(GRCAM The Urban Platform In The 21st Century)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is more than just a collection of social groups but an interactive network among ordinary digital citizens throughout the African Diaspora. As I mention throughout my blog post and podcast/videos my goal is to turn my virtual Christian socialist into a real Christian business in order for us to make a real impact in our urban community starting in Chicago. GRCAM will take the lead in solving black issues once and for all in America. GRCAM continues to inspire, connect and empower Black People in order to make this world a better place while showing God’s love to all.
GRCAM is a unique platform designed to inspire action through online events, grassroots initiatives and thought-provoking content. We foster connectivity that crosses social boundaries to spark ideas into action. We invite you to participate in our real time webinars, watch and share our podcast and videos, most of all get involved in our cause Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos by purchasing my revised book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my plan to improve our inner cities in America then I would love to hear from you. I don’t have another 27 years to waste talking to small minded people who don’t care about improving the Black Community and the Black Family in America.
The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, my revised book (The Solution For Black America) second edition and now through my upcoming urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.
I am still waiting on the IRS to approve my nonprofit cooperative as a legitimate 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization before I can open up a business account and begin soliciting Angel Investors and Sponsors who will invest $400,000 for my Film Project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). The funds will go towards me hiring professional film crew and quality actors. The proceeds from my film will go towards me hiring Black Middle Class Professionals and others to assist me with building my Christian business and with the daily operation of managing the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.
GRCAI will engage with local residents on the Westside of Chicago and eventually on the Southside of Chicago as mentioned in my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will be family friendly environment filled with fun, rare opportunity to target and engage with attendees from Austin, Garfield Park and the North Lawndale area and surrounding suburbs. Participants will discover unknown artist both Christian & Secular, accessories, beauty, health, wellness and more! GRCAI will host networking events while promoting our local, national and international artists, poets, and opportunities to shop with small Black Businesses.
GRCAI Fest will include our vendors: Concession Vendors would offer Food and Beverage while our Merchant Vendors would offer their Products and Services during our live events. GRCAI Fest will target Chicago’s African American consumer and showcase the best in black culture through our diverse audience. In addition to great food, local merchants and activities for kids, GRCAI will host a diverse entertainment lineup from African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants designed to appeal to both young and old from up-and-coming local artists to smooth Stepper acts.
I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people on my friends list and people in my social groups to please support me by purchasing my revised book and read my story (The Solution For Black America) second edition. It’s available on Amazon as an e-book for $9.99 and or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. My book is the foundation of my future Christian business the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.
GRCAI will be membership based and everyone will be screen and must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora. This is more than just a new business endeavor it’s a new system.
My Credibility
Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)
My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)