(Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Takes Black Community Center To House Migrants & Could Illegal Immigration In The United States of America Ignite A Civil War?)

Emmanuel Barbee
16 min readFeb 8, 2024



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard technology. We want to interact with our audience in real time through the chat room during our live podcast. I want to know if there is anyone on my friends list or in my social groups who live in America that knows how to do professional fund raising? If so please send me a message to my Facebook inbox. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our interactive Black Grassroots Media component. We discuss controversial topics that you won’t hear about from the mainstream media. We’re committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. We believe that now is the time for a comprehensive new strategy and a new movement for Black People/African People. I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free.

we’re working on setting up our Paypal Giving Fund and our GoFundMe Page as an indicator of our progress towards getting this film project fully funded and made. Our Paypal Giving Fund will only allow us to raise Ten Thousand Dollars. Our goal is to raise Five Hundred Thousand Dollars so that the Black World would take us serious. I have invested 32 years of my life trying to connect with other like minded Black People and African People I refuse to be ignored. My film project is my last attempt to try to do something positive for my racial group before I cut and run to Africa. My assignment is to generate enough capital from my revised book, my virtual and to raise donations through this video podcast so that we can get our story on the big screen. We offer something that no Black Politician has in America and that is a solution which will solve all of our social problems but we have to build it first. I am talking about GRCAI of Chicago. We will offer a 21 Century solution within the United States of America before we expand to Africa. Since I have little to no support for my cause all I can do at this time is news and social commentary.

Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America from the following African Nation’s: South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria.

Stand up and work with me the sooner we get this film project fully funded and made the sooner we can build GRCAI of Chicago. Once the proceeds from the docu-drama starts pouring in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment and hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America. The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago mission is to eradicate Urban Violence in Chicago through Arts, Culture, Commerce, Spiritual Development and hosting African tours in 10 African nations. We’re going to meet people from my African group GRCAI of Africa.

We will bring the best of the Diaspora to each African nation so that we can setup local chapters and do international trade among our people. We will reconnect Black Entrepreneurs with African Entrepreneurs, Black Artist with African Artist. In This Christian business our objective is to heal from enslavement and colonization.

The title of this presentation

(Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Takes Black Community Center To House Migrants & Could Illegal Immigration In The United States of America Ignite A Civil War?)

Our First Topic — Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Takes Black Community Center To House Migrants. I watched a video clip from Fox News entitled “Boston residents rage after governor closes community rec center to house migrants: ‘They don’t care about us’ To watch the full video just go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation then click on it and scroll down to show and prove. From what I understand in that video is that
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu decided to take a community center in the Black community to house migrants. The Mayor Michelle Wu dumped migrants in the African American Community during the middle of the night when local residents were sleeping. Remember Black Voters this crisis is the fault of the Biden Administration. I’ve been warning Black Americans way back in the 90’s if Black People in America unite with other like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants then our days in this country is numbered. The White Supremacist Financial Elites have imposed this Willie Lynch mentality among our people this is why 400 years later Black Americans continue to behave the way we do.

A majority of Black Americans have become Americanized and have adopted narcissistic behavior. That’s off code behavior. I wrote my revised book to encourage more Black People to get on code which is all of the principles in my book that will help us fight against this slave mentality which is holding us back as a collective group. We constantly have to remind Black People to patronize Black Businesses. These mega corporations are going to use these migrants to do those low skill jobs so that they don’t have to pay the American citizens a living wage. The Biden Administration is allowing them to have free rent, free healthcare and food stamps. As I mentioned in my revised book these corporations don’t want to pay a living wage America started off as a slave Nation. This is why over here we promote reparations. Now you are starting to understand how important this issue is for Black Americans.

This country started off as a slave Nation and never paid our ancestors a dime. They were enslaved for 246 years of Free Labor then after slavery the White Supremacist Financial Elites created convict leasing which is legal slavery under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution. This allows slavery to continue but from private owners to the state in the form of the Prison Industrial Complex or for better words School to Prison pipeline.
America is going to become too expensive for the Black masses and many will end up becoming homeless or behind bars. This is not going to end well. You can’t keep having American citizens who pay taxes and they can’t afford to provide for their families. For example, look at what happened to people in France. You’re going to have a France issue on your hands among American citizens if you keep doing it this way if you push them to the limit where they feel like they don’t have anything to lose. They should not have to be put in that situation. I’m not advocating for violence I’m just saying people express their anger in different ways. They’re trying to follow the law, they’re trying to work and keep a roof over their head and enjoy their life. But these wicked politicians and corporations have other plans for the American people. Both political parties are willing to sell the American people out. You can’t keep doing people like this that’s not right.

At this point how can anybody in their right mind advocate for Democrat open border policies? In California the Democrats have literally destroyed that state. It’s a mass exodus out of that state, a lot of people are leaving because they can’t afford to live there. Their prioritizing foreigners over American citizens who chose to come here nobody forced them to come. You need to understand these politicians are creating these social issues. Now the Black Community in Boston are dealing with this Migrant Crisis y’all better take a stand against this and once again we are in an election year. This migrant crisis is literally out of hand. On this platform we’re covering what’s happening to our people. White America let me talk to you what happened to all that lazy talk when it was about Black People where’s all that smoke for these migrants?

When we talk about reparations in the form of cash payments y’all start saying things like it’s going to break the country. At least with Black Americans we will get one reparation package and the majority of the money will remain in America because a majority of Black Americans prefer to remain here in this country and that will help the American economy. Notice they are sending migrants to Urban cities in Black areas and they are taking the little resources we have. Yet these politicians prefer that we vote blue no matter who forget that don’t reward the Democrats either sit it out or vote for Trump that’s our best option at this time.

I found an article from ABC News entitled “California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants” To watch the full video just go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation then click on it and scroll down to show and prove. Most Americans don’t have health insurance but the migrants can get health care over Americans and they don’t have to pay anything and you wonder why California is literally falling apart in places like San Francisco, Oakland and LA. They are giving them a place to stay building places for them staying in places with two years no rent two years no American citizen is getting 2 year free rent. That’s what’s going to bankrupt this country. We have a lot of Rogue politicians that are willing to sell us out; they’re incentivizing these migrants to come here.

No other country on Earth will allow you to come into their country without an ID. This is not about Democrats Republicans at this point, this is about survival of this nation. The majority of Black Americans don’t have passports. The majority of Americans can’t just grab their kids and just leave. Most Americans are not in that position. I don’t believe there is no country in the world that would take resources from their citizens and give it to foreigners who cross their borders Illegally. These Illegal Immigrants are getting free phones, food stamps and money just for crossing the border. They broke the law to come here yet Americans are faced with high inflation such as food prices yet this other group could come over here by breaking federal law.

These Democrats are literally trying to bleed the pockets of American Citizens. We’re watching migrants cross the border and are being rewarded with free healthcare, free rent when most American families are struggling to make ends meet. But we’re supposed to go out and vote blue no matter who, right? It’s either Trump or sitting it out. I’m looking more at Trump at this point with this situation going on with the migrants. I’m not ashamed to say it based on the migrant crisis, business and policies. The Biden Administration has harmed Black America. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends. This will help get the ball rolling.

Second Topic — Could Illegal Immigration In The United States of America Ignite A Civil War? The Migrant Crisis and Illegal Immigration is a big deal in 2024. The two main issues in this election year are the Migrant Crisis and the Economy. The Biden Administration is flooding the Zone allowing Illegal Immigrants to come into the country to a point it feels like an invasion. In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has been shipping migrants to Democratic states that the Supreme Court stepped in and said something along these lines: you can’t prevent migrants from coming here and you can’t take down those wires. Governor Greg Abbot is pushing back and there are some people in the dominant Society who’s starting to push back too. They are saying we can’t have these open borders. A lot of us in the Black Grass Roots are saying we don’t want open borders because they are dumping these migrants in our neighborhood and it’s causing havoc because they are taking away our little resources. This is why we are pushing for reparations. We’re in need of the resources that our tax dollars provide from the government. We don’t want our tax dollars going to non-citizens who are coming over here with anti-Black sentiment towards us.

I found an article from Voice of America News entitled “Tiny Texas City in Spotlight During Clash Over Border Security” To read the full article just go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation then click on it and scroll down to show and prove. According to this article Governor Greg Abbot continues to push Operation Lone Star to deter migrants from Illegally crossing into the US from Mexico. He is adding troopers on the border placing floating barriers in the river and passing laws that allow state and local law enforcement to arrest migrants who entered Texas Illegally in the latest installing razor wire despite these obstacles as migrants continue to cross the border. The US Supreme Court ruled Federal border patrol agents could take down the razor wire, further fueling The Divide between Texas and the federal government over who has the authority to secure the border.

The Department of Homeland Security says rather than helping to reduce irregular migration the state of Texas has only made it harder for front-line personnel to do their jobs and to apply consequences under the law while migrant Crossings continue. It’s an invasion that’s being allowed. These politicians are going back and forth with the state and the federal government but the bottom line is this stuff is being allowed.

I found an article from American Urban Radio Networks entitled “U.S. BLACK POPULATION GROWS BY 32% OVER TWO DECADES, REACHING NEARLY 48 MILLION, PEW STUDY FINDS” To read the full article just go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation then click on it and scroll down to show and prove. I believe that it’s more of us our numbers are growing naturally while those in the dominant Society their numbers are dwindling. Now all of a sudden these politicians are letting all these migrants over here flooding the zone. I found a video clip on NBC News entitled “Texas teen birthrate rose for first time in 15 years after abortion ban, largely affecting Latinas “ To read the full article just go to my Medium Page and look for the exact title of this presentation then click on it and scroll down to show and prove. So they’re letting you know what’s the deal. This is why they’re allowing these migrants to come here to boost the buffer class numbers and to neutralize the Black Vote. You see the resources they’re giving these migrants we don’t benefit from at all this harms us because it takes resources away from us. We’re letting our Black elected officials know are they with the community agenda or with the Democrat agenda.

Over here we’re keeping the Reparations conversation going. Family, we gotta get behind this film project. I don’t want to be doing this for another 32 years. All I am asking is for everyone who is listening to this video podcast to please purchase my revised book and read my story for yourself. If you agree with my vision and plan for Black America then make arrangements with me to come on my platform and talk about it. You would need to know how to use Stream Yard. I will teach you how before you come on the show. I also encourage you to donate what you can to our updated GoFundMe Page. Please leave public comments about the topics in the comment section below this video podcast and most of all share this video podcast on all social media that you are on this will help get the ball rolling. We have to get this popping for our Black youth. This is my gift to Black America and Africa because once we build GRCAI of Chicago then nobody can put us out and we can gather among like-minded brothers and sisters in a physical building that we own and control. Do you feel me?

A place where we boost that message of Lineage based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves. Also for us to promote a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill I think that’s very important. It’s getting real out here. We’re letting the dominant society know upfront we demand tangibles. We’re letting the Democrats know they’re campaigning to get us to vote then they have to give us tangibles which are Lineage based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves and a Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill period.

I found an article from the New York Post “Far-left comic Michael Rapaport slams quote kadav Biden says voting for Trump quote on the table after migrants beat cops in New York City” I discuss that on my last podcast. Long story short a group of illegals jumped on a couple of cops in Time Square made the news all over the place. Michael Rapaport weighed in on this unleashed rants against New York City’s immigration problems and President Biden’s priorities suggesting that if Biden doesn’t deal with the problems here at home voting for Trump is quote on the table. He shared a video on X formerly known as Twitter railing against the recent news story about migrants in New York City beating up cops and then being released shortly after the altercation furious at the idea that the Biden Administration has been tougher on foreign issues than domestic issues like a record migrant surge. He explained six illegal aliens jumped a New York City Cop NYPD’s finest they jumped the New York City Cop in Times Square and were arrested and released without bail the incident was captured on surveillance footage it showed two cops wrestling with and getting kicked by multiple migrants several of the men were arrested for the incident and were released without bail.

If you’re going to take over a culture you really want to tell them what to think and who to vote for. For the past 400 years the White Supremacist Financial Elites have co-opt and told Black Americans who we’re going to be for the next 400 years so they have already did that by imposing this Willie Lynch mentality on us. Over here we reject that slave mentality over here we reject the N word our motto is Intelligence over Ignorance. Lord have mercy on Black People in South Carolina that vote for Biden re-election campaign. And you wonder why in South Carolina the African American community is the poorest in the nation.

A majority of Black Americans act like White Americans on Sunday they go to church sit there and sing Negro spiritual songs but when they come around White Americans then they act like different that’s colonization. Western Powers and Colonial Powers have made a decision to cultivate and to develop the entire world but to save Africa it’s gonna take Black Americans, African Immigrants from Canada, Europe and the United States of America to return back and help improve the African economy while educating Native Africans at the grassroots level. Africa is divided among dozens of countries and because of that they’re not working together. GRCAI of Africa will take the lead to unify like minded African People so that we can reclaim our ancestral homeland from foreign invaders. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all share this video podcast with your friends. This will help get the ball rolling.

Thank you all for listening and we’ll see you on the next video podcast. Please join GRCAM by joining either my Christian groups (Light OF The World Inspirational Group or Christian Spoken Word Network) or join my Secular groups GRCAI of Africa, GRCAI of Chicago or New Black Voices of Media etc… also exchange emails with me so that we can stay connected because this is my third Facebook Page hackers are forever bugging. Please leave a public comment on my Youtube Page about the topic. Most of all, share this video podcast with your friends this will help get the ball rolling.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support us on our Paypal Page, purchasing items from our Virtual Store or purchasing my Revised Book the E-book is $9.99 and the Paperback is $13.65. We appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. If you’re listening to this audio podcast on Spotify just click on the YouTube icon and look to the far right next to my photo and it will say more links click on it and you will see the about section, then scroll down to links. This will concluded our video podcast.

Show and Prove

Boston residents rage after governor closes community rec center to house migrants: ‘They don’t care about us’


California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants


Tiny Texas City in Spotlight During Clash Over Border Security


GOP governors show support for Texas border plan




Texas teen birthrate rose for first time in 15 years after abortion ban, largely affecting Latinas


Far-left comic Michael Rapaport slams ‘cadaver’ Biden, says voting for Trump ‘on the table’ after migrants beat cops in NYC


My Credibility

* Our revised GoFundMe Page (Please Donate & Share)


* Our PayPal Giving Fund Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast (Please Subscribe & Share)


* My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.