(GRCAM Legacy Builders: Taking Our Story To The Big Screen)

Emmanuel Barbee
22 min readDec 16, 2022



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

On my YouTube Channel you can watch my latest video podcast, direct links to our Virtual Store, my Amazon Author Page, our Paypal Page, my Medium Page and our GoFundMe Page under the about section. We look forward to having you on board with us as we embark upon this exciting project. If you are listening to this Audio Podcast on Anchor just click on the YouTube icon to connect with my YouTube channel. In order to follow along with my presentation I strongly recommend everyone on my Facebook friends list exchange emails with me so that I can email you everything I do online.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free. I am not interested in writing and publishing more books but rather produce quality Black Empowerment Films and creating successful black businesses I am not online to beg for donations I want to exchange something of value. My thing is if I am going to ask for something then I am going to have a product or service behind it.

This podcast is an extension of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Over here we promote critical thinking while discussing social issues throughout the Diaspora and on the African continent until the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago materialize. It’s my hope through this podcast and through my social groups I can connect with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People, Afro-Brazilian People and others who will work with me directly in turning my vision and plan for Black America and Africa into a reality. Once we get this film project fully funded and made and get our Christian business up and running then I would love to invite many of you to Chicago Illinois to speak or preach during our live events. Through the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago we will help pay for your travel and hotel expenses pending on our budget and sponsorship. We will also compensate you for your time and talent.

Upcoming events:

Please mark your calendar for Saturday January 28th we are hosting our monthly virtual conference. I would like to personally invite everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups to our next Facebook Live Event

Theme: My Wish For 2023

2:00PM-4:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.

If you would like to be on the panel just send me a message to my Facebook inbox for additional information. If you are unable to participate then please share my Facebook Live event with your friends and leave a public comment about the topic on my Youtube channel or on my Facebook Page this will help get the ball rolling.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s topic of discussion is as follows:

(GRCAM Legacy Builders: Taking Our Story To The Big Screen and Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Foundational Black Americans)

Our First topic — GRCAM Legacy Builders: Taking Our Story To The Big Screen. Change is in the air. I am going to do a retrospective in this presentation. I want to discuss what we are doing through this video podcast. We have been long suffering and using perseverance to get our message out to the black masses. When I started podcasting 17 years ago there was contempt on all fronts in real life and online. I was not getting push back from white people I got push back from black people. This Willie Lynch Slave mentality has to be dealt with in order for us to move forward. Now our focus is going to take our story to the big screen in order to reach the black masses. The White Supremacist Financial Elites thought they could distract us with modern day gadgets such as Smart Phones, Tablets and Cable TV. The seeds from the resistance during the Civil Rights Era are now barring fruit. We gather for what has been stolen our ancestors bodies, labor and their land. On this podcast we’re not here to be entertain, we’re not here to integrate we’re here to network with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People and Afro-Brazilian People.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to warn Black America he said if the Black Church does not change then the next generation would view the Black Church as irrelevant. Dr. King Jr. prophecy has come to pass. We went to where the young people are that’s social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc… For 31 years I have sound the alarm I warn Black America you have two choices either embrace annihilation or embrace survival. I have faith in our young people this is why I created my social groups for both Christians and Secular People to prove they are not alone. The time has come to us to turn my ideas into a real Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago). When I started the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement the objective was to connect with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People and Afro-Brazilian People. Also I wanted to change the narrative to B.E.E Black Economic Empowerment. For us to build a legacy and provide resources necessary to thrive.

It’s hard to respect the Black Baby Boomers who did not pass anything down to the next generation. Over here we will because we are going to build GRCAI of Chicago by moving from behind a computer. Our first task is to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list and everyone in my social groups to donate to our film project on our GoFundMe Page. Display your name and the amount you are contributing. We will acknowledge every person in our film during the credits. Also help get my revised book on the best sellers list this will show the world we are serious about making things happen. GRCAM is about offering 21 Century solutions in solving black issues in America and solving African issues on the continent. Producing is the law of the land. For every black male who is listening to this video podcast I recommend that you have six months or more income in your savings account. I also recommend that you have 700+ credit score in order to build up your credit. I also recommend that you don’t have children until you are financially established. This is called having standards. What is your ability to turn one dollar into five dollars? That is the question you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. Your competence and ability to answer the question is going to determine the type of life you will live. The lack of business ownership is the main reason Black Americans are the poorest racial group in America. It’s all done by design.

Some people say I have failed as a black leader. I beg the differ. First I offer something that no black leader in America has and that is a solution to solve all of our social problems in America if given a chance. It’s not my fault that Black Chicago has rejected and overlooked my vision and plan for Black America. All I have is my revised book and my virtual store. If Black America was serious about solving these issues then my revised book would have been on the best seller’s list by now but it’s been on Amazon for 10 years barely selling. My items on my virtual store is barely selling. But the Black Community support local drug dealers who is causing more harm and unnecessary casualties in the black community. This is why I am reaching out to the Global African Family I do not want to be bogged down in American issues. My message to African Immigrants in America if you work with me in getting our Christian business up and running then we will come to your country and help setup a local chapter during our African tours. Over here we want to build a bridge between Black America, African Immigrants, Afro-Caribbeans and Afro-Brazilians so that we can benefit each others community.

Some of my critics or naysayers told me that I will be doing this another 31 years I tell them I beg the differ we will be using our GoFundMe Page as an indicator of how much we have raise for this film and where exactly the funds are going towards for the world to see. I do not operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and ways of doing things. If you know that your mission is genuine then there’s no need to respond to the negativity because someday the fruit of your work will manifest. I am putting my reputation on the line. This is 100% grassroots we are not getting any government funding. We are not affiliated with anyone and we are nonpartisan.

Some of my critics or naysayers ask me why should I build a black business in Chicago if I am not getting any support from the black community? I explain to my critics that in every major city in America places like Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Harlem in those inner cities you will see the exact same thing poverty, high crime, drugs, gangs and failing public schools because that same Slave mentality or Willie Lynch mentality is present.

I wrote my revised book in order to generate capital/seed money so that I can hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals who will assist me in the daily operation of the business and make sure that it remains effective and successful for years to come but that did not happen. I have sacrifice 31 years of my life online and offline trying to recruit brave and smart liked minded Black People, African people in Chicago and across the United States of America to come forth and work with me in turning my vision and plan into a reality and yet still to this day I only have one person in Chicago who is working with me that is Sister Rena the buck stops here. Selling a book or selling items from my virtual store is not a scam. Let’s keep it a buck a majority of Black People don’t care about a solution otherwise my revised book would have been embraced by Black America 10 years ago.

Those of you on my Facebook friends list or in my social groups if you believe that this is a scam then delete me off your friends list and don’t come to none of our future events that has my name on it. Social media has many Con Artist on here lurking for victims this is why I am pushing so hard to move my Christian socialist organization from behind a computer and make our presence known in the African American Community starting in Chicago. I also plan on having African Immigrants in America who are from the following African nations: South Africa, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda for them to purchase my revised book and donate to our film project. If they agree with my vision and plan for Black America then those do agree I want them to work with us in getting GRCAI of Chicago up and running so that we can have them as a guide to each African nation we visit.

Once I am able to get my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) fully funded then we are going to declare war on this Willie Lynch Mentality within black society so help me God. In GRCAI of Chicago we will teach our members and students how to be committed to a cause. I believe as a community we’ve lost our integrity, our loyalty and our commitment to the next generation. On my Twitter Page I mention about how these Black Boule and the political class won’t say a word about the Anti-Black Racism but as soon as when we point out the Anti-Black Racism by other groups then there’s a problem. I provided what Adrienne Adams and Mayor Eric Adams said in response to the Anti-Black Racism claim. Notice in real time how the political class are siding against us while caping for these other groups.

Since the end of the Civil Rights era a majority of Black Americans have become Americanized no longer thinking about the collective or the Black Community but rather embrace this individualism. If I was Asian, Latino or White pushing my agenda for their community GRCAI of Chicago would have been up and running within 2 years. My pledge to Black Millennials and Generation Z you will not have to experience what I went through just for trying to do something positive in the African American community because we will have our support system in place. If you are an active group member then I will reward you publicly after all this Christian business is for you and your generation. If I don’t fight for our black youth who will? My question to all my listeners can you name anyone in politics today who is doing something specifically for Black People? If we don’t support our advocates then we won’t have any advocates. My question to all my listeners name one rich black athlete or entertainer who has built an independent black institution in America since Black Wall Street? The Bible says A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. Proverbs 13:22

Before I cut and run to Africa, I want to take care of my people or members who are trapped in American ghettos by getting our story on the Big screen first the proceeds from the film would help put me in a better position financially to hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property in Chicago. The proceeds would also help us create a team of Black Middle Class Professionals who will bring innovative solutions to the African American community. We will execute a new paradigm and raise the bar in Black America beginning in Chicago.

I also plan on having African Immigrants in America to assist us in setting up chapters in 10 African nation we will visit. We will match Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs and match Black Artist with African Artist in order for us to do international trade among our brothers and sisters on the African continent once we’re established in America for credibility. In time, we will expand to specific places in the Caribbean such as Barbados, Bahamas, Haiti and Jamaica as well as Brazil.

So many black people prefer to remain complacent with just focusing on getting their praise on or avoiding social issues which are affecting Black People in America. My wish and prayer for 2023 is that GRCAM group members worldwide would help me get my revised book on the best seller’s list and also donate to our film project either through our GoFundMe Page or if they are U.S. citizens through our Paypal Page so that our film project can get fully funded. Then I can discuss doing business with either a legitimate Black Production company or a legitimate African Production company. The purpose of this film project is to share my story and my experience growing up in Chicago and how I end up creating the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement in the first place. GRCAI of Chicago is more than just a new business endeavor this is going to be a new system which will offer solutions to solve our social issues in the 21st Century if given a chance.
Being led by the Spirit of God, GRCAI will continue to walk, witness, work and worship in Exalting the Savior, Equipping the Saints and Evangelizing Sinners.

Our objective to create a sense of national urgency about the genocide which is taken place within our inner cities in America starting in Chicago. We will push for social change through our films, stage plays, music and using our Black Media to get our message out to the black masses. We will achieve this through our social media and journalism to change the narrative. We will strive to educate and enlarge our audience of concern citizens who care about solving black issues in America.

GRCAI of Chicago mission:

To eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and by hosting African tours and Caribbean tours.

To address poverty, institutionalized racism and police brutality within the Black Community.

To promote economic opportunities in the African American community by becoming an advocate, offer stipends and resources for our members based on our budget and sponsorship.

To offer a second chance program for ex-offenders of non-violent crimes, former gang members and homeless individuals within the African American community.

To provide quality programs and services in order to strengthen the black family while improving the African American community by creating jobs and building up an economic base.

To heal collectively from this Willie Lynch mentality or Slave mentality by forming an alliance with the Black Immigrant communities in America starting in Chicago so they can also heal from Colonized Mindset.

To examine the Amish community, the Asian community and the Jewish community. So that we can practice group economics and form our own code of conduct.

To welcome non-black sympathizers into our space only as individuals not as groups.

To separate ourselves from Degenerates, Con Artist, Harden Criminals, Urban Terrorist, Active Gang Members, Off Code Negroes and Pedophiles.

To make Chicago a model before we expand to other cities in America.

To advance public policies and opportunities in the African American Community.

GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi purpose facility based on two business models a Nonprofit sector and a For Profit service sector. It will have seven separate components under one roof:

1. Social Service component
2. Spiritual component (Optional for Secular Individuals)
3. Political component
4. Entertainment component
5. Entrepreneur component
6. Black Media component (New Black Voices of Media)
7. Health and Wellness component

The benefits of being a GRCAI member:

Offering an opportunity to black youth to be in our films while earning a stipend

Food Pantry for needy black families

Onsite child daycare

Housing Assistance pending on our budget and sponsorship

Utility Bill Assistance pending on our budget and sponsorship

We will offer workshops/seminars in Financial literacy to our students and members so that they can gain various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

We will offer Real Estate courses and Dietary/Nutrition

Providing quality programs and services to the low income African American community. Strengthen single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent black families within the African American community.

I encourage my Christian group member’s in Light OF The World Inspirational Group and Christian Spoken Word Network to take the GRCAM 2023 Challenge by helping us get my revised book on the best seller’s list and donate to our GoFundMe Page
so that we can do those Greater Works that is written in the Bible. John 14:12
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

I encourage my international group member’s in GRCAI of Africa and my Secular members in GRCAI of Chicago, The New Black Voices of Media etc… to step up and help us my revised book on the best seller’s list and donate to our GoFundMe Page so that we can get our story on the Big screen and into the African American community.

I lack two things the manpower and the capital this is why I wrote my story and created a virtual store yet I have little to no support. I just want our black youth to know I am trying to do something to help their situation here in America before I cut and run to Africa. I encourage both Christian and Secular to bring their talents and skills to help me build this new movement in Black America. Our ancestors built America I am trying to build some positive and productive for our black youth and their families this is what I want to be remembered for. Through GRCAI of Chicago we are going to move our members from poverty, ignorance and dependency into learning financial literacy and embracing Black Economic Empowerment. No body is going to help us we have to help ourselves first by supporting this film project and helping me get my revised book on the best seller’s list.

It’s not my burden alone but rather a shared burden for I am just one black man with a vision and a plan, it takes a team to make a dream work. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer first on the big screen then into the African American community that need our talent and skills. Since Black Chicago has overlooked and rejected my vision and plan my Christian business will be membership based. Everyone will be check at the front door meaning we will be screening and checking people’s paper work.

We will hold mandatory orientation, everyone who wants to become a GRCAI member must sign the community pledge no exceptions, pass our criminal back ground check and submit their thumb print so that they can be placed in our database. This will help weed out people who will try to undermine our work. Anyone that tries to change our focus will get two warnings the third time that person or persons will be placed on our Judas list along with their name photo and address and they will be barred for life this is how I get down. Anyone who tries to rip me off I will blast them on our Black Media and we will take legal action against such person. In this business we will raise the standard in Black America. This is my contribution back to my community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.

Jesus/Yeshua has called me to connect with other liked minded Black People and African People so that we can build a new system which will give Black Women and Black Men equal status through education and in business. GRCAI of Chicago will help build a bridge between the Diaspora and Continental Africans. We will teach our members how to mobilize and work together for the common good of Africa which is to rid ourselves from being dependent on western nations.

Our objective in Africa is to create a genuinely sovereign and self-sufficient Africa for both Continental Africans and the Diaspora can rightfully benefit from. Our programs are focused on rebuilding Africa to secure our future. The talent and the technology to rebuild Africa is here; we need Continental Africans and the Diaspora to unite and help Africa experience her true potential. If we lose the continent we lose everything this is our last chance to get it right while we still have a little time left for the sake of our children.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Africa will also play an intricate role in ushering in an African Renaissance in which the Diaspora and Continental Africans are going to pool our resources together in hopes of returning Africa back to her Golden Age. The time is now to sow seeds of hope, prosperity, peace, and sovereignty and plant them, so in the future, we will reap a mighty harvest for Africa and the Diaspora to prosper from.

Please partner with us in making this objective a reality by purchasing my revised book and donating to our film project. Africa will controls its destiny and resources and does not have to rely on foreign exploiters who do not serve the best interest of African people. GRCAM is a global community of thinkers and builders I need your help to move GRCAM from behind a computer by mobilizing The Diaspora and Continental Africans To liberate Africa of exploitation from foreign powers. Our objective in Africa is to create a genuinely sovereign and self-sufficient Africa in which both Continental Africans and African Diaspora can rightfully benefit from.

This is why I need my group members from (GRCAI of Africa) to step up and encourage your family members or friends from your country who reside in Canada, Europe or in the United States to purchase my revised book and donate to our film project. This is why I keep bring up Nehemiah he did not rebuild the walls of Jerusalem by himself he had qualified Architects, Brick Layers and Engineers. The talent to rebuild Africa is here; we need to unite African Immigrants in America with me. GRCAI of Africa will promote an African Renaissance in which the Diaspora and continental Africans will pool our talents and skills together rather these resources be mental, monetary or spiritual, help in leading Africa’s return of her Golden Age.

The time is now to sow seeds of hope, prosperity, peace, and sovereignty and plant them, so in the future, we will reap a mighty harvest for Africa and the Diaspora to prosper from. Please partner with us in turning this vision into a reality. We want to see Africa controls its destiny and resources and does not have to rely on foreign exploiters who do not serve the best interest of African people.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is here and we will take the lead. It’s time for Black Americans and African Immigrants to start building, creating, growing and learning about each other and work together as a team and expand our Christian business to 10 African nations, the Caribbean & Brazil. There’s no better time than now for us (Black Americans) to start building up our own Black Businesses, Corporations, Real Estate Business, Traveling Agencies, Amusement Parks, Hotels, Law Firms, Construction Companies, Black Media Companies and Schools. Some of us have small businesses or store fronts, that’s fine and all but we need bigger and better things. We gotta start thinking on a global scale, and leave the peanuts to the elephants. It’s time to network, pool our resources together and start building BIG. We done marching and protesting 60 years is enough ya’ll. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section on my YouTube channel. Most of all share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

If you would like to meet me in person then purchase my revised book and make arrangements to come to Chicago. We can meet at the Harold Washington Library so that I can answer any or all of your questions. I’m on a shoestring budget I won’t be running all over America because I’m not running for public office. I encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list and all of our listeners worldwide to Join my virtual organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement it’s for both Christians and Secular Black People/African People and others who are from the Arts, Science, Literature community. We provide free Educational Webinars. Membership Options, Donation Options Available. We’re trying to move GRCAM from behind a computer on the Big screen then into the African American community in Chicago and beyond. Without support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job all I can do is pray and watch our black youth in America face unnecessary casualties. #NotAnother31Years!

Our Second Topic — Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Foundational Black Americans. I found a few articles about Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Foundational Black Americans I provide my sources on my Medium Transcript under show and prove. I found an article from the New York Post entitled “NY lawmakers push for slavery reparations for black residents” You have New York lawmakers pushing for a coalition to study reparations. I found another article from Fox LA entitled “California reparations proposal could mean $223K per person in payments for Black residents.”

The State of California is discussing a bill that would give African American residents $233 thousand dollars each. People are starting to pay attention to what’s going on in California. Governor Gavin Newsom is thinking about running for president. The reason why reparations is such a hot topic is because this is going to be a lifeline for Democrats it’s the Civil Rights Bill 2.0 The Democrats know every two years they will lose more voters because the Black Baby Boomers are dying off and they know they have to face us, Black Millennials and generation Z. In California they gave a number if they pass it and Governor Gavin Newsom sign it into law then the Democrats would have the black vote. The politicians are only doing this to benefit themselves. If a political candidate is not for reparations then I am not voting for them. We have to be single issue voters.

Truth be told I believe Gavin Newsom is just doing this because reparations is a buzz word for 2024 to get black people to the polls it’s a trick. Also what needs to be fix in Black America will take more than money. For example, you give Willie Bob $233,000 what can he afford? Will reparations stop Mass Incarceration? Will reparations stop urban gentrification? Will reparations stop police brutality?

We have to hold everyone accountable for the slave trade including the Arabs during East African slave trade and the Catholic Church. As I explain to my group members years ago we have a better chance at receiving reparations if more of us get dual citizenship in an African nation because they have American companies in Africa that we can boycott while continental Africans can also push for their reparations from specific European nations for colonization. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section on my YouTube channel. Most of all share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Show and Prove

* California reparations proposal could mean $223K per person in payments for Black residents


* Descendants of slaves in California could receive $200,000 in reparations


* NY lawmakers push for slavery reparations for black residents


The Arab Slave Trade


The Black Boule


Black Church Inc


Tweets from Adrienne Adams @NYCSpeakerAdams Dec 8
Anti-Asian hate cannot be the response to anti-Black racism, ever. Our shared experience of lacking safety from racism + violence should unite us. Respect is essential for constructive public policy dialogues — let’s demand it from one another with accountability and healing.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams @NYCMayor Dec 10
There’s no place in this city for racism against our Asian community, and there’s especially no place for it in this City Hall.

Here we go ahead our off code so called brother from the Moors religion talking about our reparations should be in gold and silver

Phillip Scott reports on Zambia & DR Congo signing away their cobalt supply chain to the

US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-lJy4-sjMI

My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.