(Exposing Black Boule Rickey Smiley For Defending Kamala Harris And Black America Worried About Project 2025, But Ignoring Biden’s Title 9)

Emmanuel Barbee
27 min readAug 13, 2024


Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners from around the globe please do me a favor hit that like button, subscribed to my YouTube Page and share this video podcast on all social media sites you are on such as Facebook, Instagram, X formerly known as Twitter, TikTok or LinkedIn ladies and gentlemen. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience. I am the Founder and President of (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our Black Media component.

For those of you who don’t know me then get to know me by purchasing and reading my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 or as a paperback for $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. I provide the link to my Amazon Author Page in the comment section below this video podcast. After you have read my story and if you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America specifically Black Chicago then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard. We want to interact with our audience in real time through Facebook messenger during our live stream.

I created (GRCAM) in order to connect with like minded Black Americans, like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinos and Afro-Brazilian as well as Continental Africans. I encourage everyone on my Facebook Page everyone in my social groups who are Black Entrepreneurs/African Entrepreneurs, Black Artists/African Artists, Black Authors/African Authors, Musicians, Poets, Community Advocates or Spiritual Leaders to make arrangements with me to come on my platform so that they can promote what they are doing or selling or even share a 30 minute sermon with my listeners from the global community. We want to grow this platform for the Global African community throughout the Diaspora.

For 32 years Black Americans has taken me as a joke specifically Black Chicagoans. They have rejected and overlooked my vision and plan to help improve Black America. All I have is My Revised Book, My Virtual Store, My Online Social Groups and this platform. My film project is my last attempt to get my story on the big screen in order to reach the Black Masses and the Black World to let them know who we are and what we’re trying to do in the African American community and the African Immigrant community for credibility before I expand my Christian business to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. Work with me while I am alive don’t wait until I am dead. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America to help speed things up. I am encouraging African Immigrants in America from the following African nations:

South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria to please purchase my revised book either the e-book or the paperback and read my story. If you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. Share my information with all of your friends including your non-black friends this would help speed up the process. Our aim is to raise $250,000 we are using Crowd funding we have our GoFundMe Page and our Paypal Page. If you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization.

In my Christian business we will raise the bar in Black America. We will separate ourselves from Con Artists, Black Boule, Degenerates, Democrat Shills, Harden Criminals, Petophiles, Off Code Negroes and Urban Terrorists. Those who rejected my vision and plan will not be part of my Christian business because this is membership based. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it moving. The question at hand how long will it take for us to get this film project fully funded and made? It’s up to the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family. We encourage Nonblack sympathizers to patronize our film project but it’s Black Americans and African Immigrants who are GRCAM Members responsibility to build it and to own it.

I try to host my show every week in order to engage people on my friends list and people in my social groups until I am able to get my film project fully funded and made and once the proceeds from the film starts coming in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment, hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America to work with me in building my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago for credibility before I cut and run to Africa. I refuse to be ignored. Those of you who will work with me on this film project will go down in history with me and Sister Rena. Lord knows I would like to do more than just news and social commentaries but at this point I am working with a shoe string budget all of my funds goes towards bills, food and rent. Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my God given assignment and that is to build the best African American business within the United States of America that will be the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago. This is a Nehemiah assignment. I do not operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. You don’t have to like me but you will respect me. Those who have rejected my plan and vision for the past 32 years will not be part of my Christian business because this will be membership based. Those who are not apart of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it moving. The sooner we get this film project fully funded and made and established in America specifically in Chicago Illinois the sooner I can turn it over and expand my business to the African continent.

Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendar for the following date for our Monthly Virtual Conference Facebook Live Event Saturday August 31, 2024

Theme: (Waging War Against A 400 Year Mentality Willie Lynch)

Where: Facebook Live/Stream Yard

Time: 2:00PM-4:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.

The title of this presentation:

(Exposing Black Boule Rickey Smiley For Defending Kamala Harris And Black America Worried About Project 2025, But Ignoring Biden’s Title 9)

Before I go into my presentation I need to tell you all something. Family we need to pray for African Immigrants and Afro-Caribbean who are in the UK. I ran across a video by Oshay Duke Jackson, a podcaster of Kenganda. He reported on the riots in the UK. To watch the full video clip just go to my Medium Transcript which is located in the comment section below this video podcast. Global African Family hear me and hear me well we can’t afford to be caught up in a situation where we’re unable to help one another. From my understanding a 19 year old African British Citizen killed three White Girls. The police have him in custody but a British Mob is attacking every African Immigrant and Afro-Caribbean they see on the streets. They are burning down their businesses it’s really bad. If only the Global African Family would have worked with me in getting GRCAI of Chicago established in America then many of those African Immigrants in Europe would have been in an African nation building up the African economy.

I need everyone on my Facebook Page who can to please come on my panel, we are looking for 8 people who are able to participate on our upcoming GRCAM Virtual Conference Saturday August 31 2024. If interested then send me a Direct Message to my Facebook inbox. This online platform is not for entertainment but rather a call to action. Black Women raise 1 million dollars within 3 hours for Kamala Harris Political Campaign during a Zoom Call. Why Can’t Black Americans use that same energy towards supporting my Film Project? Out of 2 thousand people on my Facebook Page only one person has donated to the film project that’s not cool Black America. If we don’t fight for our children then no one will?

Our First Topic — Exposing Black Boule Rickey Smiley For Defending Kamala Harris.

Today we’re talking about Boule Rickey Smiley. I came across a YouTube video clip that I think the family needs to know about. First I encourage all of my listeners to go to my Medium Transcript which is found below this video podcast in the comment section. Click on the link and scroll down to show and prove to listen to the full audio version. Boule Rickey Smiley does not like the conversation that’s going on in social media by Black Voters who’s talking against Vice President Kamala Harris. Basically what he said was “Why are all these Black celebrities making all these videos against Vice President Kamala Harris. I got treated badly in court too but I’m voting for her. I’m sick of Black People on the internet talking about not voting for Kamala Harris that means you’re voting for Trump. Don’t encourage other people not to vote where’s that same energy for Donald Trump? Y’all need to block every last one of them from your Facebook and Instagram page. We can’t unite on anything, we can’t agree on a bucket of chicken one person may want a hot dog Black People get on my F*** nerve. Stop believing everything you read and do the research you can see her record and what she has done for Black People. We need to stand with her. She would make a great president and what a blessing to be living in the time where a Black Woman can become president of the United States of America.”

Family, we need economic tangibles in the form of reparations that’s the only way to close the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America. Boule Rickey Smiley is sick of Black People on the internet talking about not going to vote for Kamala Harris. If you’re not voting for Kamala Harris then you are voting for Donald Trump. Y’all need to block every last person on Facebook and Instagram. He’s continuing the same line. If you’re not not voting for Kamala Harris then you are voting for Donald Trump. He encourages Black People to block Black People who’re not going to vote for Kamala Harris that’s called bullying. If you Democrat Shills show up I’m going to block you because you’re unhinged and clearly Rickey Smiley was unhinged. I told y’all most of the Boule don’t like Black People because they use the same Anti-Black sentiment against Black People. What this man is saying is don’t wake up the Black masses.

This system does not want you to think for yourself the Democrat Shills want to continue telling Black Americans who to vote for “Vote Blue No Matter Who” The problem is that a majority of Black Americans 90% are voting against our own interest and they are making it very difficult for us to live in America. Now Black American is starting to catch on about demanding economic tangibles in exchange for our vote. This is why my film project is very important for the survival of Black Americans because as I mention on my last video podcast entitled (Standing On Business Ten Toes Down) If we don’t confront this Willie Lynch mentality within Black society our racial group in America as a collective will become a permanent underclass by 2050. The Black Boule and the Democrat Shills have a problem with my message because if you keep talking about it eventually it’s going to catch on. On this platform we always do our research and I provide my sources under show and prove either news articles or video clips to back my claim.

I have video clips of Kamala Harris laughing about locking up Black Mothers. I will talk about the Matrice Richardson case. I am not here just running my mouth. I come with receipts. I created this platform not for entertainment but for a call to action among like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America to come forth and help me build the best African American business within the United States of America starting in Chicago. The sooner we’re able to get this film project fully funded and made, the sooner we can begin building GRCAI of Chicago for credibility before we expand to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. I want this to be an interaction in real time with me and my listeners from the global community. Every time I host these shows I am documenting what I am doing. Black Chicago was able to overlook my work but now I have a global audience and with God’s help we will turn my ideas into action for the sake of our children.

I plan on replicating GRCAI in every African nation and Caribbean nation that we set out foot on. Boule Rickey Smiley said we need to stand with Kamala Harris and that she would make a great president. In GRCAI of Chicago we will teach our members and students about the importance of politics and checking for policies that will benefit the African American community. The main issues that will affect Black America are the economy and open borders. We should also be concerned about business. I’m going to tell you why. America is a business economy, okay it’s built off of cheap labor. The only way you become wealthy in America is through business. If your economy is doing bad and businesses are doing bad too. Businesses have access to tax breaks. They offer benefits such as health insurance. If the economy is bad then they have to lay off some of their employees to cut payroll. So even if you don’t have a business you should be concerned about the economy and businesses because you work for a company.

We don’t care about your Sororities and Fraternities because the majority of Black Americans are not Boule. The Black Boule has a track record of selling out Black People. For example, people like Roland Martin, Joy Reid and the Black Congressional Caucus just to name a few don’t do anything specifically for Black Americans. They fight for everybody else because they are in the pockets of White Supremacist Financial Elites. Their job is to undermine Black progress and keep Black Americans on the Democrat Plantation. We understand the political game. GRCAI of Chicago will be standing on business ten toes down for Black Americans who are GRCAM Members. Notice we don’t ever hear the Black Boule pushing reparations for Descendants of American Slaves. Social class is an issue and these Black Boules think they are a higher class than the rest of us.

We know Kamala Harris’ history; we know she was raised as an East Indian with her mother. She is not a Black American Descendant of American Slaves. She never had a policy that benefited Black Americans. Let’s talk about Kamala Harris’ record. The Biden-Harris Administration has caused the Migrant Crisis in Chicago as well as in New York City. I found an article from the Associated Press entitled “Chicago’s response to migrant influx stirs long-standing frustrations among Black residents” I am not going to read the entire article you are more then welcome to do so just go to my Medium Transcript in the comment section below this video podcast and click on the link. Scroll down to show and prove. I’m just going to touch on the main points of the article and give my two cents. The city closed Wadsworth Elementary School back in 2013 it was a blow to Black residents. All of a sudden the city reopened the school to convert it into a shelter for hundreds of migrants without the community input. That added insult to injury across Black Chicago.

Black residents are frustrated because our needs are not being met while Illegal Immigrants who are crossing the borders illegally are given preferential treatment for breaking federal law. They are cared for with a sense of urgency and to add insult to injury we’re paying for this out of our City Tax dollars. Remember ladies gentlemen this is the Democrat Party who runs the city of Chicago the Migrant Crisis that the Biden-Harris Administration created. We did not have this issue under the Trump Administration. On day one the Biden-Harris Administration got rid of border restrictions they shut down the Keystone Pipeline two weeks later gas prices shot through the roof they reinstituted Catch and Release which means when Illegal Immigrants cross the border law enforcement just filled out the paperwork and let them in the country. Many of them have come to Chicago and also New York City. Those two cities alone have taken millions of Illegal Immigrants and millions of dollars to support them. They’re getting housing, free food and medical assistance. Yet these career politicians tell you to “Vote Blue No Matter Who” Black Chicagoans have been voting blue for 60 years.

For over 20 years I’ve been warning Black Chicagoans to give my vision and plan a chance but they have mock me and my revised book has been on Amazon for 12 years and still baring selling. The same thing with items on my virtual store. I encouraged Black Chicagoans back in 2020 to demand economic tangibles for our vote for both political parties. Again Black Chicagoans ignored my warning now look at what’s happening in Chicago. I created this platform to reach like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants beyond Chicago who would work with me in turning my ideas into action and getting behind this film project so that I can get my message out to the Black Masses and to the Black World for the sake of our Children worldwide. Now we’re in the era of consequences we still have a chance to get this right. Our voices are not valued nor heard by these Black Politicians because they are in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. Their agenda is to dump all these Illegal Immigrants in the African American communities and neighborhoods so that Illegal Immigrants and their children can compete against Black Americans and our children for resources. They want to raise the cost of living in the city to clean the city of working class poor Blacks and the so-called underclass Blacks.

This Willie Lynch mentality will be our down fall in America if we don’t confront it head on. Let’s talk about how Chicago labels itself as a Sanctuary City and New York City also labels itself as a Sanctuary City which means anyone who enters America cane come to those cities and be protected from being deported by (ICE) Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a law enforcement agency that enforces federal immigration laws and other laws to protect the United States from illegal immigration and cross-border crime. Governor Greg Abbott out of Texas explained to Joe Biden about the issue with open borders. Let’s keep it a buck the Biden Administration is incentivizing them to come over here. Kamala Harris wants ICE abolished. She wants to make sure more people from East India could come over here so that’s why she’s against immigration and for open borders but it doesn’t matter to her how this affects Black Americans. To career politicians Black Americans are supposed to shut up and allow everybody else to come over here. These same groups come over here talking crazy to us calling us lazy when in fact it was our ancestors who built this nation. They’re giving our tax dollars to them and they’re fleeing their homeland and got the nerve to tell us we’re lazy.

According to the article Chicago has spent $300 hundred million dollars of city and state funds. Community leaders are trying to ease racial tensions and channel the public’s frustrations. Chicago and other large Democrat cities are having push back in this election year. The Biden Administration is now advocating a more restrictive approach to immigration. He’s only trying to slow it down just so Kamala can get elected. Black Chicago let me publicly warn you and other major cities in America if you all vote for Kamala Harris you think we have issues now it gonna get even worse. I don’t want to hear anything after the election if she wins. Knowing all of our resources is going to Illegal Immigrants that is the legacy of the Biden-Harris Administration. Vice President Kamala Harris is just as responsible as President Joe Biden she’s running on his platform.

I don’t want to seem insensitive to them and wanting them to have a better life but it’s about survival at this stage in the game. All of a sudden these career politicians come up with millions of dollars to address housing for Illegal Immigrants. Why didn’t they have that same energy for homeless American Citizens? Because these politicians don’t care about Black Americans that’s why they want us to stay at the bottom. Our Black Tax dollars are subsidizing Illegal Immigrants that’s the issue but once again Black Voters “Vote Blue No Matter Who” This migrant crisis has opened the eyes of many Black Americans it doesn’t have to be this way. We got the DNC Democratic National Convention coming to Chicago. It’s going to be a plantation celebration but we’ll see. Most Chicagoans are planning on protesting the placement of shelters in the Black neighborhoods. It’s not just Chicago people in New York City who are also fed up with the explosion of crime in New York. None of these Illegal Immigrants have been vetted; they are just flooding the zone.

I said this before if I was in charge of the border I would only allow women and children into the country. Black Chicago we got to work together and we got to separate from those who are among us that is no Earthly good for our people. As long as you keep voting Democrat this issue will continue. It’s not a Lori Lightfoot issue, we voted her out. It’s not a Brandon Johnson issue, it’s a Democrat policy issue. They’re not going to dump these Illegal Immigrants in affluent white communities, they dump them in urban areas where there is a large Black population so that we fight against each other and keep the focus off those who created this issue in the first place. The White Supremacist Financial Elites want to cleanse urban areas where a large population of Black Americans reside through urban gentrification. Urban gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and investment. In layman terms urban gentrification is the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process. The White Supremacist Financial Elites also use Eminent domain as a way to target Black American community. Eminent domain is the power to take private property for public use. the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.

I wrote and published my revised book in order to lay out the code for GRCAM Members. The code is all of the principles in my revised book. Black America has two choices: either embrace annihilation or embrace survival. Those who are not GRCAM Members we will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it movin. If you want Black American to be stepping stone for other groups then vote for Kamala Harris. Look at what happened to Black Americans in Los Angeles California. Black Americans have been displaced. They are only 6% of the population; they are outnumbered by Latinos and Whites. The Black Vote is worthless. Right now we still have the numbers if you all put that woman in office we will lose our neighborhoods. I’m just warning you. Think about the future and your children. Remember Black Voters under the Biden-Harris Administration we got high inflation, prices of food and high interest rates. We can’t sit up here and import more people in a struggling economy you better believe that.

These Democrats want Black Americans to be in a state of dependency. We need to be laser focused about the economy and business. In GRCAI of Chicago we will teach our members and students about business permits and taxes. That’s how they get Black People caught up through permits. We live in the information age so we have to upgrade our thinking. These other groups that come over here they’re thinking about getting the bag meaning the money. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic — Black America Worried About Project 2025, But Ignoring Biden’s Title 9

Black People are freaking out about Project 2025, something that Donald Trump has distanced himself from and he has denounced it. Joe Biden’s rewrite title 9, 24 States have objected to it. That’s how horrible this legislation is but no one is talking about it. This is disturbing because 24th States are against it. I found an article from The National Desk entitled “School boards nationwide grappling with new Title IX rules: ‘Held hostag” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript which is found in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link and scroll down to show and prove. If you have a daughter then you should think twice about voting for Democrats.

I will not read the entire article. I will touch on the main points. So basically what the article said was public schools nationwide are trying to figure out how to handle Title 9 new rules in their communities under the Biden Administration. The US Department of Education finalized the regulations in April that rewrite the 1972 Federal Civil Rights law to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all public education institutions. Additionally the rewrite adjust certain practices put in place for handling sexual assault complaints enacted under the Trump Administration including expanding the scope of what constitutes as sexual harassment. This law has been blocked in 26 States, Alicia Fern a school board member of Orange County Public Schools in Florida was thankful her state joined that list on the eve of implementation. The new regulations did not align with her community and parents demanded reversal of a district policy allowing students to use bathrooms based on gender identity. Under the new Title Nine regulations school districts are prohibited from implementing blanket policies banning students from using facilities based on their gender identity. Basically this is about Bathroom rights. We have more important issues to worry about. I don’t care about your sexual orientation.

Listen, we good family. I see the humanity in everybody but why are the Democrats so desperate to involve children into this I don’t get it. This goes into effect August 1, 2024. 24 States blocked it. There should be boundaries you can identify yourself anyway you want, I respect that. But there needs to be boundaries and that is the problem they keep pushing the envelope. When I bring this up to team “Vote Blue No Matter Who” then they start acting dumb or try to deflect by bring up Project 2025 conspiracy theory. This is now the law. For example, if you have a daughter that lives in one of these states that has approved Title 9 then Joannah Man who identifies himself as a girl wants to play on the girls volleyball team or any sports offered to girls then these schools that are receiving Federal funding must allow Joannah Man on the girls team and there’s nothing the school can do to stop it. No one wants to have this conversation but we need boundaries. What about parents’ rights? Black Americans are so concerned about Donald Trump. I’m not supporting this from Joe Biden, the guy Black America voted for 90% in 2020 and will be continued by Kamala Harris if she wins. Under the new title 9 regulation school districts are prohibited from implementing blanket policies banning students from using facilities based on their gender identity. Lawsuit were filed against the Department of Education describing the regulations as an illegal expansion of Title 9 with jeopardizes student safety since debate is ongoing even in states where the regulations School Board Concerns have the green light School Board members for the school district of Cambridge in Wisconsin is predicting a bumpy road ahead despite approving the regulations. The district is being held hostage by the Federal Government; some have questioned whether the regulations will jeopardize students’ Free Speech and put the school district at risk of losing funding.

Parents have flooded Somerset school board meetings to make their voices heard on the subject with many raising opposition there’s so much litigation. The education department has asserted it stands by the regulations despite the mounting lawsuits. It’s amazing no one wants to talk about this issue. I don’t think working parents have any idea how this affects their children. What are the Democrats trying to accomplish with imposing this law on parents and their children? Where are the Black Christians? Why would you vote for a political party knowing they stand against Christian values? When I have these discussions with people that are Democrats and I ask them what policy they are voting for they tell me she’s black they don’t tell me any policies because she does not have any. I don’t agree that a man should be allowed to play women’s sports. I believe children and teachers should focus on going to class and making good grades. They’re trying to build a global idea that it’s oneness like and people have to live in their different ethnicities in their different cultures. They want to impose title 9 on us and at the same time they want to reward us by funding our schools. In other words, they’re giving you funding in exchange for you to implement their ideologies but yet we forget that this is our money. I think Black Americans need to be waking up to the idea of social grooming of our children that ‘s what’s really happening in the African American community.

In contrast, when they do planning for White communities those communities get all kinds of investments which creates jobs that’s going to benefit White Families this gives them an advantage because the system was created by them for them. White America has access to more generational wealth that is passed down to the next generation. Whereas Black Americans are constantly starting over again because we don’t understand the system we are in which is the system of White Supremacy. There are several definitions. One definition is the belief that White people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion of other racial and ethnic groups. Another definition is the belief that the White race is inherently superior to other races and that White People should have control over people of other races. The social, economic, and political systems that collectively enable White People to maintain power over people of other races.

I talked about how I was exposed to Pan Africanism and White Supremacy in my revised book. I was eight years old during my stay in a group home. We had something called Afro-Group to help Black youth learn more about our culture and our history. This is what I will pass on to our members and students. Black Americans as a collective lack financial literacy. Financial Literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. We don’t have life insurance or wills. White Americans do a better job at financial planning because they have more wealth than us due to American Slavery. They have 246 years of free labor due to American Slavery. The so-called founding fathers owned slaves which put the US Government on the hook to owe reparations to Descendants of American Slaves. Our leaders didn’t teach us about Financial Literacy but our ancestors already knew because they created Black Wall Street.

In GRCAI of Chicago we will teach our members and students how to invest, put their money in a trust and how to create Wills so that the next generation will have a chance to make it in the United States of America. Let’s keep it buck not all Black Americans are able to just up and leave from this country due to economics. This is why it’s so important that GRCAM Members worldwide need to get involved with this movement while we still have a chance. Since the Civil Rights Era Black America don’t have anything to pass down to the next generation. Reparations is our last fight in America. I don’t want to get bogged down with American issues. I don’t want to die in America. I want like minded African Immigrants and like minded Black Americans across the United States of America to work with me first by helping me get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that the Black World would take us seriously. Secondly, I want GRCAM Members worldwide to donate what you can to our film project so that we can reach the Black masses and let the Black World know who we are and what we’re trying to do for our people that are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago.

Before I cut and run to Africa I want both Black Americans and African Immigrants within the United States of America for us to build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago together for credibility. I want GRCAI of Chicago to become the best African American business within the United States of America. I want us to expand GRCAI of Chicago to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. I want us to represent the best of Black Culture and African Culture. Going back to the topic Joe Biden is basically saying that if you don’t go along with the LGBT agenda then public schools will not get funding. I gotta give Trump credit for standing up to the far left. If they take down Trump then the Democrats will destroy this country within. Kamala Harris has the backing of the establishment behind her which are all these Billionaires and mainstream Media but Hillary still lost the election. This doesn’t have anything to do with gender or race; this is an agenda that the Democrats are pushing. It’s not only limited to LGBT issues but also what’s going on in the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia. Under the Biden-Harris Administration you saw inflation in double digits that means your money has less value. People’s 401K has been eating up with inflation. The Democrats are hellbent on getting what they want; they’re willing to sacrifice anything to win another election. I’m an independent so I have no commitment and no loyalty to any politician. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

I’m going to send a challenge out to everybody that’s listening to this video podcast. I need you all to support our film project so that we can move beyond cyberspace and get our story on the big screen to let the Black World know who we are and what we are trying to do for our people who are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago. “Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins” You can be apart of this historic docu-drama by contributing to our campaign either on our GoFundMe Page or our PayPal Page which will help fund marketing, promotion, clearances, legal and general expenses.

Please join GRCAM by joining either my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group or Christian Spoken Word Network) or join my Secular groups GRCAI of Africa, GRCAI of Chicago or New Black Voices of Media etc… also exchange emails with me if you are serious about doing business with me also so that we can stay connected because this is my third Facebook Page hackers are forever bugging.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our GoFundMe Page or if you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. You can also purchase items from our Virtual Store or purchasing my Revised Book. The E-book is $9.99 or the Paperback is $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. We appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and look to the far right next to my photo and it will say more links just scroll down. That’s going to conclude our video podcast for today we will see you on the next episode. Peace & Blessings #NotAnother32Years

Show and Prove

Rickey Smiley Goes Off Defending Kamala Harris


Chicago’s response to migrant influx stirs longstanding frustrations among Black residents


School boards nationwide grappling with new Title IX rules: ‘Held hostage’


Europeans Do The Unthinkable To African Immigrants


UK riots: 400 arrested amid far-right violence and clashes with police


African Diaspora News Channel

Black Voter Wants To Know What Democrats Will Do For Our Vote


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Kamala Harris Supporters Disrespect Black Voters By Posting Degrading Flier All Over Social Media


White Boers Refuse To Leave South Africa


U.K. Riots Get Out Of Control As The Far-Right Groups Take Over


BIack People In Fear And In Hiding Over U.K Racist Riots


Them Folks Forced Unity Amongst BIack Diaspora


French Nuclear Giant Loses Millions After Niger Revoked Mining License


President Bola Tinubu Refuses To Listen To The Cry Of The People Of Nigeria


South African Apologizes To Africans On Behalf Of Her People For The Hate


My Credibility

* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Donate & Share)


* Our PayPal Giving Fund Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters,

Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)


* My Youtube Page (Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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