(GRCAM Virtual Conference — January 28th 2023)

Emmanuel Barbee
19 min readJan 24, 2023


Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our first GRCAM Virtual Conference in 2023. We’re putting everybody on notice from people on my Facebook friends list, people in my social groups and all of our listeners from around the globe. We host our virtual conference every last Saturday of the month until we are able to raise Two Hundred Thousand dollars in order for me to hire a production company along with a graphic designer who will create a movie trailer and movie poster for our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). I will seek an additional $300,000 to make a quality black empowerment film. I will hire an assistant director and an assistant producer along with a film crew. In addition I plan on hiring a information technologist to create a streaming service where we can show all of our future films there.

I created a GoFundMe Page last April as a crowdfunding source so that everyone knows exactly where the funds will be going. We will be using our GoFundMe Page as an indicator of our progress. So far out of 1,660 People on my Facebook friends list only three people have donated to our film project and this is why it’s taken me so long to get things done. I have 330 subscribers on my YouTube Page but if you look under the about section it says I have 11,616 views. I am encouraging everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners from around the globe to please subscribe to my YouTube Page and share my page with all of your friends on all social media you’re on most of all please leave a public comment in the comment section on my YouTube Page this will help get the ball rolling.

Those who will donate to our film project through our GoFundMe Page and display their name and the amount they are contributing we will mention them in the film credits. In addition, everyone who contributes to our film project will earn cool points to our future live events at GRCAI of Chicago to show our appreciation. The best thing is that we will own the property and host unlimited events as we want. We will reach out to black owned food vendors and caterers to give them shine for their businesses. We will be community oriented. I also encourage everyone on my friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide to help get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that the world would take our cause serious. This is 100 percent grassroots we are not getting any funding from the government or major corporations because our focus is on strengthening the Black Family while improving the African American community starting in Chicago.

I am not interested in writing and publishing more books but rather produce quality Black Empowerment Films and creating successful black businesses I am not online to beg for donations I want to exchange something of value. My thing is if I am going to ask for something then I am going to have a product or service behind it like my revised book or items on my virtual store.

This podcast is an extension of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Over here we promote critical thinking while discussing social issues affecting the Diaspora and People on the African continent until the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago materialize.

Today’s topic of discussion are as follows: Our first topic Discussing Business Opportunity For Black Entrepreneurs, African Entrepreneurs, Afro-Caribbean Entrepreneurs and Afro-Brazilian Entrepreneurs Who Are On My Facebook Friends List & Those Who Are In My Social Groups. Our second topic The War On Woke?

Our First Topic — Discussing Business Opportunity For Black Entrepreneurs, African Entrepreneurs, Afro-Caribbean Entrepreneurs and Afro-Brazilian Entrepreneurs Who Are On My Facebook Friends List & Those Who Are In My Social Groups. My message is for like minded Black People and African People who are serious about improving the social conditions of our black youth who are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago. I am challenging Black Millennials and Generation Z to work with me in getting our film project fully funded and made this year God willing.

Synopsis of my docu-drama:

Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins will be a two hour Docu-drama about my experience growing up in the inner cities of Chicago. My vision and plan is to help improve the low-income African American community in Chicago. Our objective is to make Chicago a model for other cities in America. In the film we will show, when I did street ministry on the Westside of Chicago. My encounter with people from the Conscious community, Hebrew Israelites, Moors of America, Nation of Islam and Nuwaubians. As well as homeless youth and poor black families living in the streets. I will also promote my online talk show in the film as my credibility and my virtual Christian organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. This film depicts the black community in America where black people are deprived of luxuries, and black youth constant struggle to survive. In the film our goal is to connect the African American community with the African Immigrant community, the Afro-Caribbean community and the Afro- Brazilian community.

I don’t operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. For 31 years Black Chicago has overlooked and rejected my vision and plan to improve our inner cities. What has it prove? Our youth are paying the price with their lives because they are facing unnecessary casualties. Since 2001, over 4,000 people in Chicago alone has been murdered due to urban violence. It does not matter where you relocate you will find the same issues in every American ghetto drugs, guns, gangs, failing schools, high crime and that same ole Willie Lynch mentality among Black People.

I created the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement back in 1991 on a site called gopher when I was a college student. I wanted to connect with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People and Afro-Brazilian to discuss solving our social issues within the Black Community because so many of our people that I ran across in real life where desensitized to urban violence in the low income African American community. I wanted to build something positive for the low income African American community in order to improve the lives of black youth and their families. Through our Christian business we would made sure that we have our support systems in place so that we don’t have to beg, borrow or steal anything from anyone. I wanted to make sure that no other black person under my leadership would have to endure being overlooked and not supported for trying to do something positive in the African American community.

Why should the Black Grassroots, the Global African Family and Others support our film project? Because we are bombarded with ratchetness behavior by the dominant society. We need an interactive space where we can get together as black people without having Democratic shills running the agenda. When we get events promoted to us it’s usually ran by the Black Boule then all of a sudden it turns into a political agenda. Over here we want to promote a neutral ground.

The proceeds from the film will go towards funding our Christian business the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. GRCAI of Chicago is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. Our mission to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours. GRCAI of Chicago will be more then just a new business endeavor it will also be an experience. We plan on visiting 10 African nations. We want to encourage African Immigrants in America especially those who live in the surrounding Chicago area who are from the following African nations:

South Africa, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda to connect with us. I also want our Global African Family to work with us in getting GRCAI of Chicago up and running so that we can have them as a tour guide when we launch our African tours.

Through the business we plan to reconnect the Diaspora with Continental Africans and match Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist so that we can do international trade among ourselves and others in such things as Arts, Films, Music, Paintings, Hair/Skin Products, Businesses and Food. This would be a win win for both Black America and Africa. Black Americans can help show the Global African Family how to begin their process of pushing for reparations from their former colonizers from specific European nations. We will visit South Africa first because they have a similar history to ours. They experience Apartheid which was a policy of legal segregation on grounds of race. We experience Jim Crow which was laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States of America.

I will lead by example by applying for dual citizenship as well as setting up a chapter in South Africa. Our second film will be made in South Africa and it is entitled African Liberator Battle Against The Colonize Mindset. We will setup chapters along in East Africa. Before we come to Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria we are going to speak with those African Governments we will offer to solve two major issues in West African rolling blackouts and water filtration in exchange for citizenship and for Descendants of American Slaves/Foundational Black Americans to be included in their Constitution due to the Atlantic Slave Trade.

It’s GRCAI of Chicago hope that the Diaspora and Continental Africans can work together to form an international alliance through the African Free Trade Agreement. Our objective is to promote economic opportunities in the low-income African American community by being an advocate and resource for our members and students. Promote, cultivate, preserve and perpetuate the different cultures of African, African American, Afro-Caribbean and Afro-Brazilian in Literary, Visual, Performing and Cinematic Arts. We also will offer Entrepreneurship to teach our members/students how to own and operate their own businesses both Nonprofit and For profit. We will host Birthday Parties, Corporate Events and Special Events.

Life is to short to be dealing with constant drama. We want to create a family friendly environment that offers a variety of activities for children to be children like laser tag, gravity ropes, arcade games, billiards, and more, all under one roof. I am tired of seeing shows on Starz like Power or BMF which glorifies street life as a way of influencing our black youth into street life. Though our Black Empowerment films we want to change those negative images in the low-income African American community starting in Chicago.

Our black empowerment films will promote a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will push for social change through our films, stage plays, music and using our Black Media to get our message out to the black masses. We will achieve this through our social media and journalism to change the narrative. We will strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues in America. Through our webinars and our networking events we are committed to empowering black college students, and young adults to become fearless black entrepreneurs.

Our Networking Events

Our free monthly webinars or virtual conference will bring people together fostering collaboration within the entrepreneurship community. Our focus is to inspire and motivate the next generations of black people making strides through entrepreneurship.

Our mission also include accelerating business development and growth, focusing on black men and black women in order to strengthen their participation in, and impact on, the economy. GRCAI of Chicago envision a world where black business owners have an equitable opportunity to compete and succeed in the marketplace.

Purpose: To strengthen and meet the need of the Black Family while improving the low-income African American community. We will host multi-events such as conferences/workshops, seminars, webinars for kingdom building. I am called by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or Yeshua to rebuild our inner cities in America similar to that of Nehemiah who was called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah used qualified engineers, architects and inventors to rebuild a new city. Likewise, I want Black Middle Class professionals to be on my management team who will help make our Christian business effective and successful for years to come. I am seeking qualified Black Middle Class professionals within the United States of America who have the expertise in the
following areas:

Investors, Business Partners, Black Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs, Marketers, Accountants, Lawyers, Real Estate Developers, Grant Writers and Philanthropist. I am also looking for legitimate Black Artists such as Film Directors, Producers, Actors, Stage Managers, Technical Directors, Graphic Designers who will join my management team.

Community Involvement:

It’s time to make GRCAM known by getting our story on the big screen so that we can make our presence known in the African American community starting in Chicago. The first line of business is to donate to our film project and also help get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that the world would take our cause serious. The ugly truth the mindset of Black Americans as a collective is not there yet that’s why GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead in dealing with this Willie Lynch mentality within our culture head on.

I need you all to say this with me Not Another 31 Years, Not Another 31 Years, Not Another 31 Years! Right now I am just paying for the business title. I have no physical building, nor do I have any employees. I was hoping my revised book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” would help me to generate enough capital for me to start the business, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. I thought my virtual store would generate enough capital to start the business, but that didn’t happen. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America, before I cut and run to Africa.

Once I am able to get our film project fully funded and made and the proceeds from the film begin pouring in then I can purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire Black Middle Class professionals who will make sure that this Christian business will be effective and successful for years to come. We will declare war on this Willie Lynch Mentality within black society so help me God. In GRCAI of Chicago we will teach our members and students how to be committed to a cause. I believe as a community we’ve lost our integrity, our loyalty and our commitment to the next generation. I am all about bring the Black Community up we will offer rental space for our members and students who need a space for their business. We will create our own Life Insurance business and Credit Union for our members and students. We want to share information with our members who don’t have access or resources. I don’t have to be in public office to help make real change at the grassroots level I can do it through our Christian business. It’s also my hope that GRCAI of Chicago would become a franchise across the United States of America in the low income African American community to local residents that want our services.

We’re still dealing from our traumatic past of being enslaved in America. GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead in helping the African American community heal from this slave mentality which has been going for far to long. It’s hard for us to have a united household with the basic resources. We will help create a positive family structure.

The push back from Black Chicago has made me go even harder. We have a lot of non-empowered black people who are full of Willie Lynch they become hostile towards us. This is why we have to separate from degenerates among us. The White Supremacist Financial Elites don’t want us to be empowered because then we could pool our resources together to build up our economic base and protect our community and our local residents from harm legally. When it comes to us trying to become self sufficient then all of a sudden all these other groups start getting nosy and want to know who’s all included. The White Supremacist Financial Elites identity is contingent upon us being denied resources and being mistreated. We’re being targeted, mass incarcerated and miss educated on purpose.
GRCAI of Chicago is the new Civil Rights Movement 2.0 we will take the lead in cleaning up the African American community.

We will help restore the Black Family by working directly with single black mothers and single black fathers within the African American community. The goal to create a more functional black family through our programs and services. We will promote Economic Black Empowerment and instead of pushing for Social Integration and Cultural Assimilation we will focus on re-connecting the Diaspora with Africa. We’re paying taxes just like everybody else but we’re not getting the services we’re suppose to get. We’re being treated as third and forth class citizens this mess must end now. We need our own police force just like Native Americans that should be included in our reparations package along with a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill.

I don’t have another 31 years to waste I don’t want to be bogged down with American issues I rather take my talent to the African continent and work with Native Africans that want more out of life. First line of business help us get our film project fully funded and made so that the proceeds from the film can begin pouring in. This will help put me in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified black middle class professionals. Before I cut and run to Africa I want to make sure that I am able to sustain myself and provide tangibles to my group members from (GRCAI of Africa). African Family if you are serious about me coming to Africa then do what you can to help speed up the process mark my words once our Christian business is up and running and we start making money from the for profit sector of the business then everybody in Chicago will want to be apart of this. 31 years of rejections has been a thorn in my flesh I am not here to be popular I am here to recruit brave and smart Black People, African People and Others who are serious about turning my vision and plan into a reality. If you think this is a scam then delete me off your friends list and never attend any events with my name on it. I am putting my reputation on the line. Encourage your non-black friends to help patronize our film project, our virtual store and my revised book.

My book is just the beginning what I want to be remembered for is trying to build something positive for our black youth, their families and the African American community. Instead of complaining about the white man, career politicians, and the government. GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi-purpose facility. Through this business we will create community grocery store, community health clinic and community housing. We will offer an interactive space for African Americans, African Immigrants, Afro-Brazilians and Afro-Caribbean, Black Millennials, Non-black sympathizers and Generation Z. GRCAI of Chicago will provide quality programs and services to promote culture retention. GRCAI of Chicago will have a Nonprofit sector and a For profit sector. GRCAI of Chicago will operate under 7 separate functions under one roof they are as follows:

1. A social service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component 6. A Black Media component (New Black Voices of Media) 7. A Health and Wellness component

It’s my hope that the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will become a Hub throughout the Mid-West for Black Artist and Black Entrepreneurs. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into urban communities that need our talent and skills. I believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to the low-income African American community and our collective future. My team of professionals will offer quality programs and services. They will be committed to affecting positive change in the communities in which we operate. We believe that quality education is the foundation for a successful community along with promoting Black Economic Empowerment and Spirituality.

It’s our objective to expand GRCAI of Chicago into a Global marketplace to promote our films on our own streaming site. In time our platform will connect millions of buyers from around the world. We will provide access to resources and education that will empower the next generations of black people to break the cycle of poverty.

The benefits of being a GRCAI member:

We will offer opportunities to black youth to be in our films while earning a stipend

We will donate food and clothing to needy black families

We will offer onsite child daycare on our premises

We will offer Housing Assistance pending on our budget and sponsorship

We will offer Utility Bill Assistance pending on our budget and sponsorship

We will offer workshops/seminars in Financial literacy to our students and members so that they can gain various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

We will offer Real Estate courses and Dietary/Nutrition

We will provide quality programs and services to the low income African American community. Strengthen single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent black families within the African American community.

I encourage my Christian group member’s in Light OF The World Inspirational Group and Christian Spoken Word Network to donate to our film project on our GoFundMe Page. You can find the link in the comment section below this video-podcast as well as on my YouTube Page. Also help get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that the world would take our cause serious. Finally encourage your non-black friends to help patronize our film project because a majority of black people these days have become Americanized and can careless about the collective or the black community so that we can do those Greater Works that is written in the Bible. John 14:12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

I encourage my international group member’s in GRCAI of Africa, my Secular group members in GRCAI of Chicago, New Black Voices of Media etc… to step up and to donate to our film project on our GoFundMe Page. You can find the link in the comment section below this video-podcast as well as on my YouTube Page. Also help get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that the world would take our cause serious. Finally encourage your non-black friends to help patronize our film project because a majority of black people these days have become Americanized and can careless about the collective or the black community.

We will offer private employment to our members and students based on our budget and sponsorship. In time we will offer a Second Chance program for ex-offenders of non-violent crimes, former gang members and homeless individuals. We will give our members an opportunity to be in our films.

We will offer interactive space for our members to create their films and their own music both Christian and Secular in order to facilitate wholesome, family oriented events. We will strive to fill a void in the live performance arena through our poetry, comedy, music, dance, hip-hop, holy hip hop, educational workshops/seminars and more. Our goal is to empower our members and the community we will serve.

GRCAI of Chicago will be membership based in order for us to weed out people who don’t care about our inner-city youth, their families or the black community. No Hardened Criminals, No Degenerates, No Urban Terrorist, No Pedofiles, and No off code Negroes allowed in my organization this is how I get down. GRCAI of Chicago is open to all law-abiding citizens, and undiscovered artist. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

The only thing which is preventing me from starting my Christian business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my virtual store, my revised book and now my future film. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section on my YouTube channel. Most of all share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic — The War On Woke? WOKE = Wisdom, Oneness, Knowledge, Elevation.
I found an article from Associated Press News entitled “Florida blocks high school African American studies class” You can read the full article on my Medium Transcript under show and prove. Ron Desantis has been on this Anti-Woke campaign which is code word for Anti-Black. He banned teaching African American studies in Florida. These White Supremacist Financial Elites can’t tell us what’s inaccurate. Their goal is to rewrite history because so many of us are woke. This is why GRCAM exist so that we can have a safe space to connect with other like minded people. These public schools are trying to indoctrinate our children while taking away their history from them. This is one of the reasons why I wrote and published my revised book.

You need to get my book fast and start reading it with your children before the White Supremacist Financial Elites decide to censure it. We’re asking for compensation for our historical mistreatment here in America. The White Supremacist Financial Elites understand that if we are allowed to play on a equal playing field we would excell. This case in Florida is an Anti-Black policy they are not targeting any other group. The whole reparations conversation have a whole lot of people shook because we are still talking about reparations. No other group is standing up against White Supremacy but Descendants of American Slaves/Foundational Black Americans.

Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section on my YouTube channel. Most of all share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling. We’re opening up the phone lines for our contributors on the panel. Once they are done with their commentary about the topics then we will open up the phone lines for Q and A to the public. Bare with us as we attempt to use Stream Yard to host three to six panelist at a time. We want to make this online talkshow significant for Black People.

Show and Prove

Florida blocks high school African American studies class


Phillip Scott from African Diaspora News Channel reports on an Asian woman telling Jamaicans in the diaspora that she has more rights than they have.


Phillip Scott from African Diaspora News Channel reports on a WM that has seen opportunities in West Africa. Many will be bothered by that but if you’re not going, someone else will.


Phillip Scott from African Diaspora News Channel reports on Comedian Njambi McGrath sharing the reason why she couldn’t connect with Black Americans.


Phillip Scott from African Diaspora News Channel reports on FBI informant Julia Clarice Brown and how her same rhetoric is being spewed today regarding reparations.


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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