(GRCAM Liberation 2020 -Message To Black Millennials & The Mobile Generation)
Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m Emmanuel Barbee the creator and host of this show. This podcast is a solution base approach to addressing and solving black issues starting in America. This video podcast is also about group interaction, Global Black Unity, Kingdom Building and Black Empowerment in the 21 Century. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is about making Black Liberation a reality throughout the African Diaspora.
This is an interactive podcast were we address social issues that are important to Black People in the Black Community: Community Safety, Urban Violence, Unemployment, Mass Incarceration, Failing Schools, Police Brutality, Inadequate Healthcare/Housing, Urban Gentrification and Institutionalized Racism. This podcast is also about educating Black People by providing a forum in which Artists, Authors, Black Business Owners and Black Christian Leaders can gather together in a supportive environment. When we say community, we mean it. We are not affiliated with any organizations we are independent. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement incites social change through community engagement that cultivates knowledge, dialogue and action within the Black Community starting in Chicago. Our vision is to incite empathy, thought, dialogue and action through our podcast, upcoming film and future Black Business. We are on the front lines battling corporate radio on behalf of the Black Community.
I encourage everyone who is listening or watching this video podcast to please subscribe to my Mixcloud Page, my Youtube channel and my Link Tree Page which provide the links to all of my major sites. Please share this video podcast with all of your friends on all of the social sites you are on, this will help get the ball rolling. I do this show in order to network with everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups. It’s convenient because you can participate, listen, or watch this video in the privacy of your home. You would need to connect with me through Facebook messenger either as a voice call or as a video call. The Phone Icon is for voice call and the Camera Icon is for video call. After I done with my presentation then I will open the phone lines for Q and A.
If you would like to come on the show to promote your business, your ministry or share your talents and skills with my listeners from the podcast community just send me a message to my Facebook inbox. I prefer that we do a phone test first to check and see if your phone device is compatible with Facebook messenger as a voice call. If not then I recommend that you create a free Google account or a free Skype account so that we can do the show either through Google Plus Hangouts or Skype.
After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by sharing with them how to create their own podcast and or create their own Youtube channel and earn revenue from it. I also assist people on my friends list and people in my social groups who interacts with me with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing; legal services all for free. I don’t ask for donations instead I encourage people on my friends list and people in my social groups to please support me by purchasing my revised book and sharing my book information with your families & friends. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 or as a soft cover book for $15.00 plus shipping and handling.
Tonight’s presentation: My Message To Black Millennials & The Mobile Generation
Before I go into my presentation I call upon my Christian friends from around the globe to pray with me for the people of Asia and the victims of the Corona Virus which is spreading around the globe. Lord Jesus the world needs you like never before arrest this epidemic in Jesus name. I believe that this is biological warfare at best just like the Ebola Virus America has a patent on that virus don’t take my word for it do the research. If I don’t finish this presentation within the time frame, no worries I will provide the full transcript on my Medium Page. Those of you who are on my friends list and in my social groups who are serious about working with me and Sister Rena please send me your email address to my Facebook inbox so that we can stay connected and so that you can be updated about our events.
My goal this year is to move my groups to the next level The Big Screen and turn all of my groups into a real Black Christian Business known as (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.
I have dedicated my life to serve and improve the Black Community. I’m trying to create a business that will protect Black People and the Black Community but in Chicago I don’t have enough like minded brothers and sisters standing up for my cause which is Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos. This is why I created my groups in the first place. I created social groups to help spread my vision beyond my city and beyond America to reach out to the Global Black Family to work with me as a collective in turning my plan/vision into reality. I wrote the vision and made it plain in my revised book it’s up to you to get involved. Before I cut and run to Africa I want to make my organization known in America specifically in Chicago. It does not matter how bad I want to start my Christian business without Black support I can’t do my job.
For without the Black Family there is no Black Community. We need the next generation of Black leaders at the decision making table. Creating a safer community for our children is my priority. I don’t have another 28 years to waste this is why my film is very important in order for me to reach the masses and generate capital so that I can do all of the things which I have written.
First, I want to address everyone in my Christian groups, Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network please pray for a miracle on my behalf that the Illinois Secretary of State representative will review my paper work and approve my application in Jesus name. Also pray that the representative from the IRS will spelling my name correctly and approve my 501(c)(3) application so that I can begin soliciting Angel Investors & sponsors to invest $400,000 into my film project in Jesus name. I pray that every one in my Christian groups would purchase my revised book and help me get it on the best sellers list in Jesus name.
My message to my Secular groups GRCAI of Africa & New Black Voices OF Media just to name a few. Many of you have 2 to 4 thousand people on your friends list but you don’t want to share my video podcast, my blog post or my book information with your friends this must stop. I created these groups so that we can mobilize with other like minded people and eventually move our groups from behind a computer starting in Chicago. Truth be told I would not have to make a film if group members would do their part but it is what it is.
Black Millennials & The Mobile Generation I need for you to step up with all
this technology there is no reason why I am unable to get 30 Black Middle Class Professionals within the United States to come to Chicago and work with me and Sister Rena in turning my ideas into action.
The only thing which is preventing me from turning my virtual Christian socialist organization into a real Black Christian business is the lack of manpower and the capital this is why I turned to social media to get my message out to the public through my Youtube videos, my Social Groups, my Blog Postings, my online talkshow, my revised book and now through my upcoming urban Christian film. This is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.
The Black Panther film was well written and for the most part a feel good movie. Many blacks went out of there way to purchase African Dashikis and saying Wakanda forever! The Black Panther film made 1 Billion dollars worldwide. The problem is it did not benefit Africa nor the Black Community all of that money went into the pockets of Walt Disney Studios. Global Black Family let’s have the same excitement about this film project. The proceeds from my film project will put me in a better position financially to purchase property in America and in Africa, to get equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class Professionals because they have the expertise we need in order to make this organization effective and successful for years to come. This is how we can rebuild Black Wall Street starting in Chicago.
I am given you an opportunity to be part of my film project(Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). I am seeking season
film crew such as Sound Technicians, Computer Graphic Designers, Assistant Director, Director of Photography, Camera Assistants, Hair & Makeup Artist, Production Assistants, Actors, Comedians, Dancers, Models, Musicians, Poets, Gospel Singers, Screen Writers and Secular artist. After all this organization is for you and your children’s children.
I am from generation X, I was unsuccessful at reaching my peers due in large by this Willie Lynch mentality within our racial group. Black Americans have been marching and protesting for 52 years begging the financial elites for equal justice under the law, hire wages, investment in the Black Community etc. When I talk to Black Americans about working with me in rebuilding Black Wall Street they walk away from me. How can discuss building Black Wall Street in the Black Community when we are allowing the Pookie and RayRays to roam around harming black life & black businesses? Many of them are afraid others are paranoid and a majority just don’t care about solving black issues. Because of this Willie Lynch mentality within Black America. Since 2001 over 4,000 people in Chicago alone has died from urban violence now multiply that times all of the inner cities in America.
If Black People don’t care about what’s happening to our youth how in the world do you expect other racial groups to care? We are in a competitive environment. We are competing against other groups for power, wealth and resources. The refusal to embrace education & technology will as a collective wipe us out. There’s no better time than now for us to reclaim our community and rebuild our own businesses, corporations, real estate, amusement parks, hotels, laundromats, hospitals, attorney firms, construction companies, broadcasting network companies. We also need to reconnect to our ancestral homeland Africa.
Africa is the richest continent on Earth, and yet it is home to the poorest people on Earth. Africa is not free she is a resource colony. Everyone else of benefiting from the natural resources from our ancestral homeland and Africa needs the Diaspora to fight for her freedom and regain control what is rightfully ours. Africans are also suffering from a Colonized mentality. For example, the financial elites in South Africa are only 2% of the population yet they own 70% of the land don’t take my word for it do the research. France still control 15 West African nations again don’t take my word for it do the research. Now China has moved in on Africa and is becoming the new colonizer.
I created (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement because I was fed up with all of the division among Black People. Pan Africanism was not working for African Americans/Black Americans. I wanted to start a new movement so I created my first group on November 10th 1991 on a site called Gopher. I wanted to help raise awareness about the genocide which is taking place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. I also wanted to connect with other like-minded African Americans, Afro-Brazilians, Afro-Canadians, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-Europeans, African Immigrants and Native Africans from around the globe. GRCAM will raise the bar in Black America. We will promote Authenticity, Improvements, Hard Work, Accountability, Transparency, Sacrifice and Self Discipline.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will take the lead to put the needs of the Black Community first and further serve the masses. Our priorities to help Black Businesses to thrive and to create jobs in the Black Community. Retain young talent by creating 21st Century opportunities in the Black Community. Provide access to resources and networks through our online platform. Community Safety and Economic Justice.
Community Safety
Urban violence is plaguing our inner cities in America especially Chicago. Black People have lost faith and trust with Career Politicians & the Government. Gun violence has now spread to school shootings, church and synagogue massacres are becoming more and more common. Everyone deserves to live in a safe community. As I mentioned in my revised book a majority of our politicians are in the pockets of the NRA.
It’s important that we as a people decide what we are going to do about solving these social issues otherwise our children will suffer the consequences. If the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute was established we would take the lead to in holding seminars on how to prevent crimes of opportunity and employ strategies to avoid being the victims of Scams, Theft and Burglary.Upgrading residential street lights and the install security cameras.
Economic Justice
In Chicago, we are failing our people who reside in the inner city. We must invest in our urban community where those living in poverty have meaningful support and opportunity.
Once I start making money then everyone will come out of the woodwork and play like they want to be part of this new organization not so I do not associate with harden criminals nor con artist everyone will be screen and must sign the community pledge no exceptions. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will become a real Black Christian business known as (GRCAI) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute.
GRCAI will operate on two fronts domestic and international. On the domestic front our members will have access to exclusive events,discounts and specials for the duration advertised. GRCAI will be committed to being the source for fresh, local and healthy foods in the Black Community.
We will achieve our objective by recruiting talented and caring employees and volunteers who share a passion for our cause and mission. We will focus on rebuilding our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will make positive investments in The Black Community. Making certain that the quality of life for local residents is our top priority. Through GRCAI we will provide some of the best restaurants and entertainment venues. Our work will focus in four area: Promotion, Advocacy, Networking, and Education.
Includes development and marketing tools our members can use to enhance their own business and visibility.
We will use our legal team to help create a political and economic power base for the black community.
Provides opportunities for black businesses and leaders to grow the professional networks that support success.
Develops professional and leadership capacity through a variety of educational events and seminars.
It’s my hope that GRCAI will become a nation wide organization made up of chapters and affiliates with programs which will improve the lives of Black People. GRCAI will be committed to educate youth and young adults in the areas of personal responsibility, leadership potential, and community service; to ensure economic justice and eradicate urban violence in the Black Community.
We believe every black family has the right to a well-balanced, socialized and fulfilled life. We will offer education, mentoring and advocacy for our members. GRCAI is about building the Kingdom through social technology, motivating thousands of believers to embrace social media as a strategic tool for ministry.
My revised book is the foundation of this organization. Since Black has rejected my for the past 28 years which is a jail sentence my organization will be membership base we will only assist Black Families that want to utilize our programs and services those who don’t want to be apart of us we will show them tough love pray for them and keep it movin. I want to make Chicago a model first before we expand to 10 other cities throughout the Midwest.
On the international front we will focus on setting up chapters in 10 African nations they are as follows: Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. I encourage my Native African friends to push pressure on your governments to allow us to have citizenship within 3 years if you are serious about us doing business on the continent.
I encourage my Native African friends to share my book information, my video podcast and my blogs with all of your friends on Facebook and any other sites you are on in order to help get the ball rolling. We will go through the proper channels with the African government to start the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa as an (NGO) Non-government organization.
We will offer private employment to our members based on our budget and our sponsorship. We will provide infrastructure to build roads, bridges, power supplies, clean running water, agricultural technology to feed the people, solar and wind energy to help our members with their electrical generators and most of all help improve the African economy. In time, we will expand to Brazil and specific places in the Caribbean such as Barbados, Bahamas, Haiti and Jamaica.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa will be an effort to assist the diaspora in the ability to shop with, visit, invest in and relocation back to Africa. All of our products and services will be provided by skilled and professional Africans from around the continent. It’s important for the Diaspora to make the connection physically and economically. GRCAI of Africa, will be there to help arrange your travel, welcome you upon arrival and assist with tours, translators and more.
GRCAI is more than just a new business endeavor it’s a greater pursuit and a new system that must be taught to those who want to be apart of it. Corruption will not be tolerate we will have protocol in place.
No one under my leadership will ever have to go through being rejected, humiliated and ignored just for trying to do something positive in the Black Community at lease on my watch. Throughout the Bible it talks about race for example, Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. New International Version (NIV). Mark 7:27 First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.
Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. In other words, race of people against race of other people. Man is fighting over resources.
Genesis 15:13–14 New King James Version Then He said to Abram: Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions.
Deuteronomy 28:68 And the LORD will take you back to Egypt in ships, by the way of which I said to you, ‘You shall never see it again.’ And there you shall be offered for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.
My message to People on my friends list and people in my social groups. It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to turn my vision into reality otherwise I predict within 75 years at the rate our children are being slaughtered in the street there will be no black children left. Before I take my vision to Africa I will do what I can to help raise awareness about the genocide taken place in American Ghettos.
We Believe Healthy Living Begins With A New Mindset.
According to Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. New International Version (NIV). Living a full life begins inside us, where right intentions are born. Right intentions lead to healthy decisions and impact us in a positive direction.
We Believe Giving Back Is A Privilege.
Through our Nonprofit Cooperative, we are grateful to give back through volunteering, hosting community events, providing workshops/seminars and sharing ideas to live a vibrant life.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute imagines a world where each person is living a full, vibrant life. We pledge to make a positive impact in the Black Community and within the Black Family through our programs and services. In so doing, we promise to do our part to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago and form a global alliance throughout the African Diaspora. GRCAI will take the lead in community advocacy, promoting our members interest and creating Black Businesses in Austin, Garfield Park and North Lawndale. Eventually make our presence known on the Southside of Chicago.
GRCAI is a membership based group that will provide quality programs and services in the African American community. Our focus is on strengthening the Black Family while improving the Black Community by creating new Black Businesses and investment to the community.
Our objective is community safety and economic development for cultural, dining, shopping and entertainment on the Westside and Southside of Chicago. GRCAI will be dedicated to offer health and wellness, education, youth services, Christianity, recreation, family entertainment back to the African American community. GRCAI will be a good place to work, relax, and socialize, in a warm, inviting space.
We believe in the creation of inspired lives produced by the miracle of our heavenly father who gave us life and an appointed time to be on this planet. Life is to short to be going through un-necessary drama. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute is not frightened by the challenges of reality but instead we believe that we can change our society through hard work and working collectively with our global Black Family throughout the Diaspora.
In GRCAI we will plan, build and dream until it becomes a reality.
Our talent, discipline and integrity will be our contribution to a new world because we believe that we can take this place, this time and elevate our People to take our rightful place in American society and help rebuild Africa back to it’s golden age with God’s help. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will prepare our students for college and careers, by providing them with a world-class Arts education and a core curriculum that foster creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. For example, our youth programs will consist of digital media, video game tournaments and movie screenings. In addition, GRCAI will also offer a wide range of services from economic to educational services to improve the living conditions of Black People living in marginalized communities.
Our comprehensive services will ensure that low-income African Americans can obtain a living wage and achieve self-sufficient.The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be dedicated to providing the African American community with good vibes, a welcoming space, and quality programs/services. We’re passionate about helping our youth live healthy, well-balanced lives, and we’re big believers in bringing people together for a good cause. It will be a fun and family friendly hangout; a place where you can learn about health, healing and a place where you can go to enjoy live entertainment.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute is committed to make a positive impact in the African American community through education, community advocacy, social services, and meet the cultural needs of our members. A new theatre is emerging, unhampered by labels and preconceived notions of ownership. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute is excited to be part of the change. The type of storytelling that GRCAI will offer by artists from multiple disciplines from producers to performers.
Our stage plays will focus on relevant social issues affecting the African American Community, new theater work which reflects our stories. Our work inspires dialogue towards meaningful civic change. The objective of our theater is to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through our arts program and services.
Work with us:
Here are some ways in which you can help:
Working Backstage
Do you sing? Act? Direct? Design? Build Sets? Stage Manage? If so connect with me on Facebook send me a friend request along with your email address thanks.
Our Vision
To become the leader in bringing stories to The Big Screen as well as on stage which will help ignite social change for a better world. Include new work, education initiatives, community engagement, and serving patrons and artists with disabilities. To work with playwrights and export new material than any other theater/film production company in the Midwest.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (GRCAI) will have several institutional initiatives which will provide resources and support needed to raise awareness and encourage participation in order to confront and solve black issues once and for all in America. We will lead community research, develop cooperative alliance throughout the African Diaspora and the sharing of knowledge between disciplines. The strategic planning process at the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (GRCAI) will be designed to have input from local residents as much as possible.
Collaborate with Chicago Public Schools
GRCAI plan to develop a partnership with Chicago Public Schools Arts Program and create forums, professional networks, and extended educational opportunities for students, parents, educators, and arts administrators as mentioned in my revised book.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM)
GRCAI will promote STEM projects within our curriculum and events. This is how we as Black People can rebuild Black Wall Street in the Black Community starting on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the Southside of Chicago.
GRCAI will offer a selective program for talented students who demonstrate creativity, maturity, social and cultural awareness, technical proficiency and passion. They will receive mentorship.
Our motto: Intelligence over Ignorance. GRCAI will become a world class institution which will empower Black Entrepreneurs and provide an infrastructure for local Chicago Artist using the principles from my revised book to transform our inner cities into a productive prosperous community for the glory of God. We will offer such services as youth mentoring, education, film making and more. Give our members the support they need to thrive as Black Business owners. Our goal is to re-create Black Wall Street starting in Chicago.
GRCAI Mission
Global Black Unity, Kingdom Building and Black Empowerment in the 21st Century.
To eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through our programs and services.
To tackle poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the Black Community.
To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by being a community advocate and resource for our members.
To strengthen the black family by working directly with single black mothers/fathers who want to utilize our services. For example, we will offer youth services to children and young adults by providing them with a stipends to be in our films, stage plays, and music videos. This act alone will have a positive impact in the black community base on our budget and sponsorship.
To create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will achieve this through journalism, social media and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues once and for all in America.
To create innovative educational programs that advances the black agenda and challenges and entertains audiences in Chicago and beyond.
To equip men and women to lead with integrity, creativity, competence and compassion in a diverse, interconnected and increasingly urbanized market place.
To rebuild Black Wall Street through a community based response from a educational, cultural and economic viewpoint for residents of the African American community. GRCAI seeks to develop quality programs and services that can be a model for the Black Community in America.
To develop programs which focus on strengthening the Black Family while addressing problems and applying solution base ideas from my revised book to implement educational and economic opportunities in the Black community for local residents.
To launch community research, community advocacy and literacy initiatives for local residents.
GRCAI is about building institutions that work for the Black community which the community can participate in and support.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be distinguished as the nation’s leading Christian institution during the coming decade and beyond.
The institution will be known for our graduates who are equipped in their respective careers to advance the vitality of the world’s people and their cities, prepared to cross cultures, and formed in Christian community for leadership and service in the church and the market place.
As a Christian institution, GRCAI Value:
The Individual — As a member of God’s creation, each person is unique and is
blessed with inherent worth.
Excellence — We strive for excellence in who we are and what we do.
Integrity — Our community demonstrates the accord between our beliefs
and practices.
Service — Recognizing and addressing the needs of others is a response
to God’s love for us, and a reflection of God’s love for them.
GRCAI will consist of a Nonprofit Cooperative and also a For Profit Service Based Business.
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will take the lead in the marketplace by creating community co-op, worker-owned cooperative, community grocery stores and eventually community housing for our members.
Under the Nonprofit Cooperative: (The Green Zone) GRCAI will be governed by an Advisory Board. GRCAI will be membership based and operated for the mutual benefit of our members. Also, any earnings we make are returned to our members in the forms of lower prices through our quality programs and services. Our members come first and we will be committed to providing reliable information.
Under the For Profit Service Based Business: (The Red Zone) we will offer state-of-the-art recreational center that will offer bowling, high ropes adventure courses, captivating game rooms featuring the latest video and amusement, stylish billiards, energetic dance rooms and high-quality restaurants, various businesses, onsite childcare and an onsite music recording studio for our students making documentary films and stage plays. In addition, we will host family fun activities including combination deals, birthday parties, weddings and corporate parties/events.
It will have five components:
1.Social Service component
2.Spiritual component which will be optional for secular people
3.Entertainment component
4.Entrepreneur component
5.Political component
In time a Health & Wellness component and a Black Media component. Our focus is on providing quality programs and services to the low income African American community and work with Black families that want to utilize our programs and services. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute will be membership based. Everyone will be screen, must attend our mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge no exceptions. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed in my organization this is how I get down. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.
My Facebook Groups
1. Light OF The World Inspirational Group (My Christian Group)
2. Christian Spoken Word Network (My Christian Group)
3. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (My Social Group)
4. The New Black Voices of Media (My Social Group)
5. Real Talk Real Solutions (My Social Group)
6. Chicago Home OF The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement
7. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute (My Social Group)
8. The Grass Roots Community Activist Network (My Social Group)
9. New Hood: Creating a new community in Urban America (My Social Group)
10. New Urban Author Emmanuel Barbee Readers/Supporters Worldwide
(My Social Group)
11. Emmanuel Barbee’s Official Facebook Group (My Social Group)
12. Community of Resistance (My Social Group)
13. The Grass Roots Community Activist Group Conference (My Social Group)
14. GRCAI of Africa (My Social Group)
15. The Black House — GRCAM Affiliated (My Social Group)
Show and Prove
*My Link Tree Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
My Credibility
*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)
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