(GRCAM ON The Scene In 2019)
Attention everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups the purpose for my Facebook Live Event is for me to recruit people on my friends list who are interested in being apart of my Film Project. All of my social groups represents my virtual Christian socialist organization (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. If you are unable to participate because of signal failure don’t fret I would suggest that you consider creating a free Skype account so that we can see if we can network on there. Once you have registered then I will ask you to send me a friend request so that I can get you on my online talkshow.
I host my online talkshow (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast) in order to interact with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups. I want to give everyone an opportunity to promote their businesses, ministries and or share their talents & skills with my listeners from the podcast community. After the show I usually offer my guest speakers an incentive by sharing with them how to create their own podcast or create their own Youtube channel and earn revenue from it. I prefer that we do a phone test first to check and see if your phone device is compatible with Facebook messenger as a voice call, if not then I recommend that you create a free Skype account.
I created GRCAM in order to mobilize brave and smart Progressive African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans throughout the African Diaspora. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a 21st century community building approach to solving social problems within the black community and throughout the African Diaspora. GRCAM offers a black economic agenda, promote a strong sustainable urban community through advocacy and innovation.
The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, my revised book (The Solution For Black America) second edition and now through my upcoming urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.
It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into our urban communities that need our talent and skills. I believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to the low income African American community and our collective future.
I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people to support me by purchasing my revised book and read my story (The Solution For Black America) second edition. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 and or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (GRCAI) will be membership based and everyone will be screen and must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.
My revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) Second Edition is the foundation of my organization.
1. Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Christian Group)
2. Christian Spoken Word Network (My Christian Group)
3. Real Talk Real Solutions (My Social Group)
4. The New Black Voices OF Media (My Social Group)
5. The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference (My Social Group)
6. New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)
7. New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide (My Social Group)
8. Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)
9. The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)
10. Community of Resistance (My Social Group)
11. Chicago Home OF The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement (My Social Group)
12. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (My Social Group)
13. E. Bloc (My International Friends)
14. Brains OF Africa (My African Connection)
My Credibility:
My Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast(Please Subscribe & Share)
My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)