(GRCAM Clean House: Putting Everything On The Table)
Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Please hit that thumbs up button and subscribe to our Youtube channel and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. We ask that you do this because we want others to know we’re here. Help make this video go viral by posting this on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written text in order for us to reach our audience.
In order to follow along with my presentation I strongly recommend everyone on my Facebook friends list to please exchange emails with me so that I can email you everything I do online. Also I would like for my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page this is where I post my actual speech. I also provide my sources under show and prove. I recommend that you watch the video clips I provide to fully understand what’s happening in America.
I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.
After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free. I want to produce things like films and black businesses I don’t want to be online begging for me I want to exchange something of value. My thing is if I am going to ask for something then I am going to have a product or service behind it.
Upcoming events
Please mark your calendar for Thursday November 10th we will be celebrating GRCAM 31st Anniversary on Facebook Live from 5:00PM -7:00PM American Central Time.
We would like to personally invite everyone on my Facebook friends list & everyone in my social groups to our next (GRCAM Virtual Conference Theme: Getting GRCAM Members On Code) Saturday October 29th@2:00PM-4:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.
If you would like to be on the panel just send me a message to my Facebook inbox for additional information. If you are unable to participate then please share my Facebook Live event with your friends and leave a public comment about the topic on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page this will help get the ball rolling.
The reason why we are hosting these monthly virtual conferences is to encourage our listeners from around the globe to support our film project. The proceeds from the film will put me in a better position financially to hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property for our Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. Eventually we will launch our African and Caribbean tours so that we can reconnect the Diaspora with Continental Africans from my African group (GRCAI of Africa). We aim to setup chapters in 10 African nations so that we can host international trade among our people. This will be a win win for our people who are trapped in American ghettos because we can sell our films, art work and music to our brothers and sisters on the continent.
In contrast, I will bring the best of the Diaspora with me during our African trips to meet African Entrepreneurs who will sell their products like beauty supplies, art work, foods etc… this will also help improve the African economy because Black Americans as a collective have one trillion dollar spending power. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.
Instructions how to participate on the show:
First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.
Today’s topic (GRCAM Clean House: Putting Everything On The Table)
I encourage my listeners to say NotAnother30years. Since March of this year out of 1,614 people on my Facebook friends list only three people have donated to our Film Project on our GoFundMe Page family we have to do better this is the main reason why it’s taken me so long to get things done.
I am using GoFundMe as a crowdfunding source so that everyone know exactly where the funds are going. Once we reach $200,000 then we will work on doing the movie trailer and creating the film poster. Our goal is to raise Five Hundred Thousand in order to make a quality Black Empowerment film based on my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition. The title of the film is (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins). The sequel (African Liberator: Battle Against The Colonized Mindset) will be made in South Africa. Without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family then I am unable to my job. All I can do is pray and continue to watch our children die in the streets of America. I want to speak directly to my Christian group members in (Light Of The World Inspirational Group & Christian Spoken Word Network), my African group members (GRCAI of Africa) & people in my Secular groups (GRCAI of Chicago, New Black Voices of Media etc…) As well as people on my Facebook friends list.
Let’s put all of this on the table where y’all at? Let’s talk some real talk here. I can’t do everything I’m doing my best to encourage GRCAM members worldwide to help me promote our Film Project in order to get things popin. If everyone do their part then we can move the ball closer to the goal. Our goal is to galvanize our black youth starting in the United States of America. When we promote the film project and share it across social media networks it will reach millions of people that’s what we want. We’re trying to get the momentum growing shout out to Pastor Dwana L. Barlow and Evangelist Busisiwe Mboshane from South Africa for interviewing me on Zoom. We’re trying to mobilize the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family here in America and throughout the Diaspora.
Before we expand to Africa I want us to make our mark in America specifically Chicago Illinois.
I believe in rewarding my active group members. For those of you who have came on my online talkshow once we get GRCAI of Chicago established I will invite most of you to Chicago Illinois to speak at our live events. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will help pay for your travel and hotel expenses pending on our budget and sponsorship. We will compensate you for your time and talent. Those of you who remain passive spectators I am going to treat you the same way you treated me I will ignore you and we will remain strangers.
What makes us different from Black Lives Matters is that we are not out there marching and protesting we are trying to recruit other like minded Black People and African People to work with us in moving our virtual Christian socialist organization from behind a computer and make our presence known in the black community starting on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the South side of Chicago. We want to make Chicago a model city. We want to work directly with single black mothers, single black fathers and low income two parent families that want to utilize our programs and services. But for 30 years Black America has rejected and ignored my vision and plan this is why I wrote my story in order to generate capital to start my nonprofit Faith Based Community Advocacy organization but my book was barely selling. I create a virtual store in hopes of generating capital to fund my nonprofit but that too was barely selling now our focus is on turning my story into a docu-drama I will produce it but I am going to hire a film crew and quality actors I am also looking into having a production company to help make a quality film.
Family we need to operate as a team I am just one black man with a vision and a plan it takes a team to make a dream work. That’s what codification is all about. We’re at a critical hour in our history we can’t afford to drop the ball by falling for the same tricks that our grandparents made. The White Supremacist Financial Elites have thrown every playbook at us over the years to prevent any progress that we are trying to do. By getting our story on the big screen that would put us on the map and speed up the progress of getting GRCAI of Chicago up and running. Then we can focus on launching our African tours starting in South Africa. For now we’re asking everybody to please donate to our film project on our GoFundMe Page you can find it on my Medium Page under show and prove. You can also find it on my YouTube Page. We’re calling our people to task. The priority should be putting our message out there loud and clear.
Once GRCAI of Chicago is established in Chicago we will declare war on this Willie Lynch mentality within black society. Y’all ain’t got to like me but you will respect me if you are serious about being part of this new movement in Black America. I did not do this for 30 years just to be doing something. Over here we are trying to unite the Black Immigrant community with the African American community starting in Chicago. This takes constant engagement and trying to get others involved. The reason why this film is necessary is because Black America is vulnerable. Remember what happen to George Floyd in brought daylight. Somebody has to do something I was called for this but I don’t operate like the next Black Man I have my own style. Over here we will separate ourselves from off code Negroes and degenerates. Y’all can’t keep saying peace and love in my social groups when there is really no love. If we’re going to be about this work then let’s be about this work. I’m not here for people to like me all I care about is trying to build something for our black youth and their families and forming an international business in 10 African nations. Are you going to be on code for GRCAI of Chicago and B.E.E Black Economic Empowerment?
Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.
Show and Prove
My Credibility
* My Zoom Interview with Evangelist Busisiwe Mboshane
* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)
*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)
*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.
*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)
The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Faith Base and Community Advocacy Organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.
*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)
*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)