(GRCAM Film Project 2022 In Effect)

Emmanuel Barbee
4 min readJan 16, 2022


Greetings, my name is Emmanuel Barbee. I’m the founder and President of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. We’re based out of Chicago and our platform has been a voice for Black America and the Global African Family for the past 30 years. We need to get it together Black People. We need to start practicing group economics and building better living conditions for our young people this is why I created GRCAM. This is what I want to be remembered for not sitting behind a computer complaining about the issues but trying to recruit brave and smart Black People, African People and Others who want to solve black issues point blank.

I use my video-podcast to help raise awareness about the genocide which is taken place in our inner cities beginning with Chicago. On a domestic front we want to focus on solving black issues and on an international front we want to focus on solving African issues. We’re trying to Help Stop The Genocide in American Ghettos through our Faith Based Community Advocacy nonprofit organization called (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. Our mission to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development. Our focus is on strengthening the black family. (GRCAI of Chicago) will have seven components:

1.Social Service component

2.Spiritual component which will be optional for secular people

3.Entertainment component

4.Entrepreneur component

5.Political component under our For Profit Service Based Sector

6. Health & Wellness component

7. Black Media component

Since we have little to no support for our cause I have decided to turn our story into an urban Christian drama entitled (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).

This is one of the most important films in our life time and I refuse to allow small minded black people to continue to present this no solution to solve black issues. 53 years Black Americans has been begging the financial elites for freedom, justice and equality. These are the same people who decided to include everyone in our grandparents’ struggle by mentioning one word in the Civil Rights Legislation that was minorities. Minorities were not victims of American slavery Black People were. GRCAM will raise the bar in Black America, Africa, The Caribbean & Brazil. GRCAM will separate ourselves from sellouts, harden criminals, urban terrorist and pedophine.

I offer something that no black leader in America has and that’s a solution to solve all of our social problems in America if given a chance. GRCAM is about connecting Black Artist, African Artist, Black Entrepreneurs, African Entrepreneurs. It’s time for us to move from behind a computer and make our presence known in the Black Community starting in Chicago. So far we have raised $1,000 our goal is to obtain $500K in order for us to make a quality Black Empowerment film. I am calling on legitimate Black Production companies in Chicago and surrounding suburbs to send me a message to my Facebook inbox if you are serious about being part of this film project. We are seeking film crew such as Sound Technician, Graphic Designers, Assistant Director, Director of Photography, Camera Assistant, Hair & Makeup Artist and Production Assistant and of course quality actors. The proceeds from the film will go towards putting me in a better position financially so that I can hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals, purchase office equipment and purchase property in Chicago and in Africa.

Our platform, has been the place where truth is presented, and propaganda by the mainstream media is being destroyed. We need your help. Platforms like ours that focus on improving the Black Community is not supported by major investors, banks, or mega corporations. We are only supported by the Black Grass Roots and The Global African Family. We encourage you to ask your non-black friends to help patronize our film project. You may ask, what is your plan for growth in 2022? We will focus on branding & marketing. Our film project is just the beginning.

The main issue many Black businesses have is that people don’t know they exist. We will invest in marketing in 10 African Nations in order to reach the black masses. We will also hire a professional marketing team that will be dedicated to this goal. We can’t depend on social media algorithms to promote our platform. We plan on growing our team by hiring Black Journalist, Graphic Designers and Editors. We will partner with other black companies and African companies in order to bring more African Diaspora to the African continent through our African tours. We will meet my African friends from my African group called (GRCAI of Africa). You could help us meet our goals in three ways. One is by helping us get our revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition on the bestseller’s list. Secondly, you could purchase items from our virtual store and finally give a direct donation to our film project campaign through our Paypal Page. Thank you for reading this message Peace & Blessings.

My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.