(Border Czar Tom Homan Declares Chicago Ground Zero For Mass Deportation, Mayor Eric Adams Was Forced By The Biden Administration To Spend $6 Billion Dollars On Illegal Immigrants & Be On Alert Black Americans, Who Did A Protest Vote/Chose The Couch Democrats Are Plotting Against Us)

Emmanuel Barbee
42 min readDec 17, 2024



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners from around the globe please do me a favor hit that like button, subscribed to my YouTube Page and share this video podcast on all social media sites you are on such as Facebook, Instagram, X formerly known as Twitter, TikTok or LinkedIn ladies and gentlemen. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience. I am the Founder and President of (GRCAM) the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast is our Black Media component.

For those of you who don’t know me then get to know me by purchasing and reading my story (The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America) second. It’s available as an e-book for $9.99 or as a paperback for $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. I provide the link to my Amazon Author Page in the comment section below this video podcast. After you have read my story and if you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America specifically Black Chicago then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. We have upgraded our platform by moving from an audio podcast to a video podcast using Stream Yard. We want to interact with our audience in real time through Facebook messenger during our live stream.

I created (GRCAM) in order to connect with like minded Black Americans, like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinos and Afro-Brazilian as well as Continental Africans. I encourage everyone on my Facebook Page everyone in my social groups who are Black Entrepreneurs/African Entrepreneurs, Black Artists/African Artists, Black Authors/African Authors, Musicians, Poets, Community Advocates or Spiritual Leaders to make arrangements with me to come on my platform so that they can promote what they are doing or selling or even share a 30 minute sermon with my listeners from the global community. We want to grow this platform for the Global African community throughout the Diaspora.

For 33 years Black Americans has taken me as a joke specifically Black Chicagoans. They have rejected and overlooked my vision and plan to help improve Black America. All I have is My Revised Book, My Virtual Store, My Online Social Groups and this platform. My film project is my last attempt to get my story on the big screen in order to reach the Black Masses and the Black World to let them know who we are and what we’re trying to do in the African American community and the African Immigrant community for credibility before I expand my Christian business to Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean. Work with me while I am alive don’t wait until I am dead. This is why I am reaching out to African Immigrants within the United States of America to help speed things up. I am encouraging African Immigrants in America from the following African nations:

South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria to please purchase my revised book either the e-book or the paperback and read my story. If you agree with my vision and plan to improve Black America then make arrangements with me to come on the show and get on camera and let’s talk about it and encourage others to get involved with our cause and to back this film project. Share my information with all of your friends including your non-black friends this would help speed up the process. Our aim is to raise $250,000 we are using Crowd funding we have our GoFundMe Page and our Paypal Page. If you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization.

In my Christian business we will raise the bar in Black America. We will separate ourselves from Con Artists, Black Boule, Degenerates, Democrat Shills, Harden Criminals, Petophiles, Off Code Negroes and Urban Terrorists. Those who rejected my vision and plan will not be part of my Christian business because this is membership based. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it moving. The question at hand how long will it take for us to get this film project fully funded and made? It’s up to the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family. We encourage Nonblack sympathizers to patronize our film project but it’s Black Americans and African Immigrants who are GRCAM Members responsibility to build it and to own it.

I try to host my show every week in order to engage people on my friends list and people in my social groups until I am able to get my film project fully funded and made and once the proceeds from the film starts coming in then I will be in a better position financially to purchase property in Chicago, buy office equipment, hire qualified Black Middle Class professionals and African Immigrants within the United States of America to work with me in building my Christian business (GRCAI of Chicago) the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago for credibility before I cut and run to Africa.

I refuse to be ignored. Those of you who will work with me on this film project will go down in history with me and Sister Rena. Lord knows I would like to do more than just news and social commentaries but at this point I am working with a shoe string budget all of my funds goes towards bills, food and rent. Without financial support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my God given assignment and that is to build the best African American business within the United States of America that will be the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago.

This is a Nehemiah assignment. I do not operate like the next Black Man I have my own style and way of doing things. You don’t have to like me but you will respect me. Those who have rejected my plan and vision for the past 33 years will not be part of my Christian business because this will be membership based. Those who are not apart of us we will pray for them show them tough love and keep it moving. The sooner we get this film project fully funded and made and established in America specifically in Chicago Illinois the sooner I can turn it over and expand my business to the African continent.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday December 18th we have guest speaker Roberta Williams from Texas, Friday December 20th we have guest speaker Apostle Carla Harrell from Georgia, Friday December 27th Pastor Dr. Lola George-Akoke from Nigeria and Saturday December 28th Apostle Sarah Banda from Zambia

This will be our last social commentary until the first week of January 2025. I would like to wish all of my listeners from the global community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The title of this presentation:

(Border Czar Tom Homan Declares Chicago Ground Zero For Mass Deportation, Mayor Eric Adams Was Forced By The Biden Administration To Spend $6 Billion Dollars On Illegal Immigrants & Be On Alert Black Americans, Who Did A Protest Vote/Chose The Couch Democrats Are Plotting Against Us)

Our First Topic — Border Czar Tom Homan Declares Chicago Ground Zero For Mass Deportation

Today we’re talking about Mass deportation, Tom Homan visit to Chicago my home town and everything that’s getting ready to happen January 20th on day one with Trump’s inauguration. A few months ago I did a stream on what was happening in Grand Rapids Michigan where there were a host of factories employing Illegal Immigrant children and that was a story that was broke by the New York Times we’re now seeing Illegal Immigrant children being employed in jobs across the country. Family these mega corporations all know what they’re doing when they’re engaging in hiring these Illegal Immigrants particularly Illegal Immigrant Children over American citizens. You have people on the left dumb like they don’t know what’s going on. The most Illegal Immigrants are in New York City and Chicago. Many Chicago residents want the Migrant Crisis to end. The American People have spoken and they re-elected Trump back into office. Trump said he will carry out Mass Deportation on day one.

The Trump Administration wants to rid Chicago of Illegal Immigrants but the Mayor Brandon Johnson has done everything in his power to silence the voices of American citizens and he has done it in the most disrespectful and anti-democratic way. It would get turned up during the City Council meetings that the City Council meetings would have to stop the meetings because people would be screaming at Brandon Johnson. The mayor only gave $500,000 to be spread around different neighborhoods. Chicago has 178 official neighborhoods, but the city is also divided into 77 community areas. I watched a video clip entitled “Chicago residents call mayor ‘loser, criminal’ as council votes down $300M property tax increase” To watch the full video just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video-podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. In the video Mayor Brandon Johnson demeanor was unacceptable he was not listening to Black Voters he was just standing there with an expression of whatever just hurry up I have other important things to handle.

Some of the things that came up during the public meeting was his $500,000 into a study for Reparations notice this is the same game that the Democrats did in California. They mention they’re concerns about the Illegal Immigrants that are dump into the African American community and how they are committing crimes such as breaking into stores and into homes. This man doesn’t care to listen to anybody as it pertains to American Citizens and Chicago Residence. The incoming Trump Administration is listening and Tom Homan and President-Elect Donald Trump. Mayor Brandon Johnson is running around here disrespecting Black Chicagoans and changing the rules of City Council Meetings to make it harder for Black Citizens to get into a City Council Meeting. It is easier for Illegal Immigrants to cross the border than for Chicago Citizens to get access into the City Council Meeting.

I found an article from the New York Post entitled “Border czar Tom Homan vows to hit Chicago first with mass deportation: ‘Your mayor sucks and your governor sucks’” To watch the full video & read the article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video-podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. From what I understand the incoming Border Czar Tom Homan had visited Chicago last week to address the Mass Deportations that are scheduled to happen January 20th. Homan promised Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson would go to jail if he stood in his way by protecting Illegal Migrants. President-Elect Trump ask him to run the biggest deportation operation starting in Chicago. Tom Homan asked both mayor Brandon Johnson and Governor JB Pritzer to come to the table to help with the biggest deportation operation in US history. He said if they knowingly Harbors or conceal an illegal alien he will prosecute them. Tom Homan said he’s in Chicago because he wants to send a message to Mayor Brandon Johnson. It seems like Tom Homan wants to prioritize Public Safety threats. The fact of the matter is Sanctuary Cities are sanctuaries for Illegal Immigrants. When you release an Illegal Immigrant out of jail then they return back to the community. This puts the immigrant community at greater risk of crimes. The Democrats say they’re trying to avoid a crisis all they have to do is allow ICE into their prisons.

From the article it seems like the Democrats are doing everything possible to disrupt the mass deportation efforts and to make it as chaotic as possible because they want want the story line of a mother being snatched by law enforcement and separated from her child. The Democrats are literally creating the very scenario that they say they don’t want to happen because they could avoid all this by allowing let Tom Homan into the prisons and just retrieve Illegal Immigrants that’s already in prison. If the Mayor and Govornor won’t allowing them to do their job then they will be force to go into the Immigrant community. It doesn’t matter your age, how long you’ve been in the country or how many kids they have if their paperwork isn’t in order then they will be deported back to their homeland. When it comes to stories of Illegal Immigrants taking the lives of American Citizens then the Liberal Media are quiet. These Democrat Governors and Democrat Mayors are creating a hostile environment forcing ICE Agents to hit the streets and go into these Immigrant communities looking for Illegal Criminal Immigrants. That’s why I go in on this Mass Deportation because it’s important that Black Grassroots Media educate our listeners and counter the propaganda by the mainstream Media. This issue has nothing to do with Xenophoba what’s happening is those who are unlawfully in the country and who are committing crimes are finally being removed accordingly because that’s what the American People Voted for.

Mayor Brandon Johnson has been on the safest Democrat he followed every agenda that the Democrats wanted in Chicago but Brandon Johnson you have to make a choice the agenda of the Democrat Party is not in your best interest. You have to think about your community and your legacy. Shout out to our international listeners from Africa, Brazil, Canada and Europe hopefully we can get this film project fully funded in 2025 so that we can move GRCAM beyond cyberspace and connect with real people who are like minded and standing on business like me. The sooner we get this film project popin the sooner I can select my team to help me manage and run GRCAI of Chicago. Again I want to move my online talkshow from behind a computer just doing live stream or just doing regular content. We want to connect with other people so that others will know what we’re doing in the community. I can’t wait for us to start hosting our African tours so that my group members from GRCAI of Africa can meet me in real life once we get this film project fully funded and made and once GRCAM Members are in place to assist me in building our Christian business in Chicago.

I encourage all of my listeners to watch the video clip entitled “Chicago residents call the mayor “loser” by Chicago Red Members”. Just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. You hear what the brothers and sisters said they were gonna flip the city red. What they are saying to Brandon Johnson is they are going to vote Republican. Our mayor said he will not allow Trump to come to Chicago because it’s a Sanctuary city. Mind you we’re in a Billion dollar deficit and the mayor is spending half of our money on Illegal Immigrants. The mayor said he was not going to raise property taxes during his campaign now he wants to raise our taxes. They have already gotten 300 million dollars and now they are asking for an additional 150 million dollars. The mayor is trying to use our tax dollars to protect illegals by getting them legal services. There’s a 10 year prison sentence for those who protect Illegal Immigrants.

I did an AI search about the United States of America Federal Law as it pertains to Illegal Immigrants. It said under federal law it is illegal to Harbor or conceal an undocumented immigrant to prevent their detection by federal authorities the relevant statute which outlines penalties for actions related to smuggling transporting or harboring undocumented individuals key provisions of the law one harboring or concealing it is illegal to knowingly Harbor Shield or conceal an undocumented immigrant in any place including building or vehicles to avoid detection by federal immigration authorities two encouraging unlawful entry it is also illegal to encourage or induce someone to enter or reside in the United States unlawfully three Transportation transporting an undocumented immigrant within the US to further their illegal presence is prohibited penalties violating this law can result in fines imprisonment up to 5 years in prison for a single violation Penal can increase if the offense involves aggravating circumstances such as smuggling for financial gain or resulting in injury or death.

Clearly a lot of this stuff these people been doing is against the law but it’s not being enforced that’s the part we need to get into right there because you clearly heard that a lot of these things even the Democrats did the last Administration was trying to circumvent federal law enforcement which would be ICE from getting the people that actually is breaking federal law what they call 8 us code 1324 That’s the Law they actually breaking right and then you heard it once again it was harboring and concealing encouraging unlawful entry. Those who try to teach people how to gain the system by moving people around to further their illegal presence are prohibited. Black Americans get the letter of the law. White Americans be like what law are you talking about: the law on the books or the unwritten law for them? Brandon Johnson needs to read the room. Biden is out and Kamala Harris is not going to be the President.

In contrast, Mayor Eric Adams is reading the room. Eric Adams understands he has to play nice because he has some charges put on him. Let me get on the Trump team like everybody else. There’s no reason to upset the same people who helped elect you into office. When Black Chicagoans decided to get rid of Mayor Lori Lightfoot they voted for another Democrat Brandon Johnson. I told them that he was D1 meaning Democrat First Black and he will continue the same agenda but Black Chicagoans pay me no mind and elected him anyway. Now they are crying foul. I predicted the Migrant Crisis in my revised book but Black America refused to embrace my vision and plan 20 years ago which was the era of warning. Now we’re in the era of consequences we still have a little time to get it right for the sake of our children. I need like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants to first purchase my revised book and read my story. If you agree with my vision and plan then donate what you can towards my film project and contact me through my email I provide in the book thanks.

If I was Mayor Brandon Johnson I would not spend another dime on those Illegal Immigrants instead I would bus them to Spring Field so that Governor JB Pritzker could provide for them because he has more resources to help them. The Mayor got people yelling at him 24/7. I believe these Democrat Mayors and governors will try to prevent Trump from protecting the country from Illegal Immigrants coming over here because they are being paid by these mega corporations. We don’t know who these people are because they have not been vented. I believe all these Democrat Mayors and Governors should be charged with treason against the United States. While they’re taking tax payer money and creating a fund to fight against the Trump Administration for doing something to help the American Citizens, why they’re not going to jail for misuse of public funds? These Democrat Governors and Democrat Mayors want to use public funds for lawsuits to fight for foreign nationals who aren’t citizens of this country. These Democrats are going to take our tax dollars and protect them. Again why they are not brought up on charges for misuse of public funds that’s not what the tax dollars is for in the cities and the states it’s for American Citizens. Notice under Democrat ran Cities and States the African American neighborhoods are dilapidated. We have seen how public education is failing our children. In GRCAI of Chicago we will offer associate degrees and vocational training for young adults who are interested in learning Barbering, Cosmetology, Electricians, Plumbing etc…

Instead of taking that money and using it to fight for people who should not be on the soil they should use the money to help fund our schools and help our kids gain some skilled trades. These career politicians are sitting up here taking billions of dollars and helping Illegal Immigrants. That’s not right you don’t have to be Maga to see that’s common sense but that’s what the Democrats do. I watched a video clip from ABC News entitled “Activists brace for Trump’s border czar, who says Chicago will be ground zero for mass deportations” To watch the video clip just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. Tom Homan came to Chicago on Tuesday December 10th charged with executing president-elect Trump to crack down on Illegal Immigration. In the video he said people need to know that this is a country with laws more than 50,000 Migrants have arrived in Chicago since August of 2022 stretching this ‘s financial resources and the patience of many of its residents don’t have the money to support so many people. Mayor Brandon Johnson has repeatedly vowed to protect the City’s Sanctuary status. Tom Homan said he was going to prosecute Brandon Johnson if he stand in his way.

I don’t want to see anything bad happen to Brandon Johnson. He’s still a fellow Black Man like me. Learn from your fellow brother Eric Adams in New York City. He understood the situation and he turned around the issue. I would sit down with Tom Homan and say I’ll work with you. What do we need to do? I’m not about to get myself stressed out any more with these people who are putting a strain on my city. It’s not worth going to Federal trial over Illegal Immigrants. I would not sit up there and risk my freedom for the Democrat Party. I’m not trying to cross over looking for approval from other groups. I want to stay focused on my own Community and trying to unite the African American community and the African Immigrant community that’s why I created this platform. I wouldn’t have an audience if Black Americans and African Immigrants wasn’t watching my video podcast or listening to my audio podcast. Lord knows I can’t wait to see the day that we get this film project fully funded and made so that we can build the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago and then start hosting our African and Caribbean tours so that we can set up local chapters in each place that we visit and do international trade among our people and members. The majority of our audience is Black Americans and African Immigrants as well as Native Africans that’s supporting this platform and we appreciate that. We’re going to do what we can to help the African American community and the African Immigrant community. No other community is going to support me than my own Community. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Second Topic -

Mayor Eric Adams Was Forced By The Biden Administration To Spend $6 Billion Dollars On Illegal Immigrants

When people try to compare Black Americans to other groups, by asking why all these other groups that come to America are able to achieve the American Dream but Black Americans can’t as a collective? Because these other groups are not targeted by the White Supremacist Financial Elites. The foundation of the United States of America is Anti-Black Racism. Every time Black Americans try to do for self like we did during Black Wall Street then all of a sudden here they come making up an excuse to ruin our towns across the country then white wash the story from their point of view. No other group in America have to deal with all this sabotage. I try to encourage my members not to compare themselves to other groups because they don’t have our history. People don’t want to tell the full history of what happened to Black Americans.

Eric Adams spoke out against the Migrant Crisis a year ago. I found an article from the New York Post entitled “Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help” To watch the video clip just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. The Biden Administration raided his campaign staffers home after he made that speech. They took his phone and ended up putting charges on him. He did a press conference we’re going to break down how much money has been spent and what has not been appropriated to the people of New York City. Keep in mind that New York City is a Sanctuary City.

My question is why New York City residents did not demand a referendum put on the ballot if New York City should remain a Sanctuary City just like we tried to do in Chicago? 6.4 Billion dollars were spent on Illegal Immigrants. It’s gonna have a devastating impact on the city. 400 million dollars could have been used for Community Schools to handle chronic absentee’s. They could have spent 600 million on guiding counselors and social workers in schools. 39 million on summer programs and extended hours for 30,000 children. 22 million on Metro cars for 70,000 summer youth programs. 200 million could have gone to police officers. The Biden Administration hurt the future of New York City because of the Democrats open border policies. I thank God that woman didn’t win the election. 400 million dollars could have gone to community schools to handle chronic absentee but instead it went to people who chose to leave their homeland to come over here to gain the system with free handouts just for crossing the border. 600 million could have been spent on 2,000 guidance counselors and social workers in schools but that didn’t happen because the Biden Administration pressured Mayor Eric Adams to
spend money on Illegal Immigrants instead of spending on American Citizens. I’ve been saying all the long it’s much cheaper if America would pay Black Americans our reparations because the money would go back into the American economy. A majority of Black Americans will remain here. Black Entrepreneurs would create businesses which will create a tax revenue for the City, the State and the Federal Government.

We have places in California like San Diego who’s raising 2 million dollars to help Illegal Immigrants you mean to tell me that the residents of San Diego don’t need that 2 million dollars? American People got to get involved with this if America voted for Trump and he kept saying Mass Deportation for Illegal Immigrants and Democrats are still trying to protect them this is why they lost the election. People are getting sick and tired of these Democrats taking our tax dollars and spending it on Illegal Immigrants legal fund to fight Trump. We have roads and bridges that need funding. We had about 15 to 20 million people coming to this country during the Biden Administration. Afro-Latinos are treated horribly in Latin America.

The Case about Ivory Smith a seven year old from Houston Texas, lost her life due to a criminal migrant who was driving under the influence of alcohol. Mass deportations will help with public safety. Wanting people to follow the law is not Right Wing issue. I want people to follow the law. Black Americans are governed by the letter of the law in this country. It’s hypocritical to law abiding citizens for us to watch a certain group of people who are non-citizens allowed to break Federal law and we just stay quiet about it. Black Americans get locked up on suspicion of stealing a backpack like Brother Kalief Browder who was placed in Rikers Island for years for something he did not do and it got the best of him and as a result he ended up committing suicide. I’ve covered that story and many more about how Black Americans’ lives were taken just for running away from police officers. Black Americans are being oppressed due to the laws while these other groups of people can over here without dealing with oppression. That’s a double standard ladies and gentlemen. They’re also taking the lives of American Citizens and on this platform I am going to speak out against it. If that makes me a Right Winger then that’s what I am. I don’t care what they call me. These Democrat Shills feed you lies and falsehoods. The only thing they will give you is gaslighting and name calling.

When you come to our platform over here we promote the Gospel of Truth with facts. I am putting my reputation on the line. I rather make money on my own than to sit up here and become a sellout by misleading Black Americans just to get a check from the White Supremacist Financial Elites. I use to tell all of my group members once I am able to get my film project fully funded and made and once GRCAM Members from around the country decide to move from behind a computer and work with me in building the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago on the Westside of Chicago and on the Southside of Chicago. Then I will select those who will help manage the business without me having to be present so that we can expand the business to 10 African nation’s so help me God. When that time comes I will focus on building GRCAI of Africa starting in South Africa. I will apply for dual citizenship so that Native Africans can take me seriously. We will shoot the second film entitled “African Liberator: Battle Against The Colonized Mindset” When I come to South Africa GRCAM will be known as Global Kemet. Kemet was the original name of the land that is now known as Egypt, and it literally means “Land of The Blacks” I’m going to continue doing my platform but I will focus more on solving African issues and encouraging GRCAM Members throughout the Diaspora to come visit African nations where we created GRCAI in order to help improve the African economy and develop business relationships between the Diaspora and Native Africans. I will still push for lineage based, Cash Payment Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves/Freedmen. On the continent we have White Supremacist Financial Elites acting like God has blessed African resources for them. Once we get our reparations then Africans need to stomp for your reparations for colonization from seven European nations which are as follows: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and The United Kingdom.

I am coming there to bring that Black American energy and fight for my God given birthright as well as for my people who become GRCAM Members. GRCAI of Africa is my gift to GRCAM Members. In my business we will not have corruption. We will hold mandatory orientation, everyone must pass our criminal background check, sign the community pledge and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database. We will vet or screen everyone that walks through our doors. We will separate ourselves from Con Artists and Harden Criminals. We will have protocol in place to deal with such persons. Those who reject my vision and plan will not be part of my business. We will pray for them, show them tough love and keep it movin. You may ask how does someone become a GRCAM Member? All you have to do is purchase my revised book either the e-book for $9.99 or the Soft Cover Book for $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. Read my story and if you agree with my vision and plan to help improve Black America then send me a message. I provide my email in the book and let’s talk business.

Governor Greg Abbott from Texas was trying to prevent Illegal Immigrants from coming over here by putting up razor wire fencing doing everything he could to keep them out of the state of Texas while the Biden Administration sued him and do away with razor wire fencing. Again for the record if a person is here legally having their green card, temporary protected status or anything that’s considered legal then I’m fine with Legal Immigration. I just don’t like Illegal Immigration. I don’t like criminals coming in because we have enough domestic criminals to worry about let alone foreign criminals. Early last week Tom Holman came to Chicago. There was a Latino woman at a Republican meeting who said she did not want Illegal Immigrants here. We got to push this film project in 2025. It’s going to take funding for us to do that. The best funding is for our listeners to please purchase my revised book and read my story. If you like what you read then donate what you can towards our film project either on out GoFundMe Page or on our Paypal Page we’re using crowdfunding in order for everybody to know exactly where the money is going. We are trying to raise $250 thousand dollars so that we can make a quality Black Empowerment Film. I don’t have access to 1 million dollars like Kamala Harris had gotten from Black Women during her fundraising on Zoom for her political campaign. I have a question to ask Democrat Shills since they’re so Pro- Immigration there was a seven year old girl Black girl named Ivory Smith from our community. Unfortunately, she lost her life because of an Illegal Immigrant. What do you have to say about that?

I found a video clip on Fox News entitled “Drunk immigrant killed 7 year old months after he was released from ICE detainer” To watch the full video just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. On December 1st the second grader was killed in a car crash that sent her Mom to the hospital. Joel Enrique Gonzalez Chine is the suspect. He ran through a red light while intoxicated. His bond is $150,000 and he also has an ICE investigation if he makes bail. We’ve learned he’s had an ICE investigation earlier this year. He was arrested for assaulting a family member. The felony was dropped to a misdemeanor and he was sentenced to 113 days in jail. Basically he pled guilty and walked out the door because the ICE hold was lifted. He is a Venezuelan National and some information on his current hold didn’t disclose anything in June due to privacy regulations. If they had kept that hold on him then that seven-year-old girl would still be alive today. You had a mother that wouldn’t be seriously injured. Our condolences go out to the victim and the victims family members. Notice most of your major cities in America are Democrat run and that’s why a lot of our major cities have social problems because of Democrat policies.

If he was still in his own homeland Ivory would still be alive but now we have to lay the blame on the Biden Administration because it was the Biden-Harris Administration policies that opened up the floodgates got rid of remain in Mexico and just let people like him come into this country. This is a victim of a crime that should be alive okay.
A little girl had her whole life ahead of her. You see first hand how Illegal Immigration hurts Black families more than any other group foreign Nationals, especially criminal foreign Nationals. I found an article from the New York Post entitled “NYC is now home to over 58K ‘criminal’ migrants — including more than 1,000 gang members: ICE” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. According to the article Mayor Eric Adams said in so many words all the criminal migrants that’s in the city there’s over 58,000 Illegal Migrants who are convicted felons are facing criminal charges roaming New York City and close to 670,000 across the country startling new data obtained by the post shows again blame this on the Biden-Harrison Administration. We have to deal with this man made problem. 626 migrants with rap sheets 1,53 nearly 2% are suspected are known gang members.

If we build GRCAI of Chicago and if Black America and African Immigrants would get on code then at least in Chicago we would have a safer community and neighborhood. I promise all GRCAM Members I would make sure they have access to benefits and resources in their pocket. It’s shocking to say that Democrats have gone out of their way to harbor gang members, human traffickers and other criminals who are on American soil illegally. Because New York City, Chicago and LA just to name a few are Sanctuary Cities. In those cities they provided Illegal Immigrants with Housing, Food and Health Care. Truth be told they need to stop using New Yorker City, Chicago and LA tax dollars to shill criminals from wreaking havoc on our streets and instead for those Governors and Mayors to cooperate with ICE to have them deported Illegal Immigrants. Not only do you have the criminal migrants to worry about but also their children are committing crimes against American citizens too. This is why Mayor Erica Adams was talking with Tom Holman because he has a lot of Illegal criminal migrants moving around in the city and they’re out there committing violent crimes. We don’t need to import more criminals, we have enough criminals in America. But unfortunately the way this system works they want all these foreign nationals. We don’t know these people’s mindset; they are coming from a different culture and a different language. This American experiment of different cultures crashed.

If you think about it, God placed all of us in different lands. Africans have their own homeland, Asians have their own homeland, East Indians have their own homeland, Europeans have their own homeland. Past Empires tried to conquer the world like the Roman Empire. The Western nations are only 7% of the world’s population but they dominate the global economy. The White Supremacist Financial Elites are only 7% of the world’s population yet they still dominate the global economy because other groups are helping them. If nobody helped them then they couldn’t do it by themselves. When you have all these people coming together with different ideologies that’s the positive side of things but it is a negative side when you’re trying to have different groups fighting for power and resources. Let’s look at crime in the State of Massachusetts. I found a video clip from Fox News entitled “Blue state faces spike in migrant sex crimes as top city pledges resistance to Trump deportations” To watch the full video just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove.

From the video what I understand is that they’re telling you in a blue State they’re facing a spike in Migrant Sex Crimes in Massachusetts which has seen a spike in Illegal Migrants arrested for sex offenses over the last several months as the state and the City of Boston have pledged to resist president-elect Donald Trump’s plans for Mass deportation. Where are all the brothers and sisters from Boston? Y’all need to start going to your local City Hall meetings just like we did here in Chicago and start raising hell to these career politicians about removing Sanctuary City status. If you hear them talking about they’re not going to do nothing then call ICE. These Democrat politicians are discriminating because if a federal law enforcement agency is looking for you as a Black American they wouldn’t say oh I’m not going to help law enforcement but for these foreign nationals they will protect them at all cost.

Chicago flips Red should be in every city across the United States of America. This is the legacy of the Biden-Harris Administration ranging from Child endangerment to sexual assault. Many of these migrants were previously removed from the US only to Illegally reenter the country. Our children are being put at risk with Illegal Criminal Migrants that have entered the country. This is why the Democrats got voted out of office. You mean to tell me that calling out this mess is Right Wing? These Democrat shills don’t care about American children’s safety. The Democrat shills are defending Criminal Migrants who target our children. Why they’re not calling out Illegal Immigrant criminality?

We’re not talking about the legal Immigrant who’s law abiding. A day after Boston City Council Unanimously voted to reaffirm a 2019 measure restricting Boston Police ability to cooperate with ICE in deporting Illegal Migrants. The measure seeks to protect immigrant communities from unjust law enforcement and restrict Boston police’s ability to cooperate with ICE and bans police from keeping migrants in custody for possible deportation unless there is a criminal warrant. Massachusetts Governor Mara Haley has vowed that the state police would absolutely not assist Trump in a Mass Deportation. These Democrats are Rogue Politicians they’re lucky I’m not the president cause I would charged them with treason because why are you trying to protect people who are committing crimes? Law enforcement arrest American Citizens for shilling criminals under conspiracy and aiding and abiding criminality. The police is not messing with legal migrants they’re not doing nothing wrong. They’re working and living their American Dream.

Black America I want you to see how the Democrats get down they want to fight for Illegal Immigrants who are breaking the law and threatening our children safety. Notice they never fight for Black America but they always want your vote. I found another article from Colorado Politics entitled “Illegal migrant crime cost $166.5 billion, three times the price of deportation” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. So basically what the article is saying is Illegal Migrant Crimes are costing American Tax Payers a lot of money. I ran across another article from NBC News entitled “More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove.

Two law enforcement officials said many of those migrants cross into the US under previous administrations and that the total includes people serving us prison sentences. What the article is saying is that more than 13,000 convictive homicide either in the United States or abroad or living outside of immigration and custom for enforcement detention according to ICE data. The immigrants are part of ICE non-detained docket meaning the agency has some information on the immigrants and they have pending immigration case in the US but they are not currently in detention either because they are not prioritized to detention or they are serving time in jail or prison for their crimes or because ICE cannot find them. When Black Americans talking about Mass Deportation hey Tom Homan come over here or come to New York City, Boston these people aren’t being Mass Incarcerated like we were during the 1994 Crime Bill. Notice these people aren’t getting shot 19 times in the back from running from law enforcement like Black Americans. I remember watching a video about a police officer being attacked by a lot of criminal migrants they were beating them they did not pull out their gun and shoot them. Nobody could say the police would be wrong. Mass Deportations is a benefit to Americans. Do your own research about Criminal Migrants and what type of crimes they are doing.

These migrants are making a bag from their criminal behavior. The way Mayor Brandon Johnson is treating Black Chicagoans vs how he treat Illegal Migrants If Brandon Johnson was helping Black Chicagoans and doing his job. We have Black Americans living on the street homeless and he is giving special treatment to foreign nationals by providing them with benefits and resources like shelters. Brandon Johnson needs the business given to him every time cause Brandon Johnson is wrong when the Trump Administration come into office in January I believe the Democrats will try to hide Illegal Immigrants in schools and places of worship. If American citizen can be arrested then Illegal Migrants can be arrested too. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

Our Third Topic — Be On Alert Black Americans, Who Did A Protest Vote/Chose The Couch Democrats Are Plotting Against Us

We have to be alert about what’s going on in this country. I have been listening to most of the rumors on X about how the Democrat Party are looking to retaliate against Black Americans who decided not to vote for them which caused them to lose the election. This platform is an independent Black Grassroots Media component of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Those in Legacy Media and mainstream Media only promote propaganda. Propaganda is used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda. For example, Democrat Shills like Roland Martin who formerly worked for CNN and News One his name came up during the Wiki Leaks investigations. That showed Roland Martin who pretended to be about Black Empowerment but we later found out that he was in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. The Wiki Leaks were much more than about Hillary Clinton’s emails. It exposed the Global White Supremacist Financial Elites war machine around the world and listed documents which exposed the U.S. Government and also foreign governments. I talked about that on my show years ago. We learned that Reverend Al Sharpton received half a million dollars from the Democrats. I’m giving you receipts and I’m telling you what’s going on.

Even though Trump is going to be in office in January we’ve got to still have a strategy for Black Americans. The White Supremacist Financial Elites control mainstream Media, the Economy, the Government, the Criminal Justice System, Healthcare System and Education System. That means that they have access to the mass population in your society. The reason why the Globalist White Supremacist Financial Elites allowed Illegal Immigrants to flood this country is because a certain group in our population that’s not producing children at a high rate White America. Chicago and New York City have large Black population in Urban areas this is why they are dumping Illegal Immigrants in the African American community to have them compete for resources and eventually push out the Black population from these urban cities. They are being prioritized over Black Citizens and American Citizens.

We’re seeing these protests amongst Black Americans who’s calling this mess out because it’s happening across the United States of America. These career politicians don’t want to give us our reparations, the Descendants of American Slaves/Freedmen who are responsible for building and creating the United States of America. These other groups will sell us out and become allies with our open enemy. They’re not concerned about whether or not we get justice, they’re just glad to be here and become the buffer class to the power that shouldn’t be. I’m trying to wake up Black America. We’re gonna have to start holding meetings in person offline so that we can strategize. On this platform we’re exposing the powers that shouldn’t be. We still have to push our agenda no matter who’s in office and we’ve got to be aware of the schemes that they’re doing. I found an article from Tag 24 entitled “California reparations activists demand action during special session: “The time is now” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and prove. According to the article it said California reparations activist Demand Action during special session the time is now said California activist gathered outside the Capitol in Sacramento on Monday to demand actions on reparations as State lawmakers convene for a special legislative session after Donald Trump won the election. The Democrats in California held an emergency special legislative session. The question at hand is why did they hold a special session before Trump returned back to the White House?

Because they’re trying to scheme up a plan before Trump returns to the White House. The article said “Almost 250 years ago our ancestors were considered to be three fifths of a man but in today’s California legislative session I consider it less than that” Notice the scheming going on none of the areas in this special session were being covered, our communities or addressing our specific needs. Black legislators had their name on the legislation for reparations but they pulled back at the last minute before the election. Then they wonder why we did either a protest vote or stayed on the couch. The special session called by Governor Gavin Newsom is intended to focus on protecting Reproductive Freedom, Climate action and immigrant families. I rest my case. We’re looking to get compensation on multiple spheres: Local Government, State Government and Federal Government this is why we need to discuss our strategy offline.

Here’s something else we need to be aware of as it pertains to these Black Politicians. I found an article from NBC News entitled “California House District 43 General Election Results 2024” To read the full article just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and show. Congress Woman Maxine Waters won another term in California House District 43 General Election. She received 160,080 One Hundred Sixty Thousand Eighty votes while her Republican counterpart Representative Steve Williams received 53,152 Fifty Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty Two votes. Let’s take a closer look at her District and understand why she is (D1) Democrat First. When I did my research using Census Reporter.org I typed in Congressional District 43 California. To read the data just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and show. The data outline a map of Congressional District 43 in California. It has a population of 716,670 Seven Hundred Sixteen Thousand and Six Hundred Seventy. The data display the median age and it shows you the cities Compton, Inglewood, Hawthorne and Torrance. It also shows Race and Ethnicity in her district. According to the data 61% Hispanic, 21% Black 8% Asian 7% White. The reason why I’m pointing this out to you is because her focus is on keeping her political party happy and Latino Voters because they have 61% of the population.

This is why she won’t do nothing for Black Americans. She has never said publicly that she supports Reparations. She is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus. To view all the members of the Congressional Black Caucus just go to my Medium Transcript located in the comment section below this video podcast. Click on the link then scroll down to show and show. They don’t do anything for Black Americans because they are in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites ladies and gentlemen. They are not concerned about Black America. Black Chicagoans I have been warning you for the past 33 years to embrace my vision and plan otherwise Chicago will end up just like Los Angeles California which only has 6% of the Black population. In other words, their vote is worthless. The White Supremacist Financial Elites are going to put a Black face as our so called representative but they’re not going to serve our interest.

A majority of Black Americans left California because the White Supremacist Financial Elites was gentrifying the African American community left and right. Black Americans were unable to afford to live there any longer. Again this is why I wrote my revised book to warn Black America that if we don’t confront this Slave mentality within our culture then that will be the fall of Black America. All of the principles in my book is the code for GRCAM Members. The sooner we are able to build GRCAI of Chicago the sooner we can expand it to Africa. Black Americans are Mass Incarcerated, Black Americans need jobs, Black Americans make up the largest population in homelessness. Yet I have little to no support from Black Chicagoans. This is why I created this platform to broadcast my vision and plan to like minded Black Americans and like minded African Immigrants within the United States of America. Without support from the Black Grassroots and the Global African Family then I am unable to do my job. The Congressional Black Caucus is full of the Black Boule and Democrat Shills. They see our people are hurting, being hungry and dying in the streets. Notice none of them said a word about Jordan Neely. Notice it happen in a Democrat City, Democrat Prosecutor and a Democrat Governor. This is why I am so hard on the Democrat Party. They don’t do anything for Black Americans; they only come around us every two years when it’s time to vote. They only serve the interest of immigrants, LGBT and other Americans and everybody else except Black Americans.

We have so much stuff that we need to talk about from Black Grassroots Media so many stories we need to cover in our own community. So many voices that we haven’t heard from. We’re here just make yourself known to me and make arrangements to come on the show to promote your books, your business, your ministry, your music and your poems. I can’t wait to start hiring our youth to be in our Black Empowerment films. The worst thing about the Republican Party is that they have an open White Supremacist racist component. You have racist on the Democrat side too because the White Supremacist Financial Elites created both political parties to give the American People a false illusion that we have a choice. We’re always being sabotaged and targeted from Black Wall Street on down every time we try to get something done that’s been the story of Black America anyway sabotage financially. I’m so glad to see Black Americans leave off that Democrat Plantation. The Democrats are trying to blame the reason they lost was because of Black women. Black Women show up 92% for them and look at how they think about you. Black Men woke up to the mess these people were doing. They don’t respect Black Men and they don’t respect Black women either. They created the gender war between Black Men and Black Women. Please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below this video podcast and share with your friends on all social media sites you are on this will help get the ball rolling.

Thank y’all for listening, we greatly appreciate it. Put me on blast by telling all of your friends and family to watch our content on our YouTube Page. I’m going to send a challenge out to everybody that’s listening to this video podcast. I need you all to support our film project so that we can move beyond cyberspace and get our story on the big screen to let the Black World know who we are and what we are trying to do for our people who are trapped in American ghettos starting in Chicago. “Hood Liberator Made In Chicago: The War Against Willie Lynch Begins” You can be apart of this historic docu-drama by contributing to our campaign either on our GoFundMe Page or our PayPal Page which will help fund marketing, promotion, clearances, legal and general expenses.

I would like to thank everyone who have contributed or will contribute to support our film project on our GoFundMe Page or if you are a U.S. Citizen then you can use our Paypal Page as a tax write off because this is a legitimate 501(c)(3) Non-profit Faith Based and Community Advocacy Organization. You can also purchase items from our Virtual Store or purchase my Revised Book. The E-book is $9.99 or the Paperback is $15 dollars plus shipping and handling. We appreciate your support. You can find all of the links below this video podcast in the comment section. Thank you for watching our YouTube live or the replay. Thank you for subscribing, liking and sharing. I want to thank all of you for listening to our audio podcast on Spotify. If you are new to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast welcome to our safe space where we discuss Black Issues. We do this every week. Please do me a favor, click that subscribe button, hit that like button and join us each and every time that we’re here. This will conclude our video podcast for today. We will see you on the next episode. Peace & Blessings. Our third decade of calling Black America and Africa to action join us. #NotAnother33Years, #M1, #GRCAMONTHESCENE

Show and Prove

Border czar Tom Homan vows to hit Chicago first with mass deportation: ‘Your mayor sucks and your governor sucks’


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NYC is now home to over 58K ‘criminal’ migrants — including more than 1,000 gang members: ICE


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NYPD says migrant children are behind several violent crimes near Times Square


Blue state faces spike in migrant sex crimes as top city pledges resistance to Trump deportations


Illegal migrant crime cost $166.5 billion, three times the price of deportation


More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says


California reparations activists demand action during special session: “The time is now”


CongressWoman Maxine Waters

California House District 43 General Election Results 2024


Census Reporter


Congressional Black Caucus


Chicago residents call mayor ‘loser, criminal’ as council votes down $300M property tax increase


President-elect Trump’s plans for mass deportations


Activists brace for Trump’s border czar, who says Chicago will be ground zero for mass deportations


Senator Josh Hawley Attacks Democrats’ Pro-Illegal Immigration Agenda


How child migrants are put to work in unsafe and illegal conditions


Labor Department investigating HelloFresh for allegedly employing migrant children in Aurora


Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help


NYC Mayor Adams speaks after meeting Trump border czar



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Suspect arrested in connection with shooting of Cicero police officer


Kalief Browder


Dr Arikana’s Question When Will Africa Finally Stop Playing the Fool


African Diaspora News Channel

‘Chicago Red’ Needs Credit For Ringing Alarm That Helped Bring Trump’s Border Czar To The City


Assemblywoman Sabotaged Reparations For Black Californians And She Needs To Be Reminded Of It


Isaac Bryan Thinks Black Americans Forgot That He Sabotaged Cali Reparations Bills


Kamala Was Selected Instead Of Stronger Candidate To Avoid Backlash From Black Women


Eric Adams Does A Complete 180 On Migrant Crisis


Brandon Johnson Gets Handled By Chicagoan Over Migrant Crisis


Trump says he won’t ‘do business’ with countries that refuse to take back migrants: ‘I want them out’


Afro-Latina Warns FBAs To Gatekeep Our Culture So We Won’t Lose It To Other Groups


FBAs Are Done Saving Other Groups In America, It’s Our Time To Rest


Baltimore Black Residents Live In Food Deserts While Their Politicians Shop At Whole Foods


Some Black Women Are Still Shocked That White Women Chose Trump Over Kamala


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Anti Black Indians Open School In Nigeria For Indians Only


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France Must Take Responsibility For Unaliving African Soldiers In 1944 Says Senegal


Senegal Announces It Is Closing All French Military Bases In Their Country


‘BRICS has done nothing beyond starting the BRICS bank’ — Helen Zille


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White Man Reveals Elaborate Scientific Plan To Eliminate ALL BLACK PEOPLE And Their DNA On Earth


If He’s Black He’s A CRIMINAL/ Boer man Falsely Accuses A Black Man Of Theft Because He Was Jogging


Unlawful Eviction: African Man Violently Attacked By A Boer Man For Wanting A Refund


My Credibility

* My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Donate & Share)


* Our PayPal Giving Fund Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters,

Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


* Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast on Spotify
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Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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