Emmanuel Barbee
8 min readNov 7, 2019

(GRCAM The Solution For Black America & Africa)

I created the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (GRCAM) because I was fed up with all of the division among Black People. Pan Africanism was not working for African Americans/Black Americans. I wanted to start a new movement I created my first group on November 10th 1991 on a site called Gopher. I wanted to help raise awareness about the genocide which is taking place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. I also wanted to connect with other like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans from around the globe.

After 15 years of being rejected, humiliated and ignored by established black organizations in Chicago I decided to document my experience and publish my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition in hopes of attracting 30 Black Middle Class Professionals within the United States to join my management team in order to make my Black Christian Business effective and successful for years to come. Nehemiah was called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He did not build that wall by himself he had a professional team people like Architects, Brick layers and Engineers.

Like wise, I want Black Middle-Class Professionals who have the following credentials: Investors, Business Partners, Christian Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs and Philanthropist. I am also looking for legitimate Film Producers, Actors, Stage Managers, Grant Writers/Fundraisers, Technical Directors, Marketers, Accountants, Business Administrators, Social Workers, Financial Planners, Lawyers, Real Estate Brokers and Insurance Agents.

I have my articles of incorporation and my bylaws typed and available for my Nonprofit Cooperative. I also have my articles of organization typed and available for my For Profit Service Based Business. Yet to add insult to injury still to this day I don’t have anyone on my management team.

I am called beyond the four walls of the church my purpose is to make an impact in the economy or the market place. Meet the needs of the community we will serve and show them an authentic form of Christianity for me that would be Christian socialism. A Christian socialist is a form of socialism based on the teachings of Jesus. Many Christian socialists believe that capitalism is idolatrous and rooted in greed, social inequality, and institutionalized racism which most Christian denominations consider a mortal sin. We will focus on what we stand for: love, compassion, social justice, and liberation theology.

Jesus told us to focus on the lease of these in society according to Matthew 25:35–40. He also commanded us to be a witness to others not just for us to read his word, but to activate social change in the world according to Matthew 28: 16–20. We will be committed to the healing ministry of Jesus by showing compassion to inner city youth and their families which will promote dignity to the people and community we will serve. We will promote an authentic form of Christianity which is Christian Socialism. We will emphasize the importance of morals and character development for both Christians and Non-Christians. We will also focus on strengthening the black family and focus on solving black issues by promoting a black economic agenda.

GRCAM is a 21st century Black Community Empowerment and Kingdom Building approach to solving black issues in America and throughout the Diaspora. GRCAM aims to unite likeminded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans throughout the African Diaspora. We welcome all Christian denominations, Moderate Muslims, Secular People and Non-black sympathizers. But before I can reach out to Non-black sympathizers I need Brave & Smart Black People on my management team first after all this organization is for Black People. GRCAM will focus on two fronts domestically and internationally.

On the domestic front our mission

To eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through our programs and services.

To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the communities we will serve.

To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by being a community advocate and resource for our members.

To strengthen the black family by working directly with single black mothers/fathers who want to utilize our services. For example we will
offer youth services to children and young adults by providing them with a stipends to be in our films, stage plays, and music videos. This act alone will have a positive impact in the black community base on our budget and sponsorship.

To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will achieve this through journalism, social media and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will take the lead in the marketplace by creating community co-op, community grocery stores and eventually community housing. For example, GRCAI will pay Black Women the same as Black Men, offer a consensus-based decision making, democratized wages and establish a worker-owned cooperative for our members.

Before I can talk about an international front, I need to get my Black Christian Business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute established in America first for credibility, so that Jesus/Yeshua will
receive all the credit. My vision goes beyond Black America I have an African plan. Africa is our ancestral homeland and we as Black People throughout the Diaspora need to go back and help share our knowledge, talent, and skills in order to put Africa back at it’s rightful place in the world. My goal for my African family is to unite likeminded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans to be in agreement with me and help me turn my ideas into reality I don’t have another 28 years to waste.

It’s my hope to recruit recruit brave and smart African Immigrants in America to assist me in turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real business. Once we’re established in America I plan on expanding my business to 10 African Nations they are as follows: Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda.
I encourage my African friends to push pressure on your governments to allow us to have citizenship within 3 years if they are serious about us doing business on the continent. We as black people must move away from being tribal.

I encourage my African friends to share my book information with your family or friends who reside in Canada, Europe, or in the United States to purchase my revised book and read my story for themselves. My revised book is the foundation of my future Christian business. We will go through the proper channels with their government to start the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa as an (NGO) Non-government organization.

We will offer private employment to our members based on our budget and our sponsorship. We will provide infrastructure for clean running water, agricultural technology to feed the people, offer solar energy to help our members with their electrical generators and most of all help improve the African economy. In time, we will expand to Brazil and specific places in the Caribbean such as Barbados, Bahamas, Haiti and Jamaica.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa will be an effort to assist the diaspora in the ability to shop with, visit, invest in and relocation back to Africa. All of our products and services will be provided by skilled and professional Africans from around the continent. It’s important for the Diaspora to make the connection physically and economically. GRCAI of Africa, will be there to help arrange your travel, welcome you upon arrival and assist with tours, translators and more.

It’s time for people in my social groups to stand up, it’s been 28 years that I have been online trying to Recruit, Inform, and Promote my vision about improving our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. I did not ask for this God has placed this on my heart since I was in my 20’s now I am in my 40’s. 28 years is long enough I refuse to be ignored my vision is about improving Black America and improving Africa if given a chance. The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian Business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my revised book and now through my upcoming urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into our urban communities that need our talent and skills. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be membership based. Everyone will be screen, must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

My Credibility

I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people on my friends list and people in my social groups to please support me by purchasing my revised book and read my story (The Solution For Black America) second edition. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 and or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. My revised book is the foundation of my Black Christian Business (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast


Both my Christian groups and my Secular groups represent the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Here’s a list of my Groups across the internet below:

1. Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Christian Group)

2. Christian Spoken Word Network (My Christian Group)

3. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos (My Social Group)

4. The New Black Voices of Media (My Social Group)

5. Real Talk Real Solutions (My Social Group)

6. Chicago Home OF The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement

7. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (My Social Group)

8. The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)

9. New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)

10. New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide
(My Social Group)

11. Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)

12. Community of Resistance (My Social Group)

13. The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference (My Social Group)

14. E. Bloc (My Social Group)

Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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