(Beware Cash Reparations Political Con Game For 2024)

Emmanuel Barbee
17 min readMar 24, 2023



Welcome to Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast, I’m your host Emmanuel Barbee. I would like to encourage everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my social groups and all of my listeners worldwide please do me a favorite hit that like button and share this video podcast with your friends ladies and gentlemen. Make sure that you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel it’s free. Help make this video-podcast go viral by posting this link on your Facebook Page, your Instagram Page and or on your Twitter Page. This video-podcast is available in three forms: Audio, Video and as a Written Text in order for us to reach our audience.

On my YouTube Page you can watch my latest video podcast, I provide direct links to our Virtual Store, my Amazon Author Page, our Paypal Page, my Medium Page and our GoFundMe Page under the about section. We look forward to having you on board with us as we embark upon this exciting project. If you are listening to this Audio Podcast on Anchor just click on the YouTube icon to connect with my YouTube channel. If you are serious about doing business with me then I suggest that you exchange emails with me so that I can email you everything I do online. I encourage all of my listeners to follow me on my Medium Page this is where I post my transcript so that you can read my full speech word for word or click on the audio version to hear my speech.

I use this platform to interact with everyone on my Friends List and everyone in my Social Groups by giving Black Business Owners free air time to promote their products and services, I give people in the Faith community an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I give Black Authors and ordinary law abiding citizens an opportunity to share their special talents/skills to my listeners from around the globe.

After the show I offer my guest speakers an incentive by teaching them how to create their own podcast and Youtube channel to help them earn extra revenue. I also assist people on my friends list with creating basic websites, finding college scholarships/grants; housing and legal services all for free. I am not interested in writing and publishing more books but rather produce quality Black Empowerment Films and creating successful black businesses I am not online to beg for donations I want to exchange something of value. My thing is if I am going to ask for something then I am going to have a product or service behind it like my revised book or my virtual store.

This podcast is an extension of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. Over here we promote critical thinking while discussing social issues throughout the Diaspora and on the African continent until the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago materialize. It’s my hope through this podcast and through my social groups I can connect with other like minded Black People, African People, Afro-Caribbean People, Afro-Brazilian People and others who will work with me directly in turning my vision and plan for Black America and Africa into a reality. Once we get this film project fully funded and made and get our Christian business up and running then I would love to invite many of you to Chicago Illinois to speak or preach during our live events. Through the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago we will help pay for your travel and hotel expenses pending on our budget and sponsorship. We will also compensate you for your time and talent.

Saturday March 25th 2023 I would like to personally invite everyone on my Facebook friends list, everyone in my Social Groups and all of my listeners from around the globe to participate on our Virtual Conference. I am still looking for at lease 5 people to be on the panel. I prefer that we practice using Stream Yard in advance so that we can do a professional show that will challenge our competitors. With Stream Yard we can interact with our audience in the chat room during the show.


Confronting Modern Issues Within Christianity


2:00PM-4:00PM American Central Time, 3:00PM Canadian Time, 8:00PM West Africa Time, 9:00PM South Africa Time, 10:00PM East Africa Time and 8:00PM UK Time.

Instructions how to participate on the show:

First watch my video-podcast this is called side A. After I finish my presentation then I will open up the phone lines through Facebook messenger this is called side B. You can interact with me in real time either by Voice call by clicking on the Phone icon or by Video call by clicking on the Camera icon.

Today’s topic of discussion (Beware Cash Reparations Political Con Game For 2024)

Today we’re talking about reparations. I read an article from Newsweek entitled “San Francisco Faces Backlash Over Reparations Support: ‘Political Ploy’” In San Francisco there’s an important discussing going on about reparations. Some people are being progressive in terms of pushing the issue of wealth which was stolen from Black Americans over hundreds of years. I encourage my listeners to please go to my Medium Transcript so that you can read the entire article for yourself under Show and Prove. The State of California came up with a proposal of Five Million dollars cash payment to every person that lives in San Francisco who are Descendants of American Slaves. I am glad that San Francisco is trying to set a precedent across the United States of America. But be very careful this could be a trick to get Black Americans to remain on that Democrat plantation. The only reason why these career politicians are pretending like they’re going to pass reparations is that they can secure the black vote for Governor Gavin Newsom in 2024.

I was not surprised to hear that the San Francisco NAACP branch rejected the proposal of $5 million dollar reparations cash payout for Descendants of American Slaves because like I said from my last podcast entitled (When Are Black People And African Immigrants in America Going To Build GRCAI of Chicago?). I said our biggest problem within black society is the enemy within the Black Boule. This issue alone is what black people should be talking about around the globe. We have ineffective black leaders who don’t represent our interest. One of the biggest problems we have in America is our black leaders are selected by the White Supremacist Financial Elites. They are bought and paid for instead of by us the Black Grassroots.

For example, when Black Lives Matter came out during the George Floyd protest all of a sudden you had all these White corporations wanting to support Black People. They gave 92 million dollars to Black Lives Matter corporation. Don’t take my word for it go to my Medium Transcript and scroll down to show and prove. How many of y’all saw that money? Does anyone who is listening to this video podcast remember the so called trickle down economics during the Reagan Administration? The trickle down economics did not work it was a failed policy. The reason why the American Government debt is over 32 Trillion dollars is because of trickle down economics. The money trickles out of our hands but the rich people their rich because they don’t trickle their money down. There’s a liberal version of trickle down economics it comes in the form of mis-leadership. For example, lets use a symbolic black leader Rev. Al Sharpton he gets paid to mislead you on purpose because he is in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites. The money he gets from his black organization (NAN) National Action Network never trickles down to the African American Community.

The San Francisco NAACP is trying to act like they need to be the guardian of our reparations. We know they are also in the pockets of the White Supremacist Financial Elites who gave them their position. They are not leaders they are incapable of doing anything of significant for the African American community. As a matter of fact the Black Boule have a Democrat first mentality instead of a black first mentality. On this video podcast we’re trying to build our own black media and our own black multi-purpose institution. I am not like Tyler Perry I don’t have a production company like Lionsgate backing me. We’re doing this grassroots style that’s why I need your support by sharing this video podcast and please leave a public comment about the topic in the comment section below.

The best way to get involved with the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is by helping me get my revised book on the best seller’s list and donating to our film project on our GoFundMe Page I list all the links in the comment section. What makes GRCAM different from other black organizations is that I wrote my revised book for GRCAM members worldwide. My revised book is the foundation of the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. We offer a 21st Century solution to solve our social problems domestically and internationally. I provide a detail roadmap for Black Families that want to build generational wealth, for Black Families that want to break generational curses and for Black Families that want their family members to advance in life then get my revised book on my Amazon Author Page.

I think that Rev. Amos Brown need to sit down and the Black Community in San Francisco need to remove him from the Reparations Task Force. This is Willie Lynch in real time. 246 years of American Slavery, Systematic Racism, Convict Leasing and Trillions of dollars in stolen wealth allowed by the American Government. The Educational System makes billions of dollars by pretending to educate our children. How many of y’all know black teachers out there who can teach? We have the capability to lead and run our own institutions that’s what I been trying to build for the past 31 years but we have this Willie Lynch mentality among our people that is harming our people and is being pass down to the next generation the buck stops here we are going to fight against this Willie Lynch mentality head on and separate ourselves from these black sellouts and urban terrorist so help me God.

We’re calling out the Black Boule over here. They are compromised they claim to represent us yet they are the main ones blocking things that empowers us. For example, the Congressional Black Caucus all voted to pass the Anti-Asian Hate Crime Bill but did not push for a Black Anti-Hate Crime Bill. Stop trying to deflect the conversation, stop talking about putting more money in public schools, putting more money into their hospitals or giving more money to their land lords so they can create affordable rent. The Black Boule does not speak for the Black Grassroots nor the African American community any longer we are here. We want to aim for ownership ownership is key to wealth and power. For far to long Black America have expected too many people that are compromised to get things done for us. GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead by building our economic ties to Africa while hosting African tours so that the best of the Diaspora can bring their skills to the continent and connect with African Artist & African Entrepreneurs this will be a win win for our inner cities in Chicago and for the African economy.

I found another article from News One entitled “NAACP Opposes Cash Reparations To Descendants Of Enslaved People In San Francisco”

The NAACP of San Francisco issued a statement urging the board of supervisors to reject the $5 million payments in favor of reparations that are focused on investing in the Black community as a whole. The Reverend Amos Brown, president of the San Francisco NAACP branch, told the board to instead focus on investments in education, jobs, housing, health care and a cultural center for the city’s Black community. “We strongly believe that creating and funding programs that can improve the lives of those who have been impacted by racism and discrimination is the best path forward toward equality and justice,” Brown said.

In a stunning turn of events, the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP has come out in opposition to a reparations proposal for cash payments to the city’s Black residents in an effort to atone for the lingering damages from slavery. A city-appointed committee proposed $5 million payouts to Black adults who are descendants of enslaved people with a guaranteed annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years. The committee also proposed the elimination of personal debt and homes in San Francisco with a price tag of just $1 a family.

But while it appeared the movement was gaining momentum, the NAACP San Francisco Branch tweeted a statement on Tuesday bashing the reparations proposal. Instead, the NAACP San Francisco Branch offered its own reparations proposal that does not include cash payments. “We strongly believe that creating and funding programs that can improve the lives of those who have been impacted by racism and discrimination is the best path forward toward equality and justice,” San Francisco NAACP President Amos Brown said in a statement posted to Twitter. The statement specifically “called on the Board of Supervisors to reject a one-time $5 million reparation payment to Blacks.” Brown’s statement came hours after a hearing with the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The committee discussed more than 100 recommendations, many of which were passionately supported by the board.
I can’t read this anymore you are welcome to go to my Medium Transcript and read the full article yourself. Family we are being sabotage by our own people not the so called Tether. I wouldn’t be surprised if these programs that the NAACP wants the city to contribute aren’t indirectly ran by the Black Boule.

Where was the NAACP San Francisco branch during urban gentrification when black people were being priced out of San Francisco? The NAACP want the city of San Francisco to take that five million dollars to fund their programs it’s a cash grab for the boule. Most Latino Immigrants are saying they are not responsible for American Slavery but it’s a majority of black voters who continue to vote for the Democrats which are allowing their group to cross the borders freely. The black vote allows Illegal Latino Immigrants to have Sanctuary cities. Liberals in my opinion don’t want black people to become economically self-sufficient because then they won’t get a majority of black votes. Other groups claim it will bankrupt America. Yet none of these groups had an issue with the Biden Administration handing out billions of dollars to Ukraine. The American Government found money during COVID. Black Americans need to put pressure on the Democrats because a majority of black people continue to vote for them vote blue no matter who. If you do the research the NAACP was not created by black people. Reparations would help end the wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America.

Black Americans as a collective has 1.9 Trillion spending power yet we don’t practice group economics or lobby with each other. GRCAI of Chicago would take the lead in creating a lobbyist group within our political component this is what I been sharing with people when I did street ministry they just laugh at me and took my words as a joke. The lobbying part of the business would cut though all this cronyism and expose boule members. Upper class Black Americans who are well off don’t want to associate with the black masses because of the negative images they see in films, music videos and from mainstream media. GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead to change those negative stereotype about poor blacks that’s why our film project is so important. The Democratic majority in California could not pass Medicare for all in their own State how are they going to pass reparations for Black residents? It’s my hope that this video podcast would go viral and reach the right people who have the means to help get our film project fully funded and made so that we can put my ideas into action starting in Chicago.

I believe GRCAM members worldwide should focus on getting our film project fully funded and help get my revised book on the best seller’s list so that we can have something to be proud of that we will build in the African American community in the 21st Century. Then continue to push for reparations because the White Supremacist Financial Elites will continue to dangle reparations to get the black vote while giving black voters nothing in return. When it comes to Black Americans the Black World expect our economic ingenuity to develop and cultivate. African Immigrants in America hear me loud and clear help me build GRCAI of Chicago and in return we will expand to your nation and create a chapter there so that we can launch international trade among our people this is what I am called to do. Our goal is to setup chapters in 10 African nations as well as in the Caribbean and Brazil. We will have protocol in place to reward our members who are doing good work in the community and hold those responsible for trying to undermine us through our Judas list and our media component. We may take legal action against such person as well.

I so happen to run across a video clip from Fox News entitled
“San Francisco’s reparations plan ripped for suggesting Black residents receive 97K for 250 years: ‘Hilarious” I strongly recommend my listeners to go to my Medium Transcript so that you can watch the full video under Show and Prove. From what I got out of it the panelist were upset about the California proposal to give black residents in San Francisco five million dollars cash reparations to Descendants of American Slaves. One of the panelist named Gutfeld said no one is taking reparations serious. The bullet points under the San Francisco Reparations Proposal exact for the first bullet point is what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was talking about the Homestead Act three weeks before his assassination. The United States of American Government force Native Americans off their land in order to create the Homestead Act. The Homestead Act was used to supplement the White Population in America. The White Supremacist Financial Elites gave hundreds of acres of land to attract White European Immigrants with free land and income.

If they were talking about building more prisons in San Francisco believe me the panelist would not be talking about how they are going to pay for it. When wealthy White People want something then all of a sudden then there’s billions of dollars available there’s no budget. On the video clip they brought on a Off Code Negro who spoke against reparations. This person does not represent Black America nor does he represent the soil. Then they showed the panelist on the panel was Harold Ford Jr. notice when ever he addresses the LGBT community he does not use the term antagonist. When the dominant society allow drag queens in public schools he does not say anything about our children are being targeted he does not say that’s antagonist. The White Supremacist Financial Elites gentrified the black population in San Francisco from 12% of the population to 4% of the population. Gutfeld said how do you make money selling homes for a dollar? The same way they do with such companies as Black Rock and other mega head funds or investment firms. These companies are sitting on trillions in assets. Those homes only cost a dollar for them as a proportion of these companies assets.

Judge Jeanine was also on the panel. She was asked if this was challenged legally in court what would be the outcome? What they are tell the audience is that they are all on the same page when it comes to denying Black Americans reparations while talking about other groups who didn’t experience what our ancestors endured in this country. These other groups voluntarily came over here they were never targeted by the State. Judge Jeanine made a comment she said if I live in San Francisco why should I have to pay six hundred thousand dollars from my taxes towards reparations? The answer because she is reaping the benefits that our ancestors built that is they built the United States of America. All these other groups want to start saying something now since we’re on the verge of getting reparations. They chose to come to a city and state that is indebted to us. They are subject to the laws and the rules to become a U.S. citizen. Like it or not America owes us a debt. Once we get our reparations then Africa, the Caribbean and Brazil will also get their reparations too.

When ever these cities want to give financial incentives to these Silicon Valley companies it comes out of our tax dollars. Wealthy White Men who are billionaires should be financing their own projects not the tax payers. Japanese Americans received reparations after World War II, Native Americans also received reparations from the American Government where is our reparations? I found a video clip from the Roland Martin show entitled “Roland Martin San Fran NAACP REJECTS $5M Per Person Reparations Payment Proposal” I have an issue with Roland Martin because he is a boule member. To watch the full interview just go to my Medium Transcript and scroll down to show and prove. Basically Rev. Amos Brown said it was a misprint but Roland Martin pointed it out twice. Rev. Amos Brown lost his credibility because he was caught in a lie.

GRCAI of Chicago will take the lead in rebuilding the African American community by encouraging the African Immigrant community, the Afro-Brazilian community and the Afro-Caribbean community to come forth and work with me in turning my ideas into a reality starting in Chicago. When you don’t control your own organization then others will control the narrative. The NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and the National Urban League are all front organizations their job is to infiltrate the African American community and mislead us. When we talk about Black Economic Empowerment you have the Clergy talking about Education. You also got co-opted Activist promoting LGBT Rights. Every time we talk about empowering Black People here comes the Black Boule trying to change the subject.

The Black Church has been co-opted by the Black Boule they had decades to get things right in the Black Community. In GRCAI of Chicago I will run my Christian business the way I run my home which is drama free. There will be no corruption within this business not on my watch. Everyone must attend our mandatory orientation, everyone must sign the community pledge, take our criminal background check and submit their thumb print to be placed in our database.

When I first started this podcast it was on BlogTalkRadio back in 2006. Back then I was heavy on Myspace I had 50,000 followers. I was also heavy on Black Planet and Yahoo groups just to name a few. I share my knowledge and experience with my group members and my listeners. I wanted to make my podcast relevant by promoting Black issues and African issues. This is why I encourage my group members to come on the show and promote their business, their ministries, their poems or their music to my listeners. I will do the same thing in our Christian business but we will charge a small fee because I have to pay my staff and other bills.

Show and Prove

San Francisco Faces Backlash Over Reparations Support: ‘Political Ploy’


NAACP Opposes Cash Reparations To Descendants Of Enslaved People In San Francisco


San Francisco’s reparations plan ripped for suggesting Black residents receive 97K for 250 years: ‘Hilarious’


Roland Martin San Fran NAACP REJECTS $5M Per Person Reparations Payment Proposal


Exclusive: Martin Luther King Jr. Talks Reparations in Previously Unheard Speech


The Homestead Act


Memorandum 46



This video discusses Black Nationalism & how the U.S. Government counteracted it with the use of the tactics in Memorandum 46. Memo 46 is an U.S. Govt memo to stop African people in the U.S from uniting globally with other Africans. This was done by the financial elites to place a black face in leadership.

‘Benign Neglect’ on Race Is Proposed by Daniel P. Moynihan to President Nixon


Documents Reveal FBI Paid Convicted Felon To Infiltrate BLM, We Warned About Opps


After Raising $90 Million in 2020, Black Lives Matter Has $42 Million in Assets


Why The Tunisian President Have A Problem With Black People Living & Intermarrying In Tunisia?


The Willie Lynch Letter and the making of slave


My Credibility

*My Amazon Author Page (Please Subscribe & Share)


*GRCAM Virtual Store we sell merchandise such as COVID Facemask, Coffee Mugs, Posters, Handbag and T-shirts. All proceeds will go towards our film project.


*Our Paypal Page (Please Donate To Our Film Project)

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) non-profit faith base and community advocacy organization (Federal Tax ID number 83–4593279). All donations are deductible for U.S. citizens to the full extent allowed by law.


* Our GoFundMe Page (Please Share)


*My Youtube Channel (Please Subscribe & Share)


*Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos Podcast
(Please Subscribe & Share)




Emmanuel Barbee
Emmanuel Barbee

Written by Emmanuel Barbee

I am a professional blogger, blogtalkradio host, an upcoming social entrepreneur and a new urban author.

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