(Exposing Democrat Shills And The Black Boule While Encouraging My Listeners To Step Up)

Emmanuel Barbee
19 min readNov 19, 2024



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners from around the globe please do me a favor hit that like button, subscribed to my YouTube Page and share this video podcast on all social media sites you are on such as Facebook, Instagram, X formerly known as Twitter, TikTok or LinkedIn ladies and gentlemen. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience. I am the Founder and President of (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our Black Media component.

For those of you who don’t know me then get to know me by purchasing and reading my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 or as a paperback for $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. I provide the link to my Amazon Author Page in the comment section below this video podcast. After you have read my story and if you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America specifically Black Chicago then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard. We want to interact with our audience in real time through Facebook messenger during our live stream.

I created (GRCAM) in order to connect with like minded Black Americans, like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinos and Afro-Brazilian as well as Continental Africans. I encourage everyone on my Facebook Page everyone in my social groups who are Black Entrepreneurs/African Entrepreneurs, Black Artists/African Artists, Black Authors/African Authors, Musicians, Poets, Community Advocates or Spiritual Leaders to make arrangements with me to come on my platform so that they can promote what they are doing or selling or even share a 30 minute sermon with my listeners from the global community. We want to grow this platform for the Global African community throughout the Diaspora.

For 33 years Black Americans has taken me as a joke specifically Black Chicagoans. They have rejected and overlooked my vision and plan to help improve Black America. All I have is My Revised Book, My Virtual Store, My Online Social Groups and this platform. My film project is my last attempt to get my story on the big screen in order to reach the Black Masses and the Black World to let them know who we are and what we’re trying to do in the African American community and the African Immigrant community for credibility before I expand my Christian business to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. Work with me while I am alive don’t wait until I am dead. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America to help speed things up. I am encouraging African Immigrants in America from the following African nations:

South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria to please purchase my revised book either the e-book or the paperback and read my story. If you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. Share my information with all of your friends including your non-black friends this would help speed up the process. Our aim is to raise $250,000 we are using Crowd funding we have our GoFundMe Page and our Paypal Page. If you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization.

In my Christian business we will raise the bar in Black America. We will separate ourselves from Con Artists, Black Boule, Degenerates, Democrat Shills, Harden Criminals, Petophiles, Off Code Negroes and Urban Terrorists. Those who rejected my vision and plan will not be part of my Christian business because this is membership based. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it moving. The question at hand how long will it take for us to get this film project fully funded and made? It’s up to the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family. We encourage Nonblack sympathizers to patronize our film project but it’s Black Americans and African Immigrants who are GRCAM Members responsibility to build it and to own it.

I try to host my show every week in order to engage people on my friends list and people in my social groups until I am able to get my film project fully funded and made and once the proceeds from the film starts coming in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment, hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America to work with me in building my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago for credibility before I cut and run to Africa.

I refuse to be ignored. Those of you who will work with me on this film project will go down in history with me and Sister Rena. Lord knows I would like to do more than just news and social commentaries but at this point I am working with a shoe string budget all of my funds goes towards bills, food and rent. Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my God given assignment and that is to build the best African American business within the United States of America that will be the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

This is a Nehemiah assignment. I do not operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. You don’t have to like me but you will respect me. Those who have rejected my plan and vision for the past 33 years will not be part of my Christian business because this will be membership based. Those who are not apart of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it moving. The sooner we get this film project fully funded and made and established in America specifically in Chicago Illinois the sooner I can turn it over and expand my business to the African continent.

Instructions on how to participate on the show:

First watch my video presentation this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through YouTube and drop a link to Stream Yard studio so that you can interact with me in real time on camera this is called side B.

The title of this presentation:

(Exposing Democrat Shills And The Black Boule While Encouraging My Listeners To Step Up)

It came to light that Kamala Harris paid Democrat Shill Rev. Al Sharpton Five Hundred Thousand dollars to help her reach Black voters according to an article from Daily Mail entitled “Conservative outrage at MSNBC silence after Al Sharpton took $500k from Kamala then did an interview” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Kamala Harris’ campaign donation gave Al Sharpton half a million dollars to manipulate Black voters to help bolster her candidacy among minority voters. I explain to GRCAM Members that all of these Black Boule, Black Celebrities and Democrat Shills are getting paid to keep us on the Democrat Plantation. Al Sharpton was paid half a million dollars to his nonprofit National Action Network. She did that to win over the Black Vote and the Latino Vote. I’ve been saying this for years now the evidence is all coming out. Oprah received a million dollars and tried to hide it. It was a waste of money because all that star power at the DNC did not move the needle to influence Black Americans because these Black Athletes and Black Celebrities are out of touch with people who live on Main Street.

Main Street describes the average American investors, small independent businesses and investment institutions, or the real economy. In contrast, Wall Street represents the high end investors, large global corporations, or the capital market place of high finance. These Black Athletes and Black Celebrities are multi-millionaires, so increased food prices, gas prices and rent does not affect them. If she wanted my advice I would have told her to go to every Black event out there.

I would have advised her to drop all these Democrat Shills because they are out of touch with the African American community and instead talk with people like me from the Black Grassroots. Understand the Democrats lost a lot of money on these Democrat Shills. The Democrats have to restructure their political party. They need to drop that Obama Democrats and realign the party back to the working class and family values. Do right by Black Americans who have been your most loyal voter base by giving us an Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill also do Lineage base, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Freedmen.

I found another Democrats Shill by the name of Bakari Sellers. He’s upset that the Democrats loss the election and is worried about losing his job. He decided to focus on Trump’s Cabinet picks to stir up Black Americans. The latest is Bakari Sellers took issue with Trump’s cabinet. I noticed a post on X from Bakari Sellers that said Blacks For Trump which was a picture of Trump’s Cabinet picks. To view Trump’s Cabinet just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link and scroll down to show and prove. The Democrats claim to be the party for People of Color and the party of Minorities but they’re not prioritizing Black Americans how does that work? Let’s look at the website for the Congressional Black Caucus and the African American Mayors Association.

When these Black Politicians get elected into office they start practicing all this diversity they advocate for all these other groups except for Black Americans. Just look at all those people in the Congressional Black Caucus. Let me ask you a question Ladies and Gentlemen have you ever heard any of them push for an Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill? Have you ever heard any of them push for Lineage based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Freedmen? Have you ever heard any of them push for ending Qualified Immunity for Police Officers? Talking about Trump’s cabinet is a non-issue. I explain to GRCAM Members that we have to elect people from the Black Grassroots in other words people who come from the soil Descendants of American Slaves/Freedmen. I encourage all of my listeners to go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link and scroll down to show and prove.

Let’s look at the African-American Mayors Association website. Click on it and go to the about section then select members. Look at all these Black Mayors why they are not standing on business with Black America? As I explain in my revised book they are in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites to be gatekeepers. This is why things in the African American community remain stagnant. I want to bring my Christian business to the African continent but I have to get it up and running in America first for credibility. These Democrat Shills sitting up here talking about Blacks For Trump but they don’t talk about all these Black Mayors that we have across the United States of America people like Mayor Brandon Johnson who is fighting for Illegal Immigrants not fighting for Black Chicagoans.

We have all this representation but our social conditions have not changed. Actually things are getting worse. All these Black Churches and nonprofits in our inner cities and yet things are getting worse. Some of my critics suggest that I relocate to another city to start my Christian business. I explain to them that it does not matter what city I relocate to, we’re dealing with a 400 year old mentality this is spiritual warfare in real time. The sooner I am able to connect with like minded African Immigrants and like minded Black Americans to work with me in getting my revised book on that best seller’s list and donating what you can towards our film project the sooner GRCAM Members can start building GRCAI of Chicago. Once GRCAI of Chicago is up and running then we can expand to Africa. With God’s help GRCAI of Chicago will be one of the best African American businesses within the United States of America. This is what I want to be remembered for. 33 years of reaching out to Black Chicagoans in real life and online and still one first base is unacceptable. All these Black Mayors who are Democrats are showing you that they’re not on business with the African American community. When you ask for representation the White Supremacist Financial Elites gives you people like Kamala Harris she is not from our lineage so how can she be one of our representatives? The Congressional Black Caucus is only there for a show they don’t do anything for Black Americans. Notice Bakari Sellers did not say anything about those Black Democrats in California who killed the Reparations Bill. Black Americans from the Black Grassroots across the United States paid attention to those Reparations Bills.

These Democrat Shills sit up here and ignore things that are important to Black Americans like Reparations but prefer to throw shades at the Republicans because they lost the election. We’re only concerned about Trump improving the economy, those Mass Deportations and the cost of food and gas going down. We’re over Identity Politics because it did not change our conditions at the grassroots level. Illegal Immigrants don’t have the representation that we have in public office and yet they are getting all sorts of benefits and resources. Chicago Mayor is fighting for Venezuelans but treating Black Chicagoans like third and fourth class citizens. This is why it’s important ladies and gentlemen to support this platform by purchasing my e-book or paperback and donating what you can so that I can do my job. I don’t expect White America to fund my Christian business after all my business is to help Black American Families and African Immigrant Families. Once we get this film project fully funded and made and once the proceeds from the film starts pouring in then I will put together my advisory board. Asians are going to look out for Asians. Latinos are going to look out for Latinos. White Americans are going to look out for White Americans that’s the way it’s supposed to be. We are supposed to prioritize Black Americans, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Caribbean, African Immigrants and Afro-Latinos. Now these other groups open up their businesses in our communities and don’t even hire us but that’s because too many Black Americans are off code and I can’t build with those types of people at all. Until the Congressional Black Caucus start doing right by Black Americans then we need to vote all of them off and put in new people from the soil.

The Congressional Black Caucus is full of Black Boule which has not done anything for Black America. They have not advocated any bills for Black Americans. I bet you the Congressional Black Caucus will speak out against Trump Mass Deportations Plan. Notice they did not say a word about Sonia Massie they’re quiet. We have this big group of do nothing Black Politicians who only there to keep the status quo that is to keep Black Americans at the bottom and make sure that we don’t collectively rise politically as a group. When I view the Congressional Black Caucus I view them no different than domestic Coons. Their position is to keep us as a collective at the bottom of the totem pole.

Prove me wrong, show me where the Congressional Black Caucus has fought for Black Americans. The Asian Caucus can get together and get an Anti- Asian Hate Crime Bill that benefits the Asian community. We need to be protected too. Our biggest stumbling block in this country is Black Politicians who don’t do anything for Black Americans.
As I mentioned in my revised book our communities and neighborhoods are being gentrified left and right. My plan after I graduated from college in 1996 was to go back to my former community to set up my Christian business but it was too late my former neighborhood was gentrified. We have all these Black City Council Members that’s allowing this to happen. But Black Chicagoans still refuse to embrace my vision and plan it is what it is. But notice with that same Black Mayor the White community is not being gentrified, the Asian community is not being gentrified. The East Indian community is not being gentrified. The Arab community is not being gentrified.

You’re not going to find too many Black Americans like me who are going to put in 33 years of trying to help Black America while getting dissed for it. I am actually losing money I am paying annually for the business title I pay the City, the State and the IRS since 2010 and still I have little to no support for my cause Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos. I created this platform to broadcast my vision and plan to like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America to work with me in getting my revised book on that bestseller’s list and donate what you can on our GoFundMe Page or on our Paypal page so that we can get this film project fully funded and made. The proceeds from the film will allow me to do my job and that is to create the best African American business within the United States of America for credibility before we expand to 10 African nation’s.

I found an article on from fortune magazine entitled “A Zoom call of 44,000 Black women raised $1.5 million for Kamala Harris in 3 hours: ‘We were ready’ I have been trying to raise $250 thousand dollars in order to make a quality Black Empowerment film since 2012 and still have not raise five thousand dollars. To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. Black women raised 1.5 million dollars within 3 hours for Kamala Harris, for a woman who has been in office for four years and have not done a thing for the African American community. I have been doing my best to raise funds for my film project since January and out of two thousand people on my Facebook friends list only one person has donated to my film project. What’s wrong with this picture? A majority of these Black Politicians are clicked in with the Black Boule. Let’s call that what it is. Some people may think I am anti- college. Nope, I’m a college graduate. I have my Bachelor’s degree so why would I be against someone going to college? I’m against those Fraternities and Sororities that make Black Americans separate themselves from the African American community. They get into these high positions and turn your back on the rest of us. I don’t hear you all fighting for reparations. For example, the Latinos get into those positions but they do something for their community. All this Black representation and we get nothing. Illegal Immigrants just across the border and all of a sudden they get all kinds of benefits and resources. Make it make sense? Bottom line I want to fix Black America starting in Chicago in my community on the Westside of Chicago and eventually expand to the Southside of Chicago to make Chicago a model for other cities across the United States of America.

My critics tell me why don’t you run for public office? I tell them no because if you want to run for any political office you got to run either as a Democrat or Republican. Third Party candidates barely get on the ballot. On this platform we promote Black Economic Empowerment and I stand ten toes down about recruiting brave and smart like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants who will help me with our film project and to help me build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. We aim to close the racial wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America through reparations. It’s our job as men to provide for our family. We have to focus on what’s in our wallets and our bank accounts. We can’t do anything without money. We got to think about the economy. These Mass deportations are going to be great for the economy because you have all these people in this country who have to eat which increases food demand which means higher prices for you and me. When Trump was in office we didn’t have an influx of Migrants coming over here.

The reason why the warfare against Black Americans not receiving our reparations is spiritual warfare. The American Empire can fund two wars spending hundreds of Billions of dollars in Ukraine and in the Middle East. They have a majority of their military bases across Africa along with European allies. They are allowing Illegal Immigrants who have broken State and Federal Law to obtain all sorts of benefits and resources. Reparations is our last fight in America. I read a pretty good book entitled How White Folks Got So Rich: The Untold Story of American White Supremacy (The Architecture of White Supremacy Book Series) by Reclamation Project (2012).

Our mission to help eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African and Caribbean tours. We will promote economic opportunities in the African American community and the African Immigrant community by being an advocate and economic base. We will offer different membership levels Basic Membership, Networking Membership and Entrepreneur Membership.

Our objective to build an engaged and unite the African American community and the African Immigrant community within the United States of America in order to strengthen both communities and African identity for the next generation. Developing a strong and resilient bond between Africa and the African American community starts with a united, passionate, and engaged community. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will be a welcoming space to reconnect the Diaspora and celebrate our culture and heritage. We believe preserving and cultivating our Black identity and our African identity will be a collaborative journey. That’s why we will offer innovative programs such as: educational activities for children and teens to cultural initiatives for young adults, as well as training and empowerment of community leaders, advocates and activists. Now more than ever, our community is faced with defining challenges. The scourge of anti-Black Racism both in our physical world and online, reminds us to stay united and use our collective voices to stand up for each other.

Amidst hostility, GRCAI of Chicago will take action against hate through our programs and civic engagement initiatives. We will provide educational and communal resources to empower each other during these difficult times. By uplifting each other and working together, we inspire and encourage future generations to continue to take pride in our connection to Africa and contribute what we can to our communities viceversa. There is no doubt in my mind that GRCAI of Chicago will make a positive impact among our members and among the diverse African culture. We stand together with trust, respect, and enthusiasm to strengthen our community. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

Thank y’all for listening, we greatly appreciate it. Put me on blast by telling all of your friends and family to watch our content on our YouTube Page. I’m going to send a challenge out to everybody that’s listening to this video podcast. I need you all to support our film project so that we can move beyond cyberspace and get our story on the big screen to let the Black World know who we are and what we are trying to do for our people who are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago. “Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins” You can be apart of this historic docu-drama by contributing to our campaign either on our GoFundMe Page or our PayPal Page which will help fund marketing, promotion, clearances, legal and general expenses.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our GoFundMe Page or if you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. You can also purchase items from our Virtual Store or purchase my Revised Book. The E-book is $9.99 or the Paperback is $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. We appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. I want to thank all of you for listening to our audio podcast on Spotify. This will conclude our show for today. We will see you on the next episode. Peace & Blessings

Show and Prove

Conservative outrage at MSNBC silence after Al Sharpton took $500k from Kamala then did gushing interview


Trump’s Cabinet Picks


The Congressional Black Caucus


African American Mayors Association


Harris campaign rejected Black Caucus’ $10 million outreach proposal to undecided Black voters


A Zoom call of 44,000 Black women raised $1.5 million for Kamala Harris in 3 hours: ‘We were ready’


Who Benefits From Diversity And Inclusion Efforts?


Botswana’s New President Announce To Join Ibrahim Traore’s AES Military Alliance!


Why Is Trump Coming For Africa? A wise African reveals the truth


One Mic History


Migrant Gang Invades Queens NYC… Before Trump Takes Office


African Diaspora News Channel

Government APPROVES Funding For Hispanic Specific Programs


Other Groups Are Freaking Out After FBAs Have Walked Away From Supporting Them


FBA Says He Doesn’t Want To See Any Of Us Marching Or Fighting For Other Groups After This Election


Journalist Quickly Regrets What He Said After Getting Checked On Live TV By A Sista


“Eat Your Poison” Angry Community Members Force Indian Shop Owner To Eat The Food He Sells To People


Black Democrats Are Blaming Other Groups For VP Kamala Harris Losing, Now They Want To Delineate


Boers Declare Themselves As The White Tribe Of Africa And Claim To Own Certain Parts Of Africa


Boer Says Black People Aren’t The First People In Africa/They Set Foot First On The Continent.


Botswana’s New President Blocks Diamond Exports & Ends 50% Sales!


My Credibility

* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Donate & Share)


* Our PayPal Giving Fund Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters,

Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast on Spotify (Please Subscribe & Share)


* My Youtube Page (Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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