Emmanuel Barbee
13 min readJun 2, 2019

(GRCAM Making Our Presence Known In Black America & Throughout The African Diaspora)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a 21st century community building approach to solving social problems within the black community and throughout the African Diaspora. GRCAM is about mobilizing brave and smart Progressive African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans throughout the African Diaspora. GRCAM offers a black economic agenda, promote a strong sustainable urban community through advocacy and innovation. We welcome all Christian denominations, Moderate Muslims, Secular People and Non-black sympathizers. This is an authentic black organization first and foremost. We are interested in solving black issues once and for all in America.

Our mission to eradicate urban violence in the city of Chicago through our programs and services. We also want to meet the social needs of the urban communities by strengthening single black families that want to utilize our services. To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism, and police brutality within the community we will serve. To create jobs that can be a career and put our members on the path to reaching the American dream. To create an international network to help promote economic opportunities throughout the African Diaspora by being an advocate and provide a reliable information to our members.

GRCAM is a virtual Christian socialist organization. For me Christian socialism is an authentic form of Christianity. A Christian socialist is a form of socialism based on the teachings of Jesus. Many Christian socialists believe that capitalism is idolatrous and rooted in greed, social inequality, and institutionalized racism which most Christian denominations consider a mortal sin. We will focus on what we stand for: love, compassion, social justice, and liberation theology.

Jesus told us to focus on the lease of these in society according to Matthew 25:35–40. He also commanded us to be a witness to others not just for us to read his word, but to activate social change in the world according to Matthew 28:16–20. We will be committed to the healing ministry of Jesus by showing compassion to inner city youth and their families which will promote dignity to the people and community we will serve. We will promote an authentic form of Christianity which is Christian Socialism.

We will emphasize the importance of morals and character development for both Christians and Non-Christians. We will also focus on meeting the needs of the community while strengthening the black family and focusing on solving black issues by promoting a black economic agenda. Our members will learn how to balance spiritual and professional life. Learn networking opportunities, teaching real Christianity, self love, prayer, love for others, giving back, being UN-selfish and most importantly, keeping God first!

I’ve completed my film training from Chicago Film Makers. I learn the ins and outs of becoming a film director and a producer. I also learned how to write a business proposal and submit them to Angel Investors, Corporations and Foundations who would be interested in investing $400,000 for my film project. The funding will go towards me hiring qualified film crew such as Sound Technician, Graphic Designers, Assistant Director, Director of Photography, Camera Assistant, Gaffer, Hair & Makeup Artist and Production Assistant and of course quality actors. The proceeds from the film will go towards funding my Christian business the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

Please be in agreement with me that God will connect me with legitimate Angel Investors and Sponsors who will fund my film project this year. If you would like to be apart of my film project either in front of the camera or be on my film team behind the scene then keep the lines of communication open with me and be on stand by until I obtain the funding to launch the film. If you know of any actors that is able to travel to Chicago and audition for my urban Christian film then please encourage them to send me a friend request along with their email address to my Facebook page thanks.

When you have a moment please listen to the archives/past shows to see how I operate then decide when you want to come on the show and I will reserve your spot. I host my show in order to interact with everyone on my friends list as well as to give business owners, church leaders and people that have special gifts/talents an opportunity to share their information with my listeners from the podcast community.

After the show I usually offer my guest speakers an incentive by sharing with them how to create their own podcast or create their own Youtube channel and earn revenue from it. I prefer that we do a phone test first to check and see if your phone device is compatible with Facebook messenger as a voice call if not then I recommend that you create a free Skype account. The best day and times for me are Thursday evenings, Friday evenings, Saturday evenings, and or Sunday evenings after 2:00PM Central Time.

When you are able please purchase my revised book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” second edition it’s available on Amazon I provided the link below. Please encourage your family, your friends, your church and your local community center to purchase my book too. This will help me generate capital so that I can recruit and hire qualified people to assist me in starting my Christian business the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago (GRCAI) which is based on my revised book.

Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast

(Please Subscribe & Share)


My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


I am called by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to rebuild our inner cities in America similar to that of Nehemiah who was called by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah used qualified engineers, architects and inventors to rebuild a new city.

Likewise, I want qualified people on my team who will help make my Christian business effective and successful. I am seeking 30 black middle class professionals within the United States who have read my story and who have the expertise in the following areas: Investors, Business Partners, Christian Entrepreneurs, Social Entrepreneurs and Philanthropist. I am also looking for legitimate artists such as film directors, producers, actors, stage managers, fundraisers, technical directors and marketers who can come to Chicago and join my management team.

Our community involvement:

Urban violence is a moral issue just like American slavery and Lynching. Maga corporations want to control the internet and silencing inspired voices. It’s time to make GRCAM known both throughout cyberspace as digital citizens as well as make our presence known in the Black Community starting in Chicago. GRCAM is a body of believers committed to the cause of Christ and willing to serve in this day and age. We believe and support the concept of family as described in my revised book which is the foundation of my organization that the family commences with marriage and that marriage is defined by God as the uniting of one man with one woman.

The goal of my social groups is to network with people who have small businesses, ministries, and those who want to share their special talents and skills with my listeners from the podcast community until I am able to generate enough capital from my book sell to hire qualified people to join my management team. The only thing which is preventing me from starting my Christian organization is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, and now through my revised book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” second edition which is available on Amazon.

In my book I provide a 21st century plan on how my Christian organization will help eradicate urban violence while at the same time meet the social needs of the communities and families starting in Chicago. I am asking everyone on my friends list to please purchase my book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my plan to improve our inner cities in America then encourage all of your family, friends, places of worship and also at your local community center to read my story too. This will help speed up the process I don’t have another 27 years to waste I have a plan and I’m ready to lead.

My book is just the beginning what I want to be remembered for is trying to build something positive in the black community instead of complaining about the white man, career politicians, and the government. Once I have my management team in place or generate enough capital from my book sell to hire qualified individuals then I will start the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

GRCAI will offer an interactive space for Progressive African Americans, African Immigrants, Afro-Brazilian/Afro-Caribbean, all Christian denominations, Millennials, Non-black sympathizers, moderate Muslims and secular people who will work with me in turning my ideas into action. GRCAI will provide quality programs and services to benefit the black community and promote culture retention. GRCAI will operate under 5 separate functions within the African American community.

1. A social service component
2. A Spiritual component (optional for secular people)
3. A Political component
4. An Entertainment component
5. An Entrepreneur component

It’s my hope that the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will become a permanent infrastructure for Chicago Artist who will compete with other cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta and become the Hub throughout the Mid-west for emerging black artists and upcoming black Christian Entrepreneurs. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into urban communities that need our talent and skills. I believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to the low-income African American community and our collective future.

My team of professionals will offer quality programs and services. They will be committed to affecting positive change in the communities in which we operate. We believe that quality education is the foundation for a successful community along with economic empowerment and spirituality.

The benefits:

GRCAI will offer private employment to our members based on our budget and sponsorship along with variety of great benefits to keep our employees healthy physically, mentally and financially from health coverage and vacation time to employee discounts and wellness programs. In time we will offer a second chance program for ex-offenders of nonviolent crimes, former gang members and homeless individuals.

GRCAI Entertainment will give our members an opportunity to be in our theater performances highlighting the best of Black culture and art. We will offer a variety of African, Caribbean, and African American food and beverage for purchase during business hours from several local vendors. We will offer interactive space for our members to create their films and their own music both Christian and Secular in order to facilitate wholesome, live family oriented events. We will strive to fill a void in the live performance arena through our poetry, comedy, music, dance, local hip-hop, holy hip hop, educational workshops/seminars and more. Our goal is to empower our members and the community we will serve if given a chance.

My Vision For Africa: To reconnect with my ancestral homeland Africa. It’s my hope to connect with African Immigrants within the United States who will work with me and Sister Rena in rebuilding our urban communities within 10 cities in the Midwest. Before we expand to Africa I need my international friends who live in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda to encourage your governments to allow us to have citizenship within 3 years if you are serious about having us do business on the African continent. We as black people must move from being tribal.

Please encourage your family and friends who reside in Canada, Europe and the United States to purchase my revised book and work with me and Sister Rena this will help speed up the process for us to recruit brave and smart African Immigrants in America to assist me in setting up chapters in Africa. We will go through the proper channels with their government to start our (NGO) Non-government organization. We will offer private employment to our members based on our budget and our sponsorship. We will provide infrastructure for clean running water, agricultural technology to feed the people, offer solar energy to help our members with their electrical generators and most of all help improve the African economy as well as educate the people about the problems with Capitalism and show them an alternative GRCAM. In time, we will expand to Brazil and the Afro-Caribbean Islands.

African Americans have been protesting and marching for equality and fairness in the United States for 52 years and still to this day institutionalized racism and police brutality still happening. In such a crucial time as these, we can’t afford to go backwards. I’m not here to entertain I’m here to recruit, inform and promote my vision about solving black issues once and for all in America. It’s time for us as Black People to embrace new ideas to solve our current social conditions.

Since 2001 over 4,000 people in the city of Chicago alone has been killed due to urban violence. Today our elected black leaders have fail us they are all about themselves because they are being funded by the same group who created these social problems the financial elites. African Americans from the lower economic class are suffering great harm from senseless violence, high unemployment, mass incarceration, police brutality, drug abuse, high illiteracy, inadequate healthcare and failing schools as a result of institutionalized racism how do it know because I experience it when I lived there.

The financial elites created the black ghettos, welfare and flooded our community with drugs and guns. In my book I call it perfect genocide. They divided us based on social class, religion, and political affiliation (Democrat or Republican). During integration or the Housing Act of 1968 our Middle Class Black Professionals relocated to white neighborhoods. Our role models were gone and the black family begin breaking down removing the black man from the home. Government food stamps, Abortion, Drugs, Prison Pipeline all planned to keep us divided. The Goal of my virtual Christian socialist organization is to connect with other like minded Brothers, Sisters Black People and others and educate them about God plan for our lives, and Satan plan to destroy us through institutionalized racism.

Capitalism has transformed everything into a commodity something that could be bought and sold by those who own it, not to be used for the benefit of those who produced it. To increase profits for stockholders and CEOs. For example, insurance companies closely track people health conditions in order to determine how big a risk a person are when they sign up for insurance. Pharmaceutical companies invest many dollars in improving existing medicines so they can charge thousands of dollars per pill to line the pockets of investors.

The wealthy have access to preventive care, medicine on demand, attentive doctors and other health workers, and affordable procedures as needed. The poor do not. The wealthy live in healthy and safe environments. The poor and working class live in the opposite environment. The most oppressed people in America are poor blacks who face even more disastrous conditions than the working poor because of institutionalized racism. We live in a society of great resources, at a time of great technological advancement, yet millions are denied access to resources. Workers only produce the resources they do not control them, the financial elites decide our health and wellbeing. They decide whether we get cancer treatments and diabetes medicines and at what price. The vast supermarket chains leave poor and working-class neighborhoods in food deserts. The energy corporations pollute poor and working-class neighborhoods. And the services available to our communities are being cut. Capitalism has proven itself to make the world sick. It will only continue to make the world sicker. What then is the solution? The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is more than just a new business endeavor it’s a new system.

After 15 years of being rejected, humiliated and ignored by established black organizations in the city of Chicago I decided to write and publish my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition in hopes of attracting 30 black middle class professionals and others within the United States to join my management team. I have my articles of incorporation and my bylaws typed and available for my Nonprofit Cooperative. I also have my articles of organization typed and available for my For Profit Service Based Business. Yet to add insult to injury still to this day I don’t have anyone on my management team.

The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, my revised book (The Solution For Black America) second edition and now through my upcoming urban Christian film (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer into our urban communities that need our talent and skills. I believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to the low income African American community and our collective future.

I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people to support me by purchasing my revised book and read my story (The Solution For Black America) second edition. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 and or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (GRCAI) will be membership based and everyone will be screen and must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

My Credibility:

My Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


My Skype screen name (manwell4mankind)

My Online Profile


Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Online Talkshow




My Cause (Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos)

My Twitter Page


My Facebook Groups

1. Light OF The World Inspirational Group (Christian Group)

2. Christian Spoken Word Network (Christian Group)

3. Real Talk Real Solutions (My Social Group)

4. The New Black Voices OF Media (My Social Group)

5. The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference (My Social Group)

6. New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)

7. New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide
(My Social Group)

8. Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)

9. The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)

10. Community of Resistance (My Social Group)

11. Chicago Home OF The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement

12. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute

13. E. Bloc (My International Friends)

My Virtual Communities: (Just to name a few)
























Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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