(Decoding My Revised Book, Democrats Bring Bill To Force Black People To Vote Or Pay Civic Penalty, Black Americans Are Living As Forth Class Citizens, Beyond Twitter And Building Back Better Has Failed)

Emmanuel Barbee
25 min readMay 8, 2022



Welcome Family to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast I am your host Emmanuel Barbee. Thank you for tuning in to our global network. Do me a favor hit that thumbs up button, subscribe to our Youtube channel and please share this video podcast with your friends. We ask that you do this because we want others to know we’re here. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written text in order for us to reach our audience.

I cite all of my sources on my Medium transcript under show and prove. I encourage my listeners to click on the link to my current Medium Transcript so that you can read my sources in real time and respond when we open up the discussion for Q & A. We’re dedicated to discussing controversial issues such as the genocide which is taking place among our youth in our inner cities across the United States. We can’t sugar coated genocide. Although I have little to no support from people in my city I refuse to be ignored.

Purpose: To educate Black People/African People and Others who are serious about solving Black issues in America, solving African issues on the continent and throughout the Diaspora. As well as to raise funds for our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue during COVID-19. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing & legal services all for free.

I want to send a special thank you to everyone who has contributed to our film project thank you very much. It’s always good to know that we have the support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family.

Our goal is to raise Five Hundred Thousand dollars so that I can can be in a better position financially to hire professional Black Production Company or an African Production Company with quality actors. Without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African family I am unable to do my job. Non-black sympathizers are welcome to join us and to patronize us but it’s black people responsibility to built it and to own it.

I am calling on all of my Christian group members in (Light OF The World Inspirational Group & Christian Christian Spoken Word Network) to pray that God would connect me with people who have the means to support our film project. Pray that my revised book would get on the best sellers list. Pray that the spirit of God would allow our film project to get fully funded and made in Jesus/Yeshua name. I am encouraging all of my group members to do what you can to help us reach our goal so that we can move from behind a computer starting with getting our story on the big screen and getting our Christian business up and running in Chicago.

It’s my hope that The Lord would connect me with people who have the means to support our film project. I am doing all I can on my part to get our urban Christian film fully funded and made. Please continue to pray over my film project that The Lord would bless me to get this film fully funded and made so that I can move to the next level that is the proceeds generated from the film would put me in a better position financially so that I can hire Black Middle Class professionals, buy office equipment and purchase property in Chicago.

It’s my hope that GRCAI of Chicago will become a franchise just like McDonald’s and spread to other cities within America. Through the business we will launch African & Caribbean tours to ten African nations in order to form an alliance with our brothers and sisters on the continent so that we can do international trade among our people. We will also setup the business in South Africa.

We plan on hosting monthly Virtual Conferences on Facebook Live if you would like to be part of our panel then send me a message to my Facebook inbox and we can discuss the details and practice ahead of time so that we can put on a good show for our audience. I want to use this conference to interact with our viewers as well as to help raise funds for our film project. We will be using a spiritual perspective as it pertains to each topic. It’s my hope to have at least four people on the panel before we open the discussion for Q and A. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group in America.

Please consider supporting our film project in five ways they are as follows:

1. Though our GoFundMe Page.

2. You can also support our film project by purchasing my revised book (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second edition which is available on my Amazon Author Page. I provide each website on my Medium transcript under Show & Prove. You can also find each website on my Youtube channel under About.

3. Though our virtual store GRCAM Online. We provide merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.

4. Though our Paypal Page. (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a faith base, community advocacy organization. Our mission is to eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development. Donations can be used as a tax right off for U.S. citizens because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

5. Since I am an Amazon Author I decided to register my faith based and community advocacy organization GRCAI of Chicago with them. You can now make charitable donations to Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago while you shop on AMAZON? AMAZON SMILE will make charitable contributions to our film project (Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins).

Amazon Smile is another way in which you can support the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago every time you shop with Amazon. All you need to do is go to their website at smile.amazon.com and create an Amazon account. Then type Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago as your charity of choice and start shopping! Remember to check out smile.amazon.com to generate donations for our film project. Use your app: Navigate to the main menu (=) Tap on Settings and then select “AmazonSmile” once you do that type Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago as your charity of choice then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app. Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for GRCAI of Chicago. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible smile.amazon purchases.

If you are unable to participate on the show no worries when you have a moment please watch our latest video-podcast or listen to our audio podcast and leave a public comment in the comment section on my Youtube Page and on my Facebook Page about the topic. Most of all Please share my information with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s topic of discussion is as follows: (Decoding My Revised Book, Democrats Bring Bill To Force Black People To Vote Or Pay Civic Penalty, Black Americans Are Living As Forth Class Citizens, Beyond Twitter And Building Back Better Has Failed)

Our First topic — Decoding My Revised Book

The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will take the lead in improving the black community and strengthening the black family starting in Chicago if given a chance. 30 years of rejection by established black organizations in Chicago and online has not stop my message from going forth. I wrote my vision and made in plain in my revised book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding and Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” second edition. My revised book has been on Amazon for 10 years and yet it is barely selling. My revised book is the foundation of my Christian business the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

Reclaiming: The Black Community

Community safety is our biggest concern, rebuilding our economy and supporting our children by creating a safe space for them to play and enjoy life.

Rebuilding: Our Black Businesses

We as black people must work together in order to solve our problems within the black community. Things are getting worse the uptick in Car jackings, murder on the rise, crime out of control & mental health going unchecked. How can we rebuild our community without unity?

Restoring: The Black Family

GRCAI of Chicago is all about strengthening the black family yet this is not my burden alone this has to be a shared burden no one person can fix these issues alone. But, if black people get on code and work with me in building the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago then we can rebuild Black Chicago to a much better Chicago than before.

Why Should Black America Embrace GRCAI of Chicago?

I always hear our brothers and sisters bragging about as a collectively we have a spending power of one trillion dollars per year. Anyone who understands American capitalism realizes that there is no power in spending all your money. After our children finish high school, they are encourage to attend a WPI(White Public Institutions) that will put them in debt that they are expected to die in financial servitude.

Universities are getting rich from the trillions of black dollars every generation, while our best and brightest go into debt learning how to become better employees. After college, the most educated black people are then sent into the workforce with almost no ability or understanding of how to start their own business. In other words, they are completely incapable of creating a job, but highly capable of searching for one. After finding a job with modest pay, but not enough pay to get out of debt, our young people spend their entire lives working for a white-owned corporation until they die. All the while, many of them are paying rent to a wealthy landlord, while consuming products from trillion dollar corporations.

In this entire process, black people are the economic mules of America. The landlord becomes wealthy from the rent we pay because we never infused the cultural values necessary to become landowners. The corporate shareholders leave wealth for their children from the profits earned off consumer products sold to black people. The corporation also gets rich from the labor being provided by black people who were taught that the best way to economic success is to find a job. Let me clear there’s nothing wrong about having a job, going to college or buying consumer products. The problem is that the job should not be your only source of income. When you own nothing and work for someone else, you are effectively a piece of property to be used in any way that the owner sees fit.

In order for us to reclaim our power in America we are going to have to change our culture, change our habits and play a direct role in the education of our children. I can’t build GRCAI of Chicago by myself I need brave and smart black people to be on my management team. Without support from the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family I am unable to do my job. Once we are able to get this film project fully funded and made then I will turn the business over to qualified black middle class professionals while I expand the business in South Africa. I will also lead by example by applying for dual citizenship. GRCAI of Chicago is about reconnecting the Diaspora with Continental Africans so that we can do international trade among ourselves, learn about each others culture and begin solving our social problems on a local level and on a global level this is what I want to be remembered for. I am not interested in running for public office to help improve the current system I am here to create a new system that will help solve Black people’s problems, African people’s problems, Caribbean people’s problems and Brazilian people’s problem.

In this organization we will separate ourselves from Off Code Negros, Active Gang Members, Pedophiles, Rapist and Urban Terrorist. When slavery ended our ancestors left those plantations the back stabbers and massah pleasures followed behind them. GRCAI of Chicago will raise the bar in Black America. Since Black America has rejected my vision and plan for the past 30 years this organization will be membership based. Once this film project is fully funded and made the proceeds from the film will go towards me purchasing property in Chicago, buying office equipment and hiring qualified Black Middle Class professionals in order to make this organization effective and successful for years to come. We will hold mandatory orientation, everyone will be screen and must sign our community pledge. We will also require our members thumb print so that we can keep tabs on who is doing what within the organization. Everyone must contribute something to the organization.

Once I start making money mark my words everyone in Chicago will want to be apart of this organization not so I have 30 years of rejection which is a thorn in my flesh we will declare war against this Willie Lynch mentality within black society. I promise none of my members will never have to endure such foolishness just for wanting to do something positive in the black community. I have people on my Facebook friends list who know how to make documentaries yet they refuse to come forth and work with me. I encourage everyone on my friends list and everyone in my social groups to exchange emails with me now while I am still small time once this thing gets off the ground I won’t be online as often I will be working in the field and setting up chapters in 10 African nations and in the Caribbean God willing.


To eradicate urban violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce and Spiritual Development. Also to launch African & Caribbean tours in order to reconnect with the global black family. We want our students to think and act with empathy, courage and clarity as responsible citizens and leaders in a global community. We will offer core curriculum that foster creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving.


To develop the next generation of innovators, leaders, and problem-solvers by tapping into their creative genius.

GRCAI of Chicago will be a multi-purpose facility. Our programs and services will range from Art Therapy, Child Daycare/Adult Daycare, Community Advocacy, Fitness Center, Entrepreneurship, Grief Groups, Film Making, Networking Groups, Music Programs, Nutrition, Spiritual Development, Stress Management, Visual Arts, Youth Services, Workshops/seminars.

Responsibility and Collaboration

GRCAI of Chicago will be a privilege that carries responsibility and accountability. We call on all to participate with self-discipline, independence of mind and a collaborative spirit in keeping with the mission, values and vision of this institution. We expect each of us to come prepared to learn and support progressive approach to education, human development and community life. Our purpose is to inspire all to apply their skills, thoughts and values to make our institution and our community a safe place to be.

Character and Citizenship

GRCAI of Chicago will encourage our members and students to exercise personal and civic power by connecting reflection with action, research with creativity, wisdom with innovation, deeds with consequences and character with citizenship. In these ways, GRCAI of Chicago as a progressive institution, dedicated to the personal growth and development. Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and or on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic — Democrats Bring Bill To Force Black People To Vote Or Pay Civic Penalty. The Democrats presented a bill to make you vote called Civic Duty To Vote Act. If you don’t vote then you will be charged a $20 civic penalty fee.

A lot of people are upset in our community about the Democrat Party. Black People have been voting for them since President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Civil Rights legislation 60 years ago. The Biden Administration gave resources and Federal Protection to Asians and LGBT Community but nothing specifically for black people. John Larson a Democrat knows that we’re not co-signing their agenda so he has decided to introduce a bill called Civic Duty To Vote Act. It requires eligible citizens to appear to vote in the general election for federal office. If a person fails to do so then they will be charged a $20 civic penalty fee.
You can find out more about this bill on my Medium Transcript. If you are friends with me on Facebook I post my Medium Transcript on my Facebook Page just click on the link and scroll down to Show and Prove it will be the first article you see.

Just look how far they are going with this. This system becomes illegitimate if we don’t participate as a collective. The Democrats know this is not just about midterm elections it’s about future elections. Everything black people has gotten in America was not from voting it was through the black grass roots. The only reason why the financial elites passed the Civil Rights Act is because our grandparents kelp marching and protesting. There is a discussion going on in the Left Wing Media about black people. I found an article from CNN entitled
(It’s not just Latinos and younger voters. Democrats are slipping among Black voters too). I’m not going to read the entire article I provide the article on my Medium Transcript under Show and Prove. Basically what the article was saying is that black people form the core of the Democrat Party. How is it that we form the core of the Democrat Party in yet our grievances is ignored. If Black America would listen to me then we would have a mass call for tangibles for our votes nationwide. I’ve been saying this for years. It’s embarrassing to see my people marching and protesting for 53 years begging the financial elites for Freedom, Justice and Equality. They are the same group who have enslaved our ancestors.

We still don’t have any justice for our sisters Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland or Rekia Boyd just to name a few. We witness the Democrats give resources to every other group except us and they got a nerve to ask for our votes again. I provide several articles on my Medium Transcript about different groups who benefited from the Biden Administration. They should go and ask those groups to vote for them. This article said that black people turn out to vote in large numbers then any other demographic. It mentioned that without the massive support of black voters the last three democratic nominees which was Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama would have not made it to the general election. Biden is asking Congress for $33 billion dollars for Ukraine. He just gave Ukraine 13.6 billion dollars. When black people ask for reparations this career politicians claim they don’t have the funding.

They think Black Americans as a collective is dumb and will continue to vote for them without demanding tangibles. If black people continue to vote for the Democrats then we will end up becoming third and forth class citizens in a nation that our ancestors built. As for me and my house I will not continue to live in a land for the rest of my life being treated as a third and forth class citizen while Illegal Immigrants can just cross the border and receive all kinds of protections, resources and have access to sanctuary cities for their group.
This article is telling black people that the past three democratic candidates Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama would not have made it to the general election without Black People. The Democratic shills would say our ancestors fought and died for us to vote that’s not true. Our ancestors fought to be free.

We have so many people in our community who are full of Willie Lynch. Those persons would make us as a group continue to lose while all these other groups are here to win and to obtain resources. We have black people like Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elder, Candice Owens, Roland Martin and Joy Reid just to name a few. Also that blue no matter who crowd. I view them as white supremacist sympathizers. A majority of black people in America don’t want to own nothing or build nothing that’s the reality. We need to be extremely hostile towards the sell outs and back stabbers in our community if we want to survive in America.
I am not interested in writing more books I want to build black businesses and help improve the black community. This is why the financial elites wants to censor people like me on social media and make it where the only people you can listen to are Jemele Hill, Roland Martin and Joy Reid.

I have been promoting my vision online and in real life for 30 years I am tired of not seeing progress that’s why my focus is on getting this film fully funded and made so that I can setup other like minded black middle class professionals in positions to help me manage our Christian business before I cut and run to Africa. I found an article from Fortune entitled “America’s Black brain drain: Why African-American professionals are moving abroad and staying there.” According to the article it was the George Floyd case which broke the camel’s back. Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and or on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Third topic — Black Americans Are Living As Forth Class Citizens.

I read an article from Buzz Feed by Morgan Sloss entitled (Black People Are Sharing The Rules They Follow That Most White People Don’t Even Know About, And This Is So Important). I encourage my listeners to read the whole article I am just going to touch on a few points.

1. “No matter how angry you get, you try and remain calm. If you raise your voice even a little — regardless of what you say or how you say it — you are instantly labeled an ‘angry Black woman’ and judged wrongly, even when you’re right.” The Karen’s and Becky’s of the world can raise their voice and have a temper tantrum but no body label them as angry.

3. “As a Black man, my father taught me, when being pulled over by the police, to pull your insurance and registration out of the glovebox and keep it ready on your seat. That way, you do not have to reach in the glovebox when the police are at your window.” On this podcast I try to encourage our young black men and black women about how to conduct yourself when you encounter law enforcement because it could mean life or death in America.

6. “I’m from Louisiana where they still have ‘sundown towns.’ Avoid them at all costs, but if you have to pass through at night, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A FULL TANK OF GAS so that you don’t have to stop.” No body really wants to talk about our reality in America. What kind of life are we living? This remind me of the black codes from my history books. This is why I don’t have much support because I try to keep it 100 and encourage my people to look outside of America to keep our options open. Many blacks including my own family just ain’t trying to hear that they want to continue fighting instead of working with me to pool our resources and turn around our situation in America if we form an alliance with our global African Family.

7. “I am a Black woman, relatively new to my mostly white neighborhood. When I take a walk for exercise, I always walk in the middle of the street, not too close to houses on either side. I wear reflective gear and avoid staring too closely at any of the houses. I often think of Ahmaud Arbery while I’m walking.”
That’s not a life for a free person who is an American tax payer. You have to do your research live in places that have an equal amount of black people other wise you are setting yourself up to be attack by racist people. These are the 21 black codes that Black Americans must live by in order to survive in America. This stuff is ingrained into American society because the financial elites control the system. Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and or on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Fourth topic — Beyond Twitter. Elon Musk is a Afrikaana from South Africa. He is being sued for allegedly silencing thousands of black employees who complained about racism in this company. His family is from the Netherlands. He ended up buying Twitter for $44 billion dollars. From what I have been reading the way this came about was that Elon Musk started complaining about how Twitter content moderation didn’t give people free speech so he bought 9% of Twitters stocks in order to have the most shares of the company. He got investors to back him to buy Twitter long story short Twitter sold the company to him. The Left Wing media could not stop talking about this story. When it come to these Silicon Valley companies like your Googles, Apples and Facebooks they are control by the Left Wing media. I explain to my group members it does not matter if it’s Left Wing which is (Democrats) or Right Wing which is (Republicans) at the end of the day it’s about promoting a white supremacy agenda. There’s a column from the LA Times entitled “With Elon Musk in charge, it’s the beginning of the end for #BlackTwitter” The woman who wrote this piece her name is Erika D. Smith a black woman and a Democratic shill. Just go to her Twitter page and you will see her LGBT flag. Barack Obama opened up that Pandora’s Box by making Gay Marriage legal. Then it went to Bathroom rights now it’s Transgender they are trying to takeover women’s sports. People called me names saying I was a hater or I was homophobic. They can call you names but can’t debate the facts. What’s coming down the pipeline is Pedos are going to say that they have a sexual orientation too and they are being discriminated in society. America is going down stuff like that is what caused the down fall of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed.

In the article she was talking about how Twitter is the digital town square where public opinion matters. Then she said consider this the beginning of the end of black Twitter. If all of your so called activism is on Twitter and you can’t translate that into real life events then you ain’t really making an impact. The internet in the beginning was only for college students but down the road they open it up to the general public for everyone. Erika Smith said black twitter gave us hashtags that turned into movements like Black Lives Matter and I Can’t Breathe have become rattling cry’s for hundreds of thousands of protesters after the 2020 murder of George Floyd. This lady is trying to stir up black people these Democratic shills are just upset because they want to have a monopoly on social media. A lot of black people like me have our pages taken down for pointing out racism. Black twitter is a bunch of black people typing behind a hashtag.

For those of you who don’t know me I’m not in favor of Left Wing or Right Wing I am in favor of the Black Grass Roots and the Global African Family. When I hear about Elon Musk flexing his financial muscle to buy Twitter that does not phase me. Over here what we focus on is solving black issues, African issues, Caribbean issues and Brazilian issues. We talk with the people not down to the people. I’ve been doing this for 30 years my message stays the same. I only debate my equals all others I teach. Now I am taking our story to the big screen in order to reach the masses. Anyone who says that I am fake is a bald face lie and the truth is not in them. Since Biden is unable to convince people to go along with his plan for America he has decided to create a Disinformation Governance Board. All of this because one man bought Twitter and now the Democrats are running scared. The Democrats has access to all these cable networks which promotes their views.

I read an article from CBS entitled “Disinformation Governance Board to tackle spread of misinformation in U.S., focusing on Russia and U.S.-Mexico border” I am not going to read the entire article I provide the article on my Medium Transcript. From what I gather from this article the Biden Administration is telling us they want to debunk disinformation. Yet this administration is allowing Illegal Immigrants to cross the southern border. The Government is suppose to in force the law of the land yet Latinos has been given a pass and granted immunity from the law under this administration. The New Black Voices of media is not sharing disinformation we’re sharing the facts coming out of mainstream media and history books. If the mainstream media can prove we are wrong then the government wouldn’t have to create a Disinformation Governance Board to silence people they would just present the facts. Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and or on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Fifth topic — Building Back Better Has Failed.

The midterms are getting closer and the Democrats are getting desperate. Giving black people fake symbolism and using diversions is not working. I found an article from CNN entitled “After Build Back Better’s collapse, Democrats still struggling with how to message the midterms” I provide the entire article on my Medium Transcript. You would think if the Democrats are doing so well then they would have much to brag about right? The Democrats need something so they decided to use Katanji Brown Jackson to help them boost their momentum. This is CNN confirming my political prediction that the Democrats is going to say that America is out of the pandemic. While on the other hand you have a health experts who disagrees with Dr. Fauci according to an article from Politico entitled ‘Doctors disagree all the time’: Navarro drags Fauci feud into the open. Sounds like disinformation to me. They have not said anything to galvanize the black grass roots.

My next example is an indication of where things are politically in America. I found an article from the LA Times entitled “Endorsement: Karen Bass for Los Angeles mayor” The LA Times decided to to endorse Karen Bass for Los Angeles mayor. Since she is backed by the financial elites that means she won’t be doing anything for black people. I will not read the entire article if you like you can I provide the article on my Medium Transcript.

These politicians try to galvanize you to come and vote for the same status quo. The Democrats want black people to remain on that hamster wheel to no where while all these other groups are advancing over our group. The reason why we have so much homelessness in California is because of inflated housing prices. The article does not address what LA residents need such as consolidating the wealth gap. They are not talking about cutting spending. The Democrats have deliberately worked with Republicans to narrow the black population in Los Angeles down to six percent. Six percent is still enough to decide who should be mayor. For 60 years the Democrats have relied on the black vote to help them win elections now they are taken the black vote for granted by giving all other groups resources except us there needs to be political consequence for their non-action.

No body talked about drugs as a public health crisis until a large population of white people start going to jail and or having over dose from Opioids or Fentanyl. All of a sudden drugs were no longer a criminal issue. I was calling it a public health issue back in the 90s when I was doing street ministry but no one wanted to hear my claim. According to this article the trick language is increase police funding by calling it police reform. What LA and all of the major cities in America need to do is rid their police departments from Rogue Cops who are affiliated with white supremacist gangs. There’s an article from Reuters entitled “L.A. is investigating 50-year-old police gangs, finally.” I did not create this podcast just to complain about our situation in America I created this podcast to promote my vision and plan for Black America and my vision for Africa, the Caribbean and Brazil. We’re going to get this film project fully funded and made so that people will take our cause serious. You change things by being active in the real world. The ball is in your court I am just one black man with a vision and a plan it takes a team to make a dream work. Please leave a public comment on my Facebook Page and or on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all please share this podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

Show and Prove

Bill would require eligible US citizens to vote in general elections or face fine


It’s not just Latinos and younger voters. Democrats are slipping among Black voters too.


Biden signs anti-Asian hate crime bill marking ‘significant break’ in partisanship


Biden authorizes $500M in aid relief to Afghan refugees amid Taliban takeover


Biden calls for LGBTQ protections in Day 1


Biden asks Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine through September


America’s Black brain drain: Why African-American professionals are moving abroad and staying there


Black People Are Sharing The Rules They Follow That Most White People Don’t Even Know About, And This Is So Important


Crowdfunding campaigns start their own form of reparations in lieu of a federal push


It’s not too late for Biden to become an antiracist president


With Elon Musk in charge, it’s the beginning of the end for #BlackTwitter


Elon Musk to buy Twitter in $44 billion deal


Disinformation Governance Board to tackle spread of misinformation in U.S., focusing on Russia and U.S.-Mexico border


Dr. Fauci declares US is ‘out of the pandemic phase’


‘Doctors disagree all the time’: Navarro drags Fauci feud into the open


After Build Back Better’s collapse, Democrats still struggling with how to message the midterms


Endorsement: Karen Bass for Los Angeles mayor


Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy, and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement


L.A. is investigating 50-year-old police gangs, finally


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)




*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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