 check in Chicago to pay their rent or nobody gets it that’s how I feel about it you can’t discriminate against citizens of Chicago. If any of us leave America and go to Venezuela you think they going to treat us the same way? But when we start talking about reparations they claim they don’t have it but they got money for everything else. Pay attention to all the people that’s making money with this Migrant situation. Every American citizens should have an issue with all this money going out the Democrats have money for wars, money for Migrants that’s a problem that all citizens should be talking about like the rise of inflation, people are suffering due to increased food and gas prices.
Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Third Topic — Money For Ukraine and Israel
Remember these politicians said they don’t have money for reparations, that we need a study, we need a committee, or that reparations would bankrupt America. Well Joe Biden had spoken out last week during a press conference telling the American people that we need to support his new spending plan for Ukraine and Israel. According to the New York Times entitled “Details of Biden’s $105 Billion Funding Request for Israel and Ukraine” Biden is asking for $61.4 billion dollars for Ukraine, $14.3 billion dollars for Israel, $13.6 billion dollars for Border Security,$9.15 billion dollars for Humanitarian Aid for Palestinian and Israel, for $7.4 billion dollars for Taiwan and Indo-Pacific. More than half of that money would go toward providing weapons and ammunition for Ukraine defense contracts and US Stock defense contracts.
The 13.6 billion dollar for border security that money would pay for more border patrol officers immigration shelters and detention centers. It also includes more than a billion dollars for battling fentanyl trafficking. It does not include two initiatives that the Republicans wanted building the wall and changes to the way migrants seeking Asylum are allowed into the country. For those of you who may have missed it there in the Middle East the Palestinians and the Israelis are at war again. In New York City there was a large Palestinian protest against the war in Israel. There are a lot of people out there who are in support of Israel and Palestinians. In London there’s 100,000 people protesting in the streets. We have a group of people who are not Descendants of American Slaves; they’re black only when it’s convenient for them. They speak up for other groups but when Black People need something they get real quiet.
These politicians are prioritizing Migrants who don’t belong on the soil they’re prioritizing Ukraine and Israel. I said they’re going to tell you that anything and everything that happens needs to be put ahead of our issues, never ending crises that’s what’s going on here. We have our agenda and that is exactly where we’re going to focus on. When you look closely at how our government continues to practice benign and neglect towards Black Americans and how bold they are with it by putting everybody else ahead of us. They’re giving money to Illegal Immigrants taken away from Black American citizens. We have not been compensated nor have we been given equal protections under the law. That’s why we need a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. We’re falling more behind and we’re slipping into genocide politically and physically.
As it pertains to the Israel and Palestinians conflict I don’t want us to ever lose sight of our moral compass. We should be able to see right and wrong anywhere and everywhere. I’m not in favor of colonization while we saw what happened to us here in America and Africa. I am not in favor of any form of Injustice. I’m going to speak on them in the context that puts the focus on our experience. I don’t condone injustice anywhere but I’d like to start by discussing the injustice we face here in America. We have not fixed the situation in America. If you want to convince the world that you’re truly invested in solving injustices, then do right by Black Americans first by giving us our reparations in the form of cash payments instead of sending all those billions to fight wars in foreign countries.
I’m concerned about our plight here in America with all these off code Negroes voting against our interest and I’m concerned about the plight of African people. America alone has 15 army bases across Africa the White Supremacist Financial Elites plan on using them to carry out their agenda. They don’t respect us notice there is not one Africa Army base in any Western nation. The Democrats don’t respect us they know we need reparations that will help close the racial wealth gap between Black Americans and White Americans. Young Black Voters need to be aware of these political games in American politics. I don’t think that we should be just observers because our local elections are important but in our general elections we have to demand tangibles from these politicians such as Lineage Based, Cash Payments Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves.
We also need to demand a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. The US government is throwing billions of dollars to assist foreign governments with their issues but they still have not fixed all of the water pipes in Flint Michigan and Jackson Mississippi. The United States of America Government doesn’t view that as a priority. These places are where Black People reside and the majority of them voted for Democrats. These politicians don’t think it’s important enough to replace those pipes. This is shameful and this is what Black America should be talking about.
We have the Federal Government telling us what they can’t do for Black America they have all this money to fight wars on the other side of the world and yet not giving restorative justice because let’s be very clear the things that happened in Flint Michigan and Jackson Mississippi was engineered by the White Supremacist Financial Elites. I talked about this a few years ago that you have the State of Mississippi Government has declared Benign and Neglect policies simply because it’s majority Black City. You have a state that has declared war on it’s Black citizens and yet we got money going to the other side of the world to fight other people’s wars with our Black Tax dollars. They’re taking our taxes and giving them to Illegal Migrants. People who cannot even vote, people who are not citizens are getting more benefits and resources than Black Americans. This is why I created this platform. We got to do better for our racial group and our children because our house is on fire. Please spread this video podcast and get involved with Black Issues. Nobody else is going to fight for us, we have to fight for ourselves.
Black America stop voting for these Democrat Politicians who ignore us. Over here we’re trying to educate Black People because the politicians they voted for “The Democrats” want to send a hundred billion dollars to the other side of the world when they need to focus on fixing things here in America first but this is what Black America voted for. You can believe in Christianity or Islam all day long. At the end of the day what are you going to do about White Supremacy in America? When we say systemic racism all that means is Institutionalized Racism. It’s a system of racial subjugation against Blacks In the following areas: Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, Employment, Housing, Media, Politics and Religion. This current system is corrupt because they are utilizing laws against us even though those laws were meant for Descendants of American Slaves. We have yet to have the Constitution enforced for us. For example, the 13, 14, and 15 Amendment has been used against us; these Amendments were written to outlaw slavery now it’s being used for other groups. It was supposed to be enforced for us but it’s been used against us that’s what we’re up against in America.
President Joe Biden declared unwavering support for Israel in the days after Hamas terror attack in Israel. I watch a news report from NBC News entitled “I will never vote Biden’: Some Muslim Americans in a key swing state feel betrayed by the president” To fully understand this article I recommend that you go to my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove.
Ahmad Ramadan a former Biden advisor now leading Coalition efforts for the Michigan Democratic Party called the state party chair to raise the alarm about what he was hearing from one of the largest Muslim and Arab American populations in the country. Ramadan was hearing all of the frustration with Biden and the Democrats they were threatening not to vote for him again in a series of more than a dozen Roundtable discussions with Muslim Community leaders. While Muslim Americans remain a small minority of the US population their numbers are rapidly growing with both parties. Former President Donald Trump and other Republicans turned them off with policies like the travel ban that affected predominantly Muslim countries.
The article goes on to say Muslim leaders are warning the Democrats may risk losing their support if Biden and the Democrats do not do more to
combat Islamophobia and address the pain many are feeling about the war in Gaza. Joe Biden has single-handedly alienated every Arab American and Muslim American voter in Michigan. Which is home to one of the largest Muslim and Arab American communities in the country. Farat said he has constituents and neighbors who have family members trapped in Gaza including some who are American citizens and they feel completely abandoned by the U.S. Government for not doing more to help them get out or get Aid and pressure Israel for a Ceasefire. The Biden Administration and Democrats as a whole are going to have to do a lot of work to rebuild some level of trust in the Muslim and Arab communities.
The article goes on to say enrolling conversations in Michigan and Beyond over the past two weeks Muslim elected officials activists and Community leaders have created a plan to mobilize their constituents to vote next year but also to encourage them to leave the top of the ticket blank in protest according to multiple people involved in the discussions.
The White House and Biden’s campaign say they are aware of the concerns and working to address them pointing to to Biden’s comments in his Oval Office address on Thursday night pushing for Aid to Palestinian civilians and urging Israel not to be blinded by rage. President Biden said during his press conference there is no place for Islamophobia, xenophobia or any of the vile racism we have seen in recent weeks. President Biden continues to work closely with leaders in the Muslim and Palestinian communities in America.
Black People who have always been the Swing Vote now other groups want to try to jump in and take our spot. You all worried about Latinos and Jamaicans trying to hijack Hip Hop you thought that was bad wait until you hear this the margins in States like Michigan in recent elections have been so thin that many groups can can claim credit for swinging election with representatives of each competing for resources and pushing to get their agenda moved up the White House’s priority. What I’ve been saying and talking about for the longest Black People in America is headed towards political genocide because too many of us are off code.
The goal of the social and political establishment and media establishment of America is to change the national conversation from Black and White to Brown Asian, Arab etc… anything except Black People and now we are seeing this come to pass in this article. This not voting thing is materializing I wonder who they learned that from because they don’t have a history of behaving in this manner? I wonder who showed them the template for responding like this? Governor Gavin Newsome has signed a bill that will give community college students in California a grant of up to $5,000 if they transfer to an HBCU. When you see things like this that’s why we have to stay on point about reparations.
These politicians are trying to rename our reparations in the form of Education. The money will go to the DOCA children this is what you’re doing on the sneak he’s showing photos of Black People but this money $5,000 is open to anybody to transfer to an HBCU and of course Benjamin Crump is used to justify the bill which aims to increase the number of students enrolled at HBCU an amazing opportunity for Illegal Immigrants and DOCA children. When we start talking about not voting those in power feel threatened at the corporate level in Media and Government because the message is catching on because of what we’ve been saying all the long. Not voting is starting to spread around various populations in America that begs the question if not voting then what would be the alternative?
The Biden Administration doesn’t think we need reparations I’m telling you right now mark my words you will see this again the FDA is considering banning hair straightening chemicals used by black women for years research shows it may increase the risk of cancer proposed rule making by April 2024 just in time for the elections, and primaries. This is the only thing the Democrats will give us symbolic gestures. We want tangibles. Representative Ayana Presley of Massachusetts and Shantel Brown of Ohio asked the FDA to investigate chemical hair straighteners pointing to a study published in 2022 from the National Institutes of Health that linked straighteners to an increased risk of uterine cancer. Notice Miss Presley is only concerned about black women’s hair she is not promoting reparations she’s not promoting a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill with all the things that the government could be concerned about why this? For them talking about not voting and then hitting the streets if that work for Black People that’s the template we created during the Civil Rights Era.
What we are trying to do on this platform is wake up Black America while we still have a chance to turn around our situation politically and socially. Hopefully our audience will grow and more Black America will listen to this video podcast. We don’t have to take our cues from Black Celebrities. I want us to understand that this change isn’t coming from Black Celebrities at the top, this is coming from the Black Grassroots which is the soil. We don’t need the majority of black society to get on code that’s been the most frustrating part of all this. I want you all to understand that part we’ve been consistent with our message. We want Lineage Based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves.
Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Our Fourth Topic — Exposing Democrat Shills
The Democrat Shills are starting to come out and use their same old tactics of trying to bully you to vote Democrat by insulting you or trying to belittle you because they feel that is the way to get us to support them. A lot of the shills are upset about what happened in Louisiana. You have to understand that’s how the Shills get paid by getting you to go out and vote. Their paycheck is based on delivering the black vote for Democrats. If I did not care about Black People I would be a sellout too but I couldn’t live with myself knowing I am undermining my racial group and my community it may take me a little longer but in the end I will make a positive impact in my community because of what I am trying build that is GRCAI of Chicago.
I came across a TikTok video about a Democratic Shill. The term Democratic Shill means A person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with that person or organization. When I watched this video I thought this could be helpful for my listeners to educate them even more about the dirty tricks in politics. We’re going to see more and more of this as election season nears. So let’s get into it I recommend that you watch the full TikTok video entitled “Exposing Democrat Shills” I also encourage my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page look for the exact title of this presentation. Then click on the topic and scroll down to show and prove. She already starts off with calling people stupid this woman was using a lot of foul language she’s promoting propaganda they have told you if you don’t go out and vote Democrat then the Republican is going to get your vote. We have established that the Democrats do not believe in democracy.
Look at my home town Chicago and New York. the Migrant situation, the push for reparations, anything that Black People ask for the Democrat Party ignores theydon’t listen to us. True democracy is where the people have a voice. Vote blue no matter who, Ineed to see your track record, what have you done for the Black Community? We have to vet everybody. Black People are starting to wake up and that means the Democrats are in trouble with the Black Community. Only Slave Owners could vote in America when they wrote the Constitution our ancestors were still working on those plantations.
Republicans got one view of how white supremacy should work and Democrats have a view on how white supremacy should work. She said Republicans are going to take away everybody’s rights. I don’t think so see what the Democrats do is take away Black People’s rights systemically and they’ll give rights to Illegal Immigrants they have already given them Millions of dollars just for crossing the border.
The Democrats talking about Social Security is not going to be here yet they are giving Ukrainians 200,000 from Social Security that came to America.
Remember The Asian Hate Crime Bill along with resources now they’re talking about giving more money to Israel. Do you see how these Democrat Shills talk down to Black People but none of these Democrat shills talk this way to White People, Asian People, Latino People etc… Over here we show people how the Democrats are prioritizing all these other groups look at all the billions of dollars that’s gone out to everybody except Black Americans.
We talk about the Democrat Party because 90 % of Black People vote for them. We can’t talk about Republicans like that because we don’t vote for them like we do the Democrats. Black People have been voting for Democrats for the past 60 years. Yet it has not made a difference in our lives. If the Democrat Party was our party then we would have Qualified Immunity on the books. If the Democrat Party was our party then we would be getting all kind of Grants and Loans to build up our communities. Our black farmers will be getting money no different than the white ones. Black People have no control or say so in the Democrat Party. We talk about reparations. Black Americans need reparations but the Democrat Party don’t support it. Ukraine didn’t vote for Democrats, The Migrants didn’t vote for Democrats but they’re getting all the resources. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our Paypal Page, purchasing items from our Virtual Store, purchasing my Revised Book or sending a direct donation through our GoFundMe Page we appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Anchor/Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and select the about section, then scroll down to links.
Instructions how to participate on the show:
First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon. I am going to wait around for about 15 minutes if I don’t hear from anyone then this will conclude our video podcast for today Peace and blessings
Show and Prove
12-year-old boy killed in shooting on South Side; $15K reward offered for info leading to arrest
* Conservative News Daily — Chicago provides an additional $9K in rental assistance to immigrants in need of housing, in addition to $60M for staffing
* Poll shows majority against Chicago’s ‘sanctuary city’ status
Most Chicagoans prefer to end ‘sanctuary city’ status: poll
Chicago migrants: Residents sound off against plan to house migrants at Austin’s Amundsen Park
Chicago residents file lawsuit to stop using public buildings to house migrants
Lawsuit filed against city to end inhumane conditions for Chicago residents, migrants
Chicago migrants: Judge to hold hearing about plans to turn Amundsen Park Fieldhouse into shelter
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Says Blacks Are Burdened But Must Support Migrants
Chicago Alderman Says Voters Should Decide If They Want Migrants To Occupy Their City
Catholic Church NGOs Accused Of Deceptively Driving Up The Migrant Crisis
Rep. Jonathan Jackson calls for federal investigation into Gov. Abbott over migrant busing program
Chicago migrants: How millions of dollars flowed to staff migrant shelters
Fox News Chicago Voters Blame Dems For Migrant Crisis
White House asks Congress for $106 billion for Ukraine and Israel wars
Details of Biden’s $105 Billion Funding Request for Israel and Ukraine
“I will never vote Biden’: Some Muslim Americans in a key swing state feel betrayed by the president”
Exposing Democrat Shills
What Is it Really Like to Be Black in Brazil?
Black Panther Party
The Willie Lynch Letter and The Making OF A Slave
War On Poverty
War On Drugs
The 1994 Crime Bill and Beyond: How Federal Funding Shapes the Criminal Justice System
Memorandum 46
This video discusses Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government counteracted it with the use of the tactics in Memorandum 46. Memo 46 is an U.S. Govt memo to stop African people in the U.S from uniting globally with other Africans. This was done by the financial elites to place a black face in leadership.
‘Benign Neglect’ on Race Is Proposed by Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon
Dr. King Speaks on Economics and Reparations
The Black Boule
Tulsa Race Massacre
Wilmington Massacre of 1898
Rosewood Massacre
EFF supporters march to the Israeli Embassy in solidarity with Palestinian people
African Diaspora News Channel
Ghana’s President Accused Of Selling Out African Countries In Exchange For American Favors
Dr. Arikana Says Colonization Has Left Africans Feeling Inferior & At The Mercy Of The West
Montreal Police Pull Over DJ Claiming He Was Out At An Unusual Time Of Night
Las Cruces Cop Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting Presley Eze For Allegedly Stealing Beer
Brotha Finds Out The Hard Way That Other Groups Will Never Support Us
Sista Records An Asian Beauty Supply Owner Discriminating Against Her For Having Natural Hair
A Brotha Goes Off After His Family Was Falsely Accused Of Stealing From ‘Sesame Place’ Souvenir Shop
Autistic Florida Black Teen Facing 30 Years For Assaulting Teacher That Took His Nintendo Switch
Canadian Tire Employee Tasered And Beaten During An Epileptic Seizure
WM Sentence To 25 Years In Prison After Trying To Unalive His Black Wife In Front Of Their Children
BW Stomped, Kicked During Beating By 2 WM While Bar Never Called Police To Help
Black Feminist Professor Demands Black Americans Support Ukraine Against Russia
Teacher Users Racial Slur Several Times During Class Under Right to Exercise Academic Freedom
Petty U.S Cuts Niger Aid By $500 Million After Loosing Western Ally President Bazoum To Coup
Atlanta Appeals Court Blocks Grant Applications For BW Business Owners
Mom Is Outraged After Students Keep Calling Her Daughter Anti-Black Slurs
Jamaican Brotha Arrested & Assaulted After Being Accused Of Stealing, Ramming His Cart At Walmart.
Homeless Senegalese Immigrant Injured After Cops Use Excessive Force To Remove Him From Encampment
South African Minister Exposes Boer Group AfriForum For Trying To Sabotage Affirmative Action
Niger Bans Cooking Gas Exports, Threatens Nigeria-Morocco $13B Gas Pipeline
The View Host Sunny Hostin Politically Threatens Biden If He Gets Rid Of VP Kamala Harris
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* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
* Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.
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* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)